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Specifically when?
What do you mean by "delete the UserControl"?
One does not simply "delete a UserControl".
As in close the UserControl, Clear it from the panel.
Which happens when? How is this different from a drag?
OK I've built an entire file, can someone tell me if it's good or not
@KendallFrey The object still "exists" with a drag.
But where is it during the drag? It doesn't belong anywhere, and it has been cleared from the panel, as you said.
Yes the two are the same, hence my question.. is there an OnClose or something instead of Unloaded?
just out of intrest does this user control contain any customcontrols that may be recalling onapply template when its removed from a parent?
OnDispose something lol
It sounds like you will need to manually destroy the UserControl.
The eventhandlers are preventing the UserControl from getting disposed.
Looks like I need to at weak references or something
What's the best way to dynamically pick what Window you want to open on an applications start up?
Radio button?
@LewsTherin No, you need to remove your event handlers.
I was removing them in the Unloaded event. But of course it isn't listening any longer
@KianMayne Need a better description of the problem.
If I was to drag the panel out. Hence Unloaded == FAIL
@LewsTherin What class are the handlers in?
In the codebehind.
What class?
XAML: Unloaded="Unload_Method"
What class? Does that matter?
Not the unloaded handler.
The other ones that were holding references.
Ah.. in the ViewModel
There's your problem.
The ViewModel is holding a reference to the View.
You need to delete the ViewModel as well as the View.
No it isn't...
How is it?
Ah damn.
I see what you mean. If I delete the ViewModel it is fucked though
Isn't this supposed to help?
Is the ViewModel in a list?
Then how would you remove the view?
why doesn't
DateTime startDateTime = DateTime.Parse(startDate + " " + startDateB);
startDateTime.ToString("{0:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss}");
when i print out startdatetime its still in the old format
Do you want to detach the view from the viewmodel but keep the viewmodel?
@KendallFrey Yes
@Steve You need to use the string returned by ToString.
ToString doesn't do anything.
how do i keep it date time, but just change the format?
No can do.
A date is a date is a date.
okay thanks
Can I have more then one model in my cshtml?
Just like 3 is 3 whether its 3 , 0x3, 0b11, 03, or anything else. It's still the number 3.
And when you print it, you get "3"
@Grixxly Unless you use a ViewModelWrapper, or a list of models
3 is a magic number.
okay, so datetime isn't a specific datatype, it just holds a string representation of a date
A DateTime holds an instant in time.
So, I have two input fields. One where the user enters the date with some javascript crap that i didn't write in the format of mm/dd/yyyy, and another field where they enter the 24 hour time in the format of hh:mm
in the database its stored as yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
how the crap do i convert it
string startDateSure = String.Format("{0:u}", startDate + " " + startMinutes);
DateTime startDateTime = DateTime.Parse(startDateSure);
So you're storing a date as a string?
put the date via datetime.parse as (yyyy/mm/dd)
no, in the database its datetime
universal datetime format
This is the error I'm getting. Any clues? The model item passed into the dictionary is of type 'PoolSpaInspections.Domain.Entities.WaterQuality', but this dictionary requires a model item of type 'PoolSpaInspections.WebUI.Models.InspectionCodesViewModel'.
Should I add the WaterQuality class to the InspectionCodesViewModel?
If it's a datetime, then the database doesn't actually store it as yyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss, that's just how it's formatted when returned in a query
@Steve To convert a DateTime to a specific string format, call ToString on it and use the returned value.
I don't have to have it with the datatype DateTime for the database? since the column datatype is datetime?
I'd like to verify that I'm not crazy. Would someone tell me what action will handle the submission of this form?

