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anyone alive?
There are 19 people in this room. I leave that up to you to decide.
How do you bind a literal not in a template?
<%# Eval("Name") %> doesn't work
how do you connect it to a datasource?
Oh God! Your doing a webform? :)
FormView i guess
My next thing is MVC
post a snippet... not that I will be able to help but that's why you buy lottery tickets. There's always a chance
I got it. I had to wrap it in a FormView to set the datasource
Sweet. BTW I think you'll love MVC
well back to making pico de gallo... didn't think making it for 25 people would take so F'in long
Yeah I do already. I like how straightforward it is.
It's just a little different thinking that way than in pieces like .html pages.
Straight forward for you! I'm still trying to get my DBA hat off and get a developer hat on. And I'm struggling with CSS
I'm better with CSS and UI stuff.
But so far my application is 'working' just have 3 more classes to write and make sure it prints/gets to the DB okay and I should be done with phase 1. Hopefully I can get that knocked out next week
Anyone here played around with the Kinect SDK?
I keep getting strange crashes on the sample apps
Access violations on the NUI threads that are created by Microsoft's DLL
I've contacted Microsoft about the issue and they've asked me to send a dump file
I've made 4 dump files so far and analyzed them myself and non of them seem to reflect the error as it appears in the Visual Studio 2012 Debugger
I should note that this error only occurs in Visual Studio 2012
Not Visual Studio 2010
I'm converting a video right now of my efforts to run and debug it
Hopefully this (when uploaded to YouTube) may aid in debugging it
I'm still not sure if it's a bug:
1) Just with my setup (computer)
2) A problem in the compiler (Microsoft's end)
3) I'm compiling it completely wrong!
@outlaw is a Kinect guy.
I just noticed something peculiar about GUIDs
There's 36 possible characters. 10 numbers and 26 letters. Logically, that would tell you there should be 28% numbers and 72% letters. But it sure looks like it's almost 50/50.
I got a table like this:
0 |LOL |null
1 |OOO |0
2 |kaka |1
3 |BOB |null

when i pass in ID 0 to query then the result is :
0 |LOL |null
1 |OOO |0
2 |kaka |1

how to archieve it by using linq ?
@BallCutter self-join
but i want get children,grandchildren,grandgrandchildren continue....
If you don't understand a self-join I can't explain it to you... homework isn't my thing
@RyanJMcGowan only A-F are used in Guids. so numerics are more likely (10 to 6)
GUIDs are a combo of hex aren't they?
Any Entity Framework types around?
@Grix, yep.
Just getting started with EF, wondering if my new db structure will fit into an existing DB easily, or does much of EF assume that it gets the whole DB.
I've used EF but only in tutorials
I don't think it does. I was able to select from existing DB structures without issue
but I haven't tried the code first stuff
@JamieF Oh yeah huh?
cool. yeah, I'm trying code first for this. Still sketchy on the architecture for this project, so in that slow moving part fishing around on pieces and tech at the beginning of many (most?) projects...
that means 38% letters, which is almost exactly what I calculated. I was seeing 39%.
Guids are generated from Hexadecimal.
@Grixxly can u please give me some sample code? i have no idea on it....
join the table to itself based on id = parentid
look at the pattern of what you have versus what you want
So if you generate your own GUID that is completely alphanumeric, you can get just as unique with far less characters.
a ten character alphanumeric is unique to 1:3.6 trillion
@RyanJMcGowan: I think you're making some assumptions about how Guid are stored. I don't think they are stored as strings...
I'm just looking at making my own file names
Just checked. Guids are often stored as 16 bytes.
Why don't you put a timestamp plus a pseudo random string; then you've got some useful info that helps avoid collisions. You can use it to clean up later...
right. Just written directly to data
I don't need that. I wanted a short name and use it also for queries.
It will appear in URLs too
@Grixxly if do like that i will only get 1st generation of children only...
empty room
Okay... I've only done DBs for 16 years...
I'm in a mood I'm done for today
@Nadal you again... nice to see u again
@Grixxly oh.. come on... i'm sorry about that
"LINQ doesn't really "do" recursion nicely"
@JamieF too bad to hear it...
@JamieF I got a table like this:
0 |LOL |null
1 |OOO |0
2 |kaka |1
3 |BOB |null
i have a question on fixed length string in
@BallCutter - dude u still facing issue implementing it ??
posted on August 10, 2012 by ScottGu

Tomorrow, Friday August 10th, I’m doing another online LIDNUG session.  The talk will be from 2pm to 3:30pm (Pacific Time).  I do these talks a few times a year and they tend to be pretty fun.  Attendees can ask any questions they want to me, and listen to me answer them live via LiveMeeting.  We usually end up having some really good discussions on a wide variety of topics.

