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5:09 AM
Hey fellas, what is :root? Does it change the layout of the base page?
5:44 AM
Buenos dias
@d4rk4ng31 Context please, I'm not sure I know :root at all but it seems familiar so with some context who knows
6:08 AM
@Squirrelkiller Web forms
Ok then I'm out
@d4rk4ng31 The problem with your questions is that some of it is ASP.NET specific, some general HTML/CSS stuff that more people can help with.
Did you fellas know that your brain automatically expands wtf but not lol?
Knowing which is which will make your life much easier.
6:10 AM
@Wietlol Why does your test file have over 4k lines?
Morning Avner o/
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Yeah man!
But again, its literally my 3rd day
@d4rk4ng31 Because lol can be pronounced as a word, while wtf can not
hahaha true that :P
So that's why I'm pointing it out, to keep it in mind. You're using a technology that mixes server-side logic and rendering (runat=server tags and asp:* tags) with client-side HTML and CSS. You have to know which is which.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Aww man! I'll try my best
6:11 AM
My recommendation, again, is to completely avoid the server-side rendered components (<asp:Whatever>) and use plain HTML and CSS to build your view, but use runat=server for those components you need to interact with on the server.
Hmm... All right :)
So, lemme get this straight
Since it's your 3rd day, I recommend to not use WebForms
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan asp:<whatever> are ASP.NET specific and All of the stuff without that is CSS/HTML, correct?
Unless of course you have a really good reason, like someone said "yo here's money each month but only if you use WebForms"
yesterday, by d4rk4ng31
Assignments are assignments
6:14 AM
@d4rk4ng31 Yes. asp:* controls are Webforms controls that are rendered on the server-side and turned into standard HTML controls. The basic ones are pretty 1:1 (asp:Button will be rendered as a <button>, asp:Hyperlink as <a>, etc) but some more complex controls might be rendered as a whole set of HTML elements.
@Squirrelkiller That's pretty much right, when you replace money by grades and someone by professor
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Yeah like asp:LoginPage
Damn, the prof explicitely said WebForms?
The problem with that is that you have an invisible layer of abstraction. If you do <asp:Button CssClass="myButton">, you're pretty sure that it will turn into a <button class="myButton">, but you're not 100% sure, and with complex controls, you're not sure how the attributes might get mapped to the actual HTML.
Somebody's gotta show him Blazor
But having complex ones, will lessen my coding right? Or will it simply make it more complex?
@Squirrelkiller I know of a Razor. Now what's a Blazor?
6:17 AM
Theoretically it will, yes, that's what the abstractions are there for.
But it means you'll have a hell of a time matching your server-side components to client-side CSS and styling. That's always been webforms' weak point.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Hmm... so can I bend your statement to use ASP only when absolutely necessary?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan yay!
Also, I got Bootstrap working
What class would I use to create a good navbar on the side?
But also - using abstractions like asp:LoginPage means you're not learning web design, you're learning WebForms-specific abstractions. And that's not good.
Basically, you're gaining experience using a very specific and obsolete framework.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Hmm... That's right. I need to learn the basics before going for abstraction
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Okay, this is what I will do. I will entirely use CSS/HTML and only when I learn to create my own web-page, will I use abstraction. How does that sound?
6:21 AM
That's a good idea in general principle... but not necessarily the best way to properly develop and hand in a school assignment in a timely way.
Yeah, time waits for no man! Hmm... then what would you suggest?
Well, for an assignment, I would suggest doing exactly what the professor asked for. I don't know your school, but I assume that if an assignment asked for a specific framework, then they also taught that framework, and so I would do it just like you were taught in class.
Then I'd go and find better tutorials out there for building web apps.
Hmm... that's correct
Just let your teacher know that you serve the website in ASP but don't put any WebForms code in it.
I think that would be fine
6:25 AM
plain CSS/HTML will work best
Blazor is basically the next level of Razor. Blazor has two versions: Serverside and Clientside. Serverside works the same as Razor before: Process and render on the server, give stuff to display to the browser.
Clientside is completely new: It compiles everything to DLLs and sends them to the browser, where they get executed by the mono-runtime compiled to WebAssembly, so you can literally run your C# code in the browser.
or if you want an advance CSS, use Twitter's bootstrap.css
@Squirrelkiller how did you ping him without including his name?
