get the first 'Airport' record from first 'From' in recognizerResult entities, and then get the first record in string of the first record from that 'Airport'. If anything goes null or one of the records is empty, returns null.
var firstAirport = recognizerResult.Entities["From"]?.FirstOrDefault()?["Airport"];
var airportInformation = firstAirport?.FirstOrDefault()?.FirstOrDefault()?.ToString();
//if anything goes wrong, airportInformation will be null.
`First()` : return first record from collection, if there is no record, Exception thown. `FirstOrDefault()` : return first record from collection, if there is no record, return default value.
@ChristianMatthew var stuff = new [] { new [] { new A() } } - stuff.FirstOrDefault() returns the inner collection. stuff.FirstOrDefault().FirstOrDefault() returns the in the inner collection object
@tahtoh Better to achieve what, exactly? If you want to implement the generic methods defined in IEntityBaseRepository, then yes, this is pretty much the way you need to do it
@tahtoh If you only had ScheduleId, there's no way to know which table it references. However, that can be overcome with annotations. But.. adding Schedule as a property also means you could write context.Attendees.Where(a => a.Schedule.Name == "test"), for example
You couldn't write that if you only had the foreign key
what do you mean can be overcome with anotation, im using data anotation with foreign key but still doesnt work untill i add the object, but your second point is valid and intersdting tho
so in other words. i am going in array 1. then i am going in array 2. then i am going in array 3 which consists of 2 numbers and give me the first value of that
that's a really good example I get it now
but it does relate to the object that could be easily a json object
this is saying give me the recognizerResult.Entities object... that complies with "From"?. <<< null check that and assign null if no value. then step into the object and im lost
The ?[] syntax has the same semantics as the ?. operator: It's how you access the indexer on an array, or a class that implements an indexer. The rules for its behavior are the same. If people is null, thisName is assigned the value null. If people[3] is null, thisName is assigned the value null. Otherwise, thisName is assigned the value of people[3].FirstName. However, if people is not null, but has fewer than four elements, accessing people[3] will still throw an OutOfRangeException.
[Disclaimer: haven't watched *any* GoT] There's a lot of room between "A let down ending" and "a chipper b&w ending". An ending which isn't "a win" but which feels true to the themes and the characters isn't a let-down, it's simply not a "happy end". Some people might have been disappointed at the lack of a happy end, but it really seems appropriate to the themes, at least of the first seasons.
Exactly. The general themes (from the novels and the first seasons, at least) was of moral ambiguity and a deliberate rejection of the classic "epic battle of good and evil" tropes of high fantasy.
@Adan Even assuming you mean the showrunners here - writers are employees, they don't run the show - if they came to HBO and said "we're going to make the show shorter because we're bored of it", they'll never work in TV again. That's a total abdication of their responsibilities.
They might have been bored of it, but saying "we ended the show, not because it reached its narrative end based on our creative vision but because it was boring for us" can never be the official motivations.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan i said they dont want to work on it anymore, i can understand that a writer has a lack of motivation to work on something sleeplessly for 10 years
> Benioff added, “HBO would have been happy for the show to keep going, to have more episodes in the final season.” But the showrunners refused. “We always believed it was about 73 hours, and it will be roughly that,” Benioff continued. “As much as they wanted more, they understood that this is where the story ends.”
I watched an interesting video regarding Frozen, in particular the fact that in Kingdom Hearts 2, they visited every "Disney" realm and had a long level to beat in each one.. and yet in the Frozen realm, it was greatly shortened
Turns out production on Kingdom Hearts 2 started long before the public release of the film
Right now you're saying that you know better than what Benioff and Weiss expressly said. That's fine. I'm not saying they won't lie. I'm saying that the lie is the official thing - you can believe what you like. I really don't care, since I've never watched GoT. I hope they do SW well, though, since I do love SW.
@Adan There's a difference between "We believe the narrative should end at this point because that's the story that should be told and shouldn't be stretched" and saying "meh, bored now, let's wrap it up and go do something else".
That's not entirely Disney's fault either. Even if the story were well-written, the themes are the same, and somebody would inevitably say that the idea was copied from another film in some form or another
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan depends on the honesty of the claim, if iwas DD and didnt want to continue due to lack of motivation/vision i would exit out with good PR and say "the narrative should end because thats the story that should be told and shouldnt be stretched"
@Neil Exactly. There's a difference between personal motivations and official reasons, and making assumptions as to people's personal motivations is always iffy.
@Adan That's the worst way to understand people's motivations. "Fans don't like it, so obviously the showrunners didn't like it either, so obviously they did it [because of corporate interference]/[because they were bored]/[etc]".
No. You're projecting your feelings onto them. They did their show. They might have been happy with it. They might not have been. There might have been other factors. But don't let your own feelings project onto them.
For a day? there's no version control system, I'd stop it forever
My first assigned issue was basically "We changed some stuff, then someone else also changed it based on the trunk version of the file so our changes disappeared, we have to do it over".
@Wietlol I think it was a bad season, it was the result of writers which are inherently hollywood mass-scale writers that try to please most people with fan service, who drove a great show based on a non-meta book until there was no more inspiration, who eventually got hired to write the script for the last Star Wars movie which so many anticipate. You see, we won't have Rei's arm cut off screaming NOOOOOO because it's also a Hollywood mass-scale movie.
@Neil My guess is that this will be a major hype point that they won't be able to explain in time, and it will turn up into the usual "Damn what do we do with that? IDK just give a dumb reason and cut the loose end in less than a minute".
Sorry about the mess. I've really let the place go since you killed me. By the way, thanks for that. [beep][Announcer: Sarcasm Self Test Complete.][beep] Oh good, that's back online. I'll start getting everything else working while you perform this first simple test - which involves deadly lasers and how test subjects react when locked in a room with deadly lasers.
Did you know that people with guilty consciences are more easily startled by loud noises? [train horn] I'm sorry, I don't know why that went off. Anyway, just an interesting science fact.