@using (Ajax.BeginForm("jobSubmit", "Home", new AjaxOptions { OnSuccess = "$(this).RemoveData('id'); $(this).RemoveData('ScheduleJobChainID');", UpdateTargetId = "partial" }))
You should use the DBMS supported datetime data type, and your (I'm assuming DataTable) should be a System.DateTime when its retrieved
@walkingTarget so i'm using sql server, how do i create a sql server data type in C#?
Database connection classes should handle the conversion for you in most cases. Unless you are being tricky, it should be a non-issue
It looks like you're trying to set the time for a scheduled task or something, is this correct?
no, i'm searching event logs that we store in a database, and the person who programmed it before had a start date and an end date search feature and i'm tasked with fixing it
Is XMLSerialiser faster than a custom serialiser that I could write
Because I need to serialise a Dictionary<int, Dictionary<Period, Subject>>
Customized stuff is (can be) almost always faster than generic stuff. The only difference is when the generic stuff has access to resources that aren't available otherwise (like if it is built in to the CLR).
OK, I think my XML will end up better any way
@Grixxly - Sounds like you're returning the wrong thing when you "return View(model)"
So, probably yes, but I can't tell for sure.
@Kendall Do you think this is good? ideone.com/VmOzl
I am. But I think I'm working through it. Now I have to figure out how to do an else in razor... feeling really stupid today :-/
As for returning two models: stackoverflow.com/questions/5550627/…
Chrome's got a new sound player! It's better looking than the old one
Does it have deferred tab loading on launch?
Until it does, I've given up on it.
What do you know... I actually figured that out before you posted the link.
Guys you don't see any problem with this code:
gist: Check which Port is active., 2012-08-14 16:16:39Z
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            GetPorts x = new GetPorts();

            foreach (string port in x.GetAvailableComPorts())

    class GetPorts
        public string[] GetAvailableComPorts()
            var l = new List<string>();
            for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++)
                var portname = string.Format("COM{0}:", i);

                    using (var s = new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort(portname))

                catch (Exception exception)
                    //Do nothing

            return l.ToArray();
@KianMayne Tip: Instead of week1 and week2 in weeks, either have multiple week in weeks, or put week1 and week2 directly in the timetable.
I think I'll go with multiple weeks
I'd also tend toward Subject type="Math" instead of Math, but it doesn't really matter.
And why on earth did you try to compile XML as Assembler?
@arthurmani - looks fine to me
What's wrong with this?
@if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(Model.InspectionCodes.ToString()) == false)
    foreach (var IC in Model.InspectionCodes)
        Html.RenderPartial("InspectionCodeSummary", IC);
It throws an exception NullReferenceException and isn't the code trying to avoid that?
What exception?
Which line?
@Steve So, you'd write query like SELECT * FROM EventLogs WHERE EventDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND @EndDate, pass it some StartDate/EndDAte SQL Params and confidently sip your coffee
which exception?
@TravisJ I get an exception saying that COM1 cannot be detected how can I skip any usused ports?
well, is Inspectioncodes an array?
If Model.InspectionsCodes is null, you can't call .ToString on it.
How the hell do I tell if it's empty then?
== null
if (Model.InspectionsCodes != null)
@arthurmani - I would have expected your try catch block to have caught that. Perhaps the using is blocking the exception from bubbling out? Maybe try putting the try catch closer to the s.Open()
:-/ That's what I first coded and didn't think that could possibly be right so I tried the crap I wrote above...
@KendallFrey - if you try Model.InspectionsCodes on a dynamic proxy object which does not exist then you will throw an exception because it is not null. It will try to lazy load it and then complain about not having a connection.
@TravisJ the try catch closer to the s.Open? How can I do that?
It's working. At least so far.
@TravisJ - No, exceptions bubble out of usings just fine. I've never had a problem with it.
@Bobson - Hm, so what would the reason for the catch block being skipped in that scenario?
Maybe something like this:

    using (var s = new System.IO.Ports.SerialPort(portname))
                           bool flag = true;
                           catch( Exception ex ){
                            flag = false;
                           if( flag )  l.Add(portname);
To be honest, I don't know. @arthurmani - Can you post the full exception?
@TravisJ @Bobson I still get the following exception: System.IO.IOException occurred
Message=The port 'COM1:' does not exist.
at System.IO.Ports.InternalResources.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode, String str)
at System.IO.Ports.SerialStream..ctor(String portName, Int32 baudRate, Parity parity, Int32 dataBits, StopBits stopBits, Int32 readTimeout, Int32 writeTimeout, Handshake handshake, Boolean dtrEnable, Boolean rtsEnable, Boolean discardNull, Byte parityReplace)
at System.IO.Ports.SerialPort.Open()
HOLY SH*T I figured something out!!!
@arthurmani are you trying to display the available COM ports?
@klut no just the one that is active with my device
@arthurmani Okay, are you trying to make it an "automatic connect" kind of feature?
otherwise you can go into your Device Manager and find out what COM port your device is connected on and just use thay "COMX" where X is the number
@klut yeah I might do that caus it might be too hard/risky to spot the exact location of the device...
if you want to do the auto-find feature, you'd probably have to do a WMI query to get the COM ports that have devices connected. then try to iterate each COM port, send a message, see if you get a valid response--move on if you don't.
@klut, that sort of what my code was attempting to do
did you do a WMI query?
In 1.5 hours, it will be India's 66Th year of Independence \m/
@klut no just System.IO.Ports
@arthurmani - Perhaps instead of an arbitrary 20 items, you should get the exact amount. Check this answer out: stackoverflow.com/a/195493/1026459
public List<string> GetCOMs()
List<string> coms = new List<string>();
ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2",
"SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity WHERE ConfigManagerErrorCode = 0");

foreach (ManagementObject obj in searcher.Get())
object captionObj = obj["Caption"];
if (captionObj != null)
string caption = captionObj.ToString();
if (caption.Contains("(COM"))

m_ParseCOMs(ref coms);
catch (ManagementException ex)
MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while querying for WMI data: " + ex.Message);
@LewsTherin u stil here?
that should help
I forgot the person's name who was from Austria.. :)
that'll return the available ports (COM ports that have something connected)
you've have to parse the "COMX" string out, but that'll get you something like (COM4) - The name of the device - other info
are wordpress websites seo friendly?
no idea
I would assume so
I don't think this question and answer deserves so many upvotes:
Q: C# Tab Escape Character

GateKillerA simple question. I'm just in the process of parsing some text and can't remember what the escape character is for a tab in C#?

but wordpress is PHP, so you might be better asking about it in the PHP room.
@xtremer In my opinion they are, and there are plugs to enhance it. I am not an expert.
Wow. If I ask what the new line escape character is can I get 50?
what do you think about the question posted below
0 research effort in the question, tiny answer.
Q: What format for a software homepage will result in more sells?

technoCurrently reviewing two types of homepages for software products: Stylish with minimum content on the homepage: boxshot, download button, buy now button and sometimes features listed as small snippets which on click will lead to other pages. Majority content on the homepage: A long scrolling pa...

@KianMayne yeah, thats a simple question/answer, but upvotes are given by people that the question has helped, so either 1) there are a lot of people that don't know about \t or 2) lots of generous people in the world.
I know, I just think that it's an example of why the system is slightly flawed
@xtremer *sales :)
what do you think about it
I agree with the answer
@xtremer I would say somewhere in between the two options
give some info and make it easy to download/purchase
but not so much info to overwhelm the user and make it hard to find the download/purchase links
@KyleTrauberman thats not a clear answer
@KianMayne also, keep in mind that question has been open since 2008 - I have questions dating that far back that have similar numbers of votes
Fair enough
@xtremer what are you confused about?
what do you mean by this
@klut is this one working on your VS i get a lot of unknown type or namespace
gist: Find the right port, 2012-08-14 17:14:09Z
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Management;

namespace MyNamespace
    class MyClass
        public List<string> GetCOMs()
            List<string> coms = new List<string>();
                ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2",
                "SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity WHERE ConfigManagerErrorCode = 0");

                foreach (ManagementObject obj in searcher.Get())
                    object captionObj = obj["Caption"];
                    if (captionObj != null)
                        string caption = captionObj.ToString();
                        if (caption.Contains("(COM"))

                m_ParseCOMs(ref coms);
            catch (ManagementException ex)
                MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while querying for WMI data: " + ex.Message);
                return coms;

