this is the question "I'm working with asp .net 4 to create a new website that manage a process of training.
In page that shows in gridview me the trainings i created, each row of this grid have a link to specify classes where training will take place( classes for theoric lessons and classes for practical lessons). what i need in my page is to show after each user button's click( the button is located in the top of the page with text "add new class") a text inputs where i specify the end and the start date and dropdownlist( filled with data source that get classes from "class" table in my database). finally those informations will be saved using a single button at the bottom of the page. I'm working with aspx and ajax controll toolkit. I think that i'm going to use ajax or jquery to do that, but the problem is that i didn't work with them before, so any example that shows an issue to solve my problem will be helpful."