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03:00 - 11:0011:00 - 22:00

barty barty
@Wietlol \o/
I have 0 unit tests get on my level
We just released a new patch a week after realizing 4 unit tests fail. Haven't fixed them yet.
Just hope not too many of our customers try to do too much SEPA stuff
you shouldnt even be allowed to put something online if unit tests fail
@LeeButler We don't even have tests
senior dev checked it into main branch weeks, maybe 2 months ago. Had unit testing project unloaded while refactoring. I realized the tests were failing and asked him about it. He's gonna look into it when he got time, maybe gotta change the tests.
Can't fail if you don't test
> Gotta change the tests
Changing the tests so they don't fail. Good plan!
> // Changed test to fix it
> expected = actual;
> Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual)
Nah this will do it
public IActionResult Index() {
    try {
         return View();
    catch(Exception ex) {
          // No.
          return RedirectToAction("Index");
is it possible to encorperate a web api in a c sharp application?
im not that experienced
@RachelDockter What do you mean by encorporate?
Do you mean a C# (client) application that needs to access a webapi?
Or to host a web api in your C# (client) app?
Or to write a web api hosted on a server, in C#?
I think he means call the API form the app?
(The answer is "yes" to all, but the distinctions are important)
@LeeButler I'm guessing "he" is "she".
how about a C# server?
so basicily i wanted to display the betting odds on a football team by using an API
instead of a linux/windows server?
So you want to call an external web API
im using C sharp on Unity, not windows forms
yes thats right
Like @AvnerShahar-Kashtan said, fully possible
@RachelDockter So yeah, sure. Get the URL of the web api, and use the System.Net.HttpClient class to make an HTTP request to it, to get the data.
Also quite easy with HttpClient , if that is accessible in C# Unity?
If my current database table has a boolean column that allows nulls. How can I map that in Entity Framework to make it default to false?
sweet thanks, i think i can use that in unity
Fucking avner, beating everyone to it, lol
alot of them return a JSON result
is that a problem
@ErwinOkken Arent boolean values by default defaulted to false?
what else did you expect them to return?
Not at all @RachelDockter
Also what @Wietlol said tbh
At this moment it is nullable.
@ErwinOkken If it allows null, it's not a bool but a bool?, a nullable bool.
i wasnt sure
Ahh shieet. Thats right.
i think i can do this, thanks for the info guys
When you have a bool?, you can use GetValueOrDefault, which will return false if it's null.
Yes, so bool? works. But can I also make it bool, and let EF automatically make it false?
@RachelDockter No, you can map the JSON result to a C# object.
oh really, thats perfect then
Using Newtonsoft JSON.NET, a very useful package.
make the property protected, make a public [NotMapped] property which getter simply does the otherProperty ?? false
@ErwinOkken It really shouldn't, since null isn't false.
you can also take the swagger stuff and generate a client library
You'll probably want to use HttpClient's GetStringAsync and Newtonsofts DeserializeObject , to be more specific. But good luck in your efforts! @RachelDockter
not having to deal with creating a model, calling the right endpoints, ensuring that the json is correct when sending to them
thanks i will write this down
I know null isn't false. But that was not my question. But apparantly the answer is that I'm unable to do it.
1 min ago, by Wietlol
make the property protected, make a public [NotMapped] property which getter simply does the otherProperty ?? false
@ErwinOkken That's like having EF automatically turn all numeric values in a column that are over 10 to 10. Sure, you can do it in your code or your query, but having it be part of the entity definition is a problem, because you're creating a mismatch between the entity and the underlying table.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Oh possible. But at least I DIDN'T ASSUME @RachelDockter'S GENDER
I identify as an attack helicopter
What stops him from simply doing:
private bool? _myBoolean;

