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It never hits the routes?
if you remove the verb does it hit?
Forgive me, I'm very new to .NET Core. Remove the verb where?
I'm currently using Postman to test it
[HttpPost] ? I don't know core but assume it is close to mvc 6
i don't know how to use SetWindowDisplayAffinity(hwnd, WDA_MONITOR); in code
gist: 9f44544ba2ffd59028a333e5f7ce8b59, 2017-02-20 19:10:34Z
public class ValuesController : Controller
    // GET: api/values
    public IEnumerable<string> Get()
        return new[] { "value1", "value2" };

    // GET api/values/5
    public string Get(int id)
        return id.ToString();

    // POST api/values
    public void Post([FromBody]string value)

    // PUT api/values/5
    public void Put(int id, [FromBody]string value)
        Debug.WriteLine($"{nameof(this.Put)}({id}, {value})");

    // DELETE api/values/5
    public void Delete(int id)
@KendallFrey is a .net core pro
I'm guessing you mean line 21.
sure.. since there is no line numbers, but ya
Oh, silly one-boxing. :P
so can you put {id} in the verbs?
thought that was only for [Route("MyRouteName/{id}")]
This is just the sample code generated for the project, so I assume it works.
I just tried removing [FromBody]string value and now it works.
Perhaps I need some flag for the FromBody attribute to work.
POST /api/values/5?
something like that?
is there a value in the body that you're passing?
@SteveG, Yeah Postman allows me to set the body to post.
if [FormBody] and has a value it should grab it from the body
yeah FromBody expects the method argument to be in the request body, so if you append the value to the URL instead, it doesn't match the controller action
I guess that's what you're doing?
it's also weird
that your methods are void
Instead of ActionResults or json
That's how I set the body in Postman.
so you can return status codes
and stuff
oh ya API
you can probably return status codes with void? im not sure
There's a JSON formatter added, I think it catches any value, serializes it and sends an OK.
unless you pass it to a method that's going to return it, don't think it will
If you look at the first Get method, you can see it returns a string array, which is properly serialized and returned.
This is strange. All the obvious pitfalls I think have been covered
what gives you the impression it doesn't work; what status code do you get back?
Ohh, why didn't I check the return codes!
I see that I'm getting an 415, unsupported media type. I bet the body has to be JSON.
I was just looking at Visual Studio and seeing the method was never hit.
If you pass it "Test body!" I bet that'll work. String is a valid json document, IIRC
It's possible the body is fine, but I need to set the mimetype in the request header.
Content-Type=application/json did the trick. :D
So I was using my test tool wrong.
and that's accepted as json?
if you just declare that it's json, regardless of whether it actually is or not
That's the next step. :P Right now it's getting to my controller. But value is empty, not anything I put in the body. So just trying a few different things.
god i love potatoes
what kind of potatoes...
@SteveG - Me too. Scalped are my favorites, but there are so many good ways to make them. pan seared red, fries, mashed, cubed, etc.
all potatoes
from fry form to baked
i just found this out like 30 seconds ago
I have a college friend with the same last name
i've been thinking his last name is "FRAY" for like, 6 years now
god damn i've known you all a long time, what a bunch of suckers
everybody is so quiet today
or however you would 50cal sound -> text
@SteveG - Ever watch any jerry miculek videos? That guy is nuts
@SteveG Shut your whore mouth.
@TravisJ You get Rainbow Six Siege?
@Greg - Nope, haven't gotten any new games for a while
@TravisJ For it being half off, it is pretty awesome.
Very tactical.
I do like the Tom Clancy design overall, but I am more into competitive games than playing against a computer or designed scenario.
@TravisJ It is all multiplayer like Titanfall.
@TravisJ So it is 5 v 5, against.
They're introducing ranked as well.
Oh, hm, sounds interesting
The one aspect of WoW that I miss was the 40 vs 40 player fights. That gave a very immersive feel.
Yeah, I think for ranked they're going to do an 8 v 8. Pretty fun game.
Was on the fence, but nabbed it for 20 dollars, worth it.
rocket league is free on xbox gold right now i think
Hm, I'll download it then.
If you do get Siege, I'll play with you.
This game is all about corner lean for aiming, trying to really scope your prey. So easy to get killed, but has mechanics of real siege operations.
I'll see if I have room, my xbox is getting kind of full
Dump a game you don't play, it stores in Cloud for easy retrieval to redownload.
Do the saved characters remain if you uninstall a game?
I could probably dump forza
But it is like 87% complete and wouldn't want to lose all teh things
How does one convert unsigned int (uint) to int? Convert.ToInt32 doesn't work.
A: How do I convert uint to int in C#?

