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3:49 AM
v=[x2-x1, -(y2-y1)] # Point A is [x1,y1] Point B is [x2,y2]

u=[x1-xp, y1-xp]

distance = u*v = abs( (x2-x1)*(y1-yp) - (x1-xp)*(y2-y1) )
what does distance = u*v = abs (... mean here?
Maybe Mathematics will have answer.
2 hours later…
5:38 AM
Good morning Sharperiños!
6:13 AM
ohayou c#erinos! ohayou nutcracker!
today england is returning home
anyone else looking forward to the "breakthrough" astrophysics announcement tomorrow? Source
maybe another planet that could potentially sustain life
I wouldn't call that breakthrough
announcements like that have been made in the past
"breakthrough" should at least be something we've never seen before, right?
6:17 AM
true, but that was what happened last time i followed such news.
you're setting me up for disappointment, sir
sorry. On the positive side you can focus on todays match.
I'll pull for England
Even if I wouldn't mind seeing Croatia win
They have a couple players from our local Italian team on the Croatia team this year
England's coming home
It's coooming home, it's coooming home
It's coming
it will be close... croatia has been playing bad, the only semi exception was the game against argentina
6:23 AM
@mr5 "u*v" is cross dot multiplication between two matrices
Although they had a plan there: Encapsulate Messi.
dunno the defense on the left side is bad, so is the attack
Gotta watch out for Perisic
He's particularly good at making goals while on the charge
(not as good when all the players are present, say from a corner shot)
but he was pretty bad in the offensive part this tournament.
@Neil I mean, why is there 2 equal sign? Does it imply that u*v result is the same as the next formula?
6:30 AM
@mr5 well that's normal mathematical syntax
That's not code is it?
I assume it isn't
i do not follow them that much anymore, but besides modric noone from the middle has been playing that well offensively. Well modric and rebic
Could it be a scalar product?
Just saying distance is the dot product of u*v which is the absolute value of ....
I hope that what is called in english
yeah dot product
das punkt produkt *
emphasis on das
6:33 AM
@Neil oh. I still don't get it. Why didn't the author just said or instead of another =?
@mr5 because equals is a more precise relationship
one is the same as the other
you can replace one with the other, in other words
In mathematics you use equals to imply that
foreach (ConcurrentBag<>){}
Is it still safe when bag are modified when foreach still running?
Probably depends on what you're doing
Is it just a log catcher? Probably safe.
6:51 AM
Hell oEverybody
Hola Bechi
Did someone of you ever create an interactive UI designer in WPF?
Something like described here:
Ask anyway
I think I can understand the sample code, however I have to use this with MVVM and Bindings. And, what is worst, I have to extend it such that the ItemsSource of the DragCanvas must be a tree structure of UI elements.
For example, It should be possible to add a draggable grid or a nested DragCanvas onto the canvas, which can contain nested elements.
Sounds practical
6:59 AM
I clearly see that I need a ViewModel base class that contains properties for X and Y coordinates, Z level and (perhaps?) an enum that describes the type of the element.
I could then use (hierarchical?) DataTemplates to render a UserControl based on the type of element
@Bechi Hell, oBechi
Hi @Neil
What I am concerned is what approach to take to offer this interactive UI designer.
1) The straight forward approach is to show a readonly preview of the canvas on the left, and the underlying datamodel in a treeview on the right. All the "interaction" would happen in the treeview (Add, remove, move up, move down, move into, move out of, change X, change Y, change Z), and because of PropertyChangedEvents the Canvas Preview would alaways be "up to date". However, that does not truely mean "interactive design", right?
2) The "nicer" approach would be that all action happens directly on the canvas. But that would involve a lot more interaction logic (in particular, move elements, drag and drop of elements onto / into / out of other "containers", context menus etc.)
What way would you go?
7:16 AM
Morning Avner o/
"Don't ask if you're allowed to ask a question. Don't ask if anyone's available or knows how to use what you're using. Don't say you're going to post a question. Just ask your question." - D'Oh
Good Morning Avner
Yeah, I've done some work with drag'n'drop UI builders.
Not on a canvas, but close enough.
