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How can I insert items in the same category and line through c# into a Access database, using a combobox? Like a grocery shop where you select the product through combobox, and a button will add each and everyone of them to the field in the db without changing to line 2 or id 2.
I dont understand wtf you want
I want to be able to add items to the same line on access, to a product name category
like a shop through a button
using a combobox for selecting every single product
Is this possible @FrostyFire?
@rockethon still don't get the question
Anyone know of any good places to get some beginner projects to delve into C# with?
.NetFiddle as the online instant compilers
I'm sorry, I'm just looking for some prompts or projects that can help me start using C# not an online compiler or anything like that, sorry if I was unclear
@AnimNations make a project that interests you is the best way to learn for a beginner
looking at existing projects won't
unless you immediately apply what you find
.NET C# is ultra-sweetened compared to another common language. It is very easy to learn, try to do your favorite project such as copy-paste sticker-board, or even engine torque-horsepower simulation if you like cars.
literally anything. Just pick something you can see an end to. IE don't make it your goal to make a replacement to Office first time. Its overwhelming. As you encounter issues a good way to learn is find projects and questions trying to do that specific thing you are having issues with. DON'T copy and paste though. understand the code and write your own based on that. You will be a coding genius in no time.
sorry, its copy-paste sticker-board. or named copy-paste helper.
@nyconing lol I realized later it might seem my message was about that
it wasn't haha
Does anyone know c#'s equivalent of python's str.find()? str.IndexOf() seems to be throwing System.IndexOutOfRangeException
@Sometowngeek Why is it throwing that? It sounds like exactly what you need.
@KendallFrey I'm trying to traverse through the list quickly using str.IndexOf(c, position) to find whether or not there exists exactly three spaces between 'a' and 'b' (the order doesn't matter).
What is 'position', and what do you mean by traverse through it?
@Sometowngeek this mean your IndexOf*(int) is smaller than 0 *or bigger than str.length
@nyconing Bigger than str.length
hard to see what you are trying to archive, can you explain what this method working for? We might have some other good approach.
why the jesus are you returning boolean values as strings
Coderbyte wants string, not boolean value.
Otherwise I would return boolean.
Oh I think I see now
IndexOf starts at the start of the string if you don't give it a starting position
Their requests are a bit odd.
So you're getting matches near the start of the string, it's subtracting 4, and getting a negative
I'm pretty sure this problem would be solved much easier with a simple regex
This is the instruction:

Using the C# language, have the function ABCheck(str) take the str parameter being passed and return the string true if the characters a and b are separated by exactly 3 places anywhere in the string at least once (ie. "lane borrowed" would result in true because there is exactly three characters between a and b). Otherwise return the string false.
Does it have to work with b...a as well?
a...b or b...a
I'm not fluent with regex yet. I have some understanding of it.
oddly enough, that's almost exactly what the regex would look like
or a.{3}b|b.{3}a
I'll try that.
At that point, your function is literally only a single line of code
?? still not resolve what the method trying to do
but I can see regex, its trying to see if string has 3 chars inside 'a' and 'b'?
@nyconing Kendall's suggestion works.
public static bool Check(string str)
    Regex re = new Regex("a...b|b...a");
    return re.IsMatch(str);
Regex.IsMatch is also a static method
just a one-liner
Thank you! :)
and when I say one line, I mean it
a...b|b...a if this is that you wanted, almost all the code inside your previous method is redundant.
I didn't realize Regex.IsMatch() was a static method.
public static string Check(string s) => Regex.IsMatch(s, "a...b|b...a").ToString().ToLower();
I've been nubzoned.
Again, thank you for helping out @KendallFrey :)
@nyconing I understand my previous method is redundant... I forgot about the OR operator in regex.
Here it is in REBEL in case you cared
no way. .ToString().ToLower() is better
It's truly a rebel...
@nyconing Normally, no. But Coderbyte demands string result.
It might be wrong, I'm a bit rusty and I didn't test it
@Sometowngeek its string
2 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
God... I can't spell this late...
your collegure will killing you if you done these
Wow... I can't process either xD
I better head to bed... Gnite folks :)
lets rock, its morning.
Don't kill each other.
The hell it's morning here.
Well it's definitely morning somewhere :D
2 hours later…
I think I have about a thousand dead neurons from last night
I can't think properly now
I have no idea why my code is working
I'm smoking rn so it's even funnier
new JsonSerializerSettings {
NullValueHandling = NullValueHandling.Ignore

Is it possible to ignore properties by name?
I know you can add an attribute [JsonIgnore] above the field you want to ignore
can we use this also if datatype of field is decimal?
because in my scenario its not working @mr5
afaik, it will work on any type
might be a casing problem in your case
ok thanks for your suggestions @mr5
@vishuminhas you can also do this [JsonProperty("FieldNameHere")]
Servus C# o/
what is wrong with stack :O
@Proxy Someone posted a link to a shady site, got transmitted over the websocket, chrome panicked
Link got removed already
oh i see
@KamilSolecki what kind of plan are you forging
Nobody needs to know
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOOOoOd Mornin' Neglecterinos!