Stupid code but this works
@BallCutter -
Crude Algo code :

1 . Create a list of your type .
2. Get current node's details and add it to the list.
3. Declare a variable ParentId.
4. Get the parentid of current node in ParentId.
5. Start a while till the parent is null [While(ParentId != null)]
6. Get the details of current parent and add it to the list.
7. set the parent id (ParentId= new Parent)
8. Say Thanks !!
i hope getting a parent is quite easy with linq for u
@BallCutter -
//List of your type
List<CategoryTree> categoryTreeList = new List<CategoryTree>();

CategoryTree categoryTreeObj = new CategoryTree();
//Add current node to the list
categoryTreeObj = new CategoryTree() { CategoryId = productId, CategoryName = GetCategoryName(productId), IsLink = false };
//Get the parent
int? parentId = GetParentCategory(productId);
//Start a while loop till you reach the root
while (parentId.HasValue)

categoryTreeObj = new CategoryTree() { CategoryId = parentId.Value, CategoryName = GetCategoryName(parentId.Value), IsLink = true };
@BallCutter - Der ??
@bhuvin yes
@BallCutter - Hope this helps ...
Its simple , and works similar to linq recursion
Its open for criticism !
I still will prefer doing it in db !
public IQueryable<LayoutCategory> GetAllChildLayoutCategory(int pintCategoryId)
var result = from p in Context.LayoutCategories
where p.CategoryId == pintCategoryId
select p;
return GetCategories(pintCategoryId).Concat(result);

private IQueryable<LayoutCategory> GetCategories(int pintParentID)
var cats = from p in Context.LayoutCategories
where p.ParentID == pintParentID
select p;

foreach (LayoutCategory c in cats)
cats = cats.Concat(GetCategories(c.CategoryId));
return cats;
this is how i do
This is the same code which has been posted on one of the qs
on stackoverflow
i c
it works right ?
hvnt test
i mean your prob is solved right ?
i hvnt test yet
few minutes pls
sure ...
i'm new.... :)
ok done
Exception of type 'System.Web.HttpUnhandledException' was thrown.The method 'Concat' is not supported.
@BallCutter - same here dude
i too m new
@bhuvin nice to meet u
@BallCutter - same here brother
@bhuvin i'm using dataservice
how about you?
dint get it
i mean the context ?
@bhuvin i mean the context is from dataservice
@BallCutter is Concat an inbuilt method?
c u guys later
lunch time
Weird, at 1:30 am the mobile rooms are active and C# is dead. Seems like a good metric for which languages are used in business.
hi please help me
its having files in .cc or .h extention
How to run this using command prompt:(
isn't .h c++?
its not C#
try asking here:


Today we're daydreaming about C++26 reflection
I'm on a work machine, I shouldn't download/install unknown files. Sorry Dext0r.
room topic changed to C#: Teddy bears and robots. [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
room topic changed to C#: Teddybears and robots. [.net] [asp.net] [asp.net-mvc] [c#] [entity-framework] [linq] [visual-studio] [wcf] [wpf]
The tag war continues.
will thread run after i close the page or terminate the application or close the browser
Probably not
kind of depends on your structure
can you please explain it more
The way I understand it, and I could be wrong, is that the thread will run as long as it's parent exists. So if the UI thread is the one that spawns a new child thread, and the UI thread is terminated, the child thread will die too.
you are right. at least eventually by the garbage collector
Now say thread a spawns thread b and thread c. Thread c handles the user interface stuff. The user closes the user interface, so thread c closes. Threads a and b will continue until they complete their execution.
but what if i close the application itself that is my website
Depends on your structure. Also on how you close the application.
"application that is your website" = IIS?
Are you facing some sort of problem?
actually i have a form with 100's of control on that i want user response to be saved but this process is very slow so i have to put it in thread
and it needs to be saved server-side?
yes by jquery ajax method
What I'd do is create a new project with some sort of service. When it's time to save, fire an event to the that service.

