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05:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

1:40 PM
@Freerey "No, this is Patrick."
speaking of heresy... where is our beloved star?
he lost his job because of corona
now he lives on the streets with no internet
ooh, I like my new layout
so chat is much smaller now
free holly hans!
and there are a lot of new people
ohai @Han
o/ @Wietlol
1:45 PM
Is this the way how GUI apps built on top of command-line tools stackoverflow.com/a/1469790/6197785 ?
@Wietlol way to bright
@msh mostly
ofcourse, this is just the part the delivers information to the application
not the other way around
when you press a button, say... "commit", I can understand that it actually sends a command like git commit --message or something
the other thing is... make the ui show a list of comments...
Teresa Dietrich on August 10, 2020
A new tool for bringing your organization’s essential knowledge together in an easy-to-search platform.
it would probably use another command to list them and parse the output on the process
1:59 PM
kinda unfair that git doesn't have its own API
what do you mean API?
it exposes an API by CLI
I have a task to implement OpenSSL in GUI application, so I'll take this path
A CLI is also an API :-)
ooh... SSL
that probably is slightly more difficult though... but still certainly doable
2:05 PM
@Hozuki I would like to note that it is not technically an API but a CLI. Both are interfaces, but the latter is not necessarily for prgorammers.
No, SO is a website
yeah but the common thing nowadays is you deal through code, usually written in many languages and with official object models.
define "'real' object models"
Just had an all-day meeting. Finally time to stop thinking.
2:07 PM
@Wietlol I didn't say that
@Wietlol Not a Dto that is made of two properties where one is "Data" and holds a base64-encoded xml that is serialized from an actual C# model.
Jack, black
Just had to take that ticket into our sprint :/
not even a json string that is actually a base64 encoded byte array containing the data in a custom format?
2:09 PM
@Wietlol As far as I know that particular external contractor, not yet.
that is what Wietbot uses
AWS Lambda has json input/output
but I have my own data serialization library which just outputs binary
the advantage is that my library in inherently multi-platform
so, I can use the same formats in Jvm, .NET, node, etc
but I cant reliably say the same about polymorphic json
If AWS provides json de-/serialization anyway, why not just send the models in actual json format? Those few dozen bytes can't have a real ithe network.mpact on
it is not the net traffic that is the big difference
also you're supposed to be able to reliably say thaat about json. It's just raw data.
but I cant just assume that newtonsoft.json works the same as jackson-json
especially when we are talking about polymorphic models
2:14 PM
Since json knows nothing about classes, it knows nothing of polymorphism
fwiw there's a binary json standard, it's called bson
wtf is up with interns
you explain something to them, prepare to re-explain it at least 5 times
Depends on the interns though
Also depends on your skill of teaching.
2:20 PM
the past 2 hours I felt like I was in my Java programming class where I was the only one who knew what they were doing (apparently; I actually had no clue) and everyone came to me for advice like I was the Java librarian
The librarian.. that's an awesome term
2:40 PM
Also JSON type schemas can go suck hairy dicks
I'm really fucked off with them rn
fall 2018 semester was easily the most stressful period of my life; taking care of a newborn would be easier than that shit
That shit is way too slow
I hate importing shit; do it in the wrong order, and none of them work
now hwen I click the dropdown after fixing the .js and .css imports, nothing happens because life is pain Ig uess
Guys is there a c# console in vs like node?
Which doesn't require building a projectr?
(aka immediate window)
2:55 PM
The immediate window
Go back to your island u monkey
@Freerey oh, did you outsource it?
I got the bootstrap, jquery, and popper shit from nuget
and now that they're in the program, I'm using the local files
oh ffs you're talking about my wordpress website
I'm not working on that; I'm working on the ASP website for my employer
yeah. that wordpress thing.
you're trying to say you don't like PHP but you do.
@CaptainObvious Really? I love them.
3:01 PM
when did I say I don't like PHP?
Wait, you don't hate PHP? What's wrong with you?!
burn him!
(I like PHP for some things, don't torture me)
I also like some of it, especially the consistent naming conventions.
They're probably good, but they're not being cooperative at the momeny
And by that I mean Swashbuckle is being a gigantic arsehole
3:06 PM
the only thing I dislike about PHP so far is that I apparently need to download a bunch of shit to make it work first
They actually did it
The absolute madmen
They updated their SDK to use properties instead of fields entirely on the request I put in about 4 and a half hours ago
My opinions on Json schemas will likely change by tomorrow as I test out their update
3:22 PM
I like PHP, it burns very well
how do you reference a lambda in Kotlin @Wietlol?
val a = { foo: Foo -> doTheThing(foo) } ?
what do you mean with "reference"?
store a reference of it in a variable
oh, you mean the type notation?
