Usually you don't actually want to discard everything after the space, so your example is probably more helpful. But if you really only care about the first word, I'd use a substring.
Althoughhhhh if you only want the first word and then all the other words, substring will still be more useful than split.
(I'm sure you know all this; I'm just adding it for Jay's sake.)
As long as you're only reading and displaying, truncating the string is probably a reasonable option, but if you ever go beyond that you should consider parsing it to a DateTime. You can do things like dateTime.Date or dateTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd").
You usually want to express things as idiomatically as possible. That is to say represent a date with a Date object. A date is not a string, it's a date.
It's a datetime in SQL, I'm getting the value rn by doing an Eval() on a parameter I made for that purpose: <asp:LinkButton Date='<%# Eval( "TheDate") %>'></asp:LinkButton>
Dynamic is just the janky workaround if you need to pass an anonymous type to a method. Which I just avoid because wtf does dynamic tell you in a method signature? Fuck all.
I didn't mean to start a war, I'm just working on the project I was given and I thought chopping off the end of a string would be easy enough, but now I'm seeing there's a better way.
Meh. Maybe at first glance. But if you thought about it for even half a second you'd realize that a phone number and a number are totally different things.
how long it would take to use up all 64 bit integers in the identity column of a database assuming you continually insert and delete over and over every second => 292471208677 years?
in that number of years I don't think the earth will exist, humans will have colonized other planets and they most likely will no longer be using my database
I mean, I'm a sucker for C# and .NET in general. And at this point I have experience with it. ASP.NET Core MVC is cross platform, although still fledgling as far as I know.
@MikeTheLiar I'm fairly confident in my answer, so I'm sure Ero's fine. Not even any reason to consider what your app will be doing in a few hundred billion years.
Although I'd love to be working on that time scale. Bogosort all the things.
I actually learned mostly java in school 4-ish years ago, took a while to get my first dev job after that, then had a job doing zero front end vb6 all day. And for the past year plus I've been working at a C# .NET shop
doing things the way the only other dev here does them
also been listening to a couple dev podcasts trying to get a feel for what people are using in 2019 but there's so much out there
It's a datetime in SQL, I'm getting the value rn by doing an Eval() on a parameter I made for that purpose: <asp:LinkButton Date='<%# Eval( "TheDate") %>'></asp:LinkButton>
Silly tags
It's determined by configuration, yeah. The configuration leads to the use of different namespaces and such.
I have a Franchise table, a Tag table (for all the descriptors with a flag for actual Genre's), and Platform, Region, Developer, Publisher and Game tables all relational and storing every detail you'd ever want to know about a video game