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@Billdr Then figure out a way
I am just kidding
I feel like everyone hates me
I am leaving because you guys are unfriendly
Because we do.
dont go!
its a blog post
with code on it
@OutlawLemur Someone took a few too many shrooms.
apparently telling you how to make an animated gif
At some point, we will need to add persistence for our domain model. This will usually be done through a relational, object, or document database. Persistence is not part of our domain model. this is an independent or orthogonal concert in our separation of concerns pattern. This means that we don't want to mix the code that handles persistence with the code that defines the domain model.
@KendallFrey I use Skooma
@Steve ?
I love me some Skooma
why does our domain model need to be persistent
Outlook is over here, buddy. ------V
Because your boss told you so
@Steve its called a database
You play Skyrim too?!??!
other than that, I'm not sure what you're asking
doesn't the domain model pull stuff from the database?
@OutlawLemur did.
Anyone in here play a popular video game?
@KyleTrauberman Why stop?
its talking about repositories in mvc framework
there's only so much you can do
before you do everything
Please for the love of god don't star chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/5061681#5061681 it will sound wrong
since you asked nicely...
@steve no, the data persistance layer does
the domain model is POCOs that represent domain data
i thought the domain model was the part of the code that interacts with the database and has the class structures that the database populates
domain model is just objects with data
ty, you're wrong, but ty (jk, i'm sure you're right :p)
persistence layer deals with persisting those domain objects somewhere
that makes sense
What's the easiest way to get some XML formatted text from a PHP file?
Who's raping the star button?
it has another layer in there that i wasn't aware of
@LewsTherin Your mom XD
I need to remove someone from the pattern...
Was that a death threat?
Death is a kind word..
So... I think we need to get Lews some "help."
he can self medicate with booze
like the rest of us
crazy people
Is there like an AJAX type thing for C#?
yes, its called ajax
Damn microsoft, hiding stuff.
@KianMayne what do you mean?
is that a trojan?
did I just give you backdoor access to my chrome?
nothing happened
Just wait, or try it again
It injects the script "hi.kickassapp‌​.com/kickass.js"
does that kick my chromes ass?
with a backdoor trojan?
No :L It lets you shoot and destroy a web page, Kendall Frey linked it
oh that
I have that on my bookmark bar
can't figure out how to move my ship though
oh arrow keys
oh hai guys
Who needs help?
I don't think I can have a constantly updating live tile. This makes me sad.
@OutlawLemur I was joking btw..
@KyleTrauberman Never played Asteroids?
I have
<- born in the 80s remember?
You didn't know how to run the thing, so I wasn't sure.
I pressed down to move, guess you have to press up
Let me know when you figure out how to upgrade your ship.
Eh, no.
... typing with that running captures spaces
Let me know when you delete the input box.
The black box
I deleted mine earlier :[
Ive got a space in my paste buffer ;]
bah it crashed chrome
Paste buffer lol
What's funny about that? :L
pentagon of doom is OP
left arrow +space killed the whole page in 1 minute
@KianMayne Clipboard.
Same thing
Word count: 2008 :D
Can't wait for 2012 WC
C-Sharp, C-Pound, C-Octothorpe, what's the difference anyway?
lol death star
I prefer D flat
What's the best VM to get?
What for?
I use VMWare Player for complex OS's
Any linux distro, windows.. and OSX
I use Bochs for debugging my OS's
Is that Apple's OS?
I think someone was saying it is illegal to use it on a VM?
There is this awkward silence when I ask a question.. frequently lol
I wish you never said that.. so I could feign ignorance
Your wish is my command.
Too late xD
Roel van Uden
10:54 PM
said: I said that. Mac OS X on non authorized Apple-hardware is illegal, meaning, VM is illegal too.
I can view history :P
Why is Apple so idiotic?
its not illegal
just against apples ToS
ToS? Term of service?
its not illegal to violate a ToS
Aren't you all from America? ToS are pretty much the law there.
apple could sue
I'm not from America.. but that doesn't stop them anyway
also IANAL
Sweet, come on over Kyle.
Yeah, but if you live in America, you can sue MacDonals for making you fat and win. That's America for ya.
I hate how that acronym looks
Okay, eating Microsoft's pizza and walking home. I'll be hammering on android tonight, but you guys are still my favorite.
@KyleTrauberman Ditto.
microsoft makes pizza?
is it on MSDN?
i want a copy
Microsoft feeds you pizza
I assume Grixxly ain't coming on.
did I miss the memo or something?
Just let them pitch win8 at you for 9ish hours
I did that a couple months ago
and all I got was a ham sandwich
They gave me a turkey sandwich for lunch
There are people starving in Africa!!!
and half a gallon of coffee for breakfast.
they had happy hour afterwards though
free wine
and beer
* which is illegal in this state
My city doesn't allow happy hour yet
We get it this spring, I guess
well, it was more of a "lets get some alcohol and mingle" mixer after the talk
@LewsTherin There are people starving anywhere, why specifically mention africa? :P
Everyone knows many in Africa are starving :( Simply put, it was the obvious example
Guess I'll make sure my free pizza doesn't go to waste then. brb, seconds
I wonder if anyone is going to write and someone else star "I hate you, Friday"
I'm on it
Of course not. Who would hate Friday?
@Billdr But I don't hate Friday!
@KendallFrey People called Friday maybe..
@Grixxly good timing I was about to GTFO :P
Or songs called Friday...
Took longer at the pharmacy then I hoped :-/
@KendallFrey Lulz
Oh, please. You didn't.
Type in Fr on their search engine.. the first thing to come up!
Element removed.
For the most hated song, it is certainly popular..
@KendallFrey You can't, ES IST FREITAG!
@Grixxly No worries.
@Grixxly Are you set up?
What you need is a default ctor.
Sort of. I just noticed something. My view was using the wrong model. Would that stop the controller?
1 message moved from test room
element still removed?
@Grixxly Um no.. that may cause a compiler error maybe?
Do you mean @model SomeClassObject
Yeah @Model was pointing to the wrong thing
Even if it was the correct model, it wouldn't work because you don't have a default ctor..
Add both and it may work :P
What confuses me the most is I set up this portion just like I did with the inspection codes and the inspection codes works. Biggest difference is inspection codes is in the database and this is free form data that will be added to the database
The constructor is a method with the same name as the class right? I can't find that in my other controller that work :-/
It gets created by default
If you don't specify a constructor the compiler generates one for you..
as a side note I'm going to buy a 23 for work... they have 19s if you can believe it and I have dual 23s at home... world of difference
So why wouldn't it do it for this controller?
I use 19 at work too.. sucks balls
Yeah monitors
@Grixxly You specified a constructor
You need to explicitly define a default constructor
I replaced my keyboard at work with the same one I use at home and they didn't say anything so monitor is next
That's what I'm asking. My other controllers don't have one and they work.... I'm confused
Are you going to buy it with your money?
yeah... office supply store has a 23 for $119 and for the ease of not having to squint it's worth it
@Grixxly Ok a controller is just a class. If you specify no constructor.. the compiler creates a default constructor to make an instance of your controller.
@Grixxly I guess you can take it home if you decide to leave your workplace :)
See that's where I'm getting confused. The controller is what isn't being returned by IController
I'm going to buy two incase my duals ever crap the bed. :)
I am talking about this code:
public class WaterQualityInfoController : Controller
        private IWaterQualityInformation WaterQualityInformation;