3:27 PM
(In) -> Out
val lambda: (String) -> Int
for example
I still can't understand what's going on in your 1st example
me neither :D
seriously, what is happening there?
val a = ...
^ should be easy
{ foo: Foo ->
lambda notation, with 1 parameter "foo" of type "Foo"
doTheThing(foo) ... well... do the thing with foo
I think he wants to be able to go a.Invoke("aaaa")
3:30 PM
var a = (Foo foo) => doTheThing(foo);
or something
@CaptainObvious just a("h")
Kotlin is garbage
once you get it
That works too
3:31 PM
@Wietlol oh. this one is easy to comprehend.
stupid syntax
tbh, once you get used to the syntax, there are a few advantages...
and with "a few", I mean "A LOT"
how would it handle multiple args without parenthesis?
{ a: A, b: B -> foo(a, b) }
keep in mind, ^ is not the equivalent of { (a: A, b: B) -> foo(a, b) }
{     a: A,
       b: B,
       c: C -> {

with parens, it means deconstruction
3:33 PM
that's awful
also, no, you dont put curly braces to denote the body
{ a: A, b: B, c: C ->
What is this? Fucking python?
this is the future :D
oh crap.
someone told me taking the .min off the scripst would work; it didn't work
3:36 PM
@mr5 if you want to understand all the differences of lambdas, you should check out a few functions
it's not a lambda but a Java interface. I think a reference to a lambda notation wouldn't work?
also, let
apply, run
I have already tried that .apply. It's intuitive.
@mr5 you could just as well use the functional interface from Java
but iirc, they are interchangable to lambda notations
apply and run introduce extension lambdas
which are the next level
so in line 58, how should I create the lambda to be passed?
the interface method name is onGlobalLayout which I implemented to the class since I'm confused with the syntax.
3:40 PM
what is the name of the interface?
and the signature of the onGlobalLayout?
it's in the ss: ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener
also in the ss: void
ah sorry, it's hidden by the popup docs
viewTreeObserver.addGlobalLayoutListener(ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener { listener -> doTheThing() })
however, considering the size of the content, perhaps it is better to make it an external function anyway
val l = ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener {
    val b = 1 + 1
this one. IDE is not complaining
@Wietlol I need the reference because I needed that reference later.
ye, that is basically the same
it's subscribe then unsubscribe later
3:45 PM
the type would be of that interface
so I need not to specify which interface method I am overriding inside a lambda notation?
functional interfaces are interfaces with a single method
the compiler can understand that, when you use a lambda expression, the interface must be a functional one
and it understands that you implement that specific method
you can let the IDE do "convert to anonymous object", which you can give properties and methods
but then you are getting nested class declarations
you should only use it if you really want closures
which you rarely do
anyway, im off
one more
what do you think about my usage of optional @Wietlol ?
why does nuget insist on installing its package data under Content, under packages>packageName>content, and under packages>packageName>contentFiles?
am I supposed to believe these files are different? cause they're not. I'm not an idiot, contrary to what nuget thinks
how most programs install: "let's just drop our files in one spot"
how nuget does it: "Hey I know! Let's scatter about like an abortion :V "
What do you mean?
3:57 PM
yeah that's how they roll. exclusive packages for each project even though they are technically the same.
what mr5 said
I think the reason is to avoid depending on environment paths.
there is one occasion where the nesting of packages breaks the system limit in Windows. I couldn't even delete those folders.
 - packageB
     - packageD
     - packageXYZ
 - packageC
    - packageA
packageC under packageA references another packageA
that happened to one of my project few years ago. I think it's a cyclic dependency. I'm not really sure if it's possible but that's what I remembered.
@mr5 I think it is irrelevant
var x = null;
x = new Thing();
setting it to null first makes no difference
you could just write val callback = Listener {}
avoid the null, avoid the double assignment, avoid the var... avoid the underscore...
speaking of which... WHERE IS THE UNDERSCORE?!
IDE is complaining for callback not being initialized.
if I didn't mark it as optional and initialize to null
then your screenshot is not accurate...
or you are using Android frigging Studio
4:10 PM
can't even declare and initialize in the same line.
same goes in C#
in either case, it is a mistake
what underscore are you talking about?
on vars
huh? why do I need underscore?
there is supposed to be an underline effect
4:11 PM
I removed it
no you didnt
put it back
Kotlin can't control me
I'm not part of its system
wait what?
