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12:04 AM
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2:00 AM
@misha130 There is no 'mess'. You might have something wrong.
Haha I wish I have a dad like this one.
2:25 AM
quick question
what is this syntax
if ( recognizerResult.Entities["From"] != null ) {
if ( recognizerResult.Entities["From"]?.FirstOrDefault() != null ) {

get the first 'Airport' record from first 'From' in recognizerResult entities, and then get the first record in string of the first record from that 'Airport'. If anything goes null or one of the records is empty, returns null.
var firstAirport = recognizerResult.Entities["From"]?.FirstOrDefault()?["Airport"];
var airportInformation = firstAirport?.FirstOrDefault()?.FirstOrDefault()?.ToString();
//if anything goes wrong, airportInformation will be null.
2:57 AM
what are the other chained firstordefault()
is this supposed to be representative of a json object
? is null conditional operator
It's got nothing to do with JSON at this point
.FirstOrDefault() simply grabs the first item in a collection, or default(T) if the collection is empty
And you appear to have a collection of collections
FirstOrDefault() is same, it return default value when there is no record
That might have come from JSON, but the code can apply to any data structure
default value of class is null
string is a class.
3:00 AM
class reference type
i get what firstordefault is and does... it's the chaining of it
`First()` : return first record from collection, if there is no record, Exception thown.
`FirstOrDefault()` : return first record from collection, if there is no record, return default value.
@ChristianMatthew var myThing = new[] { new[] { new object } }. myThing.FirstOrDefault().FirstOrDefault() will return the object
There is a collections in the collection..
 bookingDetails.Origin = recognizerResult.Entities["From"]?.FirstOrDefault()?["Airport"]?.FirstOrDefault()?.FirstOrDefault()?.ToString();
3:03 AM
Like 3D array.
ok that is what i thought it is a json object or as you said it could be a collection of collections
It might have been constructed from JSON, but the above code has no relation to JSON at all
JSON is merely a notation
There is no json object in C#
that's not true i.e. newtonsoft
It could have come from the database, a text file, an XML document, or yes, a JSON blob
3:04 AM
and that is surely not true as of asp.net core 3
That's a library for parsing from and serializing to JSON
You converted the json object to C# object. After you do this, there is no json anymore.
i get it
but in my javascript mind i must think in json
That's something you'll need to work on, then
3:05 AM
Because JSON isn't a data structure, it's a representation of a data structure
but im totally wrong that it's a collection
There's no such thing as a JSON object in javascript either
hi guys, getting into the knowledge and understanding of the repository pattern
and i find i lot of examples with IentityBase
but i cant get a grasp on why is this usefull
ok i can agree with that however, working with objects in a json type format and pattern is common
3:07 AM
If your code is worked. It was definitely a collection. or your code wont compile.
@tahtoh Because if all your entities implement it, you can write: int GetId<T>(T entity) where T : IEntityBase
Which can be useful, but I'm not sold on it
@Rob in your mything example the 2 chains on the end are applying the method to each nest of the new objects?
im not sold on it either, i can just create a prop id...
@tahtoh You can. But you couldn't write the above function generically
and why would any repository implement that interface too?
not only the domain
3:09 AM
@ChristianMatthew var stuff = new [] { new [] { new A() } } - stuff.FirstOrDefault() returns the inner collection. stuff.FirstOrDefault().FirstOrDefault() returns the in the inner collection object
@tahtoh Not really sure what you mean
@Rob what if there is a third chain
@tahtoh That doesn't implement the interface, it restricts T to a type implementing it
@ChristianMatthew You cannot write three .FirstOrDefault()s here, as A() is not an IEnumerable<>. You'd get a compiler error
@Rob so the way you wrote is would return A()
3:14 AM
and if I wrote just one it would return []{ A() }
how do you mean by restrict? so each repository should inherit of that interface for us to use the irepositoryinterfaceÉ
so I am not getting why 3 wouldn't return the whole thing
top level
To return the whole thing you'd just write stuff.
You can chaining as many as you like
var obj = new[] {
3:16 AM
@tahtoh See here
It means that the User must implement IEntityBase
UserRepository does not
let me put this in my linq editor
@Rob but is this a good practice or there is a better way?
What is your json looks like? You might want this website app.quicktype.io
@tahtoh Better to achieve what, exactly? If you want to implement the generic methods defined in IEntityBaseRepository, then yes, this is pretty much the way you need to do it
@Rob and for the foreign keys in entity framework why do you always need to add the Object+the key to implement it
cant it be done just with id?