I....think on that scale, the basic bootstrap is more than enough
@mr5 I responded to a specific message by clicking on the little arrow to the right of the message
6:27 AM
@Squirrelkiller yeah, but observe the other similar replies...
@Squirrelkiller I think its time we included that arrow for self-sent messages too
@d4rk4ng31 learn to create it from scratch?
Ah I see what you mean
how did you do that?
Maybe it's omitted when the message reaches a certain size?
6:29 AM
oh right
7 mins ago, by d4rk4ng31
Yeah, time waits for no man! Hmm... then what would you suggest?
Oneboxing always omits the name, as there is no usual text field
@d4rk4ng31 that's not how you should think. You wouldn't learn that way.
Hmm... well, I'll try my best to create one. Thanks :)
6:32 AM
use other framework when you're doing production grade already.
but since you're relatively new, as you say before, I think it's better to start from the basics.
Yeah, that's right
I wish this has been implemented in our country also.
Where are you from mr5?
I'm from shittiest country in the whole world.
Give a hint
6:40 AM
That's a nice county
not really. maybe for foreigners?
Don't know
I haven't visited it
Hmm... We at least don't have anti-maskers
6:42 AM
I see you're from India. I've heard you also have a similar punishment for hardheaded people in your country?
The police literally hang them upside down
and Beat them to shit
Only then do they understand!
Explains why you have no antimaskers
Because the people here have basic sense XD
Perfect. That's a good approach.
6:46 AM
@Squirrelkiller and also for the same reason that we don't have anti-vaccers
I pity the US
Why can't the western authority beat their people also?
Well, they will have to consult with their lawyer
And will have to beat him/her instead XD
so they would shapeshift into Karens? xD
@mr5 Because we're a weak society catering to vulnerable little snowflakes that go on a tantrum whenever they are mildly inconvenienced.
6:49 AM
@Hozuki the Philippines is somewhat like that also. Authorities here are coward af especially for the foreigners. I think we inherit that mentality from USAnians.
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
Shubh sakaal @Squirrelintraining
Not this bloke agaian
ok mb not thsi bloke
in Android, Feb 21 at 8:17, by W0MP3R
Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood Morning Everyone!!!!!! :D
what is your relation to this guy @Squirrelintraining?
he also does that in the Android room all the tiem!
Did you fellas take a look?
6:56 AM
Oh we had this one guy here like 6 moants ago or so
Actually no, longer.
He just spammed the chat in.. That weird StarTrek language.
He got banned after being warned.
6:56 AM
Star Trek language. Huh...
Jinx XD
Yeah I think Roel or Avni where hopping mad and way to linient.
I think it was Klingon no idea tho
I never like star trek
Star wars rocks!
Mmm my memory is so bad, half of the time I don't even remember what I did 5 minutes ago.
Dope? :D
6:58 AM
Not even.
@Hozuki This explains your code.
Star Trek is alright, so was Star Trek. The newer movies/seasons of either lost their origins.
@Squirrelintraining Yes, it does.
Me: Writes some code
Me: goes out for coffee
I watched StarWars as a kid (~4 years old) and I don't even like it. It just cuz it is playing in the TV and I'm dumb af.
Me 5 mins later: What does this line do?
@mr5 Hahahaha
7:00 AM
I think I watched it for like an entire year? But I didn't get a single clue what was happening...
Because you were dumb af
yeah lol
Mmm, I tend to remember my code thoroughly. But I easily forget what I had for breakfast, whether or not I did the dishes, if I cleaned up, etc. All the menial tasks immediately forgotten, it's like I have no mental capacity to remember that.
@Hozuki +1
7:01 AM
I wonder why is that. My nephews/nieces are very smart as compared to me when I was young.
@mr5 You watched Star Wars for a year?
@Hozuki Yeah, what took him all year?
Its basically a one weekend job!
Yeah. There are only 6 movies after all.
Once on an IRC
@Hozuki I can't remember if it's played on DVD but iirc, I happen to watch it at least once or twice a week :D
7:02 AM
maybe it's the same episode... who knows
so, yeah. I'm dumb af. like -IQ
You were young, it's fine. I mean, I watched Jurassic Park at least 50 times.
I was a weird kid. Actually, no, I am a weird kid.
I watched Stuart Little maybe a thousand times! lol.
that I do intentionally, but the Star Wars, nope.
I think I gained a little bit of IQ after watching SL
@mr5 Understandable, It's a great movie
@Hozuki Actually no, You are a weird weeb :b ♥
In b4 Roel kicks me
@mr5 Hmm... Do you know, I literally have deadpool memorised?
