senior dev checked it into main branch weeks, maybe 2 months ago. Had unit testing project unloaded while refactoring. I realized the tests were failing and asked him about it. He's gonna look into it when he got time, maybe gotta change the tests.
You'll probably want to use HttpClient's GetStringAsync and Newtonsofts DeserializeObject , to be more specific. But good luck in your efforts! @RachelDockter
@ErwinOkken That's like having EF automatically turn all numeric values in a column that are over 10 to 10. Sure, you can do it in your code or your query, but having it be part of the entity definition is a problem, because you're creating a mismatch between the entity and the underlying table.
@Bassem First step is to figure out what takes time. Does it take a long time to get the data from the server? Or does it take time for client-side processing? Or for the browser to render?
@Bassem Try displaying the raw data - just stringify the JSON result in the client and put it in a DIV. If that's fast, then your tree-building lib is the issue.
@Wietlol Yeah, it's not a very good streaming format. Not as bad as XML, but still problematic.
when i make the following , it loaded quickly
public ActionResult Index()
IEnumerable<TreeNode> result = webTestService.GetHierarchyTree();
return View(result);
@model IEnumerable<WebTest.Domain.helper.TreeNode>
ViewBag.Title = "Web Test Task";
Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_jsTreeDemo.cshtml";
<h2>Web Test Task</h2>
<div id="container">
@foreach (var item in Model)
for each environment I have a branch in the repo and I want a workflow essentially that results in a deploy done to the environment in the event that the ci succeeds and someone approves a deploy
yeh that's what i thought but i can't seem to figure out how to get the behaviour i want
I had some heads up before MS released all this functionality so I made sure I created a branch for each environment and then a CI build and adeploy build for each too
at the moment the dev does a check in in the dev branch ... that triggers a ci
This function took about 20 seconds
how can i enhance it
public static MvcHtmlString SeriesTree(this HtmlHelper html, IEnumerable<TreeNode> nodes)
string htmlOutput = string.Empty;
if (nodes.Count() > 0)
htmlOutput += "<ul>";
foreach (TreeNode node in nodes)
htmlOutput += "<li>";
htmlOutput += node.text;
htmlOutput += html.SeriesTree(node.children);
Say you got a array of DateTimes, where the only difference is the time-part, and want to get which array index contains the time closest to the CURRENT time, how would I go by doing that? Only idea I've gotten so far is to loop through the array, check if the current difference is less than the previous difference, and if it is, save the index.
I would move the difference = (now.TimeOfDay - temp.TimeOfDay); to before the if and use it inside, and store the value of now.TimeOfDay - difference) before going into the foreach to save a little on processing time
Don't ask if you're allowed to ask a question. Don't ask if anyone's available or knows how to use what you're using. Don't say you're going to post a question. Just ask your question.
Bassem: As the commenters mention, the issue is the number of queries you're running. If you retrieved the entire table first it would be faster. If you restructured your table in a sane manner it would be faster.
Until you're handling a really large amount of information, the time to create and run a query dominates, regardless of the number of rows you fetch at once. So running 5000 of them I would expect to be nearly 5000 times slower
5000 items is tiny, now. Depending how long that text field is, I would expect 5000 entries to be around 100kB. Which is very little, nowadays.
Does that query call DB each time ?
private IEnumerable<TreeNode> FillRecursive(List<tblHierarchy> Series, int? parentId)
return Series.Where(x => x.FK_PARENT_SERIES == parentId).Select(item => new TreeNode
id = item.FK_SERIES,
text = "11",
children = FillRecursive(Series, item.FK_SERIES)
It seems likely to. It will recursively call that until the stack overflows or there are no children selected. Each time, it creates a new expression subtree
Recursively calling this is a poor way to go about populating from a database. You really want to iterate over the rows, and fill the children on each node in sequence, then you can navigate it as a tree
It would be better to store the table (or rows of interest) to a List<TreeNode>, then foreach node in nodeList { //fill the children here }
then you can construct your tree entirely in C#, which will be faster, on account of not querying the server each time.
You already have the .where and .select queries you need, it will just be faster to execute them in-memory, because running 5000 of them (or whatever the number is) results in 5000 queries to the server
Since you only need to visit each node once, you don't have to start at the root of the tree and recurse downwards, you can simply visit every node and ensure it's children are populated.
List<TreeNode> nodes = new List<Nodes>(); foreach var tblhierarchy in seriesFullList { nodes.Add(new TreeNode{ id = tblHierarchy.FK_SERIES, text = tblHierarchy.tblSeries.TX_DESCRIPTION, children = seriesFullList.Where(x => x.FK_PARENT_SERIES == }; }
And so it will be somewhat faster, because it doesn't have to create and destroy 5000 stack frames, along with expression trees in each frame.
You could add .ToList() to the end of the where to force evaluation of the enumerables, or leave it as is to let it run the expression when the children become needed.
I suspect eagerly calling ToList() will be somewhat slower, but take up less memory (because it won't have to hold on to the closure as long)
No, it won't. Not if you have the entire table in memory
It will get children for every entry. Starting at node 0, you can then walk the tree as deeply as it extends.
if node 32 is several layers deep, it will still exist, and be related to it's parent node through that node's children property. I'll note that you don't have a parent property. if you had a parent property, you'd need a second iteration to 'fix-up' the parent references.
But this would still be the cleaner way to accomplish that task than recursion. Recursion allows for succint code, but it can be difficult to debug, and is not usually very performant. Especially when wrapped in LINQ expression trees, as you initially did. Even less so when it's LINQ to SQL (LINQ to Objects is faster, because there's no network traffic)
List<tblSeries> texts = //Get from database
List<tblHierarchy> series = //Get from database
List<TreeNode> nodes = new List<Nodes>();
foreach var tblhierarchy in seriesFullList
{ nodes.Add(new TreeNode{
id = tblHierarchy.FK_SERIES,
text = tblHierarchy.texts.Single(x => == tblHierarchy.FK_SERIES).TX_DESCRIPTION,
children = seriesFullList.Where(x => x.FK_PARENT_SERIES ==
Then you have 2 database queries, and if those are still slow, you have perhaps a database or network issue (outside your code, or in that code, not this)
I think I see what you are trying to say, but I've given you the way forward. You merely need to fix the type. I've, in fact, described how to do this earlier. I won't write more code for you, though.
If every node is located in seriesFullList, then iterating the list once will associate all children.
Fixing up the types and any extra relations is simple iteration over the nodes.
In MVC, if you have multiple instances of a Partial View in a view, is it possible to have the Partial View automatically detect it and do something different on the first instance than in the rest of the instances?
Hi. Dont have much time but will return here on mobile in a moment. what do you think about this code as an ItemsSource for a wpf combobox?
public List<KeyValuePair<HttpVerb, string>> VerbSource => new List<KeyValuePair<HttpVerb, string>>(Enumerable.Range(0, Enum.GetValues(typeof(HttpVerb)).Length).Select(i => new KeyValuePair<HttpVerb, string>((HttpVerb)i, ((HttpVerb)i).ToString())));