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I need some answers regarding to my program creation
2 hours later…
hmm can I test if "this method has not changed the object's internal state" in a unit test? Without having to update said test each time I might add a new external visible state?
@paul23 Not really, no.
immutability isn't a concept in the C# universe
:/ So I can't be for certain that "A.Equals(B)" won't change A or B? Makes things hard to prove lol
@paul23 Just give in to the dark functional side
I'm just crawling out from there.
crawl back! quick!
Using C# after learning functional programming, python and javascript feels... Limiting.
I felt limited by pythons need for indentation
/me is spoiled by pep8 so much that the first thing I did was google for half a day to a similar thing for c#
what's that
Ctrl+K,Ctrl+D does that in visual studio
Well yea and finally installing resharper does the (more important) name handling too.
R# is so slow
makes my ide lag
oh, thought you meant some kind of dotnet binding for R
4 hours later…
good morning everyone
yay monday o/
none of our servers respond o/
@satibel Long coffee break it is then
@satibel Are you the IT/devops guy in charge of them? If not - yay! If so - crap!
@AdiMohan fixing the server it is
@satibel thats another way to go aswell, but the first one is less stressful :)
*rebooting the switch
GoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOod mornin vietnam!
Try reswitching the boot.
Have you tried turning it off and back on again?
- The Tech Supprt guy he called this morning
nope, we just supposed that if there's no connectivity between each computer connected to that switch, it's probably the switch.
morning :)
@Nerdintraining Yeah, I can see "rebooting the switch" as sexual innuendo.
heyo @Proxy
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan ^^
Hello, it's me
Any one have a good Walkthrough on how to create a git-repository on a shared network drive and then clone it to a local repository?
I failed at the ones that i found
and good mornin' sama-sensai-senpai-sensukadaaaaan
how was your weekend @RoelvanUden?
@Nerdintraining git clone \\myunc\path\repo?
@Nerdintraining Great thanks :) Same there?
I was sick :/
@satibel and nlow the servers
@RoelvanUden doesn't work apperenlty (ill see if i can find the error again, it was blabing about pemisssion )
@RoelvanUden ya weekend was great, my wife and i viewed a flat and we will get it probebly
@Nerdintraining I hope the servers don't puke everywhere XD
@Nerdintraining Sweet. Good luck :D
though I've got my RV, so I can sleep 2 hours later o/
Wait you sleep in the parking lot of your office? Is that what you just said?
^^ apperently he does
@RoelvanUden why is git giving me headache and hard times?
Because you're using it wrong. What's the error?
It's appending the repository path to 'C:/Program Files/Git' apperentely
Ok. Weird. Run cmd as administrator
and then it formats away the '\'
Can you show the git line and error exactly?
I typed: *$ git remote add origin file://\\nacifs2\it\Azubi\MyName\projekt1*
fatal: 'C:/Program Files/Git/nacifs2itAzubimyNameprojekt1' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
Trying to run it as adamin now
@Nerdintraining You should either use URL-style // or UNC-style \\, not both.
And since it seems to swallow DOS-style backslashes, use forward slashes for the whole path.
good to know, i thoguth the command for adding a remote-drive-repo is with "file://"
It's not a command. it's just a standard uri scheme for accessing local files.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan thats what i did next
@Nerdintraining Ok, but you can't add a git upstream if you didn't make a git repo
git clone \\nacifs2\it\Azubi\MyName\projekt1
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan This is what happend next:
fatal: 'C:/Program Files/Git/nacifs2/it/Azubi/MyName/projekt1' does not appear to be a git repository
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.
@RoelvanUden i already did git init and then the add
I am even unable to cd on \\nacifs2
You can't CD to a unc path.
git init && git add upstream \\nacifs2\it\Azubi\MyName\projekt1
git fetch
git pull
You can map it to a local drive if you want.
and that ^
What does mapping do?
Is it just like a pointer telling git where to find ?
net use g: \\nacifs\it
Will map the file share to a local drive G:.
so now i could just do g:\azubi\MyName\projekt1 right?
But with an upstream you dont need cmd to access that path
I can't find good reference explain this code:
any help?
What does it check about?
@MohamedAhmed Are you asking when this property returns true, or what multi-part mime content is?
