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@Grixxly What in there doesn't work? Apart from the fact that you aren't using WaterQualityInformation and there is no default ctor it looks valid..
The first controller fires after NinjectControllerFactory does the return controllerType the second doesn't
Lol I don't see where NinjectControllerFactory method is called.. htf is that happening?
The biggest difference in the controllers is I have a regular home controller that is... well a home controller. Three home controllers use a repository to store manipulate my inspection codes. The one controller that doesn't work is the one that uses a different model. The waterqualityinformation one :( I'm so frustrated
It seems auto magic in MVC
@KianMayne are you getting on?
I thought it was because of the model binding in Global.asax.cs
I've thought of every noobish possibility man.. sorry I couldn't help more
BTW this doesn't work
 if (controllerType == null)
                controllerType = WaterQualityInformation.GetType();
compiler error?
I just had to wash my baby brother because he drew all over his leg in whiteboard pen
@KianMayne please can you get on skype
f = -(sqrt(y^2+(2*x+8*e-8*d)*y+x^2+(8*d-8*e)*x+16*e^2-32*d*e+16*d^2)-y-x)/4
@EliteGamer How rude is that?!! You can't even lol!
@KendallFrey DA FUQ!
yeah... says an object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property 'object.GetType()
ha ha LOL
lol lol lol lol
like that?
No I don't
Who told you to lol?
@Grixxly What is WaterQualityInformation? class or object?
It's a class
You need an instance of that class
Or try
{"Unable to cast object of type 'PoolSpaInspections.Domain.Entities.WaterQualityInformation' to type 'System.Web.Mvc.IController'."}
Earlier when I tried a different approach it said it was a type... fml
Where are you casting?
WaterQualityInformation is not IController i.e.
you don't have WaterQualityInformation:IController
protected override IController GetControllerInstance(RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType)
            if (controllerType == null)
                controllerType = typeof(WaterQualityInformation);

            return controllerType == null ? null : (IController)ninjectKernel.Get(controllerType);
@Grixxly Are you sure that is the type you want to pass in Get?
WaterQualityInformation isn't an IController
I don't understand that... I have a controller that is called WaterQualityInformation that controls, or should, my WaterQualityInformation class/view
Yes but WaterQualityInformation : Controller not IController
Controller != IController..
Unless IController:Controller
Not sure if that is possible though
Neither is my secction contoller or the others and that's what's passed into controllerType
You are doing typeof(SectionController) ?
So what are you doing?
@Lews How well does it perform, do you have to wait 2+ minutes to create a project/close a solution?
Nothing. All the other controllers, apparently, pass their type via contollerType except this one
@KianMayne Nope. What VS edition?
If I can see how or where they do that.. it would be very helpful :(
But you don't know where :(
Ultimate 2012 RC :)
You have that MVC book right? I have 5 controllers, 4 work. I used that book to make them all
Freeman and Sanderson
@Steve Yes
i'm reading that one too :)
What page
@Grixxly What page? lol
You guys are way ahead of me :(
what page are you on?
This books looks shit, I wasn't using it...
It seems more detailed..
the apress one?
Yeah the apress one is better
its going over design patterns too, in a very understandable way
I think it's my P4 having 1/18 of the transistors of the i5
Wtf, this was the book I was reading. Why does it look so different?
Maybe because it is on a different monitor
I'm on page 50
I'm on 325 but I used chapters 7-9 to try and build this
Is it possible to run a WCF service on Apache under Linux?
@Grixxly Try WaterInformationWhatever : IController
Is it working so I can go to bed... way past bedtime :P At least I used it to catch up on essay
IController doesn't compile. Go to bed :P I'm burned out trying to get this to work today anyway. Going to go blow up some tanks in my game then read. Thanks for your help!!!!
Why does IController not compile?
Ah yeah later..
Error 1 'PoolSpaInspections.WebUI.Controllers.WaterQualityInfoController' does not implement interface member 'System.Web.Mvc.IController.Execute(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext)' C:\Users\‌​aharmon\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\HealthDepartment\PoolSpaInspections.WebUI\Controllers\WaterQuality‌​InformationController.cs 13 18 PoolSpaInspections.WebUI
c ya :)
Can't wait to try this NOT
@Grixxly You need to do this:
public void Execute(RequestContext requestContext) {
string controller = (string)requestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"];
string action = (string)requestContext.RouteData.Values["action"];
string.Format("Controller: {0}, Action: {1}", controller, action));
Or something like that..
I tried threatening my code with my Glock but it just snickered at me
Lol you jumped into something advanced without learning the basics :P
@Grixxly He he
Sink or swim... learned that in the Army :P
Try this method quickly
public void Execute(RequestContext requestContext) {
string controller = (string)requestContext.RouteData.Values["controller"];
string action = (string)requestContext.RouteData.Values["action"];
string.Format("Controller: {0}, Action: {1}", controller, action));
At least there is always scotch...
Ugh, it is actually the same one I pasted before..
@Grixxly Me no drink scotch
And put that method inside the WaterQualityInformationController class
Then I'm gonna guess you've never been shot at? Sorry... feeling sorry for myself. And really thanks for helping! Maybe I'll have better luck tomorrow
Why'd I want that to happen to me? Lol
And nope
Ok dude take care!
hi :)
Matrices are awesome
Yes, until you try what I'm trying.
What are you doing?
Q: Get Transformation Matrix from Points

Kendall FreyI have built a little C# application that allows visualization of perpective transformations with a matrix, in 2D XYW space. Now I would like to be able to calculate the matrix from the four corners of the transformed square. Here is a screenshot to help you understand what I am working with: ...

