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12:00 PM
Yeah it's a pretty recent thing around here
It's not even available in my home town
I actually read somewhere that they did a study which suggested that it takes a lot longer to turn left than it does to turn right (in countries where you drive on the right side of the road of course)
As a result, I think it was some mail postal service, they made a navigator which would only let you take right turns
and it actually reduced times
probably really only true in the city
but still.. probably would be true for any driver, not just postal workers
yeah but wont happen until we got self driving cars forced up on us
then all of this will happen
and i will stop getting into a car
It's safer than outside - lekek
12:08 PM
I dont trust technology
especially if it comes to driving
but oc you couldnt go outside anyway
FYI Computers are better drivers than humans
because all those self driving cars would put me in danger as a pedestrian
Actually, this is what I want:
@Hans1984 They wouldn't, you put urself in danger
12:10 PM
ppl are already braindead enough we dont need self driving cars to get even dumber
a self driving car wouldn't cross a red light because it is in a hurry
a self driving car wouldn't drink ethanol and drive
a self driving car wouldn't play on it's smart phone while driving
so what there are tons of Bugs that could occur
resulting in crashes
a self driving car is too hard on the breaks on turning
@Hans1984 Bugs get patched and the same mistake won't happen more or less ones
also its driven by a Code someone else wrote
no way im getting into it
12:11 PM
But there are to many individual drivers out there to claim the same thing for humans
Code someone else wrote - there is a lot of code not written by you. Does that mean you mistrust everything?
Like OS
Or Browser
Or anything connected to your computor
None of it is trustworthy
although someone needs to parse and create something out of the code you write and that is written in code.. So I guess you can't trust your own code either.
12:15 PM
oc you cant
the Tools you have to use for it..
not written by you are they?
I am impressed that you are even online. Kudos
ey guys, anyone so far had XP with jira atlassian' database?
@Hans1984 you JohnDoe?
@Veljko89 nah havn't used XP in donkeys years
XP was good windows
used it for a loong time
@Neil In the US there's this rule where you're always allowed to turn right as long as you yield to those who are driving on that road. Here in Spain when the traffic lights are red then you shall not pass. I can only guess this experiment would only work when you are allowed to skip past certain signs under that kind of rule.
12:26 PM
@HéctorÁlvarez well consider if you have to turn left, you have to yield to incoming traffic anyway
whereas if you need to turn right, you only wait until you have the green
it's still faster
@Hans1984 You horribly remind be about someone and their incessant need to proclaim CSS was a virus that stole our data.
can you prove the opposite though ?
@Neil For most crossings I've seen in all Spanish cities, when you have green light you don't have anyone to yield to. You'll be the only one driving. Then again, you also can't U-turn at any crossing where it's totally doable either.
@HéctorÁlvarez not my experience at all. in a big city, there's almost certainly someone driving the opposite direction, even if one or two cars
@Hans1984 Are you followoing Richard Stallman?
12:31 PM
@Hans1984 Well that heavily depends on how reticent you want to be. Do you think the earth is flat and the space missions were cinema tricks?
@J.Doe no im not
Do not trust code you don't read is one of Stallman principles
This is main thing about why systemd is "bad"
In sweden these are quite common: c7.alamy.com/comp/DRGG4N/…
@Neil Right, it might work only for big cities, I don't live in one, of that I'm certain.
@J.Doe I see
12:34 PM
when the green arrow pointing left / right is lit you are allowed to drive even though the main light is red - IIRC you are guaranteed that there won't be traffic that you need to yield to
@HéctorÁlvarez my wife and I were vacationing in Barcelona and she managed to turn right on a one-way street going left :P
that was awkward.. though admittedly the street was wide. We don't have any wide streets which aren't two-way here
How? xd
@HéctorÁlvarez we needed to circle around because we missed our turn, so she saw this wide street and decided to turn right
Oh right, so you went into a pedestrian area I guess?
no, the whole street was one-directional
12:36 PM
did she miss the big do not enter sign
that also just happens to be red
yep.. that was the first thing I noticed (fortunately)
otherwise I don't think I'd be here
Oh so you mean you went the wrong direction.
yes, if by "you" you mean my wife
I understand you were in the car as well, so the plural applies
But yeah your wife drove the wrong direction
technically correct. The best kind of correct!
12:57 PM
@Squirrelintraining A self driving car will not deny the "Jump red light in a hurry" feature the programmer put in for emergency vehicles only that is totally hackable by anyone with youtube and a usb stick.
mother Russia will have a word or two
@HollyStyles So you claim, that any sane person would ship out the same software to an RTV and a PKW?
Define "Sane person"
@HollyStyles Therefore why they require a capable person to pay attention while the car drives itself. If a driver would cross the red light it's still the driver's fault, and if they hacked their car and run over someone it's probably sending this person to jail.
@HollyStyles Aswell, you still need to do the work and hack into the system, any plug and hack hole would be fixed within a week or two.
1:01 PM
Humans are faulty by design, therefore any self driving car is faulty by design.
Yeah Hitler was a homicidal maniac, therefore all his familiy and friends are likewise.
I have seen a Stop a Douchebag, where they stopped the drivers using GPS, where the GPS learned a pedestrian way should be used instead of road.
the drivers were surprised, and didn't even think about checking the sign for pedestrians only
cars can be the same "hacked"
@HéctorÁlvarez All germans*
Hitler was not german
Everyone with Genghis Khan as ancestor.
1:04 PM
@ntohl wat
Was he Austrian?
@ntohl Nobody cares about that fact outside of germany.
Anyway the point is that the fact that because humans are faulty, all they do is faulty axiomatically is such a bullshit sentence.
Austrian. Yes
It scores even lower than the previous fact about putting a mexican moustache on something to make it spanish.
1:06 PM
Not to say self-driving cars aren't an overall potential improvement for productivity and accident rates. But they are just another layer of abstraction between the inevitable victims and the culprit. No matter who's driving large metal items and meat-bags always carry a level of risk
I like his name
blinkenlight? As in the Star Wars ASCII movie?
Wait... you know about the Star Wars easter egg don't you?
You can telnet somewhere called blinkenlight to watch a Star Wars movie in ASCII
@HollyStyles I was in a car wich could automatically keep the same distance to the guy infront of you, I believe @Squirrelkiller can tel you mroe about that
@HéctorÁlvarez You'r shitting me right?
welcome to today's 10,000
@HéctorÁlvarez already googled that and starting to actiavet telnet mysefl
if star wars is converted to ascii, you know there's got to be some ascii porn movies out there..
URL: http://telnet-online.net/
COMMAND: telnet towel.blinkenlights.nl

can't get it to work :<
did you enable telnet?
and restarted your computer just in case
You only need to run the command from the cmd
1:17 PM
It doesn't work for me either actually
How did i fuck that up so hard?
but then no surprise there
It might have stopped working altogether
Less than a year ago
Oh well, pity
I love how MobaXterm comes with a bunch of classic arcade games
i'm trying to get the fields using GetFields but when i supply with a binding flag it doesn't return correct objects.
e.g. this shows the field has binding flag of Default
but when i change the code to supply default as binding flag it doesn't return it
1:27 PM
Time to go
@Squirrelintraining yer website is bork
2:03 PM
@CaptainSquirrel ?
@HéctorÁlvarez ok cool cya
On a diffrent note:
Any1 having issues that CTRL+ENTER (insert line above) works but SHIFT+ENTER (insert line below) doesn't?
I thinks thats just another on of the unintentional "improvements" to make one rebind allot of the hotkeys in vs 2019
shift enter should be non paragraph braking new line
In chat you mean?

Funny you should say that

Because it totally is
Ctrl-Shift enter in visual studio IIRC
Ctrl is optional?? damn, I've been using it wrong all these years
2:32 PM
I can't claim to be the world's best programmer, but I'm not that bad. How come every time I have to use Javascript I feel like a freakin noob??
@SeaCharp Because it's a lot different than C#
If you told me 10 yeas ago that JavaScript was going to dominate the web I would not have believed you.
@SeaCharp Because you assume it's an object-orientated language, and it isn't.
I guess. It's different, alright.
I assume nothing!
"javascript server-side.. HA!"
2:34 PM
Ok :P
I don't think there is such a thing as 100% object-oriented or 100% functional, but certainly there's a gradient there, and javascript is most certainly less object-oriented than C#
It's not Javascript that's the problem, really. It's just an overall lack of web architecture and flow on my part.
If you hit the square peg enough times, I suppose it will eventually enter the circular hole
just like C# can be functional if you push it that direction
2:36 PM
I've been using WebForms for so long, and most of the JS is abstracted away behind server-side code.
Ah... WebForms...
So now using MVC I just feel like a noob. Right now I'm trying to get this simple implementation working in my view.

Once you understand MVC, JS is all but a little step further.
Except I don't want it to be based on a click. I just want the message to appear, and disappear. So I'm using razor, and I have the containing div on the page. Just after it, I have a script tag and a call to the JS funtion that does this:
If I include the CSS for the #display-success as {display:none;} the message never appears. If I remove that, it never disappears. I can confirm the script is getting run.
hmm, that is odd
I had understood that .fadeIn() will make the element display if it wasn't already displayed
Maybe your rule is too "strong"
it overrides any css rules that jQuery UI adds
2:42 PM
Not sure...
See now that's an issue I seldom have with CSS. I seldom use absolute sizing for anything.
@Neil lel
@Default vs 2019: ctrl non-optional no more
good to know. No reason to wean myself from it then :)
OK, so I'm obviously doing something wrong. Here's the fiddle. Why doesn't this work to fade the message in and then out on page load?
Sorry that contained an error. Revised.

2:58 PM
Ok guys ima off
Seeing you tomarovv
bye byes
you can't call all the functions that affect the dom without waiting for the page to finish loading
you can call a select few but i can't tell you what those are
because i don't know them all
you can do some stuff before the page finishes but I wouldn't recomment it
3:14 PM
So how would you do what I'm attempting to do?
$(function DoIt()
That worked.
But I don't know why...
Isn't the $ short for $(document).ready?
I thought I had tried using $(document).ready, but...
Clearly I was doing something wrong.

Thank you!
@HollyStyles Thanks
3:33 PM
It's all about timing as @CaptainSquirrel hinted at. The browser has to load html, load javascript, parse the html, parse the javascript. $(document).ready makes sure everything's loaded and parsed before executing anything.
4:28 PM
trying to create a nuget package that supports both .net & core
is this a good idea? cause I have to reference System.Web.Net
4:41 PM
never mind, dropped this cause .net framework has no open generics DI
4:59 PM
sheesh i dont understand how is C# reference management is more of a mess than js
5:25 PM
posted on May 20, 2019 by ericlippert

Last time in this series we saw that we could compute a continuous posterior distribution when given a continuous prior and a discrete likelihood function; I hope it is clear how that is useful, but I’d like to switch gears … Continue reading →

1 hour later…
6:44 PM
00:00 - 12:0012:00 - 19:00

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