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Skyrim Grandma or whatever her nickname is
Elder Scrolls VI: Skyrim 2
!!quote get professional
32 mins ago, by techno
@MikeTheLiar Thanks.. i will copy your code and figure how it works when i get free time
Love it
@MikeTheLiar I still really wanna know how he's managed this paradox.
@HéctorÁlvarez A clean install of VS didn't work either... :(
@anand_v.singh Bruh, how many years old is the message you're replying to?
Anyone who has worked with WPF Shaders library or could help with this error (will post the image) I am unable to repeat this on other systems and not able to fix on my system
1>------ Build started: Project: ShaderEffectLibrary1, Configuration: Debug Any CPU ------
1>c:\users\inasing4\documents\visual studio 2017\Projects\ShaderEffectLibrary1\ShaderEffectLibrary1\ShaderEffectLibrary1.csproj(72,5): error MSB4018: The "PixelShaderCompile" task failed unexpectedly.
1>c:\users\inasing4\documents\visual studio 2017\Projects\ShaderEffectLibrary1\ShaderEffectLibrary1\ShaderEffectLibrary1.csproj(72,5): error MSB4018: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
@Sinjai Ancient
Oof. Major oof.
Actually around 8 hours ago conversation
@anand_v.singh Format your hard drive.
Have you tried attaching a second instance of VS to the crashing instance?
Nuke from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.
del C:/Windows/system32
@MikeTheLiar What how do I test this
@MikeTheLiar IT Policy guards the location
Open the crashing project in one instance of VS, then open a second, separate instance of VS. In the second one, Debug -> Attach to Process -> Find devenv.exe. Then build the project in the first instance and see if you can catch the exception in the second instance.
You might have to play around with the attach to process settings. Really the only thing it's going to do is it might help you get some more information about the error
Hmm let me try that,

P.S. The error is replicated even in the template file that should compile, been banging my head on this for 15 hours on this, perhaps I can damage this system if I bang my head hard enough :)
I only know a little about WPF and I know nothing about this shaders library but it sounds like the installation is missing a file or other resource.
It also sounds like you and Hector have been discussing this for a while, if you've already gotten to the point where you're reinstalling Visual Studio
The attached process is giving this -> Skipped loading symbols. Module is optimized and the debugger option 'Just My Code' is enabled.
@MikeTheLiar I mean since the automatically loading template was not working in mine and was working in other systems we kinda went with missing modules
I think tomorrow I will sit with the senior dev on whose this is working and compare programs and their VS Install, files maybe I can find something...
Else I will backup data and nuke this Install smh..
you can demo foldermatch
way easier than scrubbing for differences with your eyeballs
@Jay Will definitely try thanks for pointing me that way
@MikeTheLiar Investigating...
@MikeTheLiar Might work, I was missing DirectX SDK fingers crossed, else everything was same
@MikeTheLiar You the man, it worked
@HéctorÁlvarez just in case you see the earlier message only, it got fixed, thanks:)
rofl I'm happy for you
Now back to seeing if the entire code compiles..
And it did....
Thanks again man...
So what's the one-sentence solution?
DirectX SDK was missing
Been debugging from 10 in the morning now it's 1 at night, would have taken 15 minutes to solve
But it's my first intership still in college so a price I am happy to pay :)
> 1 at night
Interesting word choice...
@Sinjai 1 at late evening
Wait that's even more ambiguous.
1 in the morning?
There's a reason we have AM/PM damnit
AM means morning, but is 1 AM really morning?
@Sinjai I thought AM/PM was to confuse people that meeting at 12:00 AM meant meeting in the afternoon
seems a lot like night time to me
And on that voice of reason I am out
just remember, all the words are made up
In all the books, in all the plays, in all the movies, in all the poems in history of English, there have only been 26 different characters.
@Jay Yes
"Early morning"
Language has inherit ambiguities that I despise.
Makes it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to talk about anything abstract.
Meaning of life kinda conversations are worthless not because it's not something that should be pursued but because it's not something that can be pursued.
AM means "ante meridiem" which just means "before midday". It's arguable that because of how much closer to midnight 1 AM is, it should really be called "after midnight"
You're missing a word in there.
The more I think about it, the more sense dividing the day up into quarters makes
We already have such constructs
Before noon, afternoon, before midnight, after midnight
Yeah but "early morning"
The real complexity comes from the word afternoon IMO.
Is early morning right before dawn? Or is it right after midnight?
Yeah - is 11 PM "afternoon"?
Afternoon is like 12-5
After that it's evening
We have morning, afternoon, and evening. We need an after midnight
That quarter of the day is under served.
If you wanna be really obnoxious, it's evening until later, at which point it becomes night.
Maybe it's just called "what the fuck are you still doing awake"
shift workers the world over give me a dirty look
I've definitely referred to 2 AM as "late night"
@MikeTheLiar The 4-equidistant Time points can be considered as Time Square imprinted upon the circle of Earth. In a single rotation of the Earth sphere, each Time corner point rotates through the other 3-corner Time points, thus creating 16 corners, 96 hours and 4-simultaneous 24-hour Days within a single rotation of Earth – equated to a Higher Order of Life Time Cube.
Relationships between temporal points can be forged even though they previously did not exist.
Earth body 4 corner time equals 4 leg mobility
fin will be leg
Your ignorance of Harmonic Cube is demonic
hot hot leg
Americans are actually RETARDED from

Religious Academia taught ONEism -upon

an Earth of opposite poles, covered by Mama

Hole and Papa Pole pulsating opposite burritoes.
Is time cube back up? Last I knew it was down
it wouldn't be an issue if we were flinging around some other sun
Obligatory Time Cube companion Weather is Happening
oh god they have a merch shop now
view source disappointing that they use Google Analytics just like everyone else
What do you want them to use?
what is the target demographic for the man leg?
Hairless man leg
@Jay all. everyone need leg. leg for whole family.
> I am the wisest and most insane person to ever exist.
Odd that doesn't show up anywhere on the rendered page.
> There is always a cost for everything…
NOT MY SOUL! Not my problem! Not MY fault!