In other words, make this new project handle whatever your time consuming task is.
Or look into some sort of optimization to decrease the amount of time it takes to save.
yes @Billdr :P but this was only seemed to b an active room :D
Ok @KyleTrauberman thx
well it's a jquery ajax method call and after the last response i have to redirect user to thank you page now problem is that if i will save each response one by one it will take time
Is one user holding multiple responses?
Like, "step 1: done, step 2: done, step 3: in progress"
as i mentioned earlier a from will have 100's control and their response that i have to save in db
it's like a survey form
Oh, a control. As in webform.
Can you break them up? Say 20 inputs to a page?
and store the results in user cache until it's time to package the entire thing up?
it will depend that a survey is multipage or single page
the problem comes when user submit the form
I'd say a single page with 100s of choices is a poor user experience. Not sure if that's in your control or not.
what will be the best way to save user responses
save it one by one
In my suggestion?
On each page you'd validate/sanatize input, then wrap the data into a JSON (or whatever) object and save to user cache. The 'submit' button would read the values from cache and pass it to your controller (or codebehind, whatever) which would put it into the database.
Actually, it'd probably be a better idea to sanitize on the submit event, so the user doesn't have a chance to monkey with it before it goes to the database..
so for each control we have to go to server side ?
You lost me there.
I guess, maybe my idea just spreads the problem into several smaller problems.
do i know that u have knowledge about jquery or not
so i will ask this question in terms of jquery
ok so i have control that are all client side controls and user will fill his answers to those controls and on sbumit i will get those answer with respect to controls and save them in db.
i will loop through each control and get user response and save in db by going server side one by one
and after the last response i will send user to thank you page
how to improve this process
i can't send full page html server side because i will not get jquery selectors there to loop through controls
I don't have any great suggestions for you. I'd see if there's any way you can group your database writes.
ok thanks for your time and support @Billdr
No problem @rahul.
One in the same.
hello, small question: in if(doc.selectsinglenode("//mynode")==null) what does the // stand for?
Changed my name to get rid of the "zz"
@ovidiub13 A directory thingy e.g. C://. I think
This searches if a node exists in an xml file
@ovidiub13 oh nvm, I dunno
If you go to one of the full sites, click your name, then "edit" near the top right.
@Billdr Ah I see
Does Hiverzz show up in here somewhere?
Why is Hiverzz still showing up?
@LewsTherin sounds like that's it, but my file is not on the root of the drive
Where are you seeing it?
@Billdr I refreshed the page, it is updated :P
Also, how'd you piece together that we are the same.
Ah, usernames are stored in cache I guess.
@LewsTherin however, if I remove them, the code does not work
I can't find what that syntax means
I don't know how to search for that
The only thing I can think of is that it refers to the current path
the "//"
I'd like a list of advanced operators/symbols. It took me forever to figure out "=>"
Why? Some always say that :O
Why would I want that list? So I can read the code of people who already know what it means.
mornning all
yes, @Billdr , it would be very nice if Microsoft would provide one
@Billdr Why did it take you forever to figure out what "=>" means
This is the best I've got: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/6a71f45d
Because I am not very bright.
same link
Morning E.L
@Billdr Posted it at almost the same time
but yea, no mention of "//" in that list
@Billdr Doubt it
@Billdr It isn't an operator.
public IQueryable<LayoutCategory> GetAllChildLayoutCategory(int pintCategoryId)
var result = from p in Context.LayoutCategories
where p.CategoryId == pintCategoryId
select p;
return GetCategories(pintCategoryId).Concat(result);

private IQueryable<LayoutCategory> GetCategories(int pintParentID)
var cats = from p in Context.LayoutCategories
where p.ParentID == pintParentID
select p;

foreach (LayoutCategory c in cats)
cats = cats.Concat(GetCategories(c.CategoryId));
return cats;