Both questions will help me understand it, if possible
MIME Multipart is an extension to the HTTP spec to transmit more than one object as part of the same request or response. Normally, if I access an HTTP resource or a POST data to a website, this data is just one thing - a file I'm downloading, for instance. MIME/Multipart specifies a way of signifying that an HTTP stream contains multiple parts, each with its own headers and content-type.
@RoelvanUden It was mother bleeping administrativ rights apperently
Q: What is http multipart request?

MegaManXI have been writing iPhone applications for some time now, sending data to server, receiving data (via HTTP protocol), without thinking too much about it. Mostly I am theoretically familiar with process, but the part I am not so familiar is HTTP multipart request. I know its basic structure, but ...

@AvnerShahar-Kashtan @RoelvanUden thanks for the help you guys
The mapping helped aswell
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan So, this code ensures that the request has, always, more than one file selected ?
if (!Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent())
                throw new HttpResponseException(HttpStatusCode.UnsupportedMediaType);
good morning
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan This code always persist in the MultipartFormDataStreamProvider class (derived classes)
@MohamedAhmed No, it just ensures that the request's ContentType header is set to multipart.
It might have just one part to it.
Thanks @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
*glancing at the starred messages* If I'm going to be quoted randomly out of context, I'd prefer it be something more embarrassing than that.
Nothing quite like dealing with bad input data.
Am now going to replace my simple "Find entity where field X equals Y" with "Find entity where field X is either Y or Y with backslashes replaced with slashes. Or the other way around".
I wonder if I should write a regex for it, or simply create all permutations and search them. It's simple, since there can only be one / or \ in the string (it's a domain\username)
replace all backslashes by slashes in both X and Y, that should do the trick @AvnerShahar-Kashtan
by the way you can also write [email protected]
have fun.
@satibel X is raw data from external system that has to be preserved.
And there's already a translation to FQDN format, regardless.
you can't just compare X.Replace('\\','/')==Y.Replace('\\','/') ?
it won't modify X
That would involve twice as many replace operations. I'd rather have two comparisons and one Replace rather than the other way around.
that calls for a benchmark :p
@Nerdintraining Wonderful.
Me no GIT, me copy paste!
lol, just read the starred quote from 007. Is he serious? or is he trolling?
No way of knowing.
by the way, what is wrong with java outside of it's tendency to be like "EAT MY OOP, YOU LIKE IT RIGHT?" ?
@satibel Nothing really. The main issue with Java, especially for C# developers, is that it's has a very conservative roadmap. For C# users who are used to massive languages changes every couple of years (generics, then linq, then async/await), it feels glacier-slow and ancient.
And if you've only done Java, there's nothing wrong with it. It has the features you need, and does the things you want. It's quite stable and well tested. Alas, if you're a C# developer, it feels stiffing and limited. Like taking a massive leap back in time.
oh, ok.
that's true, I didn't see much change when switching from 1.1 to 1.8
(I had to use 1.1 because windows ce.)
And 1.8 has possibly the biggest change since generics were introduced in (1.4? 1.5?)
1.5 I think.
it's a bit dated and usually slower than C# ... but otherwise I have no major issues with it
I recall file access being like a 50 line affair when in C# its like 1 or 2 lines for hte same thing
that can be a bit of a glaring "wtf"
for images, it's just
Part of it is that in .NET-land Microsoft constantly innovates and releases new libraries, whereas in Java-land the core remains more conservative, and there's more reliance on a 3rd party ecosystem. You can probably find plenty of Java libs that can do single-line file I/O.
hm what is the best way of generally handling errors in angular 2, or js in general
Coming from C#, it was hard for me to realize that the core libraries often weren't the simplest way to do things.
i just inform the user about a general error or do i provide him additional information
I personally put the full error into the debug log and then show a generic error to the user. At places where I don't expect something ofc, handle everything that you know can happen to provide a good UX
depends if the answer is "go check with the IT guy" or "just do this and it will be fixed."
yeah i thought something about that @RoelvanUden
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan my issue lies in the performance of my code in that situation ... for that reason me and java don't get on
the problem I have is I often have to reinvent the wheel because it's easier than to debug some external library.
@satibel if it's not too complex and you think the external lib has a bug it's not bad. You just have to include it into the infrastructure of your company so you are the only one who has reinveted that specific solution
@War there isn't a huge performance gap anymore
I don't use java for work, but I have a lib folder where I put all my reusable code.