4:12 PM
in any case, the initialization should be fine
if your IDE says it is not, then that is Android Studio being weird again
anything with "Studio" in the name is trash
so still no way to instantialize in the same line?
AS > IntelliJ
Android Studio, Visual Studio, Sql Server Management Studio (aka MSSMSSSMSMSSMSMS)
@mr5 there is
what about universal studio?
fun foo()
	val action = JavaInterface { }
oh wait..
you are using the callback inside the lambda
oh no, that is naughty
naughty mr5
4:16 PM
Why is that naughty?
what's wrong with that?
mutation in closures
let's burn wietlol
If you're very puristic, sure, it's bad. But if you're not that much of a purist... it's fine?
I maybe blind, cuz I see no mutation.
4:17 PM
even if you are not a purist, it causes more problems than it solves
oh yeah. I'm blind. there is.
@mr5 I would recommend making a class, something like "OneTimeGlobalLayoutListener"
stupid Kotlin
Yeah, that's the Java-like way. Make a class for everything.
why is it not complaining though
4:18 PM
give it a property of the action, have it invoke the removeListener when called and execute the action from the property
@mr5 well... it works
I just hate mutations in closures though
also, I disapprove of your lack of abstraction layer separation
it's not complaining but it's crashing
it crashes?
null pointer exception?
it says the ViewTreeObserver is not alive. Android specific stuff
it seems the onGlobalLayout is not yet triggered when it invokes the code I put in the lambda.
well... in the callback, how do you know it is alive?
there is a property to check for it. but it should be alive though
4:22 PM
oh Android, how much I hate you
I hate Android probably more than ASP.NET Web frigging Forms
when I reference the local viewTreeObserver reference inside the lambda, its value is not the same from this.viewTreeObserver
so it just copies it instead of referencing it. Is that correct?
val viewTreeObserver = this.viewTreeObserver
your lambda is what we call a closure
it is basically a lambda, but also catches variables from it's parent context
in your case, the viewTreeObserver
you create a local variable called "viewTreeObserver", you set it to the viewTreeObserver of the this object
that local variable will never change
in the callback, you will still operate on the same local variable as you did when creating the callback
so, on the same object
this object however might not always still be the same as the one stored in the property this.viewTreeObserver
so a copy by value?
4:27 PM
a copy of the reference
but your property is re-assigned
or... your this is a different object
it's the same this
then the property is re-assigned
hmm I wonder if it's the same in C#
it is
it's much more error prone this way. I should have gone with the new class approach instead.
4:30 PM
in my color scheme, I have the captured variables be bright and bold
if it's re-assigned, from which?
What are you doing with that garbage
running it :D
4:34 PM
Run Rabbit Run
@mr5 I dont know from where
but if they are different, the property got re-assigned
That link is a survey for CoreRT - an AOT compiler for core.
@Wietlol is foo() under JavaInterface?
eh is it going to make recursion?
5:10 PM
a little hope from Elon
so this is how it looks like when a spaceship breaks into aurora: twitter.com/wonderofscience/status/1292265298091896832
Better than mars
6:11 PM
@mr5 no
6:42 PM
do not google search GYRATA
6:57 PM
I have a feeling what it might be with the first two letters there
oh nvm...it's just a brain head
hey ho
you are made of wood
and therefore YOU ARE A WITCH
@Freerey you are then familiar with a paradox of confirmation: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raven_paradox
Donald Trump is rich and white
therefore he is a cheesecake
7:48 PM
3 hours later…
10:49 PM
I have DAL assembly in my project that uses Entity Framework code first model
Recently I have updated my DAL assembly version to and signed it with stron name.
Now I'm getting following exception, when connecting to database:
> Managed Debugging Assistant 'BindingFailure'
Message=Managed Debugging Assistant 'BindingFailure' : 'The assembly with display name 'MyProject.DAL' failed to load in the 'Load' binding context of the AppDomain with ID 1. The cause of the failure was: System.IO.FileLoadException: Could not load file or assembly 'MyProject.DAL, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null' or one of its dependencies. The located assembly's manifest definition does not match the assembly reference. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131040)'
Exception is database-specific. When connecting to different (older) database, I got same exception, but referencing version.
Anyone has an idea what is going on and how can I fix that?
It seems exception is thrown somewhere in
> dbContext.Database.CompatibleWithModel(false)
But I'm not sure about that. If I comment out this line, exception appears elsewhere.
05:00 - 13:0013:00 - 23:00

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