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await phoneService.OnBackButtonPress?.Invoke();
What exactly is the precedence of operation between await and the method invocation: ?. here?
If I am not including the await operator, the IDE is suggesting me the simplification syntax, otoh, with await, no suggestion.
It seems the case await have a higher precedence over ?. operator
What is the monochrome algorithm different between
0.2989 * R + 0.5870 * G + 0.1140 * B
(R + G + B) / 3.0
@nyconing this says to me that: sum of 30% of original red, 60% of original green, and 10% of original blue
and if you add up those fractional values, it's 1 anyway
Then why that algorithm hate blue?
probably it's something about the RGB color distribution not being proportional
1 hour later…
When down-scaling the image it produce the blur image in Emgu cv. Any one know about this please light us to glow
How do you handle upgrading software that is using app.config files? Like merging old settings with new?
specifically application scope settings
Or are you using other libraries for this?
@Dexception which Platform?
@mr5 Windows 10, Forms app
I got trolled by my own company
There was a software update, so I went ahead and did it
they uninstalled open office
now I don't have anything to open documents :(
Maybe install open offive
Except instead of OpenOffice, install LibreOffice instead as it's superior in every wat
Also I keep hearing dings from the chat but nothing is there. Happening for anyone else?
yep, that's what I'm doing now in fact
What a wonderfully simple timeline
I see train
That's the sort of graph that makes git fans say "what a fantastic branching model git has!" while most sane people simply get a glazed look and try merging again.
GitHub may now targeted to merge NT and Linux
I tend to avoid branch acrobatics like that
well I got a nasty error with libreoffice
I don't really have the time or patience to deal with it, so I'm just installing open office
What error
something about error opening shared configuration under my user profile
"failed to read data entry in configuration backend db"
Ugh, I so regret connecting to Spotify via my Facebook account.
Not because of privacy and stuff, mostly because the client now displays my username as 1159528482, which is my internal Facebook user id, and their support site says that this is because they failed to fetch my display name from Facebook and then said "oh, what the hell, you'll just be a number from now on".
Ah, you created you account through facebook?
Yeah, back when it was only a trial account because they weren't officially launched in Israel.
If you didn't create your spotify through facebook you can just disconnect them, but if you used facebook to create the account then you have to recreate your account, because apparently they can't disconnect them
By the time I realized it's bullshit (both because of this, and because it means my personal Facebook is logged into my shared living room computer), it was too late - you can't disconnect.
Yeah, found that out the hard way.
But I don't want to create a new account and lose my history.
I think you'll either have to suck up being a number or suck up the recreation
Oh, yes. I've gotten used to being a number, not a free man.
Still gonna whine about it, though.
good (ugt) morning
what does (ugt) mean?
@TomW Universal Greeting Time.
Whenever you are. Whatever you are. Wherever you are. If you just join, it's morning.
Avner is hitman
didn't know it yet
As in, the 90's pop compilation CD series?
Meh, nevermind, it wasn't actually a European thing.
The only greetings allowed in this chat are ones which line up with UTC
I (ugt) rebel
Does Rider support publishing clickonce apps?
Hey guys
I am having data like this 2 List<int>
Source :


Target :