I'm trying to algebra my way through it.
i used an adjacency matrix w/ graph theory in an airline reservation program once :) thats a pain
According to my calculations, I'll end up with a formula the width of the screen, with about 17 mis-calculations.
Why XYW?
Projection matrices.
i'm sure you've seen this, but if not
it has some useful stuff in there, if its useful to your application idk
Yeah, I know about 3D objects to 2D images.
This is the reverse.
anyone here know much about setting up simple servers and clients, proxy servers? I am having difficulty writing their methods
GET and POST work, but the others dont
Servers for what? HTTP?
yess TCP
like i have most of the code written
BUT the method doesnt print out what i want it to
@KendallFrey make a private chat room for us
@KendallFrey btw this may be challenging programming
Just post your code here.
Its 400 lines of code
and i cant coz its my assignment, make a private chat and ill post it there
I can't make a private chat.
can i email it?
I have ur email
I don't like questions sent by email.
I cant post the code here =( the code you helped me with last time, half of my class using it and so i had to write my own
Stack Overflow isn't a code writing service. It's a Q&A site designed to be a knowledgebase for all programmers.
Yeah I hve written the code, I dont know why the method is printing out extra things
thats what i wanted to know
where i have gone wrong
Well, if you post your code in a gist, I could take a look at it.
Ok, ill also include a link to how we are to test the code with the expected outcome and then what my outcome is, is that allrite?
amber i love you
@Steve not in the modd =( I am struggling
if I post my code on gist, would other people be able to see it?
awww I cant post it where someone else can view it =(
I am going to cry =(
so there is a bug in it?
or did you have a specific question
I have a specific question
Well, see, I'm not this guy who can help you out with your code. I'm just a gear in the SO community, who can help you if we all pitch in.
Ok =( never mind, sorry to disturb you.
I just dont want my class mates to use my code =( or we get 0 marks for plagiarism
So will all those people who used my code get 0 marks?
If they use that word to word then yes. We are allowed to use some aspects of the code where there are no alternative as in the conditions etc. But people who have not done any work for that part may use your code. I know 2 people who were using it.
you part was only worth 20 marks
the proxy stuff is the rest
i dont want to post it where people can see it because it took me days
but its okay. Thanks for helping me for the first part. Really did appreciate it.
don't post your code, come up with simple, short code which illustrates your problem
theres really no way to do that for this case. 400 lines of code (most of it provided by our lecturer) so only need to check why POST, OPTIONS etc methods are printing extra lines
have you used visual studio's debugging tool before?
It's alright, I will submit it as it as. Hopefully I get 10/70 for this part at least.
so why is it printing extra lines? I mean you want somebody to look over 400 lines of code to find a bug, it seems like you haven't done enough work to find the bug if you can't recreate it in a simple example, as in you didn't debug enough using the tool, and you waited until the last minute to try to get it to work
I am trying to figure it out. I did not leave it till last minute. Dont worry about it. I will try and do what I can
people here are extremely helpful, if you can narrow down what the problem is you'll get better help, but I don't think anybody on this site will spend a couple hours looking through 400 lines of code for a bug
most of the code in there is untouched since its provided by my lecturer. I was going to point out what I have done.
i'm not trying to lecture you, just giving you our(well, most of our) perspective on this type of question
sup guys
hey hey man
so have you found the solution to Eric's puzzle?
what was his puzzle?
the answer is: 6
not 42?
The answer is: sɔıɹǝuǝb
i had to turn my laptop upside down to read that
That's the whole point. Since chat doesn't allow spoilers, you gotta be creative.
I thought basic HTML worked?
1 hour later…
hello people
hows you
wish i was bud
what ya drinking?
superbad hangover after this stuff
lol, you just have to make the hangover worth it ;)
ohh man... that was my friends choice for his birthday
place was actually pretty good
but I prefer non sweeten strong alcohol
if this is the app.config
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<add key="Port" value="8008" />
<add key="BlackList" value="" />
<add key="UpstreamProxy" value="" />
The port is always set to 8080 not 8008 which means there must be some error to the following code right?