        public WaterQualityInfoController(IWaterQualityInformation waterqualityinformation)
            WaterQualityInformation = waterqualityinformation;

        public ViewResult WaterQualityInfo(IWaterQualityInformation waterqualityinformation)
            WaterQualityInformationViewModel viewModel = new WaterQualityInformationViewModel();
Wish the laptop they gave me could handle duals :)
They gave you a laptop? Nice
What is it?
     public WaterQualityInfoController(IWaterQualityInformation waterqualityinformation)
                   WaterQualityInformation = waterqualityinformation;
Compiler doesn't generate default ctor because of this
I don't remember. I never bring it home since I can VPN in
course they only put 32 bit win7 on it... stupid 32bit
@Grixxly Right..
@Grixxly Dang..
wait. I modeled it off another controller
public class SectionController : Controller
        private InspectionCodesRepository repository;

        public SectionController(InspectionCodesRepository repo)
            repository = repo;

        public PartialViewResult Menu(string CurrentSection = null)
            //if (CurrentSection == null)
            //    CurrentSection = "Decks";

            ViewBag.SelectedSection = (CurrentSection ?? "Decks");

            IEnumerable<string> sections = repository.InspectionCodes
And this works
mmn ok.. maybe I've been talking bullshit all along lol
How is Menu action called?
 @Html.RouteLink(link, new { controller = "Inspection", action = "List", CurrentSection = link },
        new { @class = link == ViewBag.SelectedSection ? "selected" : null })
How is the object passed into the SectionController?
Let me fire up VS
I guess it's persistent via DI?
@Grixxly Yeah if you call SectionController yourself yeah.. I will try a little experiment
"No parameterless constructor defined for this object."
Did you get that error?
Obviously you didn't lol..
No it compiles fine. Everything runs except when I click on the water quality link
@Grixxly It will compile yeah.. but I am asking about SectionController
[InvalidOperationException: The IControllerFactory 'PoolSpaInspections.WebUI.Infrastructure.NinjectControllerFactory' did not return a controller for the name 'WaterQualityInformation'.]
I don't see how that can work.. you have no default ctor
That's when I get when I click on the water quality link
MVC man... it's auto-magic as far as I can tell :P
Did you debug the stuff?
Well I know where it's happening just don't know why
This line controllerType is null for that link only
return controllerType == null ? null : (IController)ninjectKernel.Get(controllerType);
And controllerType is an argument right?
Is the argument always null?
public class NinjectControllerFactory : DefaultControllerFactory
        private IKernel ninjectKernel;