i wish I had 2 List<int>s like that :(
I am trying to calculate LoadPercentage that is overall percentage of source ddata not present in target and target not present in source
You can start with the LINQ Except() method, which returns items in one collection not in another.
@ILoveStackoverflow so if both lists were completely different, you'd get 200%?
@ILoveStackoverflow what if one list has 1_000_000 items and the other 2?
(If your lists are large, or you calculate this a lot, you might want to load them into a HashSet<int> and use the methods there)
 public decimal LoadPercentage
			if (NoSourceCount + NoTargetCount == (SourceCount + TargetCount))
			if (SourceCount > 0)
				  return Math.Round((100m * ((decimal)TargetCount / (decimal)SourceCount)), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan meh, ordering is prolly best
For eg : If source has 10 records and target has 5 records then LoadPercentage will be : 50%
... except maybe if you remove the items from the other as well
ye, hashsets might even be better than ordered iteration
@ILoveStackoverflow that says nothing about what elements they have in common though
If that's the case, the calculation is fairly straightforward
source.Except(target).Count() * 100 / source.Count()
but now for above scenario although i am having difference still i am getting LoadPercentage as 100 which is incorrect
what if source has 5 and target has 10?
Source and Target have data in common : 1,2,3,4,5
No, sorry, that's just for one direction - source not in target.
is that still 50%? Or -50%?
list1: [1, 2, 3]
list2: [3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]
for these two lists, what is their load percentage?
@Neil In that case it will be 200%
list1: [1,2]
list2: [2,3]
You have two unique items. What percentage is that? 50%? 100%? What's the total number you're comparing to, the sum count of both lists?
my approach to this problem wouldn't be to calculate the load percentage from two lists which may or may not have objects in common
It would be to keep one list in a hash set, and keep track of which items were added or removed
after which, you have a positive or negative value indicating the change in that set
that's all you need to know to calculate load percentage
What you want here is a XOR operation between lists - return only items that are in one list, but not both.
formula is this: (list1.Count + list2.Count - itemsInCommon(list1, list2)) / list1.Count
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan why not an AND operation?
you can invert the logic
var countUniqueItems = new HashSet<int>(list1).SymmetricExceptWith(list2).Count();
> list1: [1,2]
list2: [2,3]
AND result = [ 2 ]
@Wietlol Sure, you can construct a XOR using AND and NOT.
LoadPercentage is overall percentage of source ddata not present in target and target not present in source
so, number of elements different = list1.Count + list2.Count - result.Count
@ILoveStackoverflow Yeah, but you still haven't explained what it's a percentage of. What's the total number?
So i am just trying to calculate how much data has been loaded
Total number on both the side can vary
@ILoveStackoverflow if you got that requirement from someone else, you should tell them that it is ambiguous
Sometimes source can have more data aand sometimes target can have more data
please verify the requirements with sample data
@Wietlol A more general way to express it is "list1 UNION list2 EXCEPT result", which will take care of duplicates too.
This is the data :
Source :


Target :

