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Morning O/
2 hours later…
hi all
Hi Monkey
@juanvan do you happen to do xamarin
Not really but I do wpf from time to time
I am a full spectrum duck
VBA VB6 HTML/ASP Classic Servers/OSi/Centos/PBX/Firewalls and when I get to do what I want, c# >_<
@c0dem0nkey there is a Slack for xamarin where you could ask a detailed question
there is
anyway mines on a noob level
plus a few people here does xamrin
We all noob noobs
@nyconing you like that charmander
@nyconing good morning :)
I cannot see mr5 this days...
is he on a vacation?
1 hour later…
I like how git rebase has not only s for squash, but also f for fuck this commit
Has anyone worked with WPF Shader Effects Build Task?
is it me or is xamarin a pain
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOd Mornin' neglecterinos!
@Squirrelkiller I didn't love it. What an odd choice to put all that work into
It was ok
@Squirrelintraining neglecterinos.. sounds like nectarines but with more pain and regret
@TomW I kinda lack context right now
That Freelancer port you posted about
@Neil :D Thats the kinda idea
I've eaten those before
Don't believe the hype, they're not that good
    InternalsVisibleToAttribute..::.AllInternalsVisible Property

    This API supports the .NET Framework infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code.

    This property is not implemented.
Morning everyone! I was wondering if someone here could help me out with this issue stackoverflow.com/questions/56035268/… ?
We probably can, but you're meant to wait more than an hour before spamming it into chat channels
am I weird, or is an infinite sequence of nulls a useful thing?
public static IEnumerable<Object> Nulls()
	while (true)
		yield return null;
like that
What no why would that help anyone (other than if they're already considering jumping off a cliff, that'll help them make that decision)
anyone know free mail hosting server. where I can send email without the authentication
@CaptainObvious it depends
what if you just want an infinite sequence?
I want an infinite sequence, then use Select to get stuff (for example, consuming a reader object)
then using TakeWhile to get everything that returned something
then return that
IMHO it's silly that one can call extension methods if the instance is null.
extension methods are syntax sugar
"".IsEmpty() gets converted to StringUtils.IsEmpty("")
same for ((String) null).IsEmpty() -> StringUtils.IsEmpty(null)
it is sometimes useful tho
I have 2 string methods NullIfEmpty() and EmptyIfNull()
for example: "".NullIfEmpty() == null and ((String) null).EmptyIfNull() == ""
@Wietlol I know, i know but still
the funny thing is when you make an extension method for a generic type
kotlin does this quite often
@CaptainObvious Where do you find this in the faq? :P
Eugh forcing clients to update to NetFX 4.7.2 is a pain in the arse
> public inline fun <T> T.also(block: (T) -> Unit): T
for example
@Falcon I think it's an unwritten rule. Might be written somewhere, I don't recall
Aha. Didn't know :) Thanks
The thing is, if you need to check for nulls, why not just inherit from the base class (only when possible) and then write it as a propper method without having to check for nulls in it
if that makes any sense
that is why people say "dont use inheritance"
because you use it for the wrong reasons
if you need to check for nulls, you check for nulls, you dont use a subtype
like NullableString or NullableMyClass
at best, you'd use a wrapper
Nullable<String> Maybe<String> Optional<String> Option<String> etc
@Wietlol who says that? Inheritance is pretty useful, if used correctly
> that
refers to "people who suggest inheritance when it is not the answer"
Inheritance has many good uses and many bad uses. Nobody should say "Don't use inheritance" because that's unfair to all of the good reasons - It's like saying "Dont use Microsoft products" because they were a bit mean 20 years ago
people say silly things
for example, "favor composition over inheritance"
but what when inheritance is much better than composition?
ok, "favor composition over inheritance only when composition is better than inheritance"
@Wietlol I ment you don't need to check for nulls in an inheritedClass.MyFunc vs extensionClass.MyFunc
In Spanish we have a saying: Te estás ahogando en un vaso de agua. It roughly translates as "You're drowning in a glass of water". We usually say this when we believe something rather trivial is being scrutinized by someone else. I think you're drowning in a glass of water @Wietlol
@Squirrelintraining ah, I see
well... I blame C-harp for not having proper null awareness
I blame MS for not making a good enough harp
I blame MsLogic.exe for not working, which is the cause of the above two
@HéctorÁlvarez I can swim tho
And yet the majority of developers prefer C# over Kotlin according to the yearly statistics. Python on top, we should all learn python.
the majority of developers prefers JavaScript
we cant all be majestic green lions
I also suppose that the majority of developers dont know Kotlin... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
0.2% of the population has been learning programming stuff for over 50 years
hats off to these guys
Perhaps Avner's there, is he a millenary being?
0.2% of the men
also 0.2% of the women
but 0.5% of the whatever the hell they think they are
the statistics are agnostic of gender
avner isnt even 50 years old tho
he is... what... 46?
Lies, he's probably 2500 years by now
He might have been born with the roman empire
oh, wait, I scrolled too far
@HéctorÁlvarez Is it true that in Spanish they have the expression "pondering the immortality of the crab"?
It says in the Avnerium probably
@Neil I haven't heard about that
If the expression exists it's not common in my area
I was reading about various expressions in various countries, and that was mentioned for Spain
Supposedly the story goes that in a philosophy class, a student was daydreaming, and the professor called him out on it
But he claimed he wasn't daydreaming, he was only pondering the immortality of the crab
and so "pondering the immortality of the crab" is saying someone is daydreaming or spaced out
I don't know how true that is though
Hmmm I didn't know about that. It may be a more common expression in other places, just not my city
Or I've simply never heard it
A brief search yielded it's a more common expression in latin american countries
Hi guys
is there any good book which could help me improve my object oriented skill ?
I mean I want to learn to design better code using object oriented skills
and this learning must be specifically from a book?
@ILoveStackoverflow a book makes a good object
is a book well oriented?
It could be anything not just a book
can a book be oriented?
I used to watch talks on yutubu
I just want to improve my object oriented skills
@ILoveStackoverflow it's kind of a paradigm.. not really sure you can pick it up like a language
For me. No book improving skill.
it just means classes have methods and members pertaining to that particular class and no other place
a duck quacks, so you'd put a quack method in duck class
but sometimes its hard to design class from requirements.
especially when i see some open source projects how well they have designed their code
I wish if it could have been that simple :)
@Neil and a player gets poked, so you dont put that in the player class
@Wietlol you'd put that in the class which pokes
at least if you were being faithful to the object-oriented paradigm
@ILoveStackoverflow I think my designs work decently, but mostly because I am very strict about a set of principles
mostly, Separation of Concerns
@Neil a Poker class?
So for instance I have some problem here :
Q: How to hide logic behind a class to improve readability of method and refactor class to follow SRP?