        public bool? MyBoolean
            get {
                if (_myBoolean == null) return false;
                else return _myBoolean;
            set { _myBoolean = value; }
not an apache helicopter?
guys I have Json response 300 K
it took 26 s to displayed on the page
how can i make it displayed faster?
that too on weekends
@Xariez EF doesnt like private
it must be protected
@Xariez You can do something like that with NotMapped fields, as @Wietlol suggested.
NotMapped is a beautiful thing
@Bassem That seems excessive, even for that size. How are you displaying it?
ow yea, your MyBoolean also need NotMapped
the issue however is that the setter might be allowed to take in a nullable boolean
while the getter should return a nonnull boolean
@Bassem First step is to figure out what takes time. Does it take a long time to get the data from the server? Or does it take time for client-side processing? Or for the browser to render?
@RachelDockter soisoisoisoisoi
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I already understood that you don't want that. But I asked if I could do it, not if I should do it.
data comes from server quickly
it took time to display
I display it on an MVC view using Jstree
@Bassem You need to download more ram.
 public JsonResult GetSeriesTree()
            IEnumerable<TreeNode> result = webTestService.GetHierarchyTree();
            return Json(result, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
you need to download more bandwith
Use Json.NET
What @LeeButler said
@ErwinOkken Fair enough. You might be able to do with the fluent API and adding specific mapping metadata, but I don't know if it's actually possible there: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/jj591617(v=vs.113).aspx
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan do you by any chance know if HTTP can send the response while the server is still streaming data to the body?
@LeeButler please clarify
so that the client already has the response and can start reading from it?
@Wietlol It sure can.
@Wietlol Sure, HTTP supports streaming responses.
i suppose json breaks this then (in most cases)
@Wietlol yes
Get that
where you take the body and json deserialize it
and have to wait until the entire body has been loaded
@model IEnumerable<WebTest.Domain.helper.TreeNode>

    ViewBag.Title = "Web Test Task";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_jsTreeDemo.cshtml";

<h2>Web Test Task</h2>

<div id="container">


    $(function () {
            'core': {
                'data': {
                    'url': '/home/GetSeriesTree',
                    'dataType': 'json'
but if you would use a different format, you could have a quite fast response i think
@LeeButler ikr.. can't keep up with chat flying by
@Bassem Try displaying the raw data - just stringify the JSON result in the client and put it in a DIV. If that's fast, then your tree-building lib is the issue.
@Wietlol Yeah, it's not a very good streaming format. Not as bad as XML, but still problematic.
Y'all need to slow down, I'm not getting any work done here
@LeeButler Try overlaying the chat over your VS
Working hard or hardly working, eh?
@M.Aroosi im like "why the hell do I get 2 matches for my input stuff?"
turns out my parser is smarter than I am
return 42 can be return 42 or return and 42
@LeeButler Wow. I love it.
There is so much bad with this
if you do that many times, do you end up with //////// ?

when i make the following , it loaded quickly
 public ActionResult Index()
            IEnumerable<TreeNode> result = webTestService.GetHierarchyTree();
            return View(result);

@model IEnumerable<WebTest.Domain.helper.TreeNode>


                ViewBag.Title = "Web Test Task";
                Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_jsTreeDemo.cshtml";

<h2>Web Test Task</h2>

<div id="container">
    @foreach (var item in Model)
omg so much whitespace
but it display only the first level of childern
vb hisss
but it's clear
how can i display all childerns
Oh fuck git blame says I wrote it 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
Welp naming was very clear.
And it IS VB, so technically it's fine.
Plus what is git blame?
So, Londoners - what can you tell me about the Stepney/Shadwell/Limehouse area?
The show I'm popping to London for is around there, at the Troxy, and I was wondering whether it's a good area to look for an airbnb in.
Are there any London mates here?
Haha london
Is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how crazy it is?
@Neil If we were speaking Spanish, you could have added an upside-down question mark in the beginning for extra palindrome power!
I'd like to see that work in spanish
@Wietlol I'm not here to fix your parser :3
@Squirrel git blame shows you by whom each line was modified last.
@M.Aroosi it was a response to Bassem
my parser is already fixed
@Wietlol was a comment on
54 mins ago, by Wietlol
turns out my parser is smarter than I am
I talk a bit asynchronously right now
i dont see how you would want to "fix" that then
anyone here got a decent understanding of how release management works in VSTS ?
im trying to figure out how to auto gen a release and send it for approval when a CI build is triggered for a branch
Interesting spellcheck correction
for each environment I have a branch in the repo and I want a workflow essentially that results in a deploy done to the environment in the event that the ci succeeds and someone approves a deploy
@Squirrelkiller kek
@War I haven't messed with it, but I'm given to understanding that you add a trigger linked to a specific CI build, right?
yeh that's what i thought but i can't seem to figure out how to get the behaviour i want
I had some heads up before MS released all this functionality so I made sure I created a branch for each environment and then a CI build and adeploy build for each too
at the moment the dev does a check in in the dev branch ... that triggers a ci
This function took about 20 seconds
how can i enhance it

     public static MvcHtmlString SeriesTree(this HtmlHelper html, IEnumerable<TreeNode> nodes)
                string htmlOutput = string.Empty;

