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@TravisJ I checked all of queries and non of them seems to be wrong. Because the Insert to table works but right after that where it needs to redirect to another page it shows this message:
No route in the route table matches the supplied values.
2 hours later…
My above mentioned error happens only on one Controller and after disabling the Lazy Loading! Even after Save is done I use the code:

return RedirectToAction("Index", "NextController", new { mid = mid, schgrouplog = schgrouplog, schtmpid = schtmpid });

It doesn't go anywhere and instead it raises that error under the same page.
3 hours later…
So many problems when learning a new language :(
Q: Using Javascript to pass a parameter from a URL to a hidden form field (Gridview)

Ratheesh PalaniHow to pass Hidden Field JobID Value From javaScript I wasn't to be able to pass and ID such as 3017 from a URL(JobID): http://www.company.winrecruit.com/JobDetails.aspx?Key=3017 Please Help Me ...Sorry for My bad English.. Any ideas much appreciated! <asp:GridView ID="gvJob" CssClass="gvSt...

1 hour later…
Hi any online?
morning :)
raise hands if you use T4 templating
Morn all
Does Disabling Lazy Loading any effect on this error?
No route in the route table matches the supplied values.
Hello ladies and boys.
@RoelvanUden i count as both -
@RoelvanUden i thought Environment.Exit(0) was the correct way of doing things, not 1 :o
@Nerdintraining Environment.Exit is never the proper way. It's essentially a 'kill this process' switch, and doesn't have any regard for the current application state. It's much better to support an exit signal that propagates through your entire application which gives your code the chance to clean-up, persist changes, etc. The 0 and 1 just mean what error code it raised when terminating.
@RoelvanUden Aye, but from my understanding the Errorcode 0 is always a planed shutdown in terms of "all ok, no error"
can some1 help me with
Yes, you can write server side code in the vbhtml. — Darin Dimitrov 46 mins ago
Q: Make connection vb net(razor) without config file

GazmanIs there a way to make a database connection without using web config file ? I use vbnet (razor) (.vbhtml) webforms my connectionstring is <connectionStrings> <add connectionString="Server=LAPTOP-Bilo\SQLEXPRESS;Trusted_Connection=True;Database=kees" name="kees" providerName="System.Data...

he gave me the answer
but dont understand at all
Are open-source projects affected by Trumps ban on encryption? look at the answers :/ this is quite fucked
@RoelvanUden I am lerning all your tracks you stack overfiow you ♥
yeah yeah
public void OnLinkClick(object sender, LinkClickEventArgs e)
    if (this.WeekDay == WeekDays.Friday)
        throw new DontYouDareClickOnThatLinkException();
trump making micro$oft great again
they were already getting great again
They were never ungreat
@SebastianL Bad code style!
@Nerdintraining now i am curious. what is good code style?
@SebastianL mine :D
I was only half serious, i for one would have been to lazy to add the { brackerts and would have written an else statement purly for readability
erm like if (this.WeekDay == WeekDays.Friday) throw new DontYouDareClickOnThatLinkException(); ?
Nah more like
if (this.WeekDay == WeekDays.Friday)
throw new DontYouDareClickOnThatLinkException();
` doesnt work on multiline
You don't need an else if it throws
I know
Its purly for readiblity
I personally think it's annoying to have redundant clauses.
How in insert quotations? an else statement purly for readability
@RoelvanUden Well i think you are the best sensai in the world!
                    // __`\  o o ~
                   ll ( .) l_) ) `
                  __\\ \__/   /
Snaaaail, it's a Saaaail.
Ya all know the song Sail by Awolnation?
I read @satibel comment with sith sail voice singing SNAIL
panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini
border-radius, border-radius, a-
panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini
border-radius, border-radius, a-
panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini
border-border-radius, a
panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini
Argh! Snail, a snail!
Snaaail! A snaaaail, oooh its a snail!
It's a panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini, panini
Now were did that come from?!
i vaguley remember
and now i get it
there's something I dislike about Powershell vs CMD:
Poweshell: Ultra Stronk
I haven't typed anything in yet.
bash takes 5mb
literally an order of magnitude more for PS, what are you doing microsoft?
what can i do? how can i solve this issue ?
I'd go about debugging the problem and then fixing it.
Have you ever programmed before?
no @RoelvanUden
<add name="constr" connectionString="server=example.com;UID=CRM_Fluead;PWD=2009;database=VanCRM_Fluead;Connect Timeout=600" />
I am very confused, never programmed and has 2k rep on SO
In India, anything is possible
i know html, css , javascrpit,jquery,...............................
(Asp.net ,c# right now am learing)
hello @RoelvanUden
Can you help me sir @RoelvanUden
@IvinRaj try using using
(on your connection)
@IvinRaj where is the code that reads that connection string from the configuration?
also, instead of mystring==null||mystring.length==0 you should use string.IsNullOrEmpty(mystring)
a question
i have two app that work on same database
the database is mysql
App1 and App2
how do i detect changes in a table from App1 When App2 changes something
any idea?
Tom W my teamviwer guy :dd
MySQL might have a concept of event subscriptions, look it up
do i search for "mysql event subscriptions for c#"?
then what you mean man
Q: SQL Server Database Change Listener C#

gavI want to listen for changes to data in a SQL Server database from C#. I was hoping that there would be some sort of listener which I could use to determine if data that I have is stale. Despite being a fairly common scenario I can't find any solutions which aren't to simply poll the database. I...

