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Depending on how the request is handled will determine the redirect that the page does.
There is a simple pattern for that called PRG, or post -> redirect -> get, which means that the form issues a post request to the server, the server handles it, and then internally redirects to a get request, which then issues the response that will be used to render the page.
You can issue requests through javascript also though, through "ajax", by using $.post() or $.get() or $.ajax(), or another library instead of jquery (it comes built in to mvc).
Those are all wrappers for an developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest xmlhttprequest
The way that requests work, whether coming from a form or coming from javascript, is that they have a url and a body. The url is what mvc will use to determine what actionresult is called, through some regex and then some reflection in order to instantiation the controller and call the method. The body is used to populate the parameters of the actionresult.
The parameters will be populated based on what is in the request body, when you are talking about a form, that means that the variable names in the parameters or in the parameter object if there is only one class listed there, must all match up 1 to 1. This is commonly why people use helpers which are strongly typed in order to enforce naming from backend to front end, but really all it means is that the name property of the <input> elements line up right with the expected parameter list.
If you use ajax to make a call the page will not issue a redirect (there will be no change in url location). If you use a post request from a form, or a get request from a link, then the page will redirect. Using ajax, it is possible to manually do the redirect after the request is handled by using window.location = google.com or w/e makes sense.
this is all really interesting
The response that is issued from these requests is done through a streamwriter. It