That's the sort of graph that makes git fans say "what a fantastic branching model git has!" while most sane people simply get a glazed look and try merging again.
Ugh, I so regret connecting to Spotify via my Facebook account.
Not because of privacy and stuff, mostly because the client now displays my username as 1159528482, which is my internal Facebook user id, and their support site says that this is because they failed to fetch my display name from Facebook and then said "oh, what the hell, you'll just be a number from now on".
If you didn't create your spotify through facebook you can just disconnect them, but if you used facebook to create the account then you have to recreate your account, because apparently they can't disconnect them
By the time I realized it's bullshit (both because of this, and because it means my personal Facebook is logged into my shared living room computer), it was too late - you can't disconnect.
Yeah, found that out the hard way.
But I don't want to create a new account and lose my history.
list1: [1,2] list2: [2,3] You have two unique items. What percentage is that? 50%? 100%? What's the total number you're comparing to, the sum count of both lists?
@ILoveStackoverflow So wait, if source and target match, it's 100%. From this, you subtract every item missing in target, and add any extraneous item in target, right?
So [1,2,3],[4,5,6] would be the same 100% as [1,2,3],[1,2,3]?
I am trying to calculate LoadPercentage that is the amount of data present that has been loaded from source to target and the amount of data someone might have deleted from target to source
if I understand you correctly, if the lists don't change, you want 0%. If only items get added, you want a positive percentage. If only items are removed, you want a negative percentage?
You have 5 items in Source not in Target, and 2 items in Target, not in Source. That doesn't mean you have 7 changes, and it certainly doesn't mean you have 3 changes.
Right. Tell me what values you expect for `LoadDifference` AND `LoadPercentage` for the following lists:
[1,2,3,4] [1,2,3,4]
[1,2,3 ] [4 ]
[1,2 ] [3,4 ]
[1,2,3,4] [ ]
There are a multitude of completely different input lists which will return the same values. The issue with that is the values are explained to be able to show how it's doing, but the values are meaningless unless it's 0diff, 100%, because it otherwise gives no indication whatsoever what the actual issue is
var difference = new HashSet<int>(source);
var loadDifference = difference.Count();
var loadPercentage = (source.Count() - source.Intersect(target).Count()) * 100 / source.Count();
LoadDifference is, indeed, the count of Source not in Target and Target not in Source.
But LoadPercentage is simply percentage of Source not in Target.