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assuming that's where you want to see your currency
that's what I thought
it gives me a green squiggle though under the label
Does it say why?
expected ;
at least its not a red squiggle
how do u kill time on fridays?
at our place friday afternoons are 'google time'
i.e. work on pet projects
hey can anyone help me in converting a xml treeview nodes to a xml file with xstl?
im feeling sooo sick but i cant go home in last few hours becuz ive received death threats by my boss for taking 3 days off in a period of 3 months :S so i have to somehow kill the like 2 hours
pet projects is probably worth giving a try i suppose..
That'll kill a few hours.
Hey Billdr thanks for your help but I have to run to a meeting I will try to figure out a solution to the money issue later
@rogcg what's a 'treeview nodes'?
its just a black screen kendall
@TomW sorry. I mean the treeview itself. each node would be a tag on xml file
Uh, yes.
im missing adobe flash
downloading it now
@rogcg so you just want to transform an xml file? OK, go on then, I know some xslt
@TomW well. actually I have the xml already built. What I'm doing is, I'm using drag and drop to organize the treeview nodes position. But, for each node I change the position, I have to change it in the current xml file. got it?
where does the xslt come in?
that game is tooo bright, people behind me will be like wtf.....
@TomW well. I got an advise that using xstl would made it easier than implement the entire logic in c#
since xstl got that programming features too
i do like the rpg section of that site
@hamburger I am like wtf. Too bright?
OK, do you mean XSLT or is XSTL something else I don't know about?
Wait, when did you change your name to hamburger?
XSTL. sorry
and the XML to be update is allocated on memory.
its bright pink
that game
@rogcg I'm not sure the advice you've received is very good. XSLT can be considered a functional transformation f(x) => x - it takes an x (xml tree) and returns an x (xml tree) - according to some fixed rules. To do what you're talking about would require writing a new transform for each user action - because the mapping from source document to result document is determined by user input
@TomW got it.. thats what i'm thininking. I'm gonna have to parse the file, and search for the node == node.Tag. something like this..
@rogcg What about using XmlNodes?
You could do something like composition of functions, perhaps
@walkingTarget yeah. maybe that
its too complicated. I'm thinking of the easiest and faster way
parse the file searching tag by tag is kinda odd.
It seems easy to tag a TreeNode with the XmlNode it represents
but looks like the simplest way
@KendallFrey dis da stuff onemorelevel.com/game/bowmaster
so when a tree node starts a drag operation, push an anonymous function that removes node from parent node onto a queue...when it's dropped somewhere, push another function that adds node to parent node onto the queue...if the drag-drop is allowed, execute each of the queued methods in turn
christ on a bike, I'm thinking in haskell
@TomW i have this code for now.. paste.ubuntu.com/1139615
There is the ItemDrag event for when a node is dragged, I guess the inherited DragDrop might occurs when it ends
Kinda a hassle though, I wish there was a specific event for ItemDragEnd, NodeMoved or something
Does TreeView support dragging and dropping nodes itself or are you having to handle those events on the control and amend the structure of the treeview based on where it starts and finishes?
@TomW it supports
it has its own functions
It doesn't look like it
@TomW no.. u mean the inner implementation? yes - but the events are native
You're adding and removing nodes 'by hand' in that code snippet. I was asking whether TreeView knew that 'drag node a from parent b onto parent c' means 'take TreeNode a out of parent b and add it to parent c'
no.. i dont think so..
OK, but anyway, you seem to have that part reasonably well handled
yeah. I just need now to update the xml which is allocated on memory - btw, the treeview was generated from this xml. which means, I can only reverse the operation, but only with a few changes, etc..
it is basically getting the node.Tag which contains the path for the node in xml file. just like accessing an array. got it?
You can use XmlDocument to manage the corresponding node actions, I think. XmlNode.RemoveChild should work fine
indeed. the operation to render the treeview uses XmlDocument
Q: Pay Pal Adaptive Payment Api request

Scott SelbyI am trying to connect to paypal using the adaptive payment API , I followed the instructions in this question here , and modified it to work for me to make a valid request. My question is - how do I pass the first name , last name, address, ect. to paypal in the request so that when it redir...