ILoveStackoverflowI have 1 algorithm to create version for an entity and then I save that version against below 2 entity : 1) Variant 2) Category Code interface IEntityVersion { string GetVersion(params); } public class EntityVersion : IEntityVersion { public string GetVersion(params) { } } ...

@ILoveStackoverflow Do stuff yourself and you'll soon get to a decent starting point. But don't just make 2 lists and move stuff from one to the next, push it further every time. The day I advanced most in C# was the day I made a full MVVM app with the help of Avner
Start a project you like. You can make own music player for example.
@ILoveStackoverflow you're sort of breaking Liskov Subsitution Principle by doing it like that
> Step1 : Transform();
Step2 : Create Version :
this makes it quite easy actually
you know that your function Process does 2 steps, which means it does multiple things
any reason why IVariant wouldn't simply have Transform and CreateVersion methods?
the only way that a function is allowed to do multiple things is by calling other methods that do the individual things
so transform is a method and createVersion is a method
they contain the logic
If you think about it, "Process" for an interface is incredibly vague
it might as well be a Task or something
Because Transform are CreateVersion are 2 seperate things and consumer cannot see anything related to version
interface should be as specific as possible while still being applicable to all implementing classes
@ILoveStackoverflow So there may be some IVariants which don't create versions you're telling me?
IMO it's very well-designed already
much better than the standard I see at work
IMO, I dont really know what it does, so it can be designed better ;)
Actually I was trying to design BaseVariant in a way that tomorrow If i want to remove this versioning,I could remove it easily without affecting any code
            using (var myConnection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                using (var transaction = myConnection.BeginTransaction())