3:20 AM
Er, not sure what you mean
with ScheduleId
he adds the object under
Those are navigation properties
why does 2 give me 1, 2
@tahtoh If you only had ScheduleId, there's no way to know which table it references. However, that can be overcome with annotations. But.. adding Schedule as a property also means you could write context.Attendees.Where(a => a.Schedule.Name == "test"), for example
You couldn't write that if you only had the foreign key
what do you mean can be overcome with anotation, im using data anotation with foreign key but still doesnt work untill i add the object, but your second point is valid and intersdting tho
3:24 AM
var obj = new[] {
    new[]{ //.FirstOrDefault()
        new[]{ //.FirstOrDefault()
            "1", //.FirstOrDefault()
i get it now
@tahtoh Ah actually, annotations may not suffice here. You might need to define it with the fluent API: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/ef/core/modeling/relational/….
thank you @Rob
helped me clear up some things
so in other words. i am going in array 1. then i am going in array 2. then i am going in array 3 which consists of 2 numbers and give me the first value of that
that's a really good example I get it now
but it does relate to the object that could be easily a json object
@tahtoh No problem. I've found a Q&A explaining how to setup foreign keys without navigation properties: stackoverflow.com/a/45088337/563532
I wouldn't recommend it though, navigation properties are super helpful when writing queries
Unless you're only building the class structure in order to generate the database structure
3:30 AM
so from this part of the statement
this is saying give me the recognizerResult.Entities object... that complies with "From"?. <<< null check that and assign null if no value. then step into the object and im lost
what is that ["Airport"] object reference doing
write this into your IDE var fromObject = recognizerResult.Entities["From"]?.FirstOrDefault()
And then point your mouse to fromObject
You should see the type.
im not getting this syntax
Newtonsoft.Json.Linq is namespace, what type is it?
is that what you're referring to?
Yeah JToken is a collection that make sense.
3:44 AM
so wha tis that syntax literally saying though
can you make an example
Your json must have structure like this { from: {airport: {blablabla} } }
@ChristianMatthew It's a custom indexer
This syntax get the airport from the 'From'
Much like you can write myArr[3], C# lets you implement properties as an indexer
You can think of it as representing FirstOrDefault()?.GetField("Airport")
var thisName = people?[3]?.FirstName;
The ?[] syntax has the same semantics as the ?. operator: It's how you access the indexer on an array, or a class that implements an indexer. The rules for its behavior are the same. If people is null, thisName is assigned the value null. If people[3] is null, thisName is assigned the value null. Otherwise, thisName is assigned the value of people[3].FirstName. However, if people is not null, but has fewer than four elements, accessing people[3] will still throw an OutOfRangeException.
3:53 AM
Yes. the null-conditional only handle the null reference
Thats why it used .FirstOrDefault() not [0]
var obj = new[] {
so essentially this is saying... at this point in the object give me that specific key i.e. Airport
am I correct about that in the above example one is a key position in the array
i have one more question afte rthat one
4:12 AM
@nyconing are you still there
4:44 AM
with this you can reproduce the code example?["From"]?["Airport"]?.FirstOrDefault()?.FirstOrDefault()?.ToString()
The result will be "Changi"
If you write ["To"]?["Airport"]?.FirstOrDefault()?.FirstOrDefault()
result is "Chitose"
the null-conditional operator can be removed in this case, since value never null.
5:39 AM
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' squirrelerinos!
You early for spanish mexican guy hecti
I am outright enraged.
siesta intensifies
6:19 AM
I finally saw the finale of GoT
My wife doesn't watch the show, but she saw I was emotional for like episode 3 and so she just assumed I had watched the ending
So she sends me a text saying that also she has seen the finale and that <spoiler> is an awful way to end the show..
My wife spoiled the ending of GoT for me ._.
I was so careful too
Well it was a very bad season
but George also said his ending was the same, so he's now rethinking if he changes the books so people aren't terribly let down
6:41 AM
Well I get that you don't really want everything to end in a letdown
But I ask myself if I'd prefer a chipper ending where only black and white evil characters are killed, and I think that I wouldn't
If Romeo and Juliet were saved by a miracle at the end, it would have been a shitty play
i got a 'input string was not in a ccorect format' exception ><
i have no idea how do debug that :/
my brain is thrashed atm
[Disclaimer: haven't watched *any* GoT]
There's a lot of room between "A let down ending" and "a chipper b&w ending". An ending which isn't "a win" but which feels true to the themes and the characters isn't a let-down, it's simply not a "happy end". Some people might have been disappointed at the lack of a happy end, but it really seems appropriate to the themes, at least of the first seasons.