(The items were dragged from the toolbox onto placeholders in a branching graph control, adding the new items onto the workflow graph.
(reading on...)
Basically, we had a Behavior on the GraphControl that handled the Drop event, merging the data from the current graph state (Parent, etc) with the new item, and updating the Graph's ViewModel with the new node.
This new node triggered a PropertyChanged/CollectionChanged event that was handled by the chart control to rerender.
The core data manipulation was done in the viewmodel, on the logic object. The rendering was done as a result of that, not as the primary operation.
Okay, so my ViewModel Base Class should have an additional AttachedBehaviour "DropBehaviour" that I can use to bind a command that handles the drop event. Am I right?

Well, that sounds similar. If I understand you correctly, your "graph control" would be my canvas, and your placeholders would be my "containers". To me it seems that the main differences might be if your placeholders could not nest other placeholders, that your graph with it's placeholders was predefined(?) and if your placeholders could not change their position?
7:32 AM
Check out the screenshots/wireframes here - they're almost exactly how the actual product looked like: siemplify.co/playbooks
good morning
Each node has a placeholder for its successor node, where you can drag new nodes into.
The actual layout is automatically determined by the chart control, not manually positioned, but that's minor details.
Well, maybe I start with the first approach and let the user manipulate the data in the treeview, while autoamtically triggering the re-render in the read-only canvas preview. I could gain some "experience" in the basic design of my ViewModels/Models, datatemplates and rendering, and what else comes up.

After that, I could silently transition from "directly" manipulating the tree structure (and trigerring the re-rendering) to real interactive design as in your product (very nice, thanks). I might be able to do so by using attached behaviours which manipulate the underying tree structure, w
Does this sound sensible? Do you think I oversee major issues here in general? And would you in particular take the approach of Command Binding to the attached DropBehaviour?
user image
My main takeaway from that project (and the messy phases it went through) is that, as much as possible, stick to modeling your logical operations ("add item to container", "change item") as operations on simple classes in your viewmodel. Then map purely UI operations (drag/drop/right-click->delete) into your viewmodel. Otherwise you have a mess where your logic "add item" is tied to your UI.
However, don't be afraid, as you said, to start with a messier solution and later refactor it. "Shipped" is better than "Perfect".
7:48 AM
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan meh, I agree partially with this
Shipped is better than perfect when the project is new
When the whole project is spaghetti code and needs serious refactoring, it's too late
Though to start it's fine
Can confirm, 25y/o spaghetti code sucks
UI doesnt just have logic, but also DB access
remember. It's 3 hours till a code gets "legacy"
A new feature is new, even in the context of an existing project.
It's hard sometimes to know where to draw the line between pragmatic and idealistic, but the line has to be drawn.
Oh, I agree. You can't keep trying to optimize and improve the improvement of the improvement ad absurdum
There is most certainly a line, even if it's difficult to spot sometimes
Starting off it's particularly important to have momentum and keep pushing out new features, though once the product has reached the point of providing all base features, some work needs to be invested in keeping code clean and organized
Spaghetti code really is like untangling a ball of christmas lights
There's a reason the "technical debt" metaphor is useful. A lot of people just use it as a negative thing, but, like financial debt, it's a useful tool - you accrue technical debt early on to allow yourself to grow quickly, but at some point you need to stop and pay it back before the interest starts to cripple you.
8:01 AM
Good mornin guys
Buenos dias Héctor
Es 'la' o 'el' API?
I believe it's feminine, but since the next word starts with A you can't say "la" anyway
So it's El API/Las APIs
@Neil sounds good, won't work with PMs
@Neil This goes first and foremost for me.
Wait so any word start with 'A' cant be pronouned feminine?
Also is 'pronouned' an actual word?
8:12 AM
The singular can't because it produces cacophony. Which is the effect produced when a word starts with the same sound as the previous one ends.
You are starting to love Spanish huh.
There are a lot of shits like this to patch up mistakes that need to ve solved. For example: este, éste, esté. The first one is either a cardinal point, an adjective or a pronoun; éste is an archaic and now deprecated pronoun that nobody ever understood; esté is a verbal form.
oh man
Wait till you get to Hebrew, where A) vowel sounds aren't letter in the word, but diacritical marks above/below the letters, and B) those diacritical marks are usually not used or printed in anything except children's books.