        public NinjectControllerFactory()
            ninjectKernel = new StandardKernel();

        protected override IController GetControllerInstance(RequestContext requestContext, Type controllerType)
            return controllerType == null ? null : (IController)ninjectKernel.Get(controllerType);

        private void AddBindings()
Ok so I can see the Get method?
I can assume the Get method is returning a null value?
See I don't know where to put a breakpoint to see
I was thinking of WCF
@Grixxly Then expand the one liner into blocks lol
What would get fired when they click the link generated by this?
@Html.RouteLink("Water Quality Information", new { controller = "WaterQualityInformation", action = "WaterQualityInfo" },
    new { @class = "Water Quality Information" == ViewBag.SelectedSection ? "selected" : null })
WaterQualityInfo method in theory..
if(controllerType == null)
   return null ;
  var someVal =  (IController)ninjectKernel.Get(controllerType);
 return someVal ;
I have a breakpoint there and it never gets there. I've been trying to figure out what call the NinjectControllerFactory
@KianMayne ?
@Grixxly Can you replace what you have with what I have up above.. set a break point in the two blocks
1 hour ago, by Kian Mayne
Is there like an AJAX type thing for C#?
type thing?
damn I was hoping I could do this...
 return controllerType == null ? null : (IController)ninjectKernel.Get((controllerType ?? "WaterQualityInformation");
@Grixxly After debugging :)
@Grixxly If it works you can
it's red squiggly... can't do string to type thing
Maybe this isn't actually working?
protected void Application_Start()


            ControllerBuilder.Current.SetControllerFactory(new NinjectControllerFactory());
            ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof(Violations), new ViolationModelBinder());
            ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof(WaterQualityInformation), new WaterQualityInformationModelBinder());
I don't know what they do :(
I don't know
Will a Core i5 support VS?
That's what I have
@Grixxly Did you try the breakpt?
Where do I put that snippet in my ninjectcontrollerfactory?
Save what you have somewhere and debug using this
if(controllerType == null)
   return null ;
  var someVal =  (IController)ninjectKernel.Get(controllerType);
 return someVal ;
You shouldn't be able to find the ninja controllerfactory
fricken ninjas don't even know how to hide.
I guess I don't understand. I know that when I click on the the other links that controller type is the controller that I need when I click on the WaterQualityInformation one controllerType is null
@KianMayne i need help!
like bad!!!
@Grixxly Ok I need to see the code where you call the factory method
NinjectControllerFactory.GetControllerInstance or something
@KianMayne when i implemented the new bar in my website, i got an error, then it got worse from there
I don't know where it's called this MVC stuff is where I want to be but the auto-magic shit has me in the fetal position on the floor rocking back and forth mumbling 'no!!!!!!!'
Man, I wish Google understood English. "I want a website that given a list of known variables, unknown variables, and equations, will solve the unknown variables."
@Grixxly Sounds like you aren't even calling it at all :(
@KendallFrey Lol
but it get's called when I click on the other links that calls other controllers. That's what is so frustrating I don't know where to set the breakpoint to find out what is Fin up
Can you paste a controller that works and the one that doesn't work?
@EliteGamer What new bar?
I tried this:
if (controllerType == null)
                controllerType = (Type)WaterQualityInformation;
and get this:
Error 1 'PoolSpaInspections.Domain.Entities.WaterQualityInformation' is a 'type' but is used like a 'variable' C:\Users\aharmon\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\HealthDepartment\PoolSpaInspections.WebUI\Infrastructure\NinjectCo‌​ntrollerFactory.cs 34 40 PoolSpaInspections.WebUI
Won't work :(
Then why u no pass to ninject?!?!
@LewsTherin Not funny. Good thing I know algebra.
@Grixxly WaterQualityInformation.GetType()
Try that
This works:
    public class InspectionController : Controller
        private InspectionCodesRepository repository;

        public InspectionController(InspectionCodesRepository inspectionRepository)
            repository = inspectionRepository;


        public ViewResult List(string CurrentSection)

           InspectionCodesViewModel viewModel = new InspectionCodesViewModel
               InspectionCodes = repository.InspectionCodes
                    .Where(IC => IC.CodeSection == (CurrentSection ?? "Decks"))
@KianMayne get on skype please
This doesn't:
    public class WaterQualityInfoController : Controller
        private IWaterQualityInformation WaterQualityInformation;

        public WaterQualityInfoController(IWaterQualityInformation waterqualityinformation)
            WaterQualityInformation = waterqualityinformation;

        public ViewResult WaterQualityInfo(IWaterQualityInformation waterqualityinformation)
            WaterQualityInformationViewModel viewModel = new WaterQualityInformationViewModel();
i really need your help

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