The method Concat is not supported
The question is how to resolve that, BallCutter?
What Concat is that? Linq or string?
I've pretty much finished my assigned project at work. What to do now.. :O
Actually, I have a project that I'm waiting for time to do... you can have it.
@Billdr yup
@LewsTherin linq
I want to crawl all html tags, ids, and classes on a website, then generate a list of unique ones (sorted by page). It'd be peachy kean if it displayed this list in css format.
Should be simple, right?
Can you use an object graph?
Me? It's a personal project. It can be whatever.
My only wishlist item for it is that I'd kinda like it to be a chrome plugin, or maybe a visual studio plugin.
Everything's ill defined.
I thought web crawling was illegal
@LewsTherin what u mean?
What? Says who?
Oops web scraping
Also, it's so I have a list of all the tags to give to the designers at work so that they can do their job without bothering me to identify elements for them.
WTF, I just started my app and out of nowhere I am getting this:
The type initializer for 'System.Windows.Application' threw an exception.
look like i still got long way to go to become like u all....
Q: WPF Application fails on startup with TypeInitializationException

Adrian ClarkI have a simple WPF application which I am trying to start. I am following the Microsoft Patterns and Practices "Composite Application Guidance for WPF". I've followed their instructions however my WPF application fails immediately with a "TypeInitializationException". The InnerException prope...

Check your config, apparently.
Ball, I'm crazy new.
Same link I found.
@Billdr Really?
Yea. I'm still working on my degree, still under six months at my first developer position
I figured out the error lol
I've got a few small applications I made on my own, but nothing of any importance.
I had a log4net tag twice :(
What was it?
@Billdr Same
Third party error reporting?
Disgusting, my work mate keeps picking his nose and looking at his finger.
And then when I have to help him with something I'll be forced to touch his keyboard.
Buy some lysol wipes, then make a big show of cleaning his keyboard.
He'll get the message.
There doesn't seem to be a difference between label and textblock
I'd believe that
But there are differences.. I just can't notice it
I've been working on this project too long. I've solved this exact problem before, but here I am again, fighting jquery.
Jquery can be awesome.. just too heavy
My problem is consistently attaching jquery to partial views that load after jquery loads. There must be a better way.
Are you using .html to get the partial view?
jquery, actually.
You're a genius, thanks.
I'm no Kendall Frey :)
Few are.
@Hiverzz - There is. Stop using cshtml or aspx. Just use HTML with jquery. That way every html file you download can be cached with javascript and retrieved if requested again.
I don't think that's doable.
I'm just overworked and underslept. If I attach my gobblygook in the jquery load method everything's peachy.
... but but but it's sooooo coooool!
How would I pass a model to straight html?
You can't :(
Also, it is so cool.
Yea, my lead dev would skin me if I broke out of mvc.
Have the model always rendered as JSON and then use your html to decide where to place the various pieces of data.
Wouldn't that incur extra overhead?
With who?
Serializing the model to JSON
The server? No. JSON Serialization is way simpler than any HTML rendering.
Reflection is necessary either way.
Alright, good to know :)
And they both have to construct a string so that's a wash. The only difference is that JSON serialization doesn't have to do any string parsing so it's pretty reasonable to assume it will take less time.
How can I find out which components are lightweight in WPF. Replacing all the labels with textblock actually seem to make a difference.
There is a WPF tree visualization tool. Less elements is better, Label has 4 or 5 IIRC.
While TextBlock has one.
@RoelvanUden Thanks, I will try and get that. I got a WPF performance tool.. it refused to work
WPF Performance Suite, have you ever used it?
No, because I never had any need to optimize a WPF application.
new google game is up.
@DavidDV My mentor also told me the same. Composition over Inheritance.
We never learn that shit in college
@Billdr ?
Go to google.com and play goalie.
I got a 9!
you're the worst :p
how to store an array of values in html5 local storage
And I'm already tired
Omg, I used Snoop to snoop on a WPF button.. the hierarchy makes me feel sick
4am lunch time, awe yea.
Heh, I like that story @LewsTherin.
The ending was funny lol
posted on August 10, 2012 by Scott Hanselman