            return coms;
@xtremer well, the question gives two different options
> Majority content on the homepage: A long scrolling page with the majority of the website's content including in-depth explanations of all features, boxshot, download button, buy now button, etc.
> Stylish with minimum content on the homepage: boxshot, download button, buy now button and sometimes features listed as small snippets which on click will lead to other pages.
you go with option 1
@arthurmani whats getting underlined?
I guess I would go with the "Stylish with minimum content on the homepage" option
Small home page, with lots and lots of links.
you need using System.Windows.Forms; for MessageBox.Show
BTW there is a WPF MessageBox too.
but make sure there's enough info on the page so the user can get some of their basic questions answered with out having to search for answers
but don't overwhelm the user
You could use the Win32 MessageBox function too.
Single scroll pages are annoying :P You can't bookmark, or use the back button. You can't have multiple tabs open for different parts of the site unless you manually navigate each tab to that part.
It doesn't meet general web expectations.
If they are designed right you can bookmark.
@KendallFrey - Usually if the bookmark works it is a cookie implementation. So if cookies are disabled or cleared the position in the page is lost.
Have you ever seen #something in a URL?
tensor geometry. W T epic F.
Yes, but you don't always navigate to the anchor like that.
Do I do this
String.Format("\t\t{0}", Subject.XMLSerialize(subject))
or this
"\t\t" + Subject.XMLSerialize(subject)
I know they have the same function
I just was wondering what looked/felt best
@klut, now something is weird, I can't add a using System.Windows, my VS doesn't find it...
I have added all the paths in my properties
he finds all the System. but not System.Windows
Odd. Try doing this System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(
Add a reference to System.Windows.Forms.dll
ahh, yes
@KendalFrey sorry but how do you do that?
Right click on your References in your project
Oops misread.
Add Reference, and find it in the .NET tab
Solution Explorer > TheProject > References > Right Click > Add Reference.
The only one there starting with Wondows is WondowsFormsIntegration
or WindowsBase
type in System.Windows fairly fast
type System.Windows.Forms if you can... should take you to it in the list
or alphabetize and search that way
@klut all the lines are gone except from m_ParseCOMs
that is my function to Parse the strings
    private void m_ParseCOMs(ref List<string> comPorts)
        string[] temp;
        List<string> temp2 = new List<string>();
        int index = 0;
        foreach (string s in comPorts)
            string temp3 = "";
            temp = s.Split(' ');
            temp3 += temp[temp.Length - 1] + " - ";
            for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length - 1; i++)
                temp3 += temp[i] + " ";
            temp2.Insert(index, temp3);
just my version of formatting the strings
That defniitely makes me go WTF.
Probably cause of the ref parameter.
it is just experiment code, took the easiest route
Experiment code is fun. Until you end up with Protoduction code.
sometimes experimental code is production code
a.k.a. I hate agile programming
Does anyone know how to specify the form id using @Ajax.Beginform()?
I hate projects where management treats it as if you were doing agile, but you aren't. Feature creep + bug flood.
herp, thanks @KyleTrauberman.
I feel guilty doing very agile production for in house enterprise software
@KendallFrey that's why you never start work unless you have a signed off Statement of Work or Requirements document.
where essentially we use users instead of unit testers
then just refer to it to kill scope creep
add the new stuff to a backlog
the way you know it's agile is
"Oh you haven't done all the features yet? Release what you have right now."
@klut, VS is not happy without a main method. It shows me all the coms now but not sure if it shows only the active ones?
gist: GetComs, 2012-08-14 17:44:58Z
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Management;
using System.Windows.Forms;

namespace MyNamespace
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MyClass x = new MyClass();
            foreach (string port in x.GetCOMs())


    class MyClass
        public List<string> GetCOMs()
            List<string> coms = new List<string>();
                ManagementObjectSearcher searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\CIMV2",
                "SELECT * FROM Win32_PnPEntity WHERE ConfigManagerErrorCode = 0");

                foreach (ManagementObject obj in searcher.Get())
                    object captionObj = obj["Caption"];
                    if (captionObj != null)
                        string caption = captionObj.ToString();
                        if (caption.Contains("(COM"))

                m_ParseCOMs(ref coms);
            catch (ManagementException ex)
                MessageBox.Show("An error occurred while querying for WMI data: " + ex.Message);
                return coms;