I'm never going to get an answer to that, it is way to specific a question
Thanks for the tip. closes as too localized jk ;)
This is too specific and localized:
Q: Custom Control does not match Dictionary Entry

Kian MayneBackground: (Feel free to skip this section - But it's here if you need it) I'm writing a program that allows a user to view their school/college timetable on a computer, and in the future, much more. This particular segment of code is part of the Setup process where the user inputs what their t...

@KendallFrey couldn't find the last 4%, took me 10 mins :(
Did you know: C++ doesn't support circular references in classes/
@klut Did you finish it? I got stuck at 96% too (and a lot of other people)
I can't think of anything to paint on my desk :/
Any ideas?
96% is an A, i'll leave it at that
@KianMayne MegaMan
good thing you got a thorough answer
@KianMayne A portrait of Jon Skeet.
to bad it was from you though
@KendallFrey As in a =b;b=c;c=a; ?
@KendallFrey It has to be a stencil
@ScottSelby Haha
paint deadmau5
@LewsTherin As in class A { B b; }; class B { A a; };
@KendallFrey Why is it not called bidirectional references? Confuses me all the time.
Why is that better than circular?
Circular is more general.
How would that work and what are the implications?
@KendallFrey I don't think it does, because B isn't compiled when it is used...?
Different from circular.
@LewsTherin Assume it has been declared beforehand.
Isn't that impossible?
@KianMayne It wouldn't. Every A contains a B contains an A contains a B...
Is the compiling "procedural"?
You can forward-declare it like this: class B;
@KendallFrey And vice versa? Lol
@KendallFrey Of course.
Q: A -> B, B -> A classes association

tobiThis code doesn't do anything special. It's just a snippet to show the problem with forward declarations. Just a short question: why doesn't it work and how to force it to work? class A; class B { A obj; public: int getB() const { return 0; } void doSmth() { int ...