                if (nodes.Count() > 0)
                    htmlOutput += "<ul>";
                    foreach (TreeNode node in nodes)
                        htmlOutput += "<li>";
                        htmlOutput += node.text;
                        htmlOutput += html.SeriesTree(node.children);
You have a build for each environment, right?
then if they merge thatt to test that triggers a ci for test
please check my message :(
but the deploys we trigger by triggering a deploy build for the branch from VS at the moment
nodes are too big
i'm looking to put an approval in then on approve the system does the deploy
I'm told you can stack up multiple checkin's then do a release containing them all
but the UI is stupid IMO
@War I checked it out now. You add the build as an artifact, add a Continuous Deployment trigger on it, and that's it, I think.
The approval is in the Environment, not on the Artifact.
there's like 10 different places where you need to configure whatessentially amounts to a build process
yeh that gives me some strange errors about conditions not met
i'll prob just ping some of my ms contacts an email and see if they would mind taking a look for me
You have the Build pipeline and the Release pipeline, triggered by the build.
see that's a contradicition in terms is it not ?
@Bassem Profile it.
triggering a build pipeline from a build
@War No, a Build pipeline is triggered by a commit.
A Release pipeline is triggered by a Build.
@RoelvanUden what do you mean by profile it
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan can you help regarding my message plz ?
Performance profiling is amazing
@Bassem Did you try just dumping the entire JSON payload as a string? How fast was it?
My guess is that this JSTree thing is simply slow.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan you mean to display the entire json as a string ?
> building HTML by string concatenation
mind boggles
@Bassem yes. As the first step of profiling
Say you got a array of DateTimes, where the only difference is the time-part, and want to get which array index contains the time closest to the CURRENT time, how would I go by doing that? Only idea I've gotten so far is to loop through the array, check if the current difference is less than the previous difference, and if it is, save the index.
no other way unless you introduce more assumptions on the input
(for example, that the array is sorted)
Well, it is
The array will always be ascending
binary search it is
Either way, would this work or am i completely out in the wind here?
int index = -1;
foreach(var item in whatever)
    index = whatever.IndexOf(item);
this is a delicious O(n^2)
@Xariez Kinda
          $(document).ready(function () {

                        type: 'GET',
                        url: '@Url.Action("GetSeriesTree")',
                        datatype: JSON,
                      success: function (data) {
                      error: function (data) {


      public JsonResult GetSeriesTree()
I would move the difference = (now.TimeOfDay - temp.TimeOfDay); to before the if and use it inside, and store the value of now.TimeOfDay - difference) before going into the foreach to save a little on processing time
Hm, fair enough
It probably won't make a huge savings, but things like that have been absolute killer to me recently
I've been making micro-savings where possible and it's made huge differences to my projects
I can imagine. Detail is everything.
Anyways, work day is over, so i'll save a bit of this till' tomorrow as well.
@Xariez If the list is sorted, then all you need to find is the first item that's bigger than X and the item before it, and compare their differences.
Oh, nm. G'night.
@Bassem Did you watch the videos?
@RoelvanUden no , i am watching them now
Yay I get to pay my ~£103k bill soon
wow, what'd you buy?
A house
Well that sounds fair then
And that's my deposit + fees
I bought a house recently
Had to put up roughly 60k euros up front
I manage, but there's no way I'm paying for the rest without a mortgage
I could have bought this house cash but I would be left with no savings at all, so I've got a small mortgage so if I need some cash i've got it
I think buying a house is one of the few good investments one can make with money
Everything else tends to deprecate with time unless they're stocks and bonds, but even then there's a risk
There's always risk
At least you could spruce up your house and sell it for a significant portion back
There's a risk your house could burn down and/or get destroyed
Well yeah, if you walk to the store you risk getting hit by a car
I meant more risk
hi all
can anyone help me ?
Jul 3 at 19:41, by Kendall Frey
Don't ask if you're allowed to ask a question. Don't ask if anyone's available or knows how to use what you're using. Don't say you're going to post a question. Just ask your question.
I have a label name september and a variable name months.In my code there is a switch case switch (months)
If you're gonna give us a big chunk of code, do it on gist.github.com
my question is if months = "september" how can use lile this months.visible = true
months equal to september
is it possible ?
label like WPF label control? WinForms?
foreach(var month in months.Where(m => m == "september".ToUpper())) month.Visible = true;
You could try september.Visible = (months == "september");
^ both needs binding. They are not updated automatically
hahaha bindings in winforms
there is! I used it. Actually made MVVM in WinForms
if you want it quick and dirty, you could make a getter/setter for months. In the setter you can do september.Visible = (months == "september");
wahhh why's it only nearly 4pm
Oh it's actually 17:00, so I'm going home now. Bye bye.
boo germany
I wanna move to germany for the next 3 minutes so I can go home
I have a question
Damnit @Mr5 you know the rules
I'm not asking a question, am I?
it's a declarative sentence
You're informing use you have one
Which is equally useless
seeing you guys
@LeeButler Ill kick ja for that :D
At least you guys know I have a question
@Squirrelintraining kein papa bitte
I fucking knew that was wrong fucking google translate making me look stupid. It felt wrong writing that
I haven't exercised my german "skills" (if you want to call them that) for 9 ish years
1 hour later…
Seriously, I have a question
Where is avnir when you need him?
Where is roil when you need him?
!!tell mr5 justask
@M.Aroosi Command mr5 does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
1 hour later…
how can I deserialize the json format into class
[{"firstname":"Coordinator","lastname":"Nurse","email":"sguo@innomar-strategies.‌​com"},{"firstname":"Nancy","lastname":"Powell","email":"npowell@innomar-strategie‌​s.com"},{"firstname":"ASIM","lastname":"AMJAD","email":"[email protected]"}]
I have this format but I want to get that format into a class
Get Newtonsoft Json from NuGet, then JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyCoolClass>(your_string);
aha, now we have ze email address of ze russian federation!
all your email address are belong to us!
please help
@Bassem you should probably select the root of your tree and then use lazy evaluation for the nodes when you need them
Bassem: As the commenters mention, the issue is the number of queries you're running. If you retrieved the entire table first it would be faster. If you restructured your table in a sane manner it would be faster.
SQL doesnt really give you much room for specific algorithms
if you need everything in a single go, yea, the number of queries could also massively slow you down
Until you're handling a really large amount of information, the time to create and run a query dominates, regardless of the number of rows you fetch at once. So running 5000 of them I would expect to be nearly 5000 times slower
5000 items is tiny, now. Depending how long that text field is, I would expect 5000 entries to be around 100kB. Which is very little, nowadays.
Does that query call DB each time ?