System.Configuration.AppSettingsReader configurationAppSettings
= new System.Configuration.AppSettingsReader();
string port;
port = ((string)(configurationAppSettings.GetValue("Port", typeof(string))));

port = "8080";

honestly, this code doesn't look right
can you help me out then please
its only partof the code btw
ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Port"] ???
thats what we are told to use
I'm getting into MVC finally. Where should I put a UrlHelper? under model? controller? in the global.asax??
im assuming there is an error that throws and you end up in the ctach
I think you should do it like this: var myPort = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Port"] ?? "8080";
no catch or anything
if port is defined - it will use the port form config file
if it's not there, it will assign 8080
let me try that
and remove that try-catch
it's redundant
it is always string anyway
more over you variable is string
it says that ConfigurationManager does not exist in this context
add reference
right click on References in the project
from .net libs add System.Configuration
damn it your drunk and you still type faster than me
and same using of course
I'm drunk, but not wasted :)
I actually type faster than chat allows LOL
which annoys me
ok trying that now =)
for var, do you need to convert it to int32?
coz I was using string right
it's type inference
why did you listen to paulik and not me :( i said "ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Port"] " System.Configuration.AppSettingsReader thats what we are told to use... sad now
runtime understand it is a string
you can say string myPort
doesn't metter
Never ask for help when a girl is posting. You won't get it! I'm suing for discrimination.
and i would have answered ryan
How can I change my username to Candy?
but i dont really know enough about mvc to give good advice
neither do I
how do you add a username to the message of the person you are refering to?
hehee then it says IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, Convert.ToInt32(port));

port not found in this context, so I remove the ToInt part and stil the same thing
you type in "@" and then da name
@ paulik
cool :)
whos willing to help me and earn 30 bux IF THEY GET MY WORK FINISHED AND WORKING
its to do with servers and client
30 bux
That's more money than I make all week!!!
I am desperate atm
its due tonite and i am getting soem errors
400 lines of code
most of it is done just needs tweaking
post it here where some peeps still online
what kind of application are you building?
I cant post it here coz my class mates wud copy all the other code that took me 2 weeks to do hahaha
@RyanJMcGowan its a server and client program that has POST,GET, TRACE, OPTIONS method
not if you do it here on chat...
that's a lot of text in that assignment
too complicated for me at this point in time
its too complicated for the class even hehe
what errors are you getting?
I mean if the whole logic is implemented, have you ever had it compiled without errors?
OH YEEE IT WORKS FOR GET method and post method
and even options method but for the options method its printing out extra lines
Step 1: works
Step 2: works
STep 3: works
Step 4 = no doesnt work because I need this:

[3 Marks] The response contains the HTTP

methods the server supports, i.e. Allow: GET,


In the textbox you need to include
Host: www.math.auckland.ac.nz
(not sure if its missing in the marking


Step 5 - works but the whole response is not


[5 Marks] The response contains the HTTP

status code 501 (Method Not Implemented).
I have the code and shit sorted
just needs tweaks
Without seeing actual code and the errors or unexpected results, it's impossible to help you.
it looks like you are implementing proxy
btw, if you have GET working, OPTIONS is just another request type
yeah have you ever implemented all those?
I am willing to share the code but not on here
somewhere where only you can seee it
@paulik have u implemented those before?
I know how it works, but never implemented proxy or anything like that
how to delete messages on chat?
I guess after awhile you can't?
damn you speakers why do you not go loud enough
int port;

port = Convert.ToInt32(configurationSettings.AppSettings["Port"].ToString());

//port = ((string)(configurationAppSettings.GetValue("Port", typeof(string))));

gives errors
I want to read off the app.config file XML
the other examples dont work
what errors?
System.Configuration.AppSettingsReader configurationSettings
= new System.Configuration.AppSettingsReader();
//string port;

int port;

port = Convert.ToInt32(configurationSettings.AppSettings["Port"].ToString());

//port = ((string)(configurationAppSettings.GetValue("Port", typeof(string))));

I posted you the code that should work and read from the app.config
should i leave the port as a string or int?
na it doesnt work
u got an email ill send u my whole code
if you use it as a string, why would you convert it to int
then u wil know what i meant haha
ok fine :)
but dont post this code anywhere please
my emails on stack overflow profile... i just wanna know whats happening
its for my assignment thats why
if someone else uses this code then its plagerism and i get snapped for it
I thought those people will get snapped
its ok im sure if you send it to either of us, we will both delete it after the issue is resolved
You know what would be better? google hangout. You can put your video feed to your screen.
and no one uninvited could see your code
no both parties get 0
paulik sent
@E.LDunn sending it to u now
@E.LDunn no email on ur profile?
@E.LDunn sent
so the first problem is that I can read off the config file for some reason
why you sent only files
cant* read
not the whole project
just make a new project lmao
You need an SVN
Socket listener = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork,
SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

IPAddress ipAddress = IPAddress.Loopback;
IPEndPoint localEndPoint = new IPEndPoint(ipAddress, Convert.ToInt32(port));
why not just HttpListener?
or you want to capture whole traffic?
yeah everything
@paulik what nationality are u
oh aiite
did u figure out the prob?
give me some time
I'm tipsy
He's Russian. You thought he'd be sober???
@RyanJMcGowan hahahahhahah surprised he stil has his brains working enough to code

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