Samuel CarrijoGiven: uint n = 3; int i = checked((int)n); //throws OverflowException if n > Int32.MaxValue int i = unchecked((int)n); //converts the bits only //i will be negative if n > Int32.MaxValue int i = (int)n; //same behavior as unchecked or int i = Convert.ToInt32(n)...

@TravisJ Yes.
@TravisJ It all backsup to Microsoft's Azure Cloud.
@TravisJ Basically, it syncs you to the Cloud and if it doesn't match it will try and determine which is newer the cloud or your local save data.
Kaitlin Pike on February 20, 2017
Welcome to the Stack Overflow Podcast #101. Fact: We now have as many episodes as we have adorable Disney dalmatians. Today's podcast is brought to you by the WordPress Development Stack Exchange.
@TravisJ I've done it multiple times.
@Greg hehehe
@SteveG Did I confuse you when I sent friend request?
you did? on xbox? steam?
oh i haven't unpacked my xbox yet, just moved
I sent a Friend Request, with "Stacking bodies:
thats funny
Vertical or horizontal?
wherever they fall
sometimes they still twitch
We need a Stack Overflow competitive Rainbow Six Siege team.
that would cool
but I don't do R6 only halo
I was showing Travis, the Siege game is really cool.
I wish it had some in game example on that video
What do you mean?
The video you linked to earlier wasn't actual gameplay
The youtube one at least
I didn't watch the bing one
i have siege
got boring fast
Oh, this one has some examples of them trying to secure the objective.
@SteveG Because you don't run and gun like a n00b?
@SteveG A good team, does help though.
@SteveG They added a bunch of content also, and ranked matches.
chrome store needs to update quicker
someone play a fun game with me
I loved the original rainbow six
the older I get, the more I remember old games I used to play
the older we get the easier the games get
@Greg it's a little slow paced and it seems like strategies are often pretty similar for maps
not enough diversity of maps and playstyles, as in cqb or larger more open maps
@SteveG A lot of that has changed, but I could see that.
@TravisJ You have a chance to use Asp.Net Core yet?
@Greg - nerp, not yet
Oh, can you tell me if I might be crazy of this is feasible.
I want to use the UseDefaultFiles and UseStaticFiles so that it returns a root index that exist within the wwwroot. So that a frontend framework can do everything, even if I do Ajax it should still hit the data controller, then return the data
I made some user scripts to make the top bar more appealing if anyone was interested. This one reorders it: chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stacktopreorder/… and this one colors it, adds hover functionality, and removes the review and jobs links: chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/stacktop/…
It ends up looking like this:
@Greg - What do you mean "a frontend framework can do everything"? If you expose an API then the client side should be able to consume whatever it exposes.
Well, I want the frontend router to do what is required.
Angular2 has a router built into for instance, so does Ember, so does React, Vue.js has an addon for it.
Okay, I see.
But it was my understanding that when you do a middleware request, it will truncate the call based on the requirements. So I wasn't sure if the static file would be returned before it has a chance to call the mvc route.
This is all sounding pretty straightforward as far as possible goes.
I assumed it was. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't thinking out of context.
Are you concerned about getting a cached resource instead of a live one?
Well, the Vue.js Router should ensure that doesn't happen, since it will dictate the application state of the spa. I wanted to ensure that when I do a Ajax, it would hit the MVC Route, to return the JSON Result.
That would just be an issue of ensuring that the correct url was being used by the router.
But they said the pipeline works:

Exception/error handling
Static file server
The ajax url doesn't have to resemble the current url whatsoever, so long as it accurately requests the right resource from the server.
If any of those are caught, it will truncate the pipeline. And skip the request / response.
Yeah, that looks like standard "by-design" functionality.
Okay. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't being a weirdo.
If you are serving an image freely, or if the client's auth fails, or if the route requested doesn't exist, then there is no need to hit the controller factory and start reflecting instances of your application.
What do you mean?
Those were examples of how the pipeline would get shorted out
What I want is the frontend framework to handle all the routing. Though it is hosted within the same application, then Ajax to return the Json Result.
For example, it isn't the front end router's fault if someone gives bad credentials. That will be determined in the pipeline. If authorization fails, the MVC response will not be reached.
Yes, correct. The frontend would send a guarded route. To determine.
I'm trying to avoid the Cors issue. While simplifying the interaction between the two, to truly make the project a spa.

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