Morning @Nerdintraining o/
@Proxy le kek
@Metallkiller Hallo \o
@Metallkiller schach? kamil braucht mir zu lange :D
@Nerdintraining dude I got like 3 Days of translation work to do today
13 secs ago, by Nerd in training
Lol google translate ain't got shit on me, I'm translating in-code, financial things. Take that, google!
anyway @KamilSolecki it's still your turn
next time i'll set a timer to 1hour^^
NS got DisQualified
from P.M
pls explain
!!gfy explain
@Nerdintraining That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Nerdintraining That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: gfy
hahaha rekt
that doesn't really fit^^
totally rekt by cap
@KamilSolecki The only thing that is being rekt is you. At chess!
shots fired
the link is not working
What's up guys :)
@Nerdintraining I studied german for 5 yrs :/
im middle school
o/ mark
Oh o/ @KamilSolecki :)
I got this weird output:/ _hour = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH");
Example the current hour is 3:00 P.M, I want to get the 15 for _hour but what I get is still 03 :/
localization stuff
wait a moment
Oh thanks for the hint :)
CultureInfo culture = new CultureInfo("en-GB or something else");
dt.ToString("HH", culture)
Liek this
@mark333...333...333 Lol I got exactly the same problem :D Just solved it
gotta use "hhhh:mm" as formatstring. hh = 12h-Format, hhhh = 24h format
Oh thank @KamilSolecki :)
@Metallkiller Oh man really? Haha that's right timing! :D
oh right, you can do that too
I forgot lol
hhhhhh = 36h format
Oh @KamilSolecki it's fine :) But thank you for the link :D
hhh = 30h format, for people working 10h shifts
hhhhhh = 36h format for those people working and wanna die the next coming days hehe
@Metallkiller I still get the 12 hour format here :( _hour = getCurrentDate.ToString("hhhh");
That's strange, it fixed it for me o.O
Maybe you still need to play aorund with the culture stuff? I got german culture, maybe if you got en-US it still goes 12h?
I think it's just "HH" to get the 24 hour format
SO it's case sensitive?
Gotta try that
I already tried the HH @mr5 I still get the 12 hour format and it's weird
@Metallkiller no
@mark333...333...333 are you doing this in C#?
it should work
Yeah I'm on C# @mr5
maybe specify the entire format like yyyyMMdHHmmss
to c/p from the js room since they are quiet
@Nerdintraining it is
But I want to get the hour only not the entire thing man :)
@mark333...333...333 then try my solution
anyone has any recommendation for a good node.js book?
yeah maybe I try to jump in Culture thing @KamilSolecki :) I'll let you know guys ( ゚ヮ゚)
@mark333...333...333 you could always extract the hour component after you convert/parse it to a Date object
@mr5 Now that's just reinventing the wheel
@mr5 let me try that solution too. Since DateTime.Now gives it's own default string value of 12 hour format :)
@Metallkiller how is that reinventing the wheel? you parse/convert the date from a string then extract the hour component
@mr5 THat's exactly what the format string is for, so we don't have to pull things from the full string
@mark333...333...333 AFAIK DateTIme.Now returns a DataTime object containing the time of calling it?
Console.WriteLine((new DateTime(2017,12,30,23,59,59)).ToString("HH"));
Console.WriteLine((new DateTime(2017,12,30,23,59,59)).ToString("hh"));
Nice @nyconing
Finally somebody actually tried it xD
@nyconing tried them all
but still got the 12 hour format :)
@mark333...333...333 Sorry dude, I'm afraid you PC has a bad virus.
@mark333...333...333 check your system time
lol, you still get 12hr system with "HH"?
it cant be...
I have 12 hour format in my laptop :)
@nyconing yeah yeah still I get 12 hour format haha
@mark333...333...333 ideone.com/f3yj8N
that's weird
@mr5 exactly it's very weird. Yes I already tried those before asking here :)
DateTime or DateTimeOffset on your object reference?
@RoelvanUden darling, you know a good book about node.js?
might be there's a stray DateTime extension somewhere in your codebase?
"(DateTime?) reader["LastLoginTime"]" "Invalid case exception thrown."
reader["LastLoginTime"] as DateTime < reference will be null when cast failed.
no exception trown.
If you didnt expect it was null reference, you need debugger to check its type if you dont know the type.
object unknow_object = reader["LastLoginTime"];
point to unknow_object in debugger.
culture info should override your environiment culture
no way thats not working
@nyconing I expect it to be a nullable datetime
unless you put a wrong culture in
aka, the column in the database is a datetime column
but it is allowed to be null (aka, when that account has never logged on)
so... I cast it to a Nullable<DateTime>...
except that is not how Microsoft logic works
@KamilSolecki Culture should be invariant
except when you are showing stuff to the end user, in which case, it should use their culture and you do not want to treat it as valid data any more, just ui data
you will get DBNull.Value in reader["LastLoginTime"] if you taken from data source
@Proxy Not really.