Watched it 14 times a week for a whole month!
7:07 AM
@Squirrelintraining he was born to be weeb xD
@d4rk4ng31 lol. the latest deadpool?
@mr5 The first (2016)
@Squirrelintraining Yes, true. I won't kick you for stating the truth. :-D
I'm perfectly okay with being a weird weeb.
the recent movies I have rewatched more than once as an adult are 3 idiots and Interstellar only. I used to rewatch movies as a dumb kid, but now I'm a little less stupid, I only rewatch it if it's a great movie.
@d4rk4ng31 Wtf that's like twice a day
7:10 AM
I still rewatch things I think are great.
@Squirrelintraining A weeirb
@mr5 rewatching movies... yieks.
Ok maybe not yieks but I don't haz time for this.
I don't have to for rewatching, I still have several seasons of blacklist to watch, star trek picard, modern family and that's only those I remember right now
I'm still at ep2 of rick n morty. I need to finish it!
Rewatching something is very relaxing, at times. Your brain can turn off and you can just enjoy something you know you enjoy without thinking too much.
7:12 AM
> modern family
Aint that good IMO
Also Suits, I stopped when I reached what was the end once after a few seasons. Gotta continue that.
Even if ther's Ed O'Neil in it.
@Squirrelintraining But Boobs and Al Bundy tho
@Squirrelintraining is our Neil involved in that movie?
Yeah but that show is to.. american IMO
@mr5 Sadly no, but Shoehorn Bundy is.
7:14 AM
Also Deadly Seven Sins hat two more seasons I haven't seen yet
no idea who that is, but oh well.
Not worth Killerino.
Seven Deadly Sins.. I disliked it after the first season.
@Squirrelkiller deadly sins sevens*
My waifu liked it.
it's only few episodes isn't it?
I think I have finished watching it already.
7:15 AM
@Squirrelintraining Which one, modern family or seven deadly sins?
Like 24?
@Squirrelkiller Seven Deadly Sins.
@Squirrelintraining Must be good then
I switch off Modern Family after like 10mins.
@Squirrelkiller No. It's.. Stupid.
Like literally.
People just act STUPID.
No it's an anime
Like literally incapable of thinking properly.
And being just total cunts and welp..
7:17 AM
Well ok I agree
It's just b-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-ad
But you'd also be incapable of thinking properly if you had a crush on a giant that is also normal size
@Squirrelkiller modern family is an anime?
@Squirrelintraining The anime?
7:18 AM
@Squirrelkiller I agree. Or if you can just throw any attack back again and the people who just seem to be forgetting that you can do that.
And then rerising from the dead
AND ARGH No sir no
@Hozuki Yes.
Oh, yes, it's famous for how much it fell apart after S1 with terrible pacing and animation.
I didn't watch after S1 :-D
Oh roel
I didn't know you could be so wise 😻
I've learned the command baaad
Oh, here comes Jack :D
Jack, baaad
7:37 AM
@Squirrelkiller Yeah drove my parents mad!!
8:07 AM
@Squirrelkiller the test file is a response from abbreviations.com
the test is to retrieve the meaningful information from the http response
@Hozuki you said that:
Sep 10 at 13:58, by Hozuki
@BlackPanther No, nothing is executed, until something enumerates over it.
So I have been trying to understand why the following code logs only the message "Suit Generation" followed by the message "Starting Deck", but does not log the message "Rank Generation"?
My attempt at explaining this behavior is that a query is not executed until its IEnumerable (object) is executed (i.e. until the IEnumerable object it returns is executed). The inner query (i.e. inner from clause) is not logged before the foreach loop because the inner query's IEnumerable (object) is not returned until the outer query (i.e. outer from clause) is enumerated in a foreach loop, ToList(...) etc.
The outer query's IEnumerable object encapsulates the inner query (i.e. the outer query's IEnumerable object encapsulates the code for the inner query).
