In Spain there is a food we call "Calamares en su tinta" that does not look tasty at all. It is translated as "Squid in its ink" and yes, when you get it on your table you find out a black dish. The opinion among **all** foreign people that tasted it is unanimous: 1- They were forced to taste it 2- They did not want to taste it at all 3- They liked it a lot and are grateful to those who forced them to taste it
@bradbury9 Looks interesting indeed. I estimate my next vaction destination in spain to be somewhere around Barcelona, can I get Calamares en su tinto just anywhere?
It is true usually "a" means female and "o" means male. Like "chica" and "chico" that is translated as girl and boy. But there are words that dont have two genders
"Tinta" is female, but "Tinto" is not "male ink"
@mr5 Yup, that dish is also spanisk, we server it usually with lemon. I do like calamares in all their different recipes
@misha130 my experience from my country is that they just look if you have at least prior experience, even a little. Well, I was a freelancer so I am forced to learn a lot of languages before.
> when you write to MongoDB, you don't actually write anything. You staged your data to be written at a later time. If there's a problem writing your data, you're fucked. Does that sound like a good design to you? - If that's what they need to do to get those kick-ass benchmarks, then it's a great design.
the bear reaction. lol
@ntohl your company doesn't acknowledge resignation through email?
@mr5 well. We paper when the notice period begins, how much time I will have to go on vacation, how much days will be paid out, etc.. Also the cutback was generally in good "mood", so why not. The most important that I will have a signed paper about the reason is not my work's quality, but cutback.
Did connection string syntax change with .Net core 3.1/EF? An API using .Net 3.1 throws SQL logon exceptions with a service Id, but the same ID works just fine using .Net Core 2.1
@mr5 it depends on how much did you work for the company. I've been working here for 3 years, so I'm entitled for 1 month of backpay, and have 1 month + 5 day notice period. Which's half is going to be a free holiday (by the law), so I don't have to work 17 days approx, and get money for that.
Plus I have a lot of holidays left, which have to be split by the year. So for example if the cutback happens at the end of june, It's 50% of the year. So I and the company have to manage 50% of my holidays by taking it, or "check out" (pay in cash).
Note on Context:
This question was asked in 2012, but still sees traffic and votes to this day. The original answer was specifically to refute a particular post that was popular at the time of the question. Things have changed (and continue to change) massively since this answer was written. Mo...
I hoped there's a way of doing it without going throught the branches view, as we have like 50 open feature branches. Copypasting from the Gitlab Merge Request would be way easier.
Oh you're actually looking something up for a comany? Than, AFAIK, the best bet is onPrem Gitlab. You just host gitlab yourself, and have all default features for free.