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10:00 AM
What loan?
you mean salary?
Who are these people with the power to take money you haven't given them?
you gambled?
from my monthly wage
so I would get payed less
10:01 AM
Wait, but if you do come, they won't dock your wages?
and that is blackmailing at its best
So they'll pay for your food if you eat it, but will make you pay for it if you don't eat it?
if i dont show up
I don't know the laws where you are, but I'm not sure that's legal.
if you do show up... will you get the 60 euros? (via your salary ofcourse)
10:02 AM
@Wietlol He will get the food and drink the company purchased, priced at 60eur per person.
then hans paid for it
@Hans1984 show up, take 60eur worth of food and drink
then leave
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan do you know anything about web service?
@Wietlol No, because there was no transaction. Company says: "sign up for the party, there'll be free food and drink!". People sign up, company purchases food and drink. Now, company wants to force encourage people to actually show up, they threaten a penalty for anyone who doesn't.
this is a very common thing, where the company is like "ok, everyone can come, but needs to pay a bit for it, so, to avoid taxes, we can take it from your salary"
10:04 AM
like 2 people from our office went to the company party lmao
well all i know is it wasnt like this at my last company
Again, I'm not sure that's legal to do unilaterally.
I didnt show up and nothing was taken from me
@Hans1984 Did you sign up?
Or is this a global "we'll dock your pay if you don't come to the office party"?
Because I'm almost certain the latter is illegal.
I assume the first
> each person who signed up for the party
10:05 AM
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan it was more of a verbal agreement
but here it was a written list with your name on it
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan It certainly is
and im very tempted to not show up and take this to court
Still, it's no different than saying "we gave you a work task and you didn't finish it in time, so we're docking your pay". If your wages are monthly and not task-based, than this is just another work task.
i probably will
@Hans1984 I would tell them that you dont really want to go and have your money back
at least, make sure they know you dont like the "new" rules
i was about to go there
but after i read that sign i wont
if they still keep it, then follow Captain Squirrel's advice
10:06 AM
this is inacceptable behavior
@Hans1984 Ah, now that's a different thing. If you wanna go, go. Don't punish yourself for their stupdity.
I punish myself by going there
I have better things to do with my freetime
In the netherlands, there is a special law that you must (have had the chance to) know that what you did was wrong
cant punish people for doing something of which they didnt know it was wrong
That's different, then. If you think it'll be fun - go. If not - don't go, and don't let them take your money for it.
I was importing a .bacpac on a vm
10:08 AM
the same law (I think) also forbids changing rules during stuff like this
last i checked it was still going
so like "sign up, it will be fun"
then my connection died to the vm & the window restarted
and then later on come back and say "oh, well, you signed up, so you have to pay €60"
at that moment, the "contract" changes
and people have to re-accept it (or rather... re-evaluate at least)
Hey all
10:09 AM
and now i've logged back into it and it's like i just started the vm
Not sure if database has imported or...
There is a list with entries including values like: id which might have duplicates, how is it possible to get a dictionary or such with an id as a key and first sorted by date column entry as a value? Where entries look like: [231, foo, bar, 239], [1412, foo, bar, 312], [231, foo, bar, 781] ...
@Wietlol exactly
I blame hans and his hat hacking
this 60€ thing wasnt mentioned when i signed up on the list
so the contract changed without my agreement
Tried: var test2 = test1.GroupBy(a => a.col1, (key, g) => g.OrderBy(c => c.col2).FirstOrDefault());
Doesn't work
10:10 AM
well... there you go
@CaptainSquirrel FITE ME !
Returns list with keys like 0, 1 when col1 has values like 231, 1412 as above
if you rather have the €60 over the party... you at least had to have a change to say no
@Wietlol to be fair, if i signed up for the christmas party
@ZMAX If you have a question, ask it. Oh, and ask the room. Not someone specific.
10:12 AM
and then had a "you need to attend or you get money deducted from your salary"
I'd be pissed too
anyone can help me through team viewer
another reason to resign
I just can't figure it out what is the issue
@ZMAX describe your issue and if anyone can help you, they will try
there is a windows service that I installed into server
10:13 AM
@V.7 that example data does not look like relevant data
then this windows service use web service url like
It's just an example. Currently, it's a return list with SQL query results from EF
now whenever I am trying to deploy web service it says configuration error
Is it your website?
this is web service
my web site is xyz.com
10:16 AM
@V.7 wth is this
var t = new DataTable();
t.Rows.Add(231, "foo", "bar", 239);
t.Rows.Add(1412, "foo", "bar", 312);
t.Rows.Add(231, "foo", "bar", 781);
return t.Rows.Cast<DataRow>().GroupBy(a => a[0], (key, g) => g.OrderBy(c => c[3]).FirstOrDefault());
-!!>Input array is longer than the number of columns in this table.
