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12:01 PM
It is difficult to cut into the dermis
I'll show you how to do it...
Don't, otherwise I'll call 911
Hans in the germany tries to suicide lol
But 911 doesn't seem to work in Malaysia
it doesnt work in germany either
its 112 over here
now that i can access wt.social
i found out its a leftist site full of bullshit agenda
12:06 PM
@Hans1984 lol maybe you loaded the Rosetta drivers by mistake?=
@Hans1984 Hopefully TES7 will be developed by the people that made Outer worlds, Bethesda always makes shit games...
i like bethesda games
I still don't know why people actually bought FO76 and TES online
at least most of them
they might have decreased
I only bought FO76 because the missus wanted me to try playing it with her
12:08 PM
but they are still more original than 80% of the gaming industry
@nyconing yes
FONV had the devs of outer worlds. Skyrim and Oblivion were both unfinished and required several years of modders outputting the work that bugthesda declined to do
i thought it would be some facebook alternative
but its just full of leftist crap
Hm. Why debugger shows dictionary with indexes like 0, 1 ... when keys are actually different?
conspiracy and stuff
basically worthless
atleast for me
because dictionary have index too
12:10 PM
Maybe you're using a sorted dictionary?
the humor of the obsidian devs is one of a kind
and i love that kind of humor
dictionaries should have indices.
too bad it can only be found in two games: FONV and TOW
@HéctorÁlvarez Basic ToDctionary() from LINQ query
So, indices or indexes?
12:12 PM
noun: index; plural noun: indexes; plural noun: indices
Both are admitted.
@HéctorÁlvarez did you get TOW yet ?
But the original one is indices. However in order to make it common-tongue-compliant they also added the standard singular word + plural suffix
@Hans1984 No
ppl are lying on the game time all over the place
they are saying they finished it in 20 hours or even less
Are you about Anti Tank Missile @Hans1984?
I wonder what game they played
12:14 PM
My Monster Hunter save file are now hit max value on play time
im approaching the last planet(final part of the game) and im at 48hours
in Skyrim if you steal a horse and rush the main mission it might take very little
also smart use of waypoints
You have time playing games?
of course I do
why wouldnt I
12:15 PM
what you think im doing? working all day long?
LMAO that's <3
i tried that for 2 years
nothing but working
I had no life left then i resigned
never agin...
@nyconing wos dat
although compared to my youth i barely play
12:17 PM
maybe 10hours a week at best
I've been playing my VR alot more recently tho
it used to be 50hours +
I only play less because I work 40h a week
i remember one day i played morrowind for 14 hours straight
it was a sunday
I'll never forget that day
but I spend much more time in front of the computer overall
When I was at school I usually wasted every afternoon because every teacher every day gave me 6 hours worth of homework
plus the extra activities
12:18 PM
@HéctorÁlvarez atleast its real coins this time not virtual coins ;)
like playing some sport, which was mandatory, after class
If i only had 1 cent for every coin i made in every game I ever played..
right now theres not a single pc game out im interested in
I havent bought yet
im playing d.i.r.t. rally I got it for free
you should try that game, it's soo good
I never played a rally game in my life but this game got me hooked
and thats saying something
so hows the new borderlands ?
has anyone played it ?
I started playing the first one a while ago. Started off nice. Got boring pretty quickly.
gran turismo is much better IMO
and so is Forza
GT I have on my PS, with VR
12:28 PM
much better than ?
so realistic when I took my first curve with it on, I tripped down my chair
than DIRT rally
I havent played them Im not huge on racing/rally games
all I know is that im having a lot of fun with dirt rally
do you own a wheel ?
steering wheel
this person also has the glasses
mother of god
lmao what the thumbnail here is different from the one on SO
@HéctorÁlvarez LOL fuck that
12:31 PM
also that's not how you do 2020 glasses; the zeroes are supposed to be the lenses
that's not exactly what I have, but it's close
I prefer my version
the idea is the 2s are kinda small
or at least overlap the 0s border a bit
they have to be very small for it to look good
12:35 PM
here lemme load it on imgur...