@SebastianL I don't see how that's possible if the ecosystem hasn't changed nor has the core framework to replace those largely inefficient core libs
I'm not convinced
@SebastianL does that guy publish the sourcecode for those benchmarks?
@SebastianL Benchmarks like this are not a good real-world representation imo.
though file access is File.ReadAllBytes(); or something like this now.
@RoelvanUden true, in the end it depends strongly on how you write your code
@War yes its opensource
Yeah, implementation matters, but these kind of math-with-threads-and-thread-synchronization don't really show real world performance. That is, unless your real world is purely mathematical (which is possible).
@SebastianL just looking now ....
looking at the mandlebrot examples ... no wonder the C# examples are slower ... the implementations are very different
@War utimately it depends on your usecase, but you can't say java is slower than c#
@SebastianL it's just a language, I guess the difference is in the compiler results
@War and i have to agree with you, i just saw the code and the are using Consol.WriteLine in performance testing, which is normally unacceptable...
I don't think the language is slow, I think the framework is
I could be wrong of course
@SebastianL yeh I noticed a few bits like that
Also thread synchronization, allocation of temp arrays etc
about the closest 2 I could find
I would not do it that way in C#
in the java case the programmer just asks for a pool of size "core count", in the c# code the programmer goes baout manually building 1 thread at a time (where's the equiv pool?)
also something tells me that the java call out might produce something different if that was put in the c# example too
Does anyone here loves T4 templating ?
I don't love it
have used it though
tend to avoid it ... pita to debug when it goes wrong
and if the code can be templated like that then why not create a base class
Because you normally generate something from dynamic data.
e.g. mapping SQL to C# classes
@Mathematics just googled it, why would anyone do this? Only usecase i could imagine is so a user can create his own templates?
or mapping C# classes from REST-endpoint definitions or some shit
T4 templates are extremely useful.
yeh i get that ... just found other ways round it that didn't require code gens
Like what?
@RoelvanUden oh that didn't come to my mind ^^
@RoelvanUden well in the rest example I expose the meta data and build objects dynamically in my js client code ... I rarely talk to endpoints in C# these days but when I do I gen a bunch of classes from the service meta as a one off thing instead of using t4
really depends on the scenario though tbh
quite often you want a manually defined entity on the client side so you can hook in extra functions that perhaps gneerate more queries to get more data (eg children of the object)
hard to template that sort of thing
I do see the value in T4 though ... used to use DB first EF
that was all about its T4's for a ton of stuff
Although something about generating an enum from the data you have in your db just shits on my idea of what n enum is (from a code point of view) ... surely thats another entity rather than an enum
that sort of stuff used to annoy me
more so when you had a team and everyone had different data in their db's so the code would break on compiles
that's literally worse than enum hitler
Anyone here likes overcomplicated LINQ statements?
@SebastianL anyone here likes freelancing ?
@SebastianL I like simple stuff
Hell Yeah!!!
got my complex expands and selections working on my OData query builder
the other guy with me spent an hour trying to figure out why his files weren't copying, turns out the path was something like c:\users\gérard, and the program was using the ansi encoding vs ascii for the file name.
I want to do the following (just for fun):
            .Where(x => x.IsSomeStatus)
            .Select(x => new KeyValuePair<string, decimal>(x.Key, x.Amount)));
but if the select has multiple values with the same key
how to merge them using a custom method?
why isnt distinct an option?
@War I really want to see it and you are not sharing it :P
do you just want to over complicate this?
@misha130 over complicate what ?
the query
@misha130 i want to get the sum of every x.Amountunder one key as list so i can use addRange and i thought there has to be a way only using LINQ
@SebastianL GroupBy?
will give back an array of arrays and he is too lazy to deconstruct it after that
Or ToLookup
i think GroupBy did it thanks :D
@Mathematics lol its not quite finished ... got filtering to do yet but deep expands and selections are done
@Mathematics slowly getting there
all my endpoints live in separate applications on the server, the first drop down is the app, the second is the endpoint from that app
the first grid is a list of the scalar props for the data type returned by that endpoint
the second is a dynamically expandable expand + select clause builder that lets you crawl the model from that endpoints data as a base
then it shows the generated OData query and a sample output
in this case I had it deliberately return nothing (the account i'm using has no perms to the data
so, like I said ... filtering still to add, then a means to "save the configuration" for later adding to pages in the system
there's also a bit of work around custom cols (like when you expand and want to template the expansion in some way)
thanks !
so AuditEntry is endpoint for ACOFI app ?