It looks to me like you're using inheritance to solve a problem that would probably be better suited using the Strategy pattern
this could be its own method
Have a list of steps which can be swapped in and out
and if anything, have specific classes which provide their own "steps"
possibly using decorators?
I don't like using decorators unless a product is being performed, but you could also use decorators
I want to hide operations related to versioning behind the versioning class that way Process method will become simple
a product... is being... performed?
created, whatever
@ILoveStackoverflow can you explain the business requirement?
I personally wouldn't add more than that, the "Process" method is already very self-explanatory and simple, simply extract that chunk if you can to reduce complexity and atomize operations
You'll have 3 steps, each step can be encapsulated as you prefer
But that's just my humble opinion
I have 2 derive types(AggregateCalculator and AdditionCalculator) and each of this have their own implementation of transform method.This transform method pulls data from database,perform some algorithm and saves some data based on that transformation
Only step1 and Step2 have different algorithm based on AggregateCalculator and AdditionCalculator
Versioning code is same hence i have put it in base class
Also I want step 1 and step2 in sync so that if there is any error in step2 ,I delete all the data that has been stored in Step1
Again I think it is violating SRP because AggregateCalculator and AdditionCalculator does 2 things : Transform and Removing data
Is this correct guys ?
according to SRP everything must have one responsibility
that responsibility can be either
- processing something
- invoke other processes
if your class/function does multiple things, it may only do so by telling other things to do what they are supposed to do
if the second option would not exist, you could never do 2 things in one application
so does my AggregateCalculator and AdditionCalculator violating SRP by implementing DeleteStep1Data method ?
pretty much
what you can do is take a step back
you want a process that can run and have a rollback method
yes basically keep step1 and step2 in sync
public interface RollbackableFunction<in I, out O>
	O Invoke(I input);

	void Rollback();
like that?
but both the derived types have different removing mechanism
I suppose the rollback is based on the invoke
Can you implement the respective rollback functions in each method?
that way, the functions
protected abstract void DeleteStep1Data(params);
protected abstract void Transform(params);
are put in one separate object
Is anyone free, I have an Issue but the chat room looks busy on a different issue...
if(isEven) commit;
else rollback;
!!welcome-c# anand_v.sing
@anand_v.sing Welcome to the C# chat! Please review the room guidelines and tips. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
when you do it that way, your base class becomes a fully implemented class, because that object is passed as argument in your constructor
You've been around long enough, you should know that
in I, out O ?
just some generics of doing stuff :)
you'd always want some input and some output
BaseVariant will implement this RollbackableFunction ?
no, AggregateCalculator and AdditionCalculator would
I am calling Rollback method here :
 catch (Exception ex)
There is this extrernal tool in WPF Shaders library, it runs in .NET Framework 3.5, I have a project that requires this, but while compiling I face the issue (I will add an Image), the issue is recreated even if I am compiling the default template, the issue is not replicated in colleagues computers, and I have run out of threads to chase on the internet
What should be the debug steps?
transaction.Rollback(); // this rollback versioning database save operation
There is no error code and going with the same steps works on a different system
Your functions already handle that, so if I get this right all you have to do is extract logic from Process() so all it does is call and invoke, and the extra functions will do their job
@anand_v.singh clean and rebuild?
Tried till now

Clean and Rebuild
Fresh install of external dependency
Reinstalling .NET 3.5
actually... it makes more sense to have the rollback in the result
IDK it looks like you're missing something in your tool
System restart between uninstall and install
@Wietlol Could you please just show me how do use RollbackableFunction in my original code posted on the question please
@anand_v.singh Did you try reinstalling your tool?
@HéctorÁlvarez Seems unlikely the same steps and the same setup worked
@HéctorÁlvarez Yes
if you want something to be rollbackable which is implemention-specific, you need a reverse step for every step you perform
Maybe something in your build configuration.
@Neil Sorry didnt understood.Could you please elaborate little bit
@ILoveStackoverflow I mean if you have Process1 Process2, and Process3 in IVariant, then you'd logically need a RollbackProcess1 RollbackProcess2, and RollbackProcess3 methods
@HéctorÁlvarez Maybe, I think something might also be missing in Visual studio install perhaps
if anything they don't do anything in your actual implementation
something like that is probably better
@ILoveStackoverflow what he means is that if you fuck up Step2 you should be able to call Step1.Rollback() so you won't mess up the process if it breaks midway
a common implementation could be like this paste.ofcode.org/pZGsW2cfMY2Y2V5dPXk7n
then you can write your Transform function and return an object with the value (or null if none) and the rollback instructions
Ok all right guys.Thank you so much.Appreciated :)
You guys are always helpful :)
this could be your transform method then in a subclass
the rollback doesnt need any additional parameters since it can load them all from the Transform method
Cool Thanks :)
(still, this is what I came up with in a few minutes, might still have much room for improvement)
I found out that it was built on .NET Core 1.0 and that was not in my VS install, Installing now, I hope that works, will update later if it does, fingers crossed
you could even make functions like this :D
however, the transaction thing for the database doesnt really work like a rollbackable
monads ftw
This is so complicated and hard to understand for me :)
public static RollbackableObject<R> SelectMany<T, R>(this RollbackableObject<T> self, Func<T, RollbackableObject<R>> mapper)
RollbackableObject<R> newRollbackable = mapper.Invoke(self.ActualObject);

