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1:24 AM
Hey. I have an error in my code: https://paste.ofcode.org/FWjCU57apdt4nhgTThJPpM
Could you please check. I am trying to create bubble sort and distribution sort program
@MadaraUchiha Could you please have a look at it? It's the program to create bubblesort and distribution sort and sort out the value, but I am not sure what i am doing wrong
1:41 AM
Nevermind. I fixed it.
@Squirrelkiller If you could give me some idea of bubble sort test cases and distribution sort test cases, it did be great:)
1:52 AM
@Squirrelkiller that's a good one :D
@BenjaminDiele build on AppCenter
I have tried building with Xamarin.Android but haven't tried Xamarin.iOS yet
They are using VS2017 so watch out if your code is using the latest C#
Also memes: this had me crack up(not literally)
3 hours later…
5:17 AM
Anyone know about HOW TO CONNECT C# desktop application to FireStore....not Firebase database. FireStore on Firebase...there is a library but can't set it up. Thanks
2 hours later…
7:30 AM
@bluetoothfx I have no idea, but if you show me 1) how do it on android and 2) whatr you have so far, I will try to extrapolate.
Also good morning guys I'm back
7:56 AM
good morning.
Morning Sunday Friends#
I've improved my portable setup
8:14 AM
Morning o/
Of course you'd have a vertical monitor even on your portable setup
Damn I gotta try that shit
Our client app expects all monitors to have the same orientation/resolution/DPI, so I can't really flip one of my monitors to vertical. Could be nice for code real estate.
That's exactly why I have it
Your client app needs to get its shit together
It's unbeatable for code lines/screen
His client app is UWP spanned across 3 screens, he's got more problems
UWP across multiple screens is a feature though
8:20 AM
Yeah but I think he said it was 3 seperate windows wasn't it @Avner?
Yeah I remember
What? Oh, sorry. Trailed off there. Yeah, it's designed for operation centers, for 3-screen deployments.
So, each window can scale on its own
Perfect setup
Currently a single window stretched across all screens, which is a problem with separate stretching.
With WinUi 3.0, we might get better multi-window support at some point, but it will take some time.
Also maybe those people who monitor shit all day wanna use vertical screens sometimes?
8:22 AM
I had an issue when my app (which was designed for 1080p touchscreen) was running on a PC with dodgy drivers which failed to run the screen at 1080p. WPF Viewbox saved the day
WPF used to have a weird-ass problem with touch screens which would cause popups (specifically) to show up on the wrong edge of the screen.
Well tiem to get back to the garden, see y'all later!
9:08 AM
Hi, can I connect a VS project to two VCS (GitHub and TFS)?
I'm not sure thats how VCSs work
9:40 AM
Not in VS, I think, but you can hook VS up to TFS, and use git in the command line for local commits.
Xunit's Assert.Collection is nice, but I would like something equally as clean for checking if a collection contains at least one item that matches a test.
Ah, it does. Assert.Contains. The intellisense spoke of strings, which confused me.
10:12 AM
Thanks, continent of Asia
Talk about spreading the blame widely.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I thought of that too, if it's possible to move the .git folder away from the eye of VS, to bind it to TFS
VS simply has a solution setting specifying the VCS provider of choice. If you set TFS to ignore the .git folder, they should work together fine. We used to do that in an old project.
10:34 AM
I'm opening the sln file, no mention to TFS nor VCS (I deleted the .git folder and added the solution to TFS)
10:48 AM
I'm surprised nobody has done the needful yet
@mshwf Why do you want to hook a project to both tfs and git?
it was originally on git, now we need to move it to TFS
Really? Why?
unifying our projects SCM, all are on TFS, this only was git
Well, how about you get them to unify all your project SCMs on git instead.
This is a big change that is not welcomed unless a very good reason is presented
10:55 AM
I think the word you're looking for is "unless" ?
@Squirrelkiller exactly
all devs are familiar with TFS, not git
11:10 AM
@bluetoothfx what's the problem with the library?
Ugh. https://www.nuget.org/packages?q=Google.Apis.firestore&prerelease=true&sortOrder=relevance
Google, please don't misuse the NuGet versioning system.
11:27 AM
This isnt misuse, this is circumvention. Wtf google.
"We make our own versioning, with blackjack and hooks."
11:41 AM
hey guys, can someone support me with a c' qustion?
c# *
Wait I think it makes sense
Each package is for a different version of the server API. Still not ideal though
12:14 PM
I was asked to do a system that have an approval cycle , for example resignation form , so multiple people must approve parallel or sequential , what is the best and fast way ?
to use a workflow engine or to build something from scratch
Depends on the requirements I'd assume. For a quick PoC you might build both and evaluate.
12:29 PM
@TomW I will definitely take a look & as far as I remember I didn't get any good documentation and there is some complexity on setting GLOBAL_VARIABLE or things like that & it is not straight forward. But I will try with this api. And will keep update you.
@Squirrelkiller Android is so straight forward. They have their own official sdk & for C#..it is history. And also not straight forward as android, currently I have this much info. I will keep posted.
@BenjaminDiele do you recommend any work flow engines
@Bassem I don't have any experience with a workflow engine tbh.
it will be just an approval
some people have to approve some tasks
like resignation form
12:45 PM
was wondering if someone could help me synchronise a progress bar with a copying function on a console app? tried asking the question officially but no one replied unforunately
idk if i'm allowed to link the question directly
Does your chosen framework supports MVVM?
I've only really got 3 classes so I didn't know how I could implement this as an MVVN
I just have all the classes in the same directory
1:11 PM
Ayy it's all answered and solved, so thank you anyway mr5
@zadders sorry I got busy a moment.
@mr5 Don't worry about a thing :) thanks for answering to start with
@zadders You can't expect a flood of answers in half an hour. Generally wait a few hours minimum before asking for help in chat
As was the case, if you just waited a little then the answer would have appeared without having to post here.
@CaptainObvious You're completely right, I apologise for spamming the chat somewhat. I should have just waited
1:27 PM
@zadders nah, it's good to visit chat. It gets too silent here from time to time
1:50 PM
Would you guys say it'd be hard to change this function into a recursive method?
I don't completely understand how recursion works but I've been trying to familiarize myself with the concept
any one here
@mr5 Clicking that link just refreshes the page for me
thats the point
2:06 PM
@zadders I'm not sure why you'd want to recurse on a copy function. What are you trying to achieve?
@CaptainObvious I don't logically see any purpose behind it, especially with a copying function, but it was given to me as a requirement for this specific copying program I'm making. They didn't give me details as to why it should be recursive
It's probably one of the worse application concepts that would need to be made recursive but I'm still trying to achieve it
There's no logical reason that I can think of to make a copy function recursive. What it might mean is that you should recusrively copy the entire folder structure
!!> (function factorial(x) {if (x <= 1) return x;return x * factorial(x - 1);})(5);
@mr5 120
What exactly was the brief you were given?
2:08 PM
@CaptainObvious "ReferenceError: factorial is not defined"
@CaptainObvious I was just told to make a file copying facility which would contain a recursive algorithm to copy the files. That's all the information that was available other than general things like functionality of the program which I've met all of
Is it possible that websocket works one way only- from server to client, I searched a lot, but seems nobody talked about this?
@zadders Yeah, I Think @CaptainObvious is right, and the intention was that the file hierarchy would be traversed recursively, not the file copy itself. But there really is no reason not to go and clarify.
Specs shouldn't be guesswork, at school or at work.
Of course it can. But you may defeat the purpose of websocket. Use http request instead.
2:14 PM
People get triggered with the word recursion :D :D :D
@mr5 I'm quickly realizing it's a much broader term / concept than what I was expecting it to be
@zadders it is not used extensively in programming because of stack limitation
performance-wise, iteration is still faster
@mr5 Could something be neither recursive or iterated? like could code run simultaneously?
!!> ++[[]][+[]]+[+[]]
2:21 PM
@SebastianHofmann "10"
@mshwf web sockets are normally bidirectional, so you can disregard the other direction if you want
@SebastianHofmann why is it not 7
@mr5 In .NET core to get it working I create a middleware and when the request is received then the response is sent
@zadders I'm not sure if I understand your question right. Simultaneous could be applied in both iterated and recursive.
Q: Why does ++[[]][+[]]+[+[]] return the string "10"?

