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2:06 PM
I live in a banana under the sea
@juanvan never visited ;)
Excellent Brine
trying to use linq foreach to remove certain element of a list but get 'System.InvalidOperationException: 'Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.''
the offending code
diff.ForEach(dzDiff =>
                if(output.First(x => x.FILE_ID.Equals(dzDiff.FILE_ID)) == null)
                    output.Add(new Container { FILE_ID = dzDiff.FILE_ID, ITEMS = new List<DzDiff>() });
                    var candidates = diff.Where(x => x.FILE_ID.Equals(dzDiff.FILE_ID));
                    ((Container)output.First(x => x.FILE_ID.Equals(dzDiff.FILE_ID))).ITEMS.AddRange(candidates);

2:17 PM
ForEach is a Forward only Action
you can't modify a list while looping over it
You'd need to create a new list to store the new list
darn. thx
you can modify every element of list though
Ya an element, but the error tells me that he's adding to it somewhere even if it's not in the example
Collection Modified, enumeration - them the breaks
thx all; code fixed; @juanvan you were right, I had some offending code else where but fortunately it was all linked to the fact I used linq in a situation where I should had use a regular for / foreach .
@juanvan is slack broken for you, too?
2:25 PM
@MikeTheLiar nope don't think so
I see you typing but not talking
I just saw your message but I can't send any
See if anyone responds to me
My boss was having issues sending messages on slack this morning
we use teams
im not sure which i prefer
i like slack but teams is actually pretty cool
2:31 PM
teams as in SO teams?
MS Teams
I'm guessing
MS yeah
Yaakov Ellis on October 23, 2019

As Principal Web Developer at Stack Overflow and a long time Tech Lead, I learnt that accurate estimates were essential in order for a company to be healthy and productive. Over the years I have spent a good deal of time developing my theories for why estimates and breakdowns are so important, and crafting my own methodology for how best to go about doing them. 

Below, I attempt to distill the lessons I’ve learned so that others can experiment with and improve upon my techniques. Now, I should be clear, the advice below is what works for me. I’m sure there are different approaches that might work better for others. Feel free to share your favorite approach in the comments. …

@Feeds shut up
@mr5 i'm stealing that functionality
2:41 PM
haha lol
@CaptainSquirrel you still want Patrick or nah?
I mean if you've already got him on a repo, sure
If not, I won't be heartbroken
beware. shitty code
gif me your github
i love that dumb juice
oh wow
that's actually much simpler than i thought
2:47 PM
@mr5 ded link?
@Wietlol private repo
ye no code 4 u
@CaptainSquirrel pull. I've pushed new changes
@Patrick vote annoying user
2:52 PM
@Patrick eval null
hey @Patrick
hey @Patrick
3:10 PM
lo that's a good one
Jasmine rice actually tastes really good
@Wietlol do u want to contribute to patrick?
Wanna add Patrick to our Org?
hell nah
it is written in C-harp
I assume
and if not, it is even worse
it would be written in JS
it's on JS pleb
I dont want to contribute to a bot made in JackShit
@mr5 haha! what does noice mean?
@Patrick noice
y tho
3:21 PM
Because its not a .gif on the end @mr5 so chat doesn't think its an actual image
@Patrick noice
there you go
3:48 PM
@Patrick it look like he is saying moist
Millions of users are trusting this source code to pay their bills online
@mr5 i mean if it works
4:06 PM
@mr5 lol
You do asp classic at all?
nah. I'm trying to pay my bills online but I can't bypass this error which I think I shouldn't have
ohh it's JS
@CaptainSquirrel I present you this. It even have v3
the file extension is jsp
4:09 PM
They check a string to return a bool
I also think this JS are generated by the server script
so, the wtf factor is magnified
@Patrick list annoying users
name: Squidward, score: 2
name: Mr. Krabs, score: 1
name: Sandy, score: 2
name: Harry, score: 1
nomore harry
cuz wiet almost crashed my VM
i didnt even do anything
people were just bullying me
squirrels are to blame
4:13 PM
squirrels are always to blame
is patrick a bot?
4:28 PM
{"message":"Failed to start DIVA phone PIN verification","type":"ValidationException","errorCode":"COUNTRY_NOT_ALLOWED_FOR_DIVA_PHONE_VERIFICATION"}
I was about to buy Amazon Lightsail then before I can use it, I need to verify my number. My country is enlisted on the options and then this
fuck AWS
5:17 PM
fuck Amazon in general, amiright? :P
@AlRey well, isn't a bit of an exaggeration; I mean, it's software, of course there will be issues
I wasn't talking about their software; Amazon as a whole is just godawful
@AlRey I blame globalism
hello! anyone been experimenting with Blazor yet?
5:49 PM
This is probably a Server Fault question, but they don't have any active chat rooms. Does anyone know why HttpContext.User.Identity.Name will sometimes append [DomainName]\[Username] and other times it will return just [Username].
6:48 PM
@Kramb i think i remember having to deal with something similar to that a while back
IMO, make a regex that matches your domain\username pattern
and deal with it however you need after the fact
7:03 PM
Hi there
a simple question
is it possible in c# to write text on a label with different text size
it is not possible
you're asking if you want to make the label a different size?
C# doesn't even have a UI to begin with
are you talking about ASP.NET C#?
7:05 PM
cant we use html tags?
I'm not sure about that, then; I know in ASP, you can set a CssClass to a label, but I haven't done Winforms since college
there you go. you can have different labels or fonts or attributes or kernings per character in WinForms
system.drawing.graphics.drawstring()? multiple times. not a great solution..
right @Patrick
7:08 PM
7:33 PM
@Feeds shut up
8:07 PM
@Patrick bot, shut up
@Patrick 25
@Patrick joy buzzer
8:21 PM
I don't like this bot
he doesn't have enough references crammed in his memory! xD
@Patrick alright Pinhead your time is up
he's lucky he's not a npc in fallout
never thought I would ever add a bot to the ignore list but here I am
11:19 PM
you should clarify what you mean by label.. do you mean a label control in winforms?

I do think It's possible, sure.. but not convenient. as @ABuckau referenced to - you could register a handler for the paint\render on the control and handle the draw yourself. There could be other creative means of doing it as well..
@Kramb That question is better suited for a full stack developer or web master actually. It's likely that you're logging in with a Windows Credential using Forms Authentication. Your question depicting the scenarios is a bit broad, but I would look to the membership providers being used there...
Some membership providers are configured build your principalidentity and claimidentity using the username of the credential.. not necessarily the one you used on the form, but the one associated to the record that you authenticated to. a good scenario would LDAP against Active Directory
11:44 PM
@TomCrosman I actually was looking it. Though, I'm not sure C# is best suited for it. I'm getting the impression that Rust (and other systems languages) have been more prominent for creating the WASM files and managing their deployment.. I don't know.. I'll have to look into it more
here is an interesting article that introduced containerizing a Blazor WebAssembly App chrissainty.com/… (note that this is a part 2 of this authors tutorial)

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