And that's why only "Starting Deck" and "Suits" are logged. Remember, if my memory is correct, that an IEnumerable object is returned immediately when an IEnumerable returning method is called. However I'm not sure my understanding is correct. Can you shed some light on why the query below produces (if that's the right word) a log message of "Suit Generation" followed by the log message "Starting Deck", but does not log the message "Rank Generation"?
var startingDeck =
                        (from s in Suits().LogQuery("Suit Generation")
                         from r in Ranks().LogQuery("Rank Generation")
                         select new {Suit = s,
                                     Rank = r}).LogQuery("Starting Deck");
Executing Query Suit Generation
Executing Query Starting Deck
Full Question (worded slightly differently): stackoverflow.com/questions/63489056/…
LogQuery is a custom extension method:
public static IEnumerable<T> LogQuery<T>(this IEnumerable<T> sequence, string tag) {
            // File.AppendText creates a new file if the file doesn't exist.
            using (var writer = File.AppendText("StartingDeckQuery.log"))
                writer.WriteLine($"Executing Query {tag}");

            return sequence;
Suits and Ranks are iterator methods:
static IEnumerable<string> Suits() {
            yield return "clubs";
            yield return "diamonds";
            yield return "hearts";
            yield return "spades";

static IEnumerable<string> Ranks() {
            yield return "two";
            yield return "three";
            yield return "four";
            yield return "five";
            yield return "six";
            yield return "seven";
            yield return "eight";
            yield return "nine";
            yield return "ten";
May be if someone could convert that startingDeck query into method syntax it would be easier for me to understand why the query logs only the messages "Suit Generation" and "Starting Deck"?
8:30 AM
ew, sql syntax
perhaps, if you convert to function syntax, the reason becomes clear to you
cant VS do it for you?
@Wietlol No VS does not do it unfortunately
    .LogQuery("Suit Generation")
    .SelectMany(s =>
        Ranks().LogQuery("Rank Generation"),
        (s, r) => new {Suit = s, Rank = r}
    .LogQuery("Starting Deck")
but Rider does
@Wietlol Converting query syntax with two from clauses into a method-based query isn't something I can do accurately.
@Wietlol Wow, that's really useful.
multiple froms are basically a SelectMany
to produce a cartesian product
    .LogQuery("Suit Generation")
        s => Ranks().LogQuery("Rank Generation"),
        (s, r) => new {Suit = s, Rank = r}
    .LogQuery("Starting Deck")
better formatting :D
I knew there was a reason Rider was yelling at me
@Wietlol I think you are missing parentheses around the whole query, before LogQuery("StartingDeck")?
8:41 AM
ye, I am missing redundant parentheses
@Wietlol Excellent. I think I see it now. "Suit Generation" is logged because calling it returns an IEnumerable<T> object. "Rank Generation" isn't logged because the SelectMany standard query operator extension method isn't executed until a foreach loop or any other method that calls its GetEnumerator method. Then SelectMany returns an IEnumerable<T> too so the message "StartingDeck" is logged because calling SelectMany returns an IEnumerable<T>.
@Wietlol Is my understanding correct?
8:45 AM
@Wietlol Thank you, you just answered a question Jon Skeet could not answer (partly because my understanding of IEnumerable at that time was not good so my question was not good either). @Hozuki @Wietlol You can post an answer if you like, and I will accept it.
Nah, it's fine. I can't be bothered to invest time and energy to get some pointless rep. :-)
@Hozuki :) Thanks. You're like the cops in super hero movies, they arrive just when the hero has taken care of the bad guys :)
Yep. A wizard never arrives late, nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to.
@Hozuki Ok, if there are more like you then someones rep does not necessarily show their level of knowledge.
I am sure Jon could also answer :D
someone's rep certainly does not show their level of knowledge
if someone is new to SO, they have no rep... but does that mean they have no knowledge?
they could be as knowledgeable as Jon
8:49 AM
@Wietlol I'll be honest, when he could not answer my question. I knew then I didn't ask the right question. At least he got me to go back to the drawing board, and learn IEnumerable from Hozuki lol
reputation mostly represents how helpful you have been to other people
@Wietlol Good point. There must be a lot of false negatives where stack overflow rep is concerned
you can see that Jack only has 17 reputation
I'd argue that rep doesn't even represent your skill nor knowledge. It just represents how many upvotes answers have gotten. And simple questions with simple answers get tons of upvotes. Answering complex questions gives you nothing. Maybe one upvote, that's it. So why bother? Rep means exactly nothing because of this.
@Hozuki I see, it's a flawed system.
8:52 AM
I mean, this is the answer that gave me the most rep. It's a simple answer to a simple question. 135 upvotes? Why?!
@Wietlol Who's Jack, if you don't mind me asking.