return new SimpleRollbackableObject<R>(newRollbackable.ActualObject, () =>
it means that you can do something like this: Transform().SelectMany(value => DoSomethingElse())
where Transform and DoSomethingElse both return a RollbackableObject
the RollbackableObject returned by the SelectMany however, does the rollback of both others when it rolls back
its equivalent to
var transformRollbackable = Transform();
var somethingRollbackable = DoSomethingElse(transformRollbackable.ActualObject);


(where the rollback is grouped
Ok Allright sir.Thank you so much for all the help :)
i think its fun writing stuff like that
even tho I wouldnt really use rollbacks that often
 Console.WriteLine("3 " + TTransactionsDataList.Where(x => x.PAYMENTSOURCE == sourceName
                                                                                      && (int.Parse(x.MONTH) + int.Parse(x.DAY) + int.Parse(x.YEAR))
                                                                                      < (lastccMonth + lastccDay + lastccYear)
                                                                                      && (int.Parse(x.MONTH) + int.Parse(x.DAY) + int.Parse(x.YEAR))
how do i get a range of dates?
That didn't work will perhaps reinstall visual studio today
My new favorite comment:
Method Signature: protected internal TController GetController<TController>()
First lines of code:
if (GetType() == typeof(TController))
      // silly you, asking for yourself. yourself you get
      return (TController)this;
What's the point in that even?
Making sure you are yourself
Oh well there is more to that method, I just like that line of code
Aswell don't ask me anything about why it exists :D
The method should always return at that point so the rest is a pile of hay
sometimes I too ask myself who I am
Am I a TController? Hmm, I suppose I am. Good talk, self.
I am a Facade
Wait why is 'Facade' capitalized there
naming conventions
Thats good enough for me.
has someone expierence with integrating amazon in your unity app? I know this here maybe isnt the right chat but i cant find a better one with qualified people :)
that question is as vague as an average 720p Game of Thrones S08E03 shot
or does someone know a good site about sharing informations about buisness stuff?
its a good information sharing site
@Wietlol It was fine.
a bit more details i sell furniture with a software created in unity and i try to figure out how i can integrate amazon products so if you choose them in my app you get translated to amazon and i get some provision
im young and dumb and thaught mAYbe someone here already done this :)
or knows a good place to search for informations
You just need to figure out how to open a browser link in your Unity app and do so with an amazon referrer link
You can google each bit of that puzzle.
ok maybe its more about how can i integrate that amazon gets that someone opens the link about my shop. Someone knows this --> aws.amazon.com/en ? But i think im not in the right spot for this question
@RoelvanUden the question or the average shot quality?
@Neil Wait you cracked it! It's a rubberducking function that anyone can use during runtime.
Never forget who you are
words to live by
@Wietlol 720p Game of Thrones S08E03 shot is redundant
> Remember who you are!
Besides you can't get a 720p shot from a 360p film
No visual upgrades, major size impact
insert into random_strings (value) values ('you');
@Wietlol done and done
2x done?
no, just the one time
Select beauty from self;
(I feel sorry for Neil's proxy)
i am okay though @Wietlol. But thanks, it's nice to know somebody is thinking about me.
are you property of Neil?
I feel sad for both Neil's proxy and Proxy
its kinda hard to define.
@Wietlol Average shot quality.
it was dark, on dark shots, you need much better quality to get the same experience
or you get... segmented stuff
It was terrible, and they should feel sad
it was terrible and I should feel sad for thinking 720p was ok
It was by far the episode with the biggest budget, it promised something never seen before, and all we got was the average TS-Screener torrent of a movie that just released on theaters
Nothing happened in that episode, beyond the death of a few secondary characters
Mr. came back 19 times and died again
Mr. I can't be more pessimistic