@Adan Check the input string.
well in fact, nothing about the show ever suggested it was particularly bent on producing happy results
i dont think people know that the writers said they dont want to work on this anymore
when writers themselves dont want to work on a project and even STATE that they dont want to work on it
Exactly. The general themes (from the novels and the first seasons, at least) was of moral ambiguity and a deliberate rejection of the classic "epic battle of good and evil" tropes of high fantasy.
6:55 AM
is that what they said?
2. they SAID they are shortening the episodes
befcause of that
so... if i was DD and i dont want to work on GOT anymore i would do the SAME
i would shorten the episodes, thus we had 6
@Adan I don't think that's really how that business works. Especially considerinhg the fact that the last season had LONGER episodes.
@HéctorÁlvarez lel
GOT highest grossing, best shows, why would they condense and finish GOT? because even they SAID they dont want to work on it anymore
It's a multi-billion-dollar business. You don't go to HBO management and say "Let's make fewer episodes this season, we're bored of this".
6:56 AM
it's so annoying hearing all the crying from people because they dont understand
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan that's exactly what the writers said, they dont want to work on it anymore
@Adan Even assuming you mean the showrunners here - writers are employees, they don't run the show - if they came to HBO and said "we're going to make the show shorter because we're bored of it", they'll never work in TV again. That's a total abdication of their responsibilities.
they dont care what you think, they said it themselves they dont want to work on this anymore
the writers had a lot of pressure on them to "make it right" by HBO, but it's also true that they're codependent
i can understand that they lost motivation/steam on this show
HBO can't whip them until they produce another groundbreaking episode
6:59 AM
it could easily go 15 seasons
GOT can easily go 15 seasons or more, and we would watch
They might have been bored of it, but saying "we ended the show, not because it reached its narrative end based on our creative vision but because it was boring for us" can never be the official motivations.
The fact that they ended the show is more than you can say for a lot of very successful shows
No network will ever hire them if they gave that as their official reason, because you can't count on them to deliver.
And most shows endings are pretty awful, lets not forget
im confused
7:00 AM
In Seinfeld, they literally just threw the cast in jail
is there any attribute like default?
DD successful regardles, proof? disney hired them
DD working on star wars now
for example, if I define
int a;
can a be 2 with something?
default value of int is 0
@Neil ... and also brought back a bunch of characters from over the years. I thought it was a good ending to the show
i dont have complaints on the show except where the king jumped over the window
7:02 AM
is Arphile trying to get back ontopic?
that was the fakest thing in the show
@Adan Because they never said "we're bored of it". They said "this is where the story ends".
@Rob Meh. I couldn't tell you how they could have done better honestly
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan GoT was a little rushed in season 7 and 8
@Arphile What scope are you talking about here. "I want all uninitialized int variables in this project to be 2 instead of 0"?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan i said they dont want to work on it anymore, i can understand that a writer has a lack of motivation to work on something sleeplessly for 10 years
7:03 AM
one scene they were in one part of Westeros and at the end of the episode, they traversed the entire continent
there are better things, to be honest i bet DD is excited to revamp Star wars
i have my hopes up
@Neil It might have been rushed, and probably for many reasons - creative differences between network and writers, other commitments, money, etc.
> Benioff added, “HBO would have been happy for the show to keep going, to have more episodes in the final season.” But the showrunners refused. “We always believed it was about 73 hours, and it will be roughly that,” Benioff continued. “As much as they wanted more, they understood that this is where the story ends.”
@Squirrelintraining no, the king jumping off the window was at the end of season 6
7:04 AM
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Maybe, I don't pretend to know the reason, but just making an observation whatever the reason
i see what you did there ; )
Vader is Luke's father! *runs*
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan oh please, DD and HBO couldnt get the showrunners to properly end the show? LOL
@Neil tail puffs
7:05 AM
I watched an interesting video regarding Frozen, in particular the fact that in Kingdom Hearts 2, they visited every "Disney" realm and had a long level to beat in each one.. and yet in the Frozen realm, it was greatly shortened
Turns out production on Kingdom Hearts 2 started long before the public release of the film
Right now you're saying that you know better than what Benioff and Weiss expressly said. That's fine. I'm not saying they won't lie. I'm saying that the lie is the official thing - you can believe what you like. I really don't care, since I've never watched GoT. I hope they do SW well, though, since I do love SW.
@Adan Wait, DD are the showrunners.
The idea is that initially Elsa was supposed to turn out evil, and that she was the final boss to fight
but of course Disney wants to sell merchandise and Disney princess (tm) is a thing
then DD refused HBO, and back to my point,, that they dont want to work on it anymore @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
so basically Kingdom Hearts 2, in order not to redo the whole thing just reused some bits, making the level a lot shorter
yes SW needs a good revamping
it has a lot of potential
7:08 AM
SW will never live up to the original hype
i think most of us can agree that SW clone wars (animated) and 4-6 were the best
@Adan There's a difference between "We believe the narrative should end at this point because that's the story that should be told and shouldn't be stretched" and saying "meh, bored now, let's wrap it up and go do something else".
everything else is a wast eof time to watch
That's not entirely Disney's fault either. Even if the story were well-written, the themes are the same, and somebody would inevitably say that the idea was copied from another film in some form or another
@Arphile No, but why do you need an attribute to do that? Just assign the default value as you're defining the member/variable.
7:09 AM
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan It can be a combination of the two. Also I doubt that they would quite put it that way
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan depends on the honesty of the claim, if iwas DD and didnt want to continue due to lack of motivation/vision i would exit out with good PR and say "the narrative should end because thats the story that should be told and shouldnt be stretched"
and i believe it's a PR stunt
the quality of the s8/ending proves it
fans dont like it
@Neil Exactly. There's a difference between personal motivations and official reasons, and making assumptions as to people's personal motivations is always iffy.
I just think about that with no reason.
@Neil Is Frozen 2 released?
@Squirrelintraining Are they making a Frozen 2?
7:12 AM
@Adan That's the worst way to understand people's motivations. "Fans don't like it, so obviously the showrunners didn't like it either, so obviously they did it [because of corporate interference]/[because they were bored]/[etc]".
DD with great motivation produced seasons 1-7 greatly
DD without it produced s8, you cant lie to the fans
No. You're projecting your feelings onto them. They did their show. They might have been happy with it. They might not have been. There might have been other factors. But don't let your own feelings project onto them.
@Squirrelintraining I meant that the original plot for Frozen was supposed to end with Elsa becoming the frost queen and evil
"they might have been happy with it" LOL
@Neil Yeah, there's a trailer out already.
7:13 AM
let's just agree to disagree
i recommend the show though it's still good
More money to milk out of that apparently
i think S08 was not a bad season
but it just wasnt a GoT-quality season
@Neil oh really? i din't think that would be a happy ending
still better than 95% of the others
7:15 AM
@Squirrelintraining hence why they scrapped the idea :P
more money to be made this way
@Wietlol I get why people wouldn't have liked the ending, but again, I stand by it.
Far more interesting than any other ending they could have conceptualized
i like the ending tho
just not the speed in which it unfolded
E06 is a bit better than the others tho
Finally, I've been authorized to install the development environment on my computer.
It only took 1 month of doing nothing.
@Adan Regarding GoT it's a bit more complex than motivation IMO.
@HéctorÁlvarez can you now drop all tables?
stop development for a day
For a day? there's no version control system, I'd stop it forever
My first assigned issue was basically "We changed some stuff, then someone else also changed it based on the trunk version of the file so our changes disappeared, we have to do it over".
my first assigned issue was basically "oh hey, make this application that we are never going to use and throw away the moment you finish it"
7:24 AM
@HéctorÁlvarez PROTIP: local git repositories on production servers make for great guerilla source-control systems.
^ prototyping done right
good morning
@Wietlol I think it was a bad season, it was the result of writers which are inherently hollywood mass-scale writers that try to please most people with fan service, who drove a great show based on a non-meta book until there was no more inspiration, who eventually got hired to write the script for the last Star Wars movie which so many anticipate. You see, we won't have Rei's arm cut off screaming NOOOOOO because it's also a Hollywood mass-scale movie.
@HéctorÁlvarez They're not writing this year's SW movie. They're writing the future non-Skywalker movies.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Right, sorry. I just heard about Star Wars and didn't really pay attention. SW ended when Vader died, at least for me.
A pity, because I think the latest trilogy is quite good.
7:26 AM
Episodes 1-2-3 and 7-8-9 weren't up to my expectations.
My old place didn't have version controll.
It couldn't have version controll..

*enter dramatic music here*
Im looking forward to Amazon's Middle Earth show
i hope it wont disappoint
The writing has been sort of all over the place with these last few star wars films
And I don't think that's a coincidence.. the vision switched from/to JJ Abrams
who are Rei's parents!? Big mystery setup only to decide that that wasn't relevant whatsoever to the plot
now im back to not watching movies until about may 2020
@Neil is Syrio Forel still alive?
big mystery, only setup to create another spinoff
@Neil Anikan Skywalker, 'duh
7:29 AM
@Wietlol they spent a good 60% of that last episode setting up potential spinoffs
yep, basically
@Neil My guess is that this will be a major hype point that they won't be able to explain in time, and it will turn up into the usual "Damn what do we do with that? IDK just give a dumb reason and cut the loose end in less than a minute".
i guess Chrys can still make a good final episode
@HéctorÁlvarez They set that up in the first film not knowing what they planned to do with that
7:31 AM
Hey there
i guess I still have to wait 2 days before I can read it tho :(
that was their mistake.. when George Lucas filmed episode 6, a new hope, he already had a fair idea how he wanted all 6 films made
@Neil Yeah and the phantom menace was born. I cry every time.
7:32 AM
Only GoT dissapointing spoilers really
GoT spoilers? Or milk?
if you haven't watched GoT, you've got two weeks before I start talking spoilers in chat
you've been warned
What do you mean 2 weeks?
and if I have watched GoT?
7:33 AM
That's for movies
do I also have two weeks before you start talking spoilers?
I mean in 2 weeks I'll assume anyone who wants to watch would have watched it
@Wietlol I can't give him two weeks and you no weeks
sure you can
I'd assume they'd have it watched it in the next 3 days.
we could whisper
7:35 AM
Even more so when it's the finale.
when we are talking like this, noone could hear us
Pretty sure they can still read a virtual whisper
OMG dude don't scream
7:36 AM
You almost blew my retinas off
@Wietlol Hey, buddy! I'm speaking in an accent which is beyond her range of hearing!
who is "her" ?
wouldn't make sense if you haven't played Portal 2 (highly recommended btw)
she wouldnt hear us because ...
because she's deaf!
7:39 AM
Meow meow meow purrr meowowow?
I dont really like portal

how to (not) whisper in chat

6 mins ago, 2 minutes total – 14 messages, 3 users, 1 star

Bookmarked 11 secs ago by Squirrel in training

You guys made me laugh
so i maek bowkmark
@Neil Portal 2 is great
I personally liked it, but not as much as the first one.
I like minesweeper
7:42 AM
Portal 1 was brief but intense, Portal 2 felt like a drag several times. Puzzles got pretty simple in general
both portal was great
I think the game I recently enjoyed most is Hollow Knight
in VS 2015 in the test explorer, there is a "configure continuous integration" link. Does it work for you?
it's 404 for me
can it configure anything else than TFS's CI?
like Jenkins?
I love Portal 2 (and Portal 1) in its simplicity
The writing was terrific and it kind of felt like you were in a story
I can't understate how much I appreciate that in games
If you're running around shooting people in the face without much involvement, I feel like I might as well be playing a multiplayer FPS
Story was great
7:49 AM
talking about jenkins and CI, in jenkins, you have a jenkinsfile, which can be a data file or a script file
the script would be written in groovy and defines the pipeline instructions
can you have the same in gitlab?
instead of the yml data file
Sorry about the mess. I've really let the place go since you killed me. By the way, thanks for that. [beep][Announcer: Sarcasm Self Test Complete.][beep] Oh good, that's back online. I'll start getting everything else working while you perform this first simple test - which involves deadly lasers and how test subjects react when locked in a room with deadly lasers.
Did you know that people with guilty consciences are more easily startled by loud noises? [train horn] I'm sorry, I don't know why that went off. Anyway, just an interesting science fact.
@HéctorÁlvarez I love the estting in portal1
I hope I had better english when playing the Portal 2. I feel I missed some of the story. Sometimes it felt blurry
or I just didn't remember who is who

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