  private IEnumerable<TreeNode> FillRecursive(List<tblHierarchy> Series, int? parentId)
            return Series.Where(x => x.FK_PARENT_SERIES == parentId).Select(item => new TreeNode
                id = item.FK_SERIES,
                text = "11",
                children = FillRecursive(Series, item.FK_SERIES)
It seems likely to. It will recursively call that until the stack overflows or there are no children selected. Each time, it creates a new expression subtree
how to store it in memory
i think i stored it into list
Recursively calling this is a poor way to go about populating from a database. You really want to iterate over the rows, and fill the children on each node in sequence, then you can navigate it as a tree
yes what it the best way ?
@Wietlol any recommendation links ?
It would be better to store the table (or rows of interest) to a List<TreeNode>, then foreach node in nodeList { //fill the children here }
then you can construct your tree entirely in C#, which will be faster, on account of not querying the server each time.
You already have the .where and .select queries you need, it will just be faster to execute them in-memory, because running 5000 of them (or whatever the number is) results in 5000 queries to the server
{ //fill the children here }

fill the children will call the Db also !!!!!
No, you should already have the data in the list
don't requery the Db. Use the list you already have.
you mean this
   public IEnumerable<TreeNode> GetTreeHierarchy()
            List<tblHierarchy> seriesFullList = this.GetAllHierarchy().ToList();
            return this.FillRecursive(seriesFullList, 0);

        private IEnumerable<TreeNode> FillRecursive(List<tblHierarchy> Series, int? parentId)
            return Series.Where(x => x.FK_PARENT_SERIES == parentId).Select(item => new TreeNode
                id = item.FK_SERIES,
                text = item.tblSeries.TX_DESCRIPTION,
That. The recursion is still not, I think, the fastest way to do it, but it should be quite a lot faster than hitting the database each time.
it is very slow also :/
Since you only need to visit each node once, you don't have to start at the root of the tree and recurse downwards, you can simply visit every node and ensure it's children are populated.
List<TreeNode> nodes = new List<Nodes>();
foreach var tblhierarchy in seriesFullList
{ nodes.Add(new TreeNode{
id = tblHierarchy.FK_SERIES,
text = tblHierarchy.tblSeries.TX_DESCRIPTION,
children = seriesFullList.Where(x => x.FK_PARENT_SERIES == treenode.id)
finished editing.
that without recursive ?
That does not recurse, correct.
And so it will be somewhat faster, because it doesn't have to create and destroy 5000 stack frames, along with expression trees in each frame.
You could add .ToList() to the end of the where to force evaluation of the enumerables, or leave it as is to let it run the expression when the children become needed.
I suspect eagerly calling ToList() will be somewhat slower, but take up less memory (because it won't have to hold on to the closure as long)
but that code you post will only get 1 level children
No, it won't. Not if you have the entire table in memory
It will get children for every entry. Starting at node 0, you can then walk the tree as deeply as it extends.
if node 32 is several layers deep, it will still exist, and be related to it's parent node through that node's children property.
I'll note that you don't have a parent property. if you had a parent property, you'd need a second iteration to 'fix-up' the parent references.
But this would still be the cleaner way to accomplish that task than recursion. Recursion allows for succint code, but it can be difficult to debug, and is not usually very performant. Especially when wrapped in LINQ expression trees, as you initially did. Even less so when it's LINQ to SQL (LINQ to Objects is faster, because there's no network traffic)
i have a table in DB
column are