Lmao, that's next level.
So you have the word ספר, consiting of the letters for s, f/p and r. The same letters can be used to write "sefer" (book), "safar" ([he] counted), "sapar" (barber), "sfar" (frontier), and these are only the common words that come to mind.
@Squirrelkiller Did you know that the only way the word incorrectly is not spelled incorrectly is if it is spelled incorrectly?
8:26 AM
Without context, you'd have no way of knowing which was the intended meaning.
Sounds very rich
Like a very good language for verse
If only hebrew wasn't very localized, I bet it would be much more appreciated.
Yeah. You can play a lot with the alternate readings of a word.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan that's interesting
I mean, yeah, you could do the full diacritics, like סֵפֶר.
(That would be "sefer")
But, as I said, no-one bothers.
My wife studies linguistics, and she could talk hours about this sort of thing
you wouldn't think so, but someone who studies spoken languages has a lot in common with someone who studies programming languages
In Italian, there is exactly one way to pronounce each written word (with very few exceptions)
8:37 AM
Except we are so much more cautious with how well we type stuff.
So there is no room for misinterpretation
Everything is connected, in my mind. I have a general humanities BA, which included classes in linguistics, English literature, history, sociology and digital studies. Knowledge in almost any topic can enrich understanding of another.
I believe most romance languages follow the rule of single pronounciation for a single written thing.
If you count accentuated characters as individual units, that is.
You should read up on Garden-path sentences
you might find them interesting
they're sentences which tend to lend themselves to be interpretted in one way when they should be interpretted in another
like "The old man the boat."
or "The complex houses married and single soldiers and their families."
To go for the vulgar readings, "Helping my uncle Jack off a horse".
Here the capitalization helps disambiguate the GP sentence, but the reading is still pretty clear.
8:43 AM
Not sure if that's considered a garden-path sentence
If you misread it due to bad punctuation, it's called something else if I'm not mistaken
Perhaps it's a simpler ambiguous reading.
we need to solve the ambiguity in every language
even english
We do not.
but we will!
for the love of all that is good in this world
we will exterminate ambiguity
@Wietlol So how long will that take? Say, Tuesday?
8:45 AM
Tuesday is not a timespan
Sounds like the kind of thing my boss would say
@Wietlol no but it's a date
to me, it sounds like something someone with quite a bit of autism would say
Every time I've discussed this with someone from the "disambiguate language!" camp, it all boiled down to "I want to simplify existence to a form I can handle", which is nice, except that it doesn't change existence. It's just a method to not deal with it.
And yes, I think it's a common idea for people on the autistic disorder spectrum, who have a harder time dealing with vague ambiguities.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan A caveat to this idea: If you made english unambiguous, you would be no longer able to describe certain ideas which otherwise you could describe
At least somewhat at any rate
Good day sir
8:48 AM
Good day me
@Neil Theoretically. Practically, "making English unambiguous" isn't a feasible endeavor. It's not like a programming language where there's an ISO standard and compiler enforcing what is C# and what isn't. You could formalize English without ambiguity (theoretically), but English would still be what is spoken.
lets make an English compiler!
I'm trying to create a table that outputs only 10 data. Then when I click the next button, it will output another 10. Like a pagination thing. But my problem is, I always get all of my data in the database table. I believe I'll have a problem if I'll have like 100k records.
I have this code
IQueryable<Person> Persons () { return dbcontext.Person; }
There was a guy on english.stackexchange.com a couple of years ago who got into a lot of arguments with people about it. He insisted that it should be possible to create a formal BNF specification for English.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Thank you very much @AvnerShahar-Kashtan for pointing me in a direction. I think I will simply start out now!
8:51 AM
so this fetches all of the records of Person which is bad I believe if I'll have 100k records to display
There are many english compilers - we call them translators
@jsonGPPD At this point it fetches nothing. It's just an IQueryable - no data has been fetched.