That's MSSQL, not MySQL, look if there's a similar concept
EF can be extended to do this sort of thing ...
but really you want a SQL server based solution, it migth not be EF for example that changed the data
Yeah. And with the only information being 'two apps can do this', the SQL way is the only reliable way.
Unless you make your own publish/subscribe sys ofc
i'ts friday friday
gotta get to town on friday
Yesterday was thursday thursday
Today it is friday fra dei
we so excited
Oo-ooh-ooh, hoo yeah, yeah
I should become a Pop-Star!
Kouhai-live! First single
I would be a legend!
Anyways Sama-Senpai-Sensai-KUN
I gotta go now
have a wunderbar weekend
cya on munday
have a wunderbar weekendz cya kouhai-chan-san
What's this!? Hentai room!?
very funny
thank you.
kompy, you live :)
elo boro :)
answers to a question I have "work but sidestep the problem".....
Kind of discouraging since I mainly like to know WHY it doesn't work.
If anyone would be able to shed some light on it, I'd be really happy.
A: Image DecodeFailed event not firing?

ClemensYou could simply set BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad to make WPF immediately load the image file, and get an exception when it can't be decoded: var bitmap = new BitmapImage(); try { bitmap.BeginInit(); bitmap.UriSource = new Uri("test.txt", UriKind.RelativeOrAbsolute); bitmap.CacheOption =...

Yay. Just ran into this bug this morning - Latest update to Visual Studio Code corrupts GIT history. That's okay, I wasn't doing anything important today anyway.
sorry @paul23 I can't help ya. I've always dealt with images at the byte[] level as opposed to actual file types :|
@mikeTheLiar Sorry I'm listening to something else now
@Bardicer You mean first loading into memory directly from a filestream and then loading it into an image type? Might as well start doing that; since the "answer" that works now (not using events, and rather force direct loading) isn't very good to have in the UI thread. So I'll have to add a note in the code to update it later anyways...
@mikeTheLiar Wow, that article is so painful
@RoelvanUden Just think about fun
You know what it is
why yes, yes i do.
its fun fun fun
Is catching system.Exception really common in C#, when you need to catch multiple exception types at once (badfileformat, filenotexist etc)? Coming from python I can only think "eeew".
It's not common. I'd call that a pokemon-exception handler. Gotta catch em all!
Just make multiple blocks
Sometimes you can use a higher one, e.g. IOException for any IO-related exp.
@paul23 to be fair, i've not done a whole lot with wpf, the closest I've come was working on a silverlight app with a custom content server. everything was done at the byte[] level regardless of the file type - .docx, .xlsx, .avi, .mp3, .pdf, .ppt ... we just changed the mime type based on the type of file it was
catch(Exception exception) will catch ANY exception, so if you're expecting specific exception types, put those first, then put the general catch at the end
@paul23 arguably in many of those situations there isn't anything you can do about any of them
it's like a switch statement
regardless of what exception type it is
@RoelvanUden Well that would violate DRY if I have multiple times the same error handling for an exception ("ignore and move to next file"). Which I rate even higher...
alternatively, you can put a switch in a catch with the generic exception and figure out the type of exception and handle it accordingly...
@paul23 They wouldn't be the same tho. Different error log messages etc (you do log errors, right?)
error logging is for people who have bugs in their code ;)
@RoelvanUden Uh not if I'm "testing waters", "is this file accessible", "Is it a correct image format", "Does the file even exist". - And no you can't ever use If statements: since that could cause a race condition where the file becomes invalid between the if statement and (say) reading the file to check the format.
Hi All
is this a social chat?
Do you have a problem with hello
so does anyone get how to use the html.lable and apply a format to is using
MVC does not need to have a label for table heading
you can just use the <th> tag for titles
16 hours ago, by mikeTheLiar
Can you post your actual code please?
How old is everyone im 21
okay... and to format that guy will I can just do inline stuff right?
@aladdin786 Whippersnapper.
Yesterday I was 78 but today (As He or She Runs His or Her Random number Gen...) Stand By...
It days today... Sadly I'm -26.23343
im a whippersnapper on the wev
seeya guys
gotto go
!!> Math.random() * 100
@mikeTheLiar 91.48308331812596
i can be a whippersnapper becuase nobody knows me here
love you
Thanks for the Tip on the <TH> thing
no worries that's just my presumption
by A
And thanks
building on 007 question regarding the table header. how do you dynamically create the table header based on a property's name
would you just decorate with attribute Display(Name = "whatever")
then do <th Model.Object.Prop /> ?
The first row for the table headers would look something like this
<tr class="panel-heading">
@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Name)

@Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Image)

<th> </th>
Hello there :)
!!tell aladdin format
@aladdin Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
@foreach (var item in Model)

                <a href="@Url.Action("Index", "Product", new { id = item.GenerateSlug(item.Id, item.Name)})">
                    @Html.DisplayFor(m => item.Name)