@BlackPanther given your current knowledge, I can recommend you read Jon's answer again
@Hozuki because 134 people came looking on SO for an answer on they for loops and found yours to be helpful
... ideally
@Wietlol It would just confuse me, haha. I'll stay away from it. May be when my knowledge of LINQ and IEnumerable is solid I will look at Jon's answer again.
Well, yes. Of course. But that illustrates my point. Rep isn't a reflection of knowledge or skill.
> Rep means exactly nothing because of this.
> reputation mostly represents how helpful you have been to other people
8:55 AM
@Hozuki Wow, I can answer that question, and I know very little JavaScript.
Lowest hanging fruit?
When Jon Skeet answered my question, I was thinking "I'm your biggest fan I'll follow you until you love me, papa paparazzi ....", haha. But I guess I shouldn't look too much into rep.
the reason why you didn't understand his answer is because of a communication barrier
@Hozuki The Why? Because at the time (2013), there were very little JavaScript experts. Now everyone is a JavaScript expert :|
mostly, it happens because english (or whatever language is used) is not the native language
Because js is confusing with both foreach/forin instead of just doing foreach like a normal language
but in this case, it is mostly because of a different jargon dictionary
9:00 AM
@BlackPanther 2013? Good god. I'm old.
@Squirrelkiller Hey, JS has for...of now.
also, I blame the sql syntax
it is rubbish
I can understand why people are having trouble understanding the difference between
from s in Suits().LogQuery("Suit Generation")
from r in Ranks().LogQuery("Rank Generation")
I have a public class Editor with a public class Local with a public bool Save.
when I call Save from a windows forms Form.cs it throws cs0120 an objetc reference is required for non static method or property save
although non of my classes or fucntiosn are static
what should i do
why should i make my public bool a public static bool
perhaps you shouldnt
9:02 AM
when the calling function is non static
@Wietlol but then theres an error
an instance (non-static) method from another class, can only be invoked by providing an instance of said class (*)
(* or subtype and bla bla bla)
when you call instance methods, you mostly do this.DoStuff()
@Wietlol Yeah, I think I was the one confusing Jon with my inappropriate Jargon :)
in the case of Save, it doesnt belong to your this object and instead requires a different object to operate on
Ezajak Omar
Amel eh?
but with some fucntions of same "local" class it works ???
9:04 AM
@Hozuki At that time, I didn't even know stack overflow existed. You're one of the vets.
without instances
just by Editor.Local.datfunction(true, "hi")
because this. in this.DoStuff() can be omitted
wut do u mean
i call editor.local.save() not working
I assume datFunction is static though
i call editor.local.print() works
9:05 AM
or wait...
@Wietlol no
can you share a code snippet of it?
namespace TextEdit
public class Editor {
public class Local
public bool Save(string FileLocation, string FileContent) {
return true;
@Wietlol On second thought, I don't think you need parentheses around the whole query, because you are chaining method calls, not writing a query in query syntax.
@Squirrelintraining hamdulilah
9:09 AM
@OmerHijazi :D
@OmerHijazi try ctrl+k b4 pasting code
Press ctrl and k
alt + f4
To do this
            public void MyMethod()
9:11 AM
@Wietlol I mostly understand how to convert that query from query syntax to method syntax, except for the SelectMany method call. SelectMany takes two inputs, and what does it do with them? You mentioned something about "cartesian product" but I'm not familiar with that?
@Hans1984 srsly?
;) of course not
ctrl alt del
makes your code beautiful
specially in old pc
9:11 AM
You can trust him, he's german
Killerino Check the Superior chat messenger!
After this is completed, the keyboard crash can be initiated by using the following hotkey sequence: Hold down the rightmost CTRL key, and press the SCROLL LOCK key twice.
cant i have only one hand to work with right now and gotta review 2 more ppls code
@Squirrelkiller Review my Peoples code!
9:13 AM
I promise it's only 7 lines
Maybe a bit moa
hell no i took this job because i wanted to write code
I don't care!
9:31 AM
@BlackPanther hence "redundant"
@BlackPanther cartesian product is just a combination of each element
for example: [a, b, c] & [1, 2, 3]
   a  b  c
1 a1 b1 c1
2 a2 b2 c2
3 a3 b3 c3
you get [a1, b1, c1, a2, b2, c2, a3, b3, c3]
the two parameters are
1, what is the second set? [1, 2, 3]
2, how do I combine a pair of elements from the sets? (a, 1) => a1

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