It was the perfect chance to kill another dragon and half the roster, but hell no, let's use a half-assed boat with a ballista, and it won't budge while shooting an oversized bolt that can pierce a dragon with the precision of a Tiger I tank, which makes whole boats explode.
And don't get me started on the idiotic battle strategy, or the miniature catapult that was smaller than a horse, but still shot as far as trebuchets.
Miniature trebuchets too, but you get the idea
i find certain things to be troubling in the realism of the events
(cant be really specific without spoilers)
the trebs were just trebs
If anything I loved GoT because the whole show was the exact opposite of what it was that episode, it vomited Hollywood everywhere, we were only lacking a person for a minority culture to kill the baddest bad blue-eyed white dragon night kingpin.
there are more versions of trebs than all other medieval siege weaponry combined
Yeah but a trebuchet the size of a cavalry warrior can't shoot further than 50m, though these guys were hurling fireballs at 1000m distance without sweating it.
I find the idea of standing in front of the castle more troubling than the incorrectness of being superior siege engines
what about the coffee cup yo
but the worst part is the conversation between tyrion and cersei
the horror, the horror!
Tyrion: "surrender"
Cersei: "ofcourse, you just lost half your army, I shot down a dragon, you lost your friend, I took your castle, your men are hardly battle ready, my army doubled because of golden bois and I invented new siege weapons"
Cersei: "but you are right, I have no elephants so I will surrender"
and then cersei sent her whole army to arrest danny that is just sitting there with 20 men while shooting their harpoons at them to prevent them from escaping
it may be cersei, but she still has honor ;)
Arrest? More like cut her head off
Lena Headey did an awesome job to portray Cersei as a bitch, Cersei has no honor.
I also liked Chrys' version
^ Game of Thrones S08E04 recap
i just want it all to end tbh
its been 8 seasons and its time
I just want the middle earth show
all the hate ... i think it was great and i loved it :D
@Wietlol as a series? would be awesome
honestly I want an ancient rome show
so the movies in to a series?
I'd probably watch it and love it but there is more to tolkein
good morning
I thought they were doing an era 2 story
so definitely not lotr
> The five maps move backward through Middle-earth history, illustrating a long stretch of time that runs from 5,000 to 500 years before Frodo and the Fellowship began their journey in The Lord of the Rings.
maybe we might see baby gandalf :D
how would i be able to convert a string to 2 decimal places
string taxdeduct = Convert.ToDecimal(string.Format("{0:0.00}", Convert.ToDecimal(TaxDeducted))).ToString(0.00)
got this so far
string s = @".."';
@A.Rahman have you tried putting quotes around the toString format?
Q: Using String Format to show decimal up to 2 places or simple integer

Mr AI have got a price field to display which sometimes can be either 100 or 100.99 or 100.9, What I want is to display the price in 2 decimal places only if the decimals are entered for that price , for instance if its 100 so it should only show 100 not 100.00 and if the price is 100.2 it should dis...

also keep in mind you use the current culture by default
which is stupid and causes most errors
also, there isnt really any reason to parse -> format -> parse -> format
this would return my original value with 2 decimal places correct ?
new String((string) myString.ToString());
as in it wouldn't round the value to the nearest tenth or hundred ?
@MikeTheLiar how about Convert.ToString(that) ?
@A.Rahman it should round the values to hundredths
also, there isnt a string constructor overload that takes a string parameter
@Wietlol super cool, atleast they have creative freedom somewhat
I have a string and I want to strip off everything after the first space, I found a javascript string.split but how can I do it in c#?
@Jay see here: dotnetfiddle.net/SJ6hRK
I made you an example
In the example I split "Hello World" by the space to just get "Hello"
you can run it by clicking the Run button, check out the console at the bottom for the output. Try perhaps changing it to another string with a space for example "Something Else" and hitting the run button.

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