Concept art: .-²0²0*-.
LOL ok but first someone on imgur saw my spotify 2019 wrapped and was like "what year is it?"
do you wear them at work? right now ?
rofl no
12:36 PM
I haven't even unpacked them and won't do so until the new year
The asterisk is whatever piece of trash you put to compensate for the floating leading 2
@HéctorÁlvarez ye
I think I'm missing one channel in my 5.1
some instruments are missing in a few songs...
I think it believes it's a 7.1 or something
either that, or all my other headphones and earbuds don't have enough channels, and what I'm hearing is the stuff that didn't exist previously.
That looks ugly
12:40 PM
better than what he showed me
Look at the middle 2, with a midget bottom line compared to the first one...
but okay I can see it somewhat
but the twos are too big imo
whatever works for you
Well, neither are good, but Hans' at least have consistent color, consistent font without hacks on the middle 2, and also add some extra on the right to compensate for the floating 2 on the left.
12:41 PM
I was advised by the Japan visa agencythat my passport would likely be denied with that slight damage
What do you guys think?
how are we supposed to tell
I think your passport is ugly too
I think they have probably more knowledge about it than me
it doesnt look like a lot of damage to me
Yeah after 73 years of experience in the industry, I can tell your passport is void.
Jokes aside, it should not be wrong, there are no cuts or major defects.
12:44 PM
All pages still looks brand new. Although it was said that there's an embedded chip on it, I highly doubt that it wouldn't work anymore
@mr5 the'll decline your passport due to a bit of wear and tear to the edge?
but then its japan
that's dumb
it has to look perfect
or invalid !
edited at the last moment
IDK why "shouldn't" translated as "should" in my head.
12:46 PM
I told the agency that let the judgment be from embassy's side. I have read some articles that even though their passport have dried puked on it, it still got accepted
Is it possible to get somewhat like ObservableDictionary?
I'm on my phone so excuse for slow response
Currently trying to set a view property to Dictionary
@CaptainSquirrel that's what the agency told me (not the embassy)
So, new ObservableCollection<int, rowType>(rowTypesDic) doesn't work because expects a List<int, rowType>
12:48 PM
Good morning.
It's 1448 here
Hi, its 2019 here
this time i have a white chocolate crispy protein bar with me
it's soo yummy
probably the best of them
@Hans1984 Dunno why I read that as "white chocolate crispy bacon bar" at first.
12:50 PM
@HéctorÁlvarez have you got your passport damaged?
white chocolate and...raspberries?
@HéctorÁlvarez yeah it's ugly and low quality. I'm from shithole country so it's an excuse
@mr5 NullArgumentException: The variable passport is null. User has no passport.
@mr5 I was kidding, IDK how a passport looks like
12:52 PM
@nyconing yeah somewhat like this
doood you gotta read the previous jokes.
but no raspberries
just crips and white chocolate
the only one that actually tastes like white chocolate and crisp
the other ones just taste like proteins
nice passport you got there
Weird way to write MENFIELD split apart so far, like they actually meant M and ENFIELD separately.
12:54 PM
my passport picture looks awfull aswell as my driver license or any other licence/document picture I have
I want a new Daft Punk album nowwwww
I'm too ugly to be handsome, both in pictures and real life
so whatever
sorry I can't relate to these passport images....other than to say I used to be an IT guy for an immigration firm
12:55 PM
And you made me hungry
I have an old bus ticket with a picture from like 15 years ago
I look so fucked up on it
If it helps @HéctorÁlvarez i'm going to a sandwich shop soon
i kept it just for the giggles
to have a laugh from time to time
and i'm going to get a cheese steak baguette with mushrooms and onions
I might get a selection of different meats
Hi all! I want to know which are the best book in C# must-read for beginners?
12:58 PM
....there are books?
I have seen like head first c# and C# in depth by Jon Skeet. So I am unable to choose from them?
I don't really know anyone who's learned C# from books.
Jon Skeet is probably a good source
Yeah! Generally, i have a habit of learning by paper and pen work.
yes@Hans1984 will check!
