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3:05 PM
@ntohl oh yeah transient. my bad
3:20 PM
guys guys guys
it looks cool
it looks cool, but I have no clue what it does :)
according from my brief skimming of texts, it's like publishing of public or private packages
it's interesting because you would get the latest version since it's in the same repo
like you can make certain versions public or private?
like... making your own company run on version 10.5.1 while the rest of the world only finds up to 10.0.0 ?
(I am not sure it makes sense what I just said)
I might also confuse github here for nuget
3:59 PM
in nuget you can unlist packages
and make them not appear in search
and then people can directly download them if they know the version number
I am on the god damn waiting list, they dont send me shit
I want an option to create multiple nuget packages from one single repository
4:52 PM
how would i say: "for the object "NAME", get the count per name and then filter to get a non-unique list along with it's # of members"?
for example: ex list: {Name: "hans"}, {Name: "Bart"}, {Name: "Hans"} --> {Name: "hans", Count: 2}, {Name: "Bart", Count: 1}?
Sounds like you want a Linq GroupBy
i think..
GroupBy on the Name property, then I think you can count the number of folks in each group
Or you could .Aggregate (or just a foreach loop) into a dictionary, but that's a little less elegant
something like this?
var Query = from p in DCDC.EMP.GroupBy(p => p.departmentname)
                        select new
                                count = p.Count(),
5:21 PM
Looks right to me, though I'm not enough of a GroupBy guru to know for sure.
I'd consider making that select into a .Select(x => new { count = p.Count()...)
just for consistency
proxy would know ; )
I like to run things like this in the handy C# interactive window in Visual Studio.
@juanvan thank you ; )
> var list = new[] { "Hans", "Bart", "Hans" };
> list.GroupBy(x => x).Select(x => new { count = x.Count(), name = x.First()} )
That worked for me.
5:26 PM
yea, thanks
Maybe do tuples instead of an anonymous type, but either way, have fun.
list.GroupBy(x => x).Select(x => (Name: x.First(), Count: x.Count()) )

This gets you nice strongly typed values, so you can do .Name and .Count on what you get back.
5:48 PM
2 hours later…
7:36 PM
posted on May 21, 2019 by Scott Hanselman

OK, that's a little clickbaity but it's surely impressed the heck out of me. You can read more about VS Code Remote Development (at the time of this writing, available in the VS Code Insiders builds) but here's a little on my first experience with it. The Remote Development extensions require Visual Studio Code Insiders. Visual Studio Code Remote Development allows you to use a container, r

7:55 PM
Hi, does anyone have a working sample of Windows 10 toast notifications in a Winforms application? I have been trying for a few last days to make it work to no avail. I found this document: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/uwp/design/shell/… but sadly DesktopNotificationManagerCompat.CreateToastNotifier().Show(toast); does simply nothing for me.
However, the demo works but it is an WPF application. It was supposed to be a toy feature in my toy project but after 12 hours of trying, I feel really blue
I've started considering whether it is more reasonable to switch my app from winforms to WPF. Yet WPF looks ugly to me. :-(
Still it makes me wonder whether winforms apps are obsolete technology or not.
8:19 PM
anyone looking forward to remote development?
2 hours later…
9:58 PM
Hello Guys
In my context , i have the following ,
modelBuilder.Entity<Member>().HasQueryFilter(a => a.IsDeleted == false);
What if i need to show the deleted records in some cases ?
may be in reports
any Idea ?
10:55 PM
What if you don't put that filter on there
and instead put a .where on your queries
11:37 PM

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