                <img src="@item.OutputImage" alt="@item.Image" height="100" />

                @Html.ActionLink("Edit", "Edit", new { id = item.Id, categoryName = item.Name}, new { @class = "btn btn-info "}) |
<table class="panel panel-default table">
    <tr class="panel-heading">
            @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Name)

            @Html.DisplayNameFor(model => model.Image)

        <th>  </th>

    @foreach (var item in Model)

                <a href="@Url.Action("Index", "Product", new { id = item.GenerateSlug(item.Id, item.Name)})">
                    @Html.DisplayFor(m => item.Name)
this last peiece of code inside the table tag
is how it cann be
gotto go
love everyone!
who knows the keyboard shortcut of this one? :/
public MyClass _myclass = new MyClass ();
public tbl_employee myClass
	get { return _myclass }
            _myclass = value;
@mikeTheLiar god i'm so gullible
.... all the fun happens when i'm actually getting work done >.<
fun fun fun
i got a question on the default authorize attribute feature in mvc
if i have a link decorated with authorize, and they click it when not logged in, it takes them to the register page
how can i change the behavior so it takes them to a different page or shows a dialog box
would that be accomplished by using the route attribute?
tfw you immediately have to go to www.explainxkcd.com/
@peterpep ah this is a fun one
AuthorizeAttribute as designed returns the wrong status code
@peterpep that is in the one of 2 places, depending how you have them
anyone know off the top of their head how to return a dynamic object in json format with a snake case name?
list.Select(l => new { some-name = value1, some-other-name = value2 }).ToList() is yelling because of the -
"401 Unauthorized" is actually used to mean unauthenticated, so by default (IIS|MVC not sure which) redirects so that you can log in and thus become authenticated
In ASP.NET MVC, when using EditorFor and htmlAttributes in Razor, is the little spinner in the numeric input boxes coming from MVC or Bootstrap?
@TomW @juanvan @mikeTheLiar Question, do you think it would create confusion to culminate Dapper and Dapper.Contrib into a single project? Dapper has more flexibility, raw SQL. Where Dapper.Contrib will track Entities, and expects the model to be more explicit and not anemic. It is aware of what is required to build.
I mean if I have List<> that draws of Dapper and then an List<> that draws off Dapper.Contrib for instance.
I don't really know enough about Dapper to be able to comment specifically but from what I can gather I don't think so.
Sounds like when in EF you have to execute a SP instead of just using Linq to SQL
It's rare but sometimes it happens, particularly if your DB is old and creaky and your domain model doesn't match up with the schema
tl;dr I don't think so assuming it's documented well
who knows the keyboard shortcut of this one? :/
public MyClass _myclass = new MyClass ();
public tbl_employee myClass
get { return _myclass }
_myclass = value;
@mikeTheLiar Yeah, exactly. I'm creating a template project to draw from, to save development time. There are instances, where Entity Framework is great, others where it is so non normalized it needs custom SQL to accommodate.
Yeah I don't see any problem have those in the same project.
@mark333...333...333 I have no idea what you're asking.
@mikeTheLiar Thank you for the input. That is why I asked some more senior members.
Wait holy shit I'm a senior member now?
Do I get a raise?
Pay Raise all around, I have not used Dapper, think @Squiggle has too
@mikeTheLiar I mean if there's a "prop" keyboard shortcut in creating get set property, what is the keyboard shortcut in creating get with return and set with private class = value. :)
Like in resharper, there's a choice there where you can choose the "Backing field" which will execute the get with return and set the same on the code that I've showed.
@TomW @juanvan thanks for the tips!
and info
im gonna try to change how the registration happens. i dont want anyone to be able to register to become a user on my web app
basically basic users are ones that are not logged in, but logged in users are ones that can see and do more advanced things
@mark333...333...333 not that I'm aware of, the best that you're gonna get is prop
@mark333...333...333 you can create your own code snippet
VS lets you do that
if thats a common enough case, it might be worth the effort to create it
@mikeTheLiar You've been in here a long, long time.
what am i doing with my life
Oh I see @peterpep so it's a custom code snippet you're talking about?
im not sure if what you want is built in or not
but you can make one that does that
i think creating custom snippets are great if you have a really specific use case that you use all the time
is the term I'm talking about.
@mikeTheLiar I guess that's what it means. :)
I found out now :)
@mikeTheLiar @peterpep it's "propfull"
ha didnt know that
good to know
Yeah :) I saw that in one demo. So I'm thinking what did he do. Now I know. I really need to use that because my resharper trial has ended. hehe
my school let us keep our email after graduation
so i permanently have a .edu address
resharper for life
They really let you keep your email for life?
that seems kind of pointless
oh really. that's weird I guess
humm mine still works for my old college is 6yrs since I was there
guess I could use that for some discounts some where..
ours let us keep our emails for life as long as we kept using them
but if you don't log in they deactivate it
we dont have any requirement
just have it forever
holy shit
because of this convo i went to look into more info
i found out i have free 50 gb cloud storage
guess im never using dropbox anymore
Hi, will anyone be able to give me a direction on this question

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