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@ScottSelby i am now
Hey - my boss asked me to make autocomplete list in JQuery , and I used .ashx file to handle requests , he asked why and said that WebMethod is a lot easier , is there any performance difference at all? I can't see how there could be, and also is it actually easier, it looks like a lot more work to make a Jquery method that normally sends a querystring send a string instead as a parameter
I haven't really used either one
but for something like this, I would concur with your boss, based on nothing more than handlers are intended for handling requests to resources, not application logic
and jQuery requests are really easy to do.
There are like 5 questions about JQuery on SO and they all said use .ashx
I could be wrong, as I've never used either one
so take this advice with a grain of salt
yeaa, I don'
t know
Q: JQuery AutoComplete not working with ashx

TonyI am working on JQuery AutoComplete on my ASP.NET page. And, I am using ashx file to populate list. But, the ashx looks like it's not firing. I am not sure what I am doing wrong. jQuery code $(function () { $("#<%=txtBox.ClientID%>").autocomplete('MyList.ashx', { minChars: 1 }); })...

it looks like I completely missed what a .ashx is. and it looks like its fine to use for this.
you could go either way
Well, that guy wrote [webMethod] on .ashx file which is definetly not neseccary
.ashx is a httphandler
so I was right, thats what I thought it was
11 hours later…
Anyone around?
Morning guys.
@KendallFrey I actually figured something out myself :] I love my books :P
I'm trying to figure out, what does o/ mean? null?
no... sorry I used to play EVE online and it's the way they wave... just habit
Oh, kinda like an amputated \o/
I know a lot of guys here think books are a waste but I have to recommend Apress publishing. The books I have from them are a couple of steps above anyone else; at least in my opinion
I had a lot of success with Wrox press.
I have a couple of Wrox books and they are good, but I think Apress is better. My reasoning is that the exercises in the Apress books I've got have teeth whereas most other books are simple hello, world examples
0_o a guy just got done downvoting all answers but mine. *\^_^/*
I stopped trying to answer questions... to many sharks looking to down vote when you're just trying to help someone
That awesome moment when someone edits the question, and it turns out you were right, and everyone else was wrong.
...and then everyone downvotes you because they think you downvoted everybody. Oh, the injustice of it all.
i have posted a new question in stack
so i guess i ll find her the question before anyone else solve it
this is the question "I'm working with asp .net 4 to create a new website that manage a process of training.<br/>
In page that shows in gridview me the trainings i created, each row of this grid have a link to specify classes where training will take place( classes for theoric lessons and classes for practical lessons).
what i need in my page is to show after each user button's click( the button is located in the top of the page with text "add new class") a text inputs where i specify the end and the start date and dropdownlist( filled with data source that get classes from "class" table i
(see full text)
@TusharMathur have any idea about my question
You need examples to work with Jquery?
but you are not using MVC right?
You could start by learning about events in jquery
no i m not using mvc
3 tier architecture
Its a very big question. :)
Ok, i think I have an architecture in mind.
So you can return Json objects which would contain data regarding all your classes etc.
Handle these Json objects in your JS code
This can help you lear how to return Json from an asp.net page - bytes.com/topic/asp-net/answers/…
I would prefer Jquery because its more flexible and easy to learn.
Let me know if this helps
2 hours later…
@Greg you still here?
@KendallFrey @SpencerRuport - how am I supposed to finish my project without you 2 here?
Sorry, reality was calling.
this is reality
Hi Guys, I need some help.
I have a view in sql.
And I want to access it thru entity framework
and create links with other entities..
Is there a way to do that?
I'll refer you to @KendallFrey
Oh dear, I don't know who to refer you to. :)
@TusharMathur yea that's what entity framework is all about - I have no idea though about how to do it
I haven't used EF or views.
Is NHibernate any better in handling views?
Haven't used it either.
you could ask as a regular question on StackOverflow - someone will answer pretty quick
Sure.. thanks any ways :)
hey @KendallFrey I want to fill in a <div> , but I want to be able to add line break
Like <br />?
exactly , its displaying the <br />
Literally "<br />"?
I doing it in JQuery though with a response from WebMethod
JQuery :
success: function (msg) {
var res = msg.d;
height: 140,
modal: true