At some point soon lots of people are going to start writing these epic blog posts about Visual Studio 2012. They will include LOTS of screenshots (some good and some bad), some small code samples and minimal context. I can't speak for other teams; I can only talk about what we worked on. The <AngleBrackets/> folks in Azure Platform and Tools (ASP.NET, IIS, WCF, EF, Azure much and more) h

if I have a class that derives as an entity object, and I do a linq against the entity it's based on, can I assign the return value to that class without casting?
Does that make sense, or am I too tired to be working?
Going with the later. Catch you after a nap, room.
guyz just an offtrach
i created a common push notifications library for the organisation , shud i post the library some where ??
a one stop solution for apple , windows , and android push notifications
Cool room description
C# Teddybears and robots... where can I get 'em?
@bhuvin Push notifications?
hi,I have a question
smart phone notifications
for (i = 0; i < query.length; i++) {
sessionStorage.setItem("list_data_key", JSON.stringify(query[i].id));
In the above for loop i am putting the id value in the session storage,the problem i am facing is that,If the loop execute multiple times then in the sessionStorage the last value is only storing and loading my last record with that value only.

but i want for each iteration i want to retrieve the id value and with all the values I have to display all records.
when a server calls the intent to a device that there is a message for it
like an email
@steve Don't use "list_data_key" all the time then, obvious you're overwriting stuff.
@bhuvin So you can send notifications from .NET to an app running on one of those devices?
Good morning.
ya my id is overriding,but i dont want that
how can i do that with out overriding
of course u can
@steve This is programming 101, learn about dictionaries and hashsets please.
@RoelvanUden list_data_key is just a variable name
And what happens if you set something with the same key in a dictionary?
@steve Looks like you are overwriting the same memory location
I can't watch Naruto at work.. WHY? Anyone a know a good proxy site?
Naruto sucks
Ebichu FTW
Naruto doesn't suck! GTFO!
You are kidding right?
never seen Ebichu?????
omg :(
Ebichu = NSFW btw
Why is it not safe?
"Ebichu is very adult in nature, and its explicit violence, innuendo, and sex scenes could only be shown on DirecTV Japan. The uncut version of the series is only found on DVD"
is a manga series by Risa Itō that was published by Futabasha Publishers. It later became an anime produced by Gainax, but animated by Group TAC. It first aired as six eight-minute episodes in 1999 as one third of the show Modern Love's Silliness. Ebichu is very adult in nature, and its explicit violence, innuendo, and sex scenes could only be shown on DirecTV Japan. The uncut version of the series is only found on DVD. The show is done in a simplistic art style, and its sexual content is played for laughs rather than for fanservice. Plot Most episodes follow Ebichu, a talking ham...
I just did another Sasuke laugh... unbelievable.
anyway I watched first 40 eps of naruto and it was too much rehashing
@LewsTherin You can configure a proxy at home and use it, that's how I access my media and games when work doesn't want it.
like DBZ, omg
And Bleach, Fairy Tail, etc. All long-running shows eventually end up like that.
That's the same as "We have to save Rukia in 1 hour!" -- 15 episodes later they finally rescue her.
@RoelvanUden Is that RDC?
@RoelvanUden :4886414 lol
What is RDC?
Remote desktop..
Oh, no, an actual proxy. I use FreeProxy at my home server and proxifier to tunnel traffic through my home proxy when I am at work. I can specifically select what to proxy, app-specific, so it's pretty convenient.
So I use Chrome for normal business stuff and I tunnel FireFox through the proxy to access stuff I wouldn't be allowed access to :P
Sounds really complicated :(
It's really easy. Any dork can do it, no skill involved, just clicking buttons.
FreeProxy is that all?
Thanks, something to do at last :)
It's pretty powerful, it can tunnel anything through a single port, so as long as you can access one port (80) on your work place, you can tunnel to any port to do anything, i.e. play games that are blocked by IP (World of Warcraft or other MMO's for example :P). Not very productive, but hey, funny as hell.
I wish I knew of this, so I could have done it at college
Would have saved me a miserable 3.5 years
That's how I got through haha.
Lol, very cool :P

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