Hey - my boss asked me to make autocomplete list in JQuery , and I used .ashx file to handle requests , he asked why and said that WebMethod is a lot easier , is there any performance difference at all? I can't see how there could be, and also is it actually easier, it looks like a lot more work to make a Jquery method that normally sends a querystring send a string instead as a parameter
but for something like this, I would concur with your boss, based on nothing more than handlers are intended for handling requests to resources, not application logic
I am working on JQuery AutoComplete on my ASP.NET page. And, I am using ashx file to populate list.
But, the ashx looks like it's not firing. I am not sure what I am doing wrong.
jQuery code
$(function () {
$("#<%=txtBox.ClientID%>").autocomplete('MyList.ashx', { minChars: 1 });
I know a lot of guys here think books are a waste but I have to recommend Apress publishing. The books I have from them are a couple of steps above anyone else; at least in my opinion
I have a couple of Wrox books and they are good, but I think Apress is better. My reasoning is that the exercises in the Apress books I've got have teeth whereas most other books are simple hello, world examples
so i guess i ll find her the question before anyone else solve it
this is the question "I'm working with asp .net 4 to create a new website that manage a process of training.<br/> In page that shows in gridview me the trainings i created, each row of this grid have a link to specify classes where training will take place( classes for theoric lessons and classes for practical lessons). what i need in my page is to show after each user button's click( the button is located in the top of the page with text "add new class") a text inputs where i specify the end and the start date and dropdownlist( filled with data source that get classes from "class" table i…
I doing it in JQuery though with a response from WebMethod
JQuery :
success: function (msg) { $("#result").text(msg.d); var res = msg.d; $("#dialog-modal").text(res); $("#dialog-modal").dialog({ height: 140, modal: true
return "EIN: " + dt.Rows[0]["E I N"].ToString() + "<br />Name: " + dt.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString() + "<br />In Care Of: " + dt.Rows[0]["In Care of Name"].ToString();
first off all, can i put image to MySql database simply like(through CRUD interface) public void create(someType entity) { ... new MySqlCommand("INSERT INTO... entity.Image...", con) } ?