Unfortunately, they can translate syntax, but arent good with the whole branching stuff sometimes
@Squirrelkiller only if you translate to dutch, you get a better output than your input
I mean sir, I use that to retrieve data from database. I'm using Entity Framework sir@AvnerShahar-Kashtan
suppose that code fetches 100k records and I want to put it on myhtml table.
8:53 AM
@jsonGPPD Yes, but at this point, no data has been fetched. If you add Skip/Take calls now, they will be translated to SQL to fetch only the data you want.
Good old Queryables
Who was it that also had a problem recently with queryable vs enumerable types?
var page = Persons.Take(10).ToList() will generate and execute an SQL call that only fetches the first 10 rows.
var nextPage = Persons.Skip(10).Take(10).ToList() will bring the next page.
Or, more generally, var results = Persons.Skip(pageNum*pageSize).Take(pageSize).
Oh thank you sir @AvnerShahar-Kashtan for that. Yes something like that.
49 secs ago, by Avner Shahar-Kashtan
var nextPage = Persons.Skip(10).Take(10).ToList() will bring the next page.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I think it's possible to create an unambiguous language
You'd have to have a word vocabulary five times the size of our current vocabulary to do it though
Since you could have no words with multiple meanings
@Neil People think ambiguously. When people use your language and want to express ambiguity, they will change your language to introduce it.
8:56 AM
what if I have multiple next? would it be like Persons.Skip(20).take(10) and the next is Persons.Skip(30).take(10
is that correct sir?
1 min ago, by Avner Shahar-Kashtan
Or, more generally, var results = Persons.Skip(pageNum*pageSize).Take(pageSize).
Yeah, you skip 20, then 30, etc - easily to calculate by multiplying the current page with the page size.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan There's a theory which suggests that the language you speak transforms the way you think
(With the first page being page 0, of course, leading to Skip(0).
It's difficult to prove for obvious reasons
Ohh thank you sir I think I'm getting it now. so I need to send a parameter to get that pageNum and pageSize :)
8:57 AM
@Neil The Sapir-Whorf theorem.
Thank you so much sir @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
Right, so logically if you learned an unambiguous language, you wouldn't want to transform it
by that theory anyway
Maybe we'd want to change it for the way we think now
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan and things get hairy when you reach the word בוקר, where the difference between the meaning is only in where you put the stress, בוקר ( /boˈker/ ) for cowboy and בוקר ( /ˈboker/ ) for morning
As often represented, "inuits have 100 words for snow, thus inuits are able to perceive qualities of snow that others don't", it never really passed serious academic inspection.
But in a weaker form, saying that your language affects your perceptions, I think it's pretty universally acknowledged.
well no, it doesn't change reality
8:59 AM
@M.Aroosi You're IPAing again!
But it does say something about their culture that they have 100 words for snow
(Also, good cowboy to you)
@Neil (Apart from the fact that they don't, of course. :))
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan how do you want to signal stress?
Hmm.. how many words do they have then?
@Neil But that's a trivial statement. If you don't have horses, you don't have words for horses. If horses are an important part of your culture, you'll have more words for horses.
More than 1, less than 100. :)
9:02 AM
I do remember reading somewhere that someone did a research about languages with a small vocabulary of colors, and saw that they perceived less differences between different colors
tho my memory is quite vague on that
For instance, in English, some animals have different words for the male and female (pig/sow, rooster/hen, etc). Some animals don't. Usually you see that these words occur where they're important. On a farm, where the rooster and the hen serve different purposes, it's a useful distinction. Most people living in cities today would simply say "chicken".
and most people would still use man/woman correctly most of the time, instead of the more generic human
Because it's a meaningful distinction for most.
Most people I know would say "horse", not caring if it's a mare or a gelding, a stallion or a bronco.
Good mornin y'all
Come to think why we have 180+ words for each verb, for all the gender/number combinations, and conjugation in general. My ancestors must have spent a lot of time bothering the neighborhood with what they'd been doing all day long to have so many.
9:28 AM
Ok. Time to finally push this branch in and create a ginormous pull request.
Also, since I hacked together a little app yesterday to poll VSTS and speak up when a new PR is created (because I keep forgetting to check), I'll now use this opportunity to see how the built-in Text-To-Speech synthesizer handles exclamation marks.