@ILoveStackoverflow That's not a problem. What we're missing is the total.
So 100% is 10
total is 10
So total is out of source?
are source and target interchangable?
If source is [1,2,3] and target is [4,5,6,7,8,9], you'll get 200%. Is that the expected result?
should the result of f(list1, list2) == f(list2, list1) ?
Yes correct
200? not 300?
If source is [1,2,3] and target is [1,2,3] Load% will be 100%
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan data being removed from the original list counts against the final load percentage apparently
because all data has been loaded correctly from source to target and vice versa
@ILoveStackoverflow No, it will be 0%.
The XOR (or SymmetricExcept, if you will) will return an empty list.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan no, it would be 100%
no it would be -0%
@Neil Yes because i dont have any data that is not matching to Load% will be 100
as in, nothing's changed.. it remains the same
@Neil > LoadPercentage is overall percentage of source ddata not present in target and target not present in source
which says 100% data has been loaded in source and target
Source data not present in the target is 0, target data not present in the source is 0
@ILoveStackoverflow Your definitions are conflicting.
@TomW well when you put it that way
Specify the problem more precisely
then why is func([1,2,3], [4,5,6,7,8,9]) == 200%?
@ILoveStackoverflow ^
@Wietlol No, you're right, it should be 300%.
as per this formula
return Math.Round((100m * ((decimal)this.TargetCount / (decimal)this.SourceCount)), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
That should be 300% by this definition
@ILoveStackoverflow that is the implementation
I claim that the implementation is wrong
otherwise, you wouldnt be here
I want to know the specification
and I sure hope that the specification is not the implementation
@ILoveStackoverflow if target count is 3, and source count is 3, you're getting 100%
Aside from the fact that if source count were 0, you'd be in a world of hurt
you're not considering items they have in common
@Neil yes but internal data is not matching so load% in that case will be incorrect
that is a piece of domain information, which we dont have tho vOv
@ILoveStackoverflow if it can never be zero, that's one thing, but that doesn't make the calculation correct
[4,5,6], [4,5,6,7,8,9] = 200% because twice of data has been loaded in source
Actually now i got a little bit that Total will be Source data
no it isnt
none of [4,5,6,7,8,9] are present in [1,2,3]
In my humble opinion, you should do this, but subtract 100% from it:
so two identical lists give you 0%
percentages can be negative at this point
in my humble opinion, you should write down test scenarios and specify the desired results
but whatever
Actually i am trying to create formula to calculate loadpercentage and this is what i came up
if (this.NoSourceCount + this.NoTargetCount == (SourceCount + TargetCount))
			if (this.SourceCount > 0)
				  return Math.Round((100m * ((decimal)this.TargetCount / (decimal)this.SourceCount)), 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
I have no idea what you guys are trying to do
but this is failing for scenario i have mentioned
we are trying to solve a problem to which we dont know what the desired solution is @LeeButler
Looks dumb
@Neil If we consider Source records as TOTAL then can we create formula around it?
This is like a maths trying to calculate percentage and i am bit bad at maths :)
well I mean, the question you should ask yourself is what you want the values to mean
if you want 100% to mean there is no change, then my formula is what you need
Ok let me calculate Load% using your formula with the data i am having problem with
But other than that, I'm not sure. It depends again entirely on what you want to do and how you intend to use that data
Calculating percentages is easy though. are we really struggling calculating percentage?
(AmountDone / Total)*100. ezpz
Applies to 100% of percetentage scenarios
@ILoveStackoverflow So wait, if source and target match, it's 100%. From this, you subtract every item missing in target, and add any extraneous item in target, right?
So [1,2,3],[4,5,6] would be the same 100% as [1,2,3],[1,2,3]?
Source = [1,2,3] Target = [4,5,6] will be 0% because there is no data matching
@ILoveStackoverflow Right, so we don't care about items in target not in source. They don't matter. That's entirely different (and much simpler).
Source = [1,2,3] Target = [1,2,3] will be 100% because all data are matching
source.Except(target).Count() is all you need.
this is how i calculate LoadDifference = NoSourceCount + NoTargetCount
Combining mine and @Avner's answer:
Done. NEXT!
@ILoveStackoverflow No, it isn't - because then [1,2,3],[4,5,6] would be 6, not 0.
i.e. 200%.
Actually it's Intersect, not Except, but yeah, now we cleared that up.
Let's look at it another way. What is Source, what is Target, and what process are you trying to get a percentage of?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan that is why i am having this condition
Because I think this stinks
  if (NoSourceCount + NoTargetCount == (SourceCount + TargetCount))
which returns 0% not 200%
Nothing about this code would return either 0 or 200.
it'll return 1 or
or undefined
I was a bit premature there
 █▌▐█  █   █ █   █
 █▌▐█  ▀▄ ▄▀ ▀█ █▀
 █▌▐█   ▐█▌   ▀█▀
       ▄▀ ▀▄   █
 █▌▐█  █   █   █
it helps to keep in perspective what you're using the data for
you don't start in with the formula until you know what the point of the formula is
I am trying to calculate LoadPercentage that is the amount of data present that has been loaded from source to target
and the amount of data someone might have deleted from target to source
the amount of data added and the amount of data deleted are two separate percentages
Well you can't bundle those together.
you'd simply average them together?
Those are seperate processes which can't be combined because that's just dumb
if I understand you correctly, if the lists don't change, you want 0%. If only items get added, you want a positive percentage. If only items are removed, you want a negative percentage?
but overall i have both the data in my 2 list
But whyyy
I think you screwed this up form the start. Why do you need a 2 way transfer anywya?
@Neil The problem with combining them is that "no change" comes out identical to "100% added and 100% removed".
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan which is why you'd start with 0%
Actually i am validating data between 2 tables
100% in the context of adding/removing makes no sense
So i load data from 1 table(Source)
I load data from another table(Target)
Okay. So why are you copying stuff between tables. Why not have the data in 1 table to start with
Because thats a 2 different database on 2 different server
just show two percentages
Riiight. So you're rolling your own replication.
% of items added, % of items removed
migration happens and data from 1 database server is copied to another database server
What database software is it
if it's ambiguous to explain to us, and we're programmers, think about how difficult it will be to explain to a client
Consider below are your 2 database tables data:
Your mistake, as @LeeButler mentioned earlier, is trying to combine these two values into one. It doesn't make sense.
Source :