            return coms;

        private void m_ParseCOMs(ref List<string> comPorts)
            string[] temp;
            List<string> temp2 = new List<string>();
            int index = 0;
            foreach (string s in comPorts)
                string temp3 = "";
                temp = s.Split(' ');
                temp3 += temp[temp.Length - 1] + " - ";
                for (int i = 0; i < temp.Length - 1; i++)
                    temp3 += temp[i] + " ";
                temp2.Insert(index, temp3);
            comPorts = temp2;
as opposed to "Oh you've released? Here are more features."
@HansZ that sounds like OSS to me, "Release early, Release often"
OSS is the most agile you can get
anyone know if its calling x.GetCOMs() everytime through that foreach loop?
I don't get why OSS must be released often.
working for me I think
do something like
var com = x.GetComs;
foreach(string port in com)
@KendallFrey the more often its released, the faster people get updated code
and because OSS often has many developers all working on their own forks, its important for them to get small incremental changes rather than one huge change that is potentially breaking
Nightly builds are common
This is exciting. I wrote some code to output my XML to match the test XML file I wrote, and now I'm going to feed the program the same data stored in the test file and see if it outputs the test file
Going to commute while the commuting's good. Peace.
@KianMayne good luck! crosses fingers
Does that mean that release == commit?
well, yes and no
on github, they can just pull your latest commits
Dammit. 32 errors because I forgot to rename things.
but you'll often see nightly builds (compiled, packaged versions of the software) available for those people that just want to use and/or test the latest without having to compile everything
@klut Error com is underlines with: Cannot assign method group to an implicitly-typed local variable
then "stable" releases for those that want, well, stable versions
var com = x.GetCOM();
add the parens
And the release often refers to stable releases or nightly builds?
the release that the common (dumb) user will get is the stable versions
the "release often" refers to commits and/or nightly builds
Hmm, what kind of exception would you guys use for an invalid URL parameter?
I'm tempted to use ArgumentException, but that seems wrong given that the value is not passed as a method argument.
Alright then, good enough for me!
If one controller hands off to another controller is the layout of the page lost?
I want to do a constructor like this
        public Subject(string SubjectName, string Prefix, string TeacherSurname, string Room)
            Subject(SubjectName, new Teacher(Prefix, TeacherSurname), Room);
        public Subject(string SubjectName, int PrefixIndex, string TeacherSurname, string Room)
            Subject(SubjectName, new Teacher(PrefixIndex, TeacherSurname), Room);
        public Subject(string SubjectName, Teacher Teacher, string Room)
            this.SubjectName = SubjectName;
Oh, it's not a method parameter? Then forget it.
How do I make it work?
instead of calling it like Subject(...), use this syntax:
public Subject(string SubjectName, string Prefix, string TeacherSurname, string Room) : this(SubjectName, new Teacher(Prefix, TeacherSurname), Room)
Na, it's parsed from URL within a method. But the method expects it to exist. Perhaps I should just parse from calling method and pass in.
That's cool
The URL is a parameter? Then maybe ArguentException is the way to go.
I shall read up on method parameters
@KianMayne I this C++'s way is better.
@KianMayne It's only for constructors.
What do do..
This dodo.
@klut, yep it is all here
Scary looking dodo... eek!
its a shame they are extinct
@KendallFrey I can't find a thing about it, what should I google
what is that? both the available and unavail?
oups sorry @klut it's working
@KianMayne this or base constructor call c#
@Girish I am now.
Imagine having that thing for a pet.
@arthurmani good!
I seriously need to get a life.
@Klut, how hard would it be to extract the USB port only form there?
hello good people
how s things going
Are all the usb going to one Serial Port or is there one serial port per USB?
@E.LDunn Fine, you?
yea not bad
and i dunno arthurm sorry
note to self: Never vnc into your own computer
@HansZ lol, Can't do that with RDP :P
well yeah
also, recursion
but vnc isn't tied to your windows aunthetication protocol like rd is
what is that
also hai
Protoduction: a prototype that makes it into production.
oh .. wow
That explains what protoman is

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