The claim that Eskimo languages (specifically, Yupik and Inuit) have an unusually large number of words for "snow", first loosely attributed to the work of anthropologist Franz Boas, has become a cliché often used to support the controversial linguistic-relativity hypothesis: the idea that a language's structure (sound, grammar, vocabulary, etc.) shapes its speakers' view of the world. This "strong version" of the hypothesis is largely now discredited, though the basic notion that Eskimo languages have many more root words for "snow" than the English language is itself supported by a 2010 study...
Aaaah today I'm nervous, my uncle at the brink of death and I'm here fixing reports...
@HéctorÁlvarez even eskimos don't have that much word for snow, so it's not that related
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan That wasn't an argument so much as it was an observation actually :P
Hmmm eskimos? Never thought about them.
9:37 AM
I do wonder if they've modernized
If they live in houses and use smart phones or if they're still making igloos
mongols do use helicopters, not just horses too
Shouldnt modern mongols go for motorbikes?
I think the real question should be, why shouldn't modern mongols go for motorbikes?
not worth maintain road network?
Just take the chinese one
10:05 AM
hi,im getting session time out error while loading next question through on click event in c#,i didnt set any time out in web config.default time out is 20 mins then why its coming like that?
If you would like assistance, please create a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable Example
!!welcome-c# Mohan
0 Welcome to the C# chat! Please review the room guidelines and tips. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Mohan Welcome to the C# chat! Please review the room guidelines and tips. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Is that..a bug I see?
10:07 AM
Suppose I Marshal a `struct` defined in the kernel of iOS. I accessed it under Xamarin.iOS which I believe runs on Mono(Virtual Machine).

Would be the `int` inside the struct `8 bytes` or `16 bytes` in size?
@LeeButler you don't see 2 msgs posted by cap? First one starting with a 0.
@mr5 No.
Oh yeah that's because I didn't specify the user. Cap is full of bugs
Is there a room / way I can msg cap without annoying the entire room?
That was a layer 8 bug actually
!!tell ABuckau sandbox
10:10 AM
@ABuckau Please go and play in the Sandbox
And the double message by cap is because edited his command. Cap will pick up on edited commands and execute the newly edited one.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan only if you have 0 based pageNum values
while, ussually, the page number starts at 1
@ABuckau I mean, if the device which I would execute this is x64, the int is still 8 bytes right?
@Squirrelkiller I figured.
in C#, int is Int32, so it is 4 bytes
this is not true in every language
where the compiler is known for choosing different sizes based on the target machine
10:13 AM
sorry :D
32bit = 4 byte Didn't see the edit
a byte is 8 long :D
I am an idiot.
I am totally confused which language I am dealing right now actually
@mr5 PHP?
10:14 AM
@mr5 We're mostly speaking english
I defined the struct in C# where int is 8 bytes right?
int is not 8 bytes
long is 8 bytes
double is 8 bytes
pointers (on a 64x machine) are 8 bytes
Is there a difference / preference in using Int32/Int64 instead of int/long?
> Would be the int inside the struct 8 bytes or 16 bytes in size?
16 bytes?
@ABuckau I usually use int/long for variables/parameters/return types/etc
@ABuckau Use int/long. Mr Compiler will make the appropiate classes from it.
10:16 AM
I usually use Int32/Int64 for places where I mean the type
Do you smell this? This smelly smell that smells...farty. Like a ghosts fart.
for example, I would do int number = Int32.Parse(stuff);
That's a java thing though
@ABuckau Use Int32/Int64 when you need an object and not a value
You use string for variables and String for static methods too, right?
10:22 AM
@Neil that is Java, not C#
@Squirrelkiller I do
well you can't have a null value for int or long
that's true in C# isn't it?
int? and long? are nullable
Incidentally, reason why 4 GB of memory is the most you can obtain in 32-bit systems is because 2^32 bytes is exactly 4GB
it is a simplified syntax of Nullable<Struct>
11 mins ago, by mr5
I am totally confused which language I am dealing right now actually
10:25 AM
you could only physically represent pointers ranging from 0 to 4GB
I mean 4 bytes
@Neil because pointers cannot address more than that
okay continue\
@mr5 PHP?