It's the same as structs in C#.
@KendallFrey If you forward-declare, though, you can basically only have a pointer or reference in one direction or the other
@cHao No, circular reference is allowed with pointers (references).
hey , are you allowed to use more then one <form> in html page if you're using something other then .Net ?
Just like C#, but in C#, all classes are references.
It seems like google is trying to get me to have seperate form's on a page
In C#, structs can't contain circular references.
@KendallFrey that's what i mean. You can't have an A that contains a whole B, and B contains a whole A. the best you can get is having a pointer in at least one of those classes.
It really sucks that I can't fully learn C++. So complicated.
C++ is like C# without classes.
@LewsTherin You're lucky if you can fully learn any language (except brainfuck)
@KendallFrey s/without/with the ability to do without/
@KendallFrey Adequately learn! xD
Why would someone star "Why write my own when one exists?". For fun, everyone should make at least a decent open framework for everyone to use. :(
@AndréSilva Working on it.
even bf, you can't really fully master. Sure, the syntax and operations are simple, but doing anything useful involves patterns that'd make your head hurt :)
Tru dat
@KendallFrey What are you working on ? ?
Once you get C++ mastered, move on to Malbolge.
@AndréSilva LINQ clone for JS.
It's gonna be awesome.
@KendallFrey Cool, need some help? ( I doubt I can help. buuuuut )
Lol how good are you at Javascript?
@KendallFrey How close are you to finished?
You need to use Linux too.
Ah, I don't use Linux at work. :(
About 20%?
@AndréSilva Me neither.
And I can't access my virtual machine from work. :(
Feels bad man.
I do testing on Node.
i'd be happy just to have a decent linq for php. but that's probably not going to happen without writing a php parser :P
And Node doesn't work on Windows.
@KendallFrey does so
Well, on cygwin, which doesn't count.
i've installed it on a windows box to play with before
not with cygwin. native.
Does anyone know where I could download the windows start screen background
@KianMayne Google?
I've tried
"two models one view" is a search term I'm not sure I want logged permanently on my account.
i just installed node v0.8.6 on windows
I read that it only works on cygwin. Must have been old docs.
probably. they have a native windows installer, even
it's spiffier than even i remember
now, for native extensions, you'd probably need a certain os (or at least a certain compiler for each os)
idk if this is reallly reallly weird
but i was playing this game where u shoot this object as far as possible
@hamburger if you have to ask, chances are it is :)
i shot it and as it dropped down
i felt like it was actually dropping
n starting getting that "ticklish" feeling
that u get when ur going downhill
And then your chair fell over backwards.
i jus looked away quickly :P
im possibly sensitive to virtual motion ?
good thing im not hulk
or id go berserk from pixels
so many pixels, so little time
once you go black there is no coming back---black body builder from white chicks
how to add a XmlNode before or after a specific node on a xml file. XmlDocument.CreateElement would be the best to use?
@hamburger wtf?
lews never seen that movie?
its hilarious
What movie?
white chicks
I haven't.
you must!
Hamburger = Nadal btw...
I ignored nadal.
Just him.
And hamburger is ignored too...
And when I replied to Nadal, it said hamburger.
Yeah so...
@Nadal hello there mr! looking good today :P
...it's obvious.
wtb ban
if name changes on SO were a ban then changing genders would lead to execution
If having 5 SO accounts...
the name isn't what warrants it - it is the content.
@rogcg Before or after - you mean as a sibling?
having 5 moms and dads...
@walkingTarget yes. as a sibling. But I must chec if it comes before or after, because It's added with drag and drop on a treeview
@rogcg Call XmlNode.InsertAfter or XmlNode.InsertBefore on the parent node?
@walkingTarget i guess that would work
I just need to know how to detect if its being added before or after
@hamburger Why change your name?
i had a dream that i was named hamburger on SO
and i had this green display
so i went n changed my name ot hamburger
and my display automatically changed to green
Very believable, yes.
really though
You don't have a very good reputation for telling the truth.
and i care why?
You should care.
i never care what ppl think
unless they are close to me
otherwise there are 7 billion people on the planet
i live to see the day you have a dream your SO name is Captain Obvious
if i cared about even those that are around me, i wouldnt be who i am, i would become what the society wants me to be
@walkingTarget well. while debugging, I've seen that the drag and drop feature, always add it after the node. so if the user wants to add it before a node, he must add it after the previous node. LOL simple and odd at same time
If you don't care, why are you on SO?
some media scullpted structure
oh to get help when im stuff on sumthing im not familiar to
@hamburger So full of yourself? Lol
and learn stuff
Who's this hamburger dude? o_o
@RoelvanUden village idiot
@RoelvanUden Nadal
@KendallFrey Ahhh! That explains a lot :D
@hamburger You don't seem to be putting much effort into learning. You just post NSFW stuff on the chat.
@Nadal - Yes, you wouldn't be obnoxious nor crude. Those around you don't want you to conform, they just want you to contribute. Your ignorance is no excuse to produce flawed logic or exploit situations.
no matter what favours u do for a human being, they will always forget. so do favours without expecting something in return and hold no expectation to anyone....kendall i do that when i need a laugh, honestly this application i am working with is soooo dry....ive been working on it for 3 months now...it was given to me in 30k lines of asp.net code on my first day and it has 50 stored procedures, 200 db tables, 0 documentation, 0 commenting, spaghetti code, no one in office has any clue of how
it works, basically written by 7 different people over a period of 5 years
and for past 3 months ive been debugging it all on my own and writing new functionalities into it....just really dry n boring stuff...
@hamburger says, "I am my own being, i have not been effected by any surroundings, I am me, not what society wants me to be".... then becomes male pig and posts near naked pictures of models in a chat full of men because he wants to fit in with all the people he thinks are sculpted by the media. CONFUSED.
everyone around had been suggesting to rewrite it but thats not my call
@hamburger - So ask for help, or point out some dry part of your code. We are here as a community.
im doing it on my own, i am almost done it
but its a really dry n boring task
did i mention? there is no version control either
did you implement one?
i cant download any software so i have been doing my own documentation and version controlling with notepad++
Sometimes I use poor mans version control (zipping)
@Steve Did you watch the trailer yet?
i also had to fix some major bugs left by the first coder himself AND i had to change much of the existing code because he "hardcoded" A LOT of things and left raw SQL code in the C# files
Was the db relational?
overal it was a very boring task but I am just about done with it, had to sit n understand how it all worked
microsoft sql server management studio
I mean, were the tables connected with foreign or composite keys?
i am not sure what that is
the tables had a common column in them called uniquecolid
the tables were pretty F-ed up too, corrupt records, duplicates, messed up primary keys, no order
table1Id (primary key)
table2Id (foreign key)