@Wietlol I was responding to marks' problem
which is the case
@nyconing ow yes...
How weird, I was also playing around with Dates just now....dotnetfiddle.net/amziHj#
@RoelvanUden :( i'm looking for something to read :/
lol, now the entire room has a trouble in date Time.
Hahah what the time haha :D
So I'm trying this
DateTimeFormatInfo dtCultureInfo = new CultureInfo("fr-FR").DateTimeFormat;

                _hour = getCurrentDate.ToString("HH", dtCultureInfo);
But doesn't work though haha
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@Proxy Read the bible, I hear it's great! Even greater than Lord of the rings!
@KamilSolecki I already tried the Culture thing but still the same
@KamilSolecki Noice
Fellas, we have a frontend web project
no we dont
We're deploying said web frontend project to Azure
@mark333...333...333: Download the following and have play. This is a MS utliltiy, but at least you will be using a sep code base to test your machine, instead of (possbibly) a polluted one :)
@Wietlol :DD
@Metallkiller too mainstream
@Metallkiller you may have, but i dont
We use Web Deploy to deploy the relevant files to the web server
I also followed this: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/… but stilll, the problem persists
The issue here being is that development is now totally restricted to Windows both in the frontend and the backend
@MadaraUchiha because Azure?
@Wietlol Because the deploy uses a proprietary MS tool
Web Deploy
Azure has other options for deployment, but they are all inferior by a large margin, FTP, adding the compiled targets to Git and pushing, etc.
I'm wondering if anyone knows of a cross-platform implementation
I write everything myself
Or an alternative that's not well documented to push things to azure from Linux
i never have to deal with problems like that
nor do I ever have to deal with problems i cannot solve
@Wietlol Do you write frontend?
you use plain php and plain mysql and plain ftp to create your ws or website. easy!
as well
@Wietlol How do you deploy your frontend to the server?
I write it in Java, using my own JDK and compiler to generate the Html, Css, Js and resource files, then map it all together and puke out some links that the server side uses to return streams of their content
so... i wrote it myself
i can compile it on windows only
but i can run it on anything
now that i read your messages again...
i do have the same problem
but as I dont use mac nor linux, i wont fix it soon
but even if I wanted it, I just have to test it thouroughly and make it work on linux/mac as well
@mark333...333...333 oh LOL I got it working
Oh what did you do? @KamilSolecki :D
dt.ToString("hh"); - 12h time
dt.ToString("HH"); - 24h time
here u go
no need for cultures
Man, the problem is, I already tried that :(
like before I asked :(
Yeah I'm getting crazy with my laptop it is very strange :(
have you tried both that and the culture thingy?
Yeah man @KamilSolecki I already tried it :(
It's very weird :/
works for me :(
Yeah normally, that would be the output for me, but now it's not normal.
:/ it's so mysterious l
@mark333...333...333 what is the issue?
@mark333...333...333 can you give us your time in milliseconds?
@Wietlol whatever I do, it still gives the 12 hour format man
yeah make a workaround
calculate seconds to time XD
you do "mydatetime.ToString("HH")" and it doesnt give you 24 based hours?
the other way
HH and hhhh thing even the culture info or datetimecultureinfo, I still get the 12 hour format
he always gets 12h format
@Wietlol yeah I did that already :/
and never 24h
seems like nothing helps
Yeah exactly, another weird thing is, even I set my pc to 24 hour format, the datetime always gives the 12 hour format :/
!!> new Date("2000-01-01 10:30 PM").getHours()
@mr5 "NaN"
!!> new Date("2000-01-01 10:30 AM").getHours()
@mr5 No
@mr5 "NaN"
So i've been having a great morning
first visual studio got caught by the GPO at work
now slack and postman
caprica's js is broken
what us GPO
Oh group policy object
What did it do?
delte vs?^^
Blocked devenv.exe from running
!!> parseInt(new Date("2000-01-01 10:30 AM").getHours());
Best way to deal with VS
@mr5 "NaN"
@mark333...333...333 can you show some code?
(dont really feel like scrolling back)
it's the basic, to make it simple _hour = DateTime.Now.ToString("HH"); @Wietlol
instead of getting, like 15, I get 03
Ohh wait, something weird something weird here
my DateTime.Now says, AM :/
My current time here is PM
so, I wonder why it's AM :/
Yeah man haha @KamilSolecki my current time is 04:58 PM but when I break it, I got 04:58 AM (ಠ_ಠ)
There's a sodding breakpoint in a .cshtml file that KEEPS COMING BACK
No matter how many times i manually remove it
VS Bug or just my project being stupid?
@mark333...333...333 how about you use DateTime.UtcNow
and add your time diff :D
Feb 27 at 16:02, by Kieran
Thank you for confirming im an idiot c:
Oh let me try man @KamilSolecki haha
13 hours ago, by Kramb
Guys...I'm an idiot...

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