Body + Mind + Spirit = HELL/Phoenix!

[email protected]
yet quoted it has been
Body plus Mind plus Spirit equals HELL divided by Phoenix
Phoenix times the sum of Body, Mind, and Spirit equals HELL
Makes sense to me.
BEING Phoenix is HELL that's why Jean is always so tortured
@Sinjai in the end the senior dev didn't want me changing the data type of that column, so I used the substring fiddle example you made and it's working and I'm totally cool with that
2 lines of code and a few hours later haha
whats the cleanest way to clone an instance of a service?
okay, not cleanest. fastest and easiest
Clone an instance of a service? That sounds dangerous.
hello does anyone here know how to use the DbFunctions.Like() method in entity framework?
@misha130 what?
Define "service"
Should be stateless, so new Service();. No state, new instance is exactly the same as the prior instance, hence consider it cloned.
@erotavlas Yes.
You use it like the LIKE DB function.
thanks I think I got it working

 source = source.Where(x => DbFunctions.Like(x.reporttext, queryModel.ReportTextLike));
Looks about right
What was your problem?
Like what did your first attempt look like?
at first I wasn't getting any results because I forgot to include '%' around my expression
Yeah, it works just like LIKE because it gets translated directly to it in the expression tree.
And a LIKE without % is basically =.
I wish I'd found out about DbFunctions sooner.
I wish they would add Contains for full text search
@Jay Changing the DB datatype wasn't my suggestion (although I'd love to hear the senior dev's reasoning). You still shouldn't be doing string manipulation, but I don't know enough about how the whole webforms code-behind nonsense works to offer a detailed solution.
As long as it stays as simple as it is now, you're probably fine. But you should probably be parsing it to a DateTime and using ToShortDateString(), like Mike said.
@erotavlas Have you looked into this workaround?
how do i say gather the transactions ranging from date 1 to date 2?
Please be less specific, if possible.
And I'm not sure it is possible.
I think his reasoning is usually whatever gets me past whatever is holding me up, as fast as possible
TTransactionsDataList.Where(x => x.PAYMENTSOURCE == sourceName
   && (int.Parse(x.MONTH) * 31 + int.Parse(x.DAY) + int.Parse(x.YEAR) * 365)
         < (lastccMonth * 31 + lastccDay + lastccYear * 365)
                && (int.Parse(x.MONTH) * 31 + int.Parse(x.DAY) + int.Parse(x.YEAR) * 365)
                              < (openMonth * 31 + openDay + openYear * 365)

                             ).Select(x => decimal.Parse(x.ITEMCOST)).ToList().Sum());
in this object list, the transactions are recorded with their price and date
@Jay That is awful fucking reasoning. I'm genuinely upset now.
im just trying to add the sum of the prices where the dates range from date 1 to date 2
What is TTransactionsDataList?
        public static List<TTransactionsTable> TTransactionsDataList { get; set; }
        public class TTransactionsTable
            public int ID { get; set; }
            public string DAYOFWEEK { get; set; }
            public string MONTH { get; set; }
            public string DAY { get; set; }
            public string YEAR { get; set; }
            public string HOUR { get; set; }
            public string MINUTE { get; set; }
            public string SECOND { get; set; }
thanks anyways
What a jerk.
The M in MCVE doesn't stand for "massive"
I want to do things, you know, correctly
As you should, Jay. And as the more experienced dev he should be teaching you to do things correctly.
it is already a datetime in SQL and I'm getting it by a weird webforms Eval, at which point idk what it is
can I just get it as a datetime object in C# so I won't have to worry about parsing it in the first place?
I mean, it's gonna get parsed somewhere along the line, whether by you or an ORM.
Like I said, I know nothing about webforms so I really can't help.
In MVC, it would be simple enough to get it from the ORM as a datetime and call ToString on it.
@Jay do you have any control over the query that gets the data?
I kinda wish we used MVC because that made sense, and I am doing a ToString on it
I'm about to leave work so I'll be on my phone but I can chat a little
I'm leaving here in a minute too
Oh shit
Me too
If you can the query, you can just cast it in the query
okay as date?
But if you have an object that you're ToStringing, try DateTime.Parse(ObjectYouHave).ToShortDateString() and see if that throws an exception
What a weird instruction
okay I will try that tomorrow, I'm sure I'll be back in here
I know to a string then back to a date idk
thanks for the help today tho
i hit that programming wall yesterday night
i wait in silence....
@TomW because of DI I am not good with new Service :(
I just want to clone
why do you want to clone?
cloning means you have mutation, dont put mutation in service objects

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