table2Id (primary key)

Table1's table2Id links the tables together forming a relation
@walkingTarget it worked!
wasnt connected
And a composite key would be a combination of unique fields IIRC
corrupt records and duplicate keys are a pain
@Lews - Yeah, I didn't include that one :P
Composite keys can be complex
@hamburger I feel for you anyways. I hate databases.
@hamburger i'm in the same boathouse as you, except my original developer turned off all exception throwing while in debug mode and coded like that. turn them on and get to see all of her errors now.
@klut LOL
they said it was spaghetti code and the guy that started writing this worked his way from "hello world" and he was an electrical engineer lol
smite you @LewsTherin
@klut Sorry but that's funny.
fortunately the next guy that will pick up on this app will have me training him on this so he atleast has guidance where as i didnt have anyone
@hamburger - lol so he must have left a lot of tangled messes of wires laying around too
why don't you use visual studio though?
it was written over a period of 5 years, every 4 months a new guy came
i am using visual studio
oh damn
Ah, just notepad++ for versioning
TortoiseSVN is free, can't you download that?
i forgot to add :P
they gave me a "test" version of the app while the production was having changes in schema
so i had to constantly record every change i made so i could later move my changes to the new version of the app
but like you ham, she left the company, no one knows the code, no comments, a UML diagram that only displayed the names of the projects, which wasn't even UML. life sucks ay?
lews these people are the police, they are strict as fuk about what they download, i had to send in a request to download firefox and move away from IE8 and that request took 2 weeks
all the software we have in use and laying around are 15-20 year old
Well honestly, I am surprised the company hasn't shut down.
taxes pay the bills it wont shut down
the best part is they funded this project 6 figures that would cost 6 figures to replace their old software. it was to be rewritten redesigned and everything. I compared previous version and new version, new version was written parallel to old version, just updated graphics. if only the business unit knew.
Q: Creating a strongly typed view based on a custom model

BilldrI have need of a view that combines two entity models. I created a class that looks like this: using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Mvc; using FSDS.DataModels; namespace FSDS.WebUX.Models { public partial class ChainandJob ...

didn't you say you weren't being paid @hamburger?
Where am I going wrong?
@klut i am being paid, im on a university internship term
are they paying your credits for the internship, or paying you directly?
@Billdr Where all the fields? What?
i get an internship credit for university and then payment as well
@LewsTherin Shouldn't the scaffolding generate inputs for all of the properties of my objects?
I don't think so..
You need to specify each element, or use a loop, if you can do so.
Hmm. When I generate scaffolding against the objects themselves it does.
Scaffolding you mean Html.BeginForm()?
From that code, it should only generate a button.. and the link of course
@OutlawLemur no i forgot to
Make sure to
send me a note
that has the link
before i went into uni i was playing 20 different sports everyday and then when i went over to uni all the kids around me "did math for fun" and found "cbc news music to their ears"

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