My code works on x86 but fails on x64
How can I make this struct x64 compatible?
10:26 AM
Nullable<T> however is a very bad implementation of nullable stuff
it doesnt like generics
Should I just define every field IntPtr?
and since it isnt a class, "it cannot be null"
then switch to ToInt32 and ToInt64 depending on architecture?
@mr5 what doesnt work?
int? and long? is admittedly much nicer than java's Optional
10:27 AM
and why doesnt it work?
@Neil int? and long? are not equivalents of Optional
C# has no such thing as Optional
I don't see why they can't do something similar in java
I am receiving wrong values
int? and long? are variations of Integer and Long in Java
@Wietlol Thank you, captain obvious
If Java had an equivalent, we'd use it
Integer and Long
10:28 AM
That's not an equivalent
why not?
One is a nullable value and the other is a boxed value as an object pointer
1 min ago, by mr5
then switch to ToInt32 and ToInt64 depending on architecture?
I think I answered my question
@Neil so the difference being?
Do you guys think this is way to go?
@Wietlol the fields are marshalled with wrong values
10:30 AM
@Wietlol There is nothing particularly special about a boxed value in Java. It's literally a class which encompasses a value
int? is language-specific
I can't just decide one day to replace Integer with int? in Java because it wouldn't compile any longer
For once, not here with a actual question but to have something in the background, lol
Fuck, there we go
Also, /s
@Xariez Are you asking if you can build up the hype first!? ಠ_ಠ
Well i'm just saying
10:37 AM
Just messing with ya
The more hype there is, the more people get interested. And the more people interested, the better the odds of getting a actual answer
Lol I know :D
Not in my experience anyway
Eventually, if something is hyped enough, you get @AvnerShahar-Kashtan pop up from nowhere. Which, always seem to help
@Neil that isnt really a difference then
@Wietlol Then lets agree to disagree
10:39 AM
Integer and Long are also supported by the language to be stuffed
Disagree to agree?
Is there a general chatroom? Wanted to ask if there is any help page that lists the link shortcuts like [mcve] and others like that.
The telltale sign of that someone is 100% comfortable with what they're doing, you see Hello World!
!!afk lunch
10:51 AM
@Xariez I was at lunch! I didn't see the Avner-signal!
Lunch is fine. Lunch is always an exception to everything
throw new LunchException();
dammit, ninjaed
The fact that google just opened on my android emulator, and before i had a chance to close it, i saw the words "Elon Musk submarine" (which im fine with), but also "fortnite something-something points" disturbs me
throw new Lunch();
according to mr something something, the word "Exception" is noise
10:55 AM
Talking about exceptions, I once had something along the lines of throw new Exception("It works!"); , it was quite humoristic but hey, it did the job
@Xariez We all live in an Elon submarine.
@Xariez if it is exceptional when it works, then I can approve of this flow control
In the end, was it the submarine that saved the thai boys?
or did it arrive too late?
I think they had the submarine "in time", but they ended up not using it?
Not sure
10:57 AM
god dammit xD @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
I saw this headline:
> A Complete Timeline of Elon Musk’s Fruitless Attempt to Rescue the Thai Soccer Team
@Wietlol We just had to check if the program entered a if statement, and i was too lazy to set breakpoints, and it was the first thing that came to my head, soo
The fact that he did it though amazes me
Like, they didnt have much time to go "Wait. We need a submarine!", plan it, construct it, and get it on it's way
I wonder how upset I would be if I invested a lot of time and money in creating a submarine to rescue them and then they didn't use it
I suppose he doesn't care about the money if he did that
@Xariez optimize its engine
10:58 AM
but maybe he was hoping to get the credit
design the interior
But he got cheap marketing
Elon Musk doesn't exactly need it
make it have navigation and a radio ofcourse
He's practically a household name
10:59 AM
ow, and air conditioning
Being saved.. with style!
Don't forget the flat screen tv in the back with built in netflix
Mini-fridge? Mini-fridge.
03:00 - 11:0011:00 - 22:00

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