How can I insert items in the same category and line through c# into a Access database, using a combobox? Like a grocery shop where you select the product through combobox, and a button will add each and everyone of them to the field in the db without changing to line 2 or id 2.
I'm sorry, I'm just looking for some prompts or projects that can help me start using C# not an online compiler or anything like that, sorry if I was unclear
.NET C# is ultra-sweetened compared to another common language. It is very easy to learn, try to do your favorite project such as copy-paste sticker-board, or even engine torque-horsepower simulation if you like cars.
literally anything. Just pick something you can see an end to. IE don't make it your goal to make a replacement to Office first time. Its overwhelming. As you encounter issues a good way to learn is find projects and questions trying to do that specific thing you are having issues with. DON'T copy and paste though. understand the code and write your own based on that. You will be a coding genius in no time.
@KendallFrey I'm trying to traverse through the list quickly using str.IndexOf(c, position) to find whether or not there exists exactly three spaces between 'a' and 'b' (the order doesn't matter).
Using the C# language, have the function ABCheck(str) take the str parameter being passed and return the string true if the characters a and b are separated by exactly 3 places anywhere in the string at least once (ie. "lane borrowed" would result in true because there is exactly three characters between a and b). Otherwise return the string false.
aka, the column in the database is a datetime column
but it is allowed to be null (aka, when that account has never logged on)
so... I cast it to a Nullable<DateTime>...
except that is not how Microsoft logic works
@KamilSolecki Culture should be invariant
except when you are showing stuff to the end user, in which case, it should use their culture and you do not want to treat it as valid data any more, just ui data
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@mark333...333...333: Download the following and have play. This is a MS utliltiy, but at least you will be using a sep code base to test your machine, instead of (possbibly) a polluted one :)
I write it in Java, using my own JDK and compiler to generate the Html, Css, Js and resource files, then map it all together and puke out some links that the server side uses to return streams of their content
so... i wrote it myself
i can compile it on windows only
but i can run it on anything
now that i read your messages again...
i do have the same problem
but as I dont use mac nor linux, i wont fix it soon
but even if I wanted it, I just have to test it thouroughly and make it work on linux/mac as well