Target :

Yes, we are now familiar with those numbers.
What database oftware are you using
20% added, 50% removed
and if you have been told to calculate LoadDifference and LoadPercentage then how would you calculate?
I too can type numbers:

1 6 9 69 420 1337 0 -1
You have 5 items in Source not in Target, and 2 items in Target, not in Source. That doesn't mean you have 7 changes, and it certainly doesn't mean you have 3 changes.
@LeeButler you're a witch! Burn the witches!
I have all the statistics :LoadDifference = NoSourceCount + NoTargetCount //10
@ILoveStackoverflow Yes, yes, you've shown us that calculation, but it doesn't mean anything.
but only got confused with this LoadPercentage and only with this scenario only
I mean, fine, you have 7 changes, which are 70% of sourceList.
But if you had [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10],[1,2,3,4,5,6,7], you would have exactly the same 70%.
Does that help you?
There's aboslutely no logical way to combine the differences (like you have done) and in turn pull a percentage from it
If [1,2,3],[4,5,6] gives you the same result as [1,2,3,4,5,6],[] - does it actually answer the specs you have? If so, fine, go ahead.
In this case it will say only 30% data of source has been loaded in target
Fixed nubmers.
It says no such think other than 30% of something is something
It doesn't tell you which list is short
still not fixed?
Ugh. The math simply makes no sense so I'm having a hard time making it work. :)
This is like trying to convince JDoe that border-radius isn't used for spying. Or you that C# isn't shit
dont make the maths work if the specs make no sense ;)
@LeeButler I wish you good fortunes in the wars to come :)
I'll focus on the shorter example, the math works there:
2 mins ago, by Avner Shahar-Kashtan
If [1,2,3],[4,5,6] gives you the same result as [1,2,3,4,5,6],[] - does it actually answer the specs you have? If so, fine, go ahead.
It's actually frustrating me, but I can't go anywhere else or do anything else because I'm waiting for stuff
[1,2,3,4,5,6],[] have LoadPercentage as 0 because no data from source has been loaded in Target
if [1,2,3],[4,5,6] gives you the same result as [1,2,3,4,5,6],[]
does [1,2,3],[3,4,5] give the same result as [1,2,3,4,5],[] ?
[1,2,3],[3,4,5] but here i will have LoadDifference = 2
why 2?
because 2 data are not matching from target to source
LoveStackOverflow : ILoveStackoverflow
> [1,2,3,4,5,6],[] have LoadPercentage as 0
[1,2,3],[3,4,5] but here i will have LoadDifference = 2
Hey I've implemented you ^
pls dont contradict yourself
LoadDifference is the Count
I get that
LoadDifference and Load% are different
but you are switching between the count of the intersection and the count of the exclusives
But LoadDifference for [1,2,3],[3,4,5] should be 4 - 1 and 2 in source, 4 and 5 in target.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I think list1 and list2 are not interchangable
So Load% would be 133%
Yes those 2 are different list
Right. Tell me what values you expect for `LoadDifference` AND `LoadPercentage` for the following lists:

[1,2,3,4] [1,2,3,4]
[1,2,3  ] [4     ]
[1,2    ] [3,4   ]
[1,2,3,4] [      ]
ok wait
@Wietlol "NoSourceCount + NoTargetCount" - it seems like you need both.
oh wait, we have LoadDifference and LoadPercentage
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan we will see I guess... vOv
If we have some sample values of what the result is meant to be we might eb able to work out what the hell it is you're trying to acheive
[1,2,3,4] [1,2,3,4] = LoadDifference : 0 Load% = 100
[1,2,3  ] [4     ] = LoadDifference : 4 Load% = 0
[1,2    ] [3,4   ] = LoadDifference : 4 Load% = 0
[1,2,3,4] [      ] = LoadDifference : 4 Load% = 0
Your explanations make 0 sense, so maybe this will help. Tell us the in and the out and we'll work it out
@LeeButler no [ 1, 2 ] [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ] ?
@Wietlol that's covered by the first case
And that one too from Wiet
@Neil not really
or at least, if there is an inconsistency here, we'd see it in any case
But the key thing is that 3 input values all return the same output
@LeeButler he wants an intersection percentage
and an exclusive count
this room is out of control
it appears
@LeeButler It does, because nothing in Source shows up in Target. I'm starting to understand.
@nyconing you're looking for !!c#
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan hehe :)
Load% = (SourceCount-LoadDifference)*100/SourceCount;
It's the complement to the total source count.
Okay sure, my examples were'nt greay
LoadPercentage = Intersection(a, b).Count / source.Count
LoadDifference = Exclusive(a, b).Count
(list1.Count - NumberOfAdds(list1, list2) + NumberOfSubtracts(list1, list2)) / list1.Count
Ok Let me try and Calculate
Exclusives can be computed from the result of the intersection
Is there any difference between [1,2] [3,4] and [1,2] [3,4,5]?
Y'all being snapped by ILoveSO aren't you ;)
The LoadDifference is 4 and 5, respectively. The Load% is 0 for both?
so LoadDifference = a.Count + b.Count - Intersection(a, b).Count*2
That means the two values aren't related in any way, shape or form.
@mr5 You're damn right I am
intersection might have a different name
Probably just Intersect
as is, not a particularly useful piece of information
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan depends
0 out of 4 = 0%
0 out of 5 = 0%
"What is my load percentage today?" "Oh, it's 0%, sir." "Well go f*** yourself then."
I see a perfectly fine relation
@LeeButler wiet used to be that guy
 [1,2] [3,4] : LoadDifference = 4 Load% = 0

and [1,2] [3,4,5] : LoadDifference = 5 Load% = 0
There are a multitude of completely different input lists which will return the same values. The issue with that is the values are explained to be able to show how it's doing, but the values are meaningless unless it's 0diff, 100%, because it otherwise gives no indication whatsoever what the actual issue is
var difference = new HashSet<int>(source);
var loadDifference = difference.Count();
var loadPercentage = (source.Count() - source.Intersect(target).Count()) * 100 / source.Count();
LoadDifference is, indeed, the count of Source not in Target and Target not in Source.
But LoadPercentage is simply percentage of Source not in Target.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Don't forget though, you might have sussed it Source to Target, but he's going both ways remember
@nyconing lol
@LeeButler Only in LoadDifference, I think.
Formula i have figured out :
(NoSourceCount + NoTargetCount) / (SourceCount + TargetCount)
it was never under control in the first place
Now this works for my scenario
private (Int32 loadDifference, Decimal loadPercentage) ComputeLoad(ICollection<Int32> source, ICollection<Int32> target)
    Int32 intersectionCount = source.Intersect(target).Count();
    return (source.Count + target.Count - intersectionCount, intersectionCount / (Decimal) source.Count);
!!giphy scenrai
Hey it's broken again who knew
!!Did you do that on purpose ?
@Hans1984 Not a chance
@Hans1984 Yes, absolutely
!!tel rlemon Reboot me plz
@rlemon Reboot me plz
!!Are you shizophrenic ?
@Hans1984 Yes, absolutely
I see
Roses are red,
Violets are blue,
I'm schizophrenic,
And so am I.
....or was it you ?
You can have a LoadDifference of 4 and a LoadPercentage of 0% ([1,2][3,4]) or a LoadDifference of 4 and a LoadPercentage of 33% ([1,2,3][3,4,5]).
That's why I said that the two values are unrelated.
ah ye

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