ID | item | parentItem
parentItem that contains 0 is the main nodes
Right. But your class contains: ID | text | Children |
there is another table in DB
itemID | itemText
childern is a class of same type contain
Id | text | childern
Ah. That table separation. You may wish to also load that table into memory, if you're using all of it.
  public class TreeNode
        public int id { get; set; }
        public string text { get; set; }

        public IEnumerable<TreeNode> children { get; set; }
it is a helper class
So that you don't access the database for that text, as well.
and 2 tables

= itemID | itemText
= ID | itemID | parentItem
Sure. So you then want
display those items in a tree
List<tblSeries> texts = //Get from database
List<tblHierarchy> series = //Get from database

List<TreeNode> nodes = new List<Nodes>();
foreach var tblhierarchy in seriesFullList
{ nodes.Add(new TreeNode{
id = tblHierarchy.FK_SERIES,
text = tblHierarchy.texts.Single(x => x.id == tblHierarchy.FK_SERIES).TX_DESCRIPTION,
children = seriesFullList.Where(x => x.FK_PARENT_SERIES == treenode.id)
Then you have 2 database queries, and if those are still slow, you have perhaps a database or network issue (outside your code, or in that code, not this)
no man ,
foreach var tblhierarchy in seriesFullList
{ nodes.Add(new TreeNode{
id = tblHierarchy.FK_SERIES,
text = tblHierarchy.texts.Single(x => x.id == tblHierarchy.FK_SERIES).TX_DESCRIPTION,
children = seriesFullList.Where(x => x.FK_PARENT_SERIES == treenode.id)
each children has childerns and so on , that not work
Are those children located in SeriesFullList?
I think I see what you are trying to say, but I've given you the way forward. You merely need to fix the type. I've, in fact, described how to do this earlier. I won't write more code for you, though.
If every node is located in seriesFullList, then iterating the list once will associate all children.
Fixing up the types and any extra relations is simple iteration over the nodes.
ok man
thanks for your time
and support
i appericiate it :)
Glad to help!
In MVC, if you have multiple instances of a Partial View in a view, is it possible to have the Partial View automatically detect it and do something different on the first instance than in the rest of the instances?
Would a static property work in this case?
why do you want to do that?
what problem do you have that this would solve?
There's a js script it's bringing in and I only want to do it once
Also, there are html tags with IDs and I want to put a suffix in, so I actually need a number, not just whether it's the first.
static property does work
you can pass the index to the view through a custom ViewDataDictionary.
I know. I was trying to come up with a way for the Partial View to take care of it all by itself.
Ok, it doesn't work. It static property maintains its value across successive pageloads
That's what static means
"Keep this around until the software is restarted".
Hi. Dont have much time but will return here on mobile in a moment. what do you think about this code as an ItemsSource for a wpf combobox?
public List<KeyValuePair<HttpVerb, string>> VerbSource => new List<KeyValuePair<HttpVerb, string>>(Enumerable.Range(0, Enum.GetValues(typeof(HttpVerb)).Length).Select(i => new KeyValuePair<HttpVerb, string>((HttpVerb)i, ((HttpVerb)i).ToString())));
looks horribly broken
1. Assumes HttpVerb has a contiguous set of values
2. creates new list every property access
3. returns a mutable collection, and not even an ObservableCollection
let me write an alternative
oh, and 4. it looks like the content of the combobox will contain [Get, Get]
I just wanna bind a value I can directly funnel into a webrequest
public IEnumerable<HttpVerb> VerbSource { get; } = new ObservableCollection<HttpVerb>((HttpVerb[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(HttpVerb));
I made the enum, so I know they're 0-5
it's sort of ok then, but still, the alternative is both simpler and doesn't have the problem
Nice, will change it as soon as I'm home, thanks 😊
(or as soon as the gf let's me. Picking her up at the station in 7.)
@HéctorÁlvarez I'm using this on mobile on desktop mode right now. Text is like 3px big.
GF let me put it in - doesnt work, combobox is empty, will look a it tomorrow.
can you help me with crystal reports?
03:00 - 11:0011:00 - 22:00

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