I have an api domain
https://api.<my domain>.com/<AppName>/<Endpoint>
generally the format for a url which loosely equates to SQL like ...
select * from <AppName>.<Endpoint>
it's not quite though because there's a ton of business logic in the middle and the endpoint may not even be an entity type
the endpoint may refer to a DTO type and the security rules could be complex
I noticed on one key endpoint the other day without doing anything more than looking at it like this, the actual SQL for it was about 89k
this then allows you to put further complex, user driven criteria on the query with no programming knowledge of course
so each endpoint gives you back certain columns only
its OData
api/Model/Type <-- part of the OData standard
last part is essentially mapped to a C# type
so you get from the URL a mapping to a IQueryable<Type>
then further manipulations drive ...
  .Include(lambda generated from url)
  .Select(lambda generated from url)
  .Where(lambda generated from url)
as per the OData standard
see how it works?
sort of
I think I am confusing title "columns" in your picture
@War yes, I understand that bit, but I had a different view in my mind
e.g. select your types... then choose from available columns
whereas you only have 1 type here
it lists all the scalar properties on a type
you can also add a custom column to the grid
the net result is that everything selected in the first grid results in a column being generated in the output at the bottom for that piece of metadata
class Foo
    public int Id { get;set; }
    public string Name { get;set; }
say I have that
@War do you have nested types in your scenario
class Category
    public int Id { get;set; }
    public string Name { get;set; }
    public Product Product { get; set; }
there you go lets use that
so I have Foo and Bar types
I don't like Foo,
lets say you have categories and products classes ;)
hows that?
much better
ok so in the top grid I would get a row for Id and Name
in the second grid it would list Product
thats not an answer to that question, oh youre referring to the edit ^^
I can expand in to product and depending on how thats defined I can expand deeper
@War Which says "Also fetch"
say in to "Orders" or something
yeh that's it
@War ok I got it now, makes sense
"also fetch" loosely gets translated in to $expand=Prop($select=prop1, prop2)
based on the check boxes ticked
so that manipulates the data pulled back but doesn't affect the output
only alters the query
the top grid alters the output
yeah I understand that part
did you added all code by yourself
how long is this project going for :P
apart fro mthe telerik stuff i'm using
this piece of work is about a week old
i'll run it till i'm done enough with it that it becomes useful
i've been menaing to do this for some time though
it's a huge time saver
@War how are you planning to save these urls :-)
I don't need to
I save the grid configuration
I have a js object that looks a bit like this ...
var config = {
    scrollable: true,
    sortable: true,
    filterable: true,
    height: defaultGridHeight,
    pageable: {
        refresh: true,
        pageSizes: true,
        buttonCount: 5
    columns: buildColumns(cols),
    dataSource: dataSource
where do you store this object then
$("some selector for an empty div").kendoGrid(config);
is it not going in database at all ?
that's all the code I need once I have the config bject to build the result grid
yes this will go in to the db
fair enough
then I can pull these back out to use on other pages
is your end result flattened or nested as with WCF I always used to get nested results
its a complex OData model
some queries go about 10 levels deep
@War I know been there done that
what's worse is I mix DTO's and Entities quite a lot and in some cases I even pull stuff in nested results from other apps / contexts
that's an interesting problem to solve
but I had to do it on JS side... V3 doesn't supports flat output but V4 does
what you mean by "flat output"?
it's just an xml or json result for the most part
1 category object then 2 products nested into it
^ this will have 2 rows
in mine that would be 1 row with 2 nested rows
if I wanted to flatten that in to just 2 rows I would create a projection
@War my PM wanted 2 rows, you can imagine what a nightmare it was...
hard to say without asking more about the requirements
@War I think kendo made your work lots easier
it can handle templating the OData results and essentially serving up an MVVM source and element binding
but it's dumb AF in places
Hosting web api will have issues in SharePoint thought, it won't provide SPContext or security we get through SP
that second grid on the query builder had to be completely custom because telerik was too dumb to think that data might need to come from more than 1 place
you prob just need to do what I do
I forced a SSO auth token to be sent to the server on every ajax request from the client
I built a custom SSO server though based on top of ident framework (that was a pain in the ass to setup)
from what I understand with sharepoint it supports the provider model so you could bolt in the same mechanism i'm using
be a bit fiddly though

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