you get a grouped result
I think you need to flatten first
every time I deploy web service I get web.config error
The need is to return list like: [231, [231, foo, bar, 239]], [1412, [1412, foo, bar, 312]]
SelectMany(it => it.Value)
Or [231, [foo, bar, 239]], [1412, [foo, bar, 312]]
So, entries with key like an id from col1 and one entire entry as a value
10:20 AM
the problem with having a convoluted system is that you don't understand any of the logic, and it takes you hours just to uncover some god-forsaken sql table with data you don't understand that apparently has to do with your particular problem
So you have to ask for help, and because it's convoluted, nobody knows how the hell to help you..
@Neil wat
the ones who do are the ones always solving problems and are way busy
@Neil that depends if the people that made the system to begin with have buggered off
@V.7 It wasn't meant to be referred to you
Oh, sorry
10:22 AM
@CaptainSquirrel probably
@ZMAX The error should give you more information. You might need to disable, in your web.config, that directive that suprresses detailed error messages.
Regardless, though - asmx? That technology stack has been deprecated for years.
10:22 AM
I'm literally staring at log messages trying to understand why something failed only to find out that some code CAM wasn't in a list of other attributes associated with a particular account
why doesn't it have a CAM? how tf should I know?
what is a freakin' CAM
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan still on our production environment :D
As you may notice, keys are 0, 1
!~> () => {
    return new []
    new { id = 231, name = "foo", type = "bar", date = 239, },
    new { id = 1412, name = "food", type = "bark", date = 312, },
    new { id = 231, name = "foo", type = "bar", date = 781, },
	.GroupBy(it => it.id)
	.Select(group => group
		.OrderBy(it => it.date)
	.Aggregate((l, r) => l + "," + r);
!=>"{ id = 231, name = foo, type = bar, date = 239 },{ id = 1412, name = food, type = bark, date = 312 }"
izi pizi
10:28 AM
how tf do you blur stuff so quick
teach me this black magic
using a tool
@CaptainSquirrel ShareX
@V.7 those arent the keys, those are the indices
10:30 AM
if you want keys, then you should try a dictionary
@HéctorÁlvarez o7
ah fuck, I lost my dark SO styles
@HéctorÁlvarez use DarkReader
I want another hog roast sammich from the christmas markets
10:30 AM
For chrome
Dark Reader?
That sure is a wierd way to say SO Dark Chat
It's an extension which makes any website darker
10:31 AM
Hello! everyone
@V.7 I tried that in the past, but it doesn't work very well overlal
@HéctorÁlvarez It got upgrade
hmmm OK let's try
testing some code because why not
10:32 AM
@CaptainSquirrel DarkReader is universal
SO Dark Chat has other functionality than just making chat dark
Does it work on main site?
Does it work on other sites?
Hence the name "Dark Chat"
10:33 AM
Although, @Wietlol you mean ToDictionary()?
The advantage of Styler over those 2 extensions however is that I can change all the styles to fit me personally
Yes, Styler is good
For example, I made all code have a dark background and green console-like color
I had learnt asp.net MVC and developed a simple registration project. Now I want to know more and develop functionality in the real-time world. Recently I came to know about Blazor.
it's easy to find code with that
this dark SO extension adds those weird colored lines
too distracting
10:34 AM
I want to know prerequisites for learning Blazor.
dark reader outputs a better end result
As i have seen is comes under the asp.net core 3.0.
The multicoloured lines are a blessing for me :D
how is that
10:37 AM
@HéctorÁlvarez helps with figuring out which messages are which
When I'm reading occasionally, my eyes will jump lines
@HéctorÁlvarez Also it has options to customize styles for each website and choose some kinds of brightness/contrast and such
It normally happens if i'm reading a book
God I hate this import so much
Hi @CaptainSquirrel
10:39 AM
@V.7 Ye I used it in the past, but it didn't work for me.
@HéctorÁlvarez You might want to give it a one more try
@V.7 ye
a dictionary is a key-value collection
a list is an ordered collection (with indices)
I had learned asp.net MVC and developed a simple registration project. Now I want to know more and develop functionality in the real-time world. Recently I came to know about Blazor. I want to know prerequisites for learning Blazor? Can you please suggest me how can i approach further? @CaptainSquirrel
30 mins ago, by Avner Shahar-Kashtan
@ZMAX If you have a question, ask it. Oh, and ask the room. Not someone specific.