1:02 PM
I ate a kebab with all the fixings and a side of fries and a coke
I could sleep right now. It wouldn't be that hard at all
Make sure you get the latest edition of any book you find. The language changes quite a bit, and if yo get a copy from before major milestones like async/await or .NET Core, you'll miss out of a lot of modern concepts and techniques.
that's why, for all of my life, I only bring a bread with soem sausage with me to work
@Neil want
because when I eat heavy I get tired
so I only eat heavy/warm at home
I had a sunday roast in a yorkshire pudding wrap yesterday
and a hog roast barm
so gud
1:04 PM
it's already hard enough to pull through the workday..
it sucks to only eat warm in the evening
but hey
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Yep! Important one. Will make note of it
I'll be honest, a yorkshire pudding wrap doesn't sound particularly appetizing
except the weekends of course
let me google that
@Hans1984 does it still get accepted when you travel?
1:05 PM
@Neil mate
10/10 would eat again
and i'm not the biggest fan of sunday roasts
it looks a lot better than it sounds
what the UK calls pudding is very different from our pudding
@Hans1984 depends on the context
@mr5 I rarely travel
@AlRey so have you experienced any handling of passport? Like system that validates it or some sort?
I was actually talking about my ID card
not my passport
my bad
@mr5 not exactly; I was just in charge of handling the interfaces that international students/scholars had to go through, but I wasn't required to really know how that works
my boss would tell me what needed to be changed and I would change it
@VenkataShivaram exercism.io could be nice training
That looks like a freshly amputated arm
1:09 PM
We call it Gelatin
@ntohl Sure
Yeah we have that style pudding too @Hans1984
but more than one thing can use the term pudding
1:28 PM
that's nut ella
Anyone :)?
@V.7 do you need the add/remove to be notified?
because you can bind on a dictionary no problem
and when the dictionary have new elements, just create a new instance of the dictionary. The notification will rise when the setter called
Might be preferred, but wonderful would be a change notify
I.e. changes inside dictionary
ObservableCollection doesn't do that for you neither
if you want to inform for example a listbox, that the element is changed, than you have to think like the elements are viewmodels
It has CollectionChange event
1:34 PM
and each list element in the list can notify itself
you can use a dictionary decorator tho
anyway the RaisePropertyChanged() have to come from the element itself
so the CollectionChange event is not raised when a property is changed inside an element
it's raised when the collection have new element, deleted element
You're right.
So, is it ok to raise such event on View element change(i.e. Input field)?
so an element inside a list have a feature to add new row into the list?
why would you need that?
it's 2 different dimension. You have to notify the collection, when the collection is changed (new row/deleted row/ NOT modified row). The other dimension are the elements themself
each row's DataContext is an INotifyPropertyChanged stuff, and may notify the UI on their own
@ntohl ObservableCollection does notify add/delete
1:45 PM
@MwBakker but not changing a property inside a row's DataContext
so what V.7 wanted it was irrelevant.
Oh, so it is ok to use INotifyPropertyChanged to trigger method for Dictionary change
Why not have an ObservableCollection with elements that have their own properties notified on change
@ntohl Ah yes exactly the collection should not be responsible of a change of the element it holds
@MwBakker Currently have a Dictionary. Okay, I'll just convert it to list and use that
@MwBakker right.
@V.7 I think it will work a lot more pleasant for you
1:54 PM
Just trying to get how people do that
Without hacking, but a right/correct/common way
@V.7 it depends. For example I had a property window, where the values came from a WebApi call. It was a dictionary conveniently. I just Binded the ItemsSource to the Dictionary and made an ItemTemplate where a label's Text was bound to the .Key, the EditBox's Text was bound to the .Value
in my example everything was readonly. So I had not to make a new layer of the .Values. Mind that, if you want write back the value changes of the .Values, than the Dictionary must be Dictionary<string, SomeIPropertyChangedStuff>()
sure there are certain exceptions but usually it's not necesseay and make things over complicated (been there..)
List is perfectly fine most of the cases
indeed, so V.7 I ofc don't know your exact situation but I'm quite sure ObservableList works for you

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