            return "EIN:  " + dt.Rows[0]["E I N"].ToString() + "<br />Name: " + dt.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString() + "<br />In Care Of: " + dt.Rows[0]["In Care of Name"].ToString();
does that make sense
Maybe it's escaping the values. I haven't used JQuery.
I never really used it too much either, but its awesome
I know that much.
anyway, that " var res " is getting the right response from c#
hey, i think i know what is wrong...
whats that?
you should probably not add the value in the text of #result
u need to append a <br/> object to #result
something like - $(#result).append("<br/>")
basically dont put html tags in text fields
nevermind that #result thing
its this line
ok ... where ever you are trying to add the line break
it should not go in the text property
and I don't want to append before the whole string, I want to append between each result
Yea, is there another property?
yep ..
i mean .. use the same append function
pass the text to this functoin
it should most probably work
where do I add that? - I have $("#dialog-modal").text(res);
$("#dialog-modal").text(res).append("<br />"); ??
i am assuming res will contain <br/> also
so need of adding it later
1 sec... can you try enclosing the res with a div tag?
didn't work
What are you trying to do?
I want to display a response from webmethod in a div
What's the response type?
this response is a string and has a few <br /> in it, and I want the line breaks displayed and line breaks not literally <br />
And append is placing them literally?
I don't know how to add an image in this chat, but i could do a screen shot
Are you sure you're receiving <br/> and not &lt;br/&gt; ?
ahhhhhhhh - its "<br />" should there be no space?
That shouldn't make a difference.
success: function (msg) {
var res = msg.d;
$("#dialog-modal").append("<br />");
height: 140,
modal: true

this is what is viewed in browser:
can you try 1 more thing - <span>text 1</span><br/><span>text 2</span>
EIN: 10942491<br />Name: FEDERATION OF FLY FISHERS<br />In Care Of: LARRY GIBBS
and send it as a response
$("#dialog-modal").append($("<br />"));
Try that.
enclose the text in a span.
Spencer, if you will do an inspect element on the current chat to see how <br/> is shown here
u will observe that the browser will just read this tag as any other text
and not as a html tag
because it is surreounded by text
best thing to do would be to enclose the text part in a span
I was gonna try that...
It's coming over the wire as &lt;br&gt;
<span>EIN: 10942491</span><br /><span>Name: FEDERATION OF FLY FISHERS</span><br /><span>In Care Of: LARRY GIBBS</span>
span didn't help
Inspect element is just rendering it for you.
@ScottSelby - Did you try my suggestion?
I am now
It may be that when jQuery receives text through append it renders it as such.
@SpencerRuport <span>EIN: 10943022</span><br /><span>Name: LITTLE LEAGUE BASEBALL INC</span><br /><span>In Care Of: TOM BELLUCCO</span>
That's what's showing in the browser?
even with ($("<br />"))
There's got to be some malformed HTML somewhere then.
I'd suggest copying the page
And cutting out non-relevant portions
until you get the behavior you want so you can isolate what's causing that.
well #dialogmodal is a div - can i do .text() to a div directly?
Yes. You can HTML it as well.
I expect you'll get the same results though.
hey try this - instead of using <br/> use &lt;br&gt;
.html worked
server side code change might work right Spencer?
@ScottSelby - Something strange is still going on. Append shouldn't behave that way.
its in a modal dialog - if that matters
Nah it shouldn't.
@spencer you still here?
if (res != 'Bad EIN') $('#btnMoreInfo').show();
I want to add $("#colorpanel").css(background-color , Red); to that iff statement
hey @ScottSelby I just got here and scrolled up to read
how do I do that, just a comma after show() ?
we fixed the last problem
use .html() instead of .text() to put literal html in a div from jquery
just this
.text() escapes everything
.html fixed it
this :
f (res != 'Bad EIN') $('#btnMoreInfo').show();
I want to add $("#colorpanel").css(background-color , Red); to that iff statement
if (res != 'Bad EIN') {
    $("#colorpanel").css(background-color , Red);
@ScottSelby like that?
I tried a comma with only 1 semi-colon
if (res != 'Bad EIN') {
    $("#colorpanel").css("background-color", "Red");
use quotes
1 hour later…
Hello to you too.
I wish I could have visual studio on my phone so I could keep working on my single-page app while I deliver pizzas
first off all, can i put image to MySql database simply like(through CRUD interface)
public void create(someType entity) {
... new MySqlCommand("INSERT INTO... entity.Image...", con) } ?
is there a good addon / app that converts c# to vb.net ?
You don't want to do that. But I suppose you knew that.
Reflector and ILSpy come to mind
vb.net is possibly more evil then javascript
yea..... it is , because javascript does some cool stuff that c# won't vb.net does nothing that c# won't
Possibly? Javascript is cool.
VB does something that C# doesn't. It instantly turns me off.
that's not really 'cool stuff' though
why is there no vb.net chat room, and no classes on .net at universities tought in vb.net ??? cus it sucks ..... thats why
Same reason we don't use Python to program for JVM.
Basic languages are dying out for the same reason they were made in the first place.
At first: "Basic languages are easier for dumb people to understand!"
Now: "Basic languages are easier for dumb people to understand."
@SpencerRuport you get another star

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