@VenkataShivaram The prerequisites are finding a Blazor tutorial and reading it.
10:42 AM
For learning blazor, your best bet is to go here dotnet.microsoft.com/apps/aspnet/web-apps/blazor
read the tutorials and docs
give yourself a task
Complete said task with blazor
Yeah definitely will do for sure.@CaptainSquirrel
I have a doubt here? Is it necessary to know about asp.net core in order to learn for Blazor?@CaptainSquirrel
I mean, i would think so
My understanding is that the two would work together
@CaptainSquirrel Okey will start from here as you said.
who needs capricas cat command anyway
now i got doggo command
we need more fatcat commands
@Hans1984 omegalul
10:52 AM
that was my spirit animal
There should exist an extension to automatically hide images on SO chats after customized period
@V.7 true
unfortunatly theres not
theres only poor hans doing it
does nybot do it automatically ?
I think so
I might try some with userscript and share it some day soon
the timer should be like 3minutes
or 2
10:56 AM
me after christmas meals
angry fat cat
because persian usually looking fat
and angry
11:02 AM
no? only some
@nyconing lolol
whatever it means
@HéctorÁlvarez awww
11:05 AM
This database import is about .5gb less then the total max space i have on the vm
this gon be fun
i have a computer in office have C: Local Disk 0mb free
ooo shit
not gud
11:08 AM
@CaptainSquirrel STAPH
and now i have 772kb left
11:09 AM
Actually Windows still can be able to boot up when there is no free space
I dont know why
@CaptainSquirrel quick, delete system32 before you run out!!!
I have 0 bytes left now
mysteries of the universe:
1)windows booting up with no space left
Maybe I might try fill it up after delete the page file, see Windows still boot?
2) me having 2020 hat
11:10 AM
I don't understand how this is being shit tho
last time i imported this, it worked with less space
Managed to free up an extra 2gb
its still stuck
it is assimilating space again
feed hazelnut hooman!
import successful bois
11:29 AM
i just went from to 0 to 100 in one click
from having about 10 lines in my json
to about 3000
yesterday a coworkers pc couldnt connect to the printer so he couldnt print
then i removed the printer from his pc and searched fro it again and installed it
after i tried to print one page the printer started a 6000 page print
found out it were the wrong printer drivers
it was printign hyroglyphs on every page
i had to pull the plug
that was terrible
@Hans1984 the only way i can print 100% of the time on our office printer, is by going to the printer settings on the network via its ip & sending the files directly to it over a browser
I had to do that for the boarding passes when we had the company holiday
thats anoying
the printer just went full retard
and tried to print 6k pages full of nonesense
it was very stressfull
right before i was about to go home
stayed 1hour longer to fix this sheet
11:38 AM
@Hans1984 happened to me when I'm doing an Android app that prints via bluetooth.
the reason is I entered an incorrect byte[] command
for me it were the wrong printer drivers that caused it
how it would even print if it's a wrong driver?
at first i thought a co-worker was printing so i waited
for like 50 pages
then i went to her and asked her how many more pages shes going to print
she said shes not printing any
then i was like "faaaaakk"
you probably have the same issue like mine. the printer must know which format of image you are printing
it installed those wrong drivers
11:40 AM
it was printing the ASCII translation of the binary content of the image
and i could sent a print command
it was accepting the printer and everything
but with the wrong drivers
i removed the printer
reinstalled it, added the right drivers and it worked fine
is it communicating via wires?
but it is also on a server
prints base64 image into paper?
why is every European I encounter here in this chat always using the old fashion
11:43 AM
I dont know what it was printing
i looked like printer language for printers
maybe it was sending out SOS
..on6k pages
@mr5 using the old fashion?
no, i think it was some unicode
since there were a lot of ☐
@CaptainSquirrel a printer communicating via wires is old fashion; I sometimes still hear vb.NET here; Buttler is still proud of his win32/MFC app; etc...
and crystal reports too
who uses it these days?
11:48 AM
Ahhhhh i see
crystal reports shudder
or it's just that we're dealing with new customers
and lucky we don't maintain a decade-old code base
I think it's probably that
Why did Aldmeri Dominion fall into a weak position during the war, but let Skyrim sign the truce convention of injustice, white gold aggrement? Are people in Skyrim lacking in IQ?
Because he did not praise Talos
who's Shenzou?
you mean Thanos?
11:56 AM
Do not. That's the Bethesda story line
@nyconing wat
next year TES 6
i got a cut on my finger next to my nail
and i brought some soap into it while washing my hands
ugh this pain
call 911

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