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7:00 PM
What I can't figure: why did Windows allow me to launch apps as admin all day using my old pwd even though it was expired? It didn't say a word. Only the web app did
Lot going on with the app
Ohhh... it had cached the pwd. However, the web app was fetching the latest pwd from the AD using the code I'd shared earlier when it created the WindowsIdentity object
Good grief. That's insanity
Or you have one account you login with admin network, and some other ad account in the dmz?
BTW, in our internal discussions with the devs on this app, we say Ja*a and never spell out the "J" word. The Language That Shall Not Be Named
hahaha that puts a pin in it
7:04 PM
Did J for 3 yrs professionally and a yr in school. Never shall I return :)
7:23 PM
Got lucky I guess, all my code out of college was asp classic and php
Dang. That's sweet. I did classic asp in first fulltime job; wrote tons of functions for form controls. Just feed it a recordset and a few other params and it would generate a dropdown/checkbox/radio button, etc. And keep the state between roundtrips
What we get OOTB w/ ASP.NET, we had to design ourselves
yaa the easy days - forms no js
send a page, send a response done
Yup, no AJAX/JS. JS was just for DHTML
worked on a money trading app, and a used car dealership back end
Or Access?
7:27 PM
ya mysql
Only access is at the current job lol
First db I used was some bizarre thing on OpenVMS. All command line driven. This was in school 20 yrs ago
had mssql in college
run the code, and the query would delete after run
Nice. My comp sci -- like all academia -- hated MSFT, viewed them as we'd view history's worst mass murderers. If you mentioned the M word, you would be reprimanded in class
na they loved it, It was alright no java in the school, when I went back for oop it was java at the community college
wasn't about to pay for a State school again
Double dang! That's where I should've studied
Just glad school's done :)
7:36 PM
School is never done
7:51 PM
I have a list of genres in a json file called games.json that's structured like this:
      "genres": [
      "genres": [
      "genres": [
      "genres": [
      "genres": [
and I'm getting the file in my app and reading it fine with this:
using System;
using System.Net;
using System.Text.Json;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;

namespace games
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            using (WebClient wc = new System.Net.WebClient())
                string json = wc.DownloadString("https://www.website.com/games.json");
but I'm struggling trying to output the top 10 genres in order of popularity
can anyone help?
trying to Deserialize with System.Text.Json
8:30 PM
Hey yo...
I was here a couple days ago asking for help with some dumb trivial stuff as usual, so I thought I'd drop by just to say hello.
every thing is trivial
Always trivial once it works, eh?
Yep! then it might as well be a kids toy you're too old for
I was having a difficulty getting a tiny, practically HelloWorld webservice to work. Tried everything. Deleted the file, started over, SHAZAM! Success.
Took me 5 hours of troubleshooting to decide to just redo 15 mins of work and fixed it.
2 hours later…
10:20 PM

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