JohnJohnGaThis is valid and returns the string "10" in JavaScript (more examples here): console.log(++[[]][+[]]+[+[]]) Why? What is happening here?

2:32 PM
@mr5 ahh I see, i'll just research more about these terms then to improve my knowledge
3:29 PM
WPF noob question: I'm learning about data bindings, but I don't understand where/how to construct the object responsible for the content. A WPF window/page/usercontrol seems to only allow parameterless constructors, and data bindings seem to go to local properties or again things with parameterless constructors. But many user interfaces only make sense with some sort of content to work on. What am I misunderstanding?
For example, I have a UI that works on a certain kind of file. It is only meaningful with such a file specified. I don't understand where to pass the information which file to work on.
So what I'd do is set the datacontext of the window to that type, and then you can beind the UI controls to various properties of that type.
use MVVM
Then on window creation, you set the DataContext of the window to an instance of the type and everything on the window magically populates with the data
@Vandroiy data bindings goes along with MVVM, IoC Dependency Injection
You don't have to have parameterless constructors
3:35 PM
@CaptainObvious So, like a two-step construction? I would construct the window/control, then it would have no data (which is probably invalid/not meaningful in some form), and then I'd pass it the object?
Nah you could pass the data through in the constructor like this
public BoundWindow(UserInfo userInfo){

Except spelt correctly
Huh, I thought I had read that this wasn't allowed... I'll check that again
Depends on the definition of "allowed"
baa baa black sheep
Have you any wool?
3:42 PM
have you any wolf
I'm just trying to wrap my head around this situation: user selected a file. I now want to create a MyFileOperatorClass, constructed with the file as a parameter, and the main window's content should switch to a UI appropriate for operating on this type. What would be the standard way to execute this change? Construct the class, then the new UI, then set the UI's DataContext to the class?
Wolf makes no sense? Especially since the following line is yes sir, yes sir, three bags full.
Construct the class, then pass the constructed class through the UI constructor like I showed before would be how I'd do it
Anyway goodnight all, t's time to go
@CaptainObvious misheard lyrics
you really are captain obvious :D
4:09 PM
Thanks and good night @CaptainObvious.
I found this answer, which seems to address most of the things I'm wondering about: stackoverflow.com/a/26163003/4191347
3 hours later…
6:43 PM
Wikipedia got a NEW design!!
7:30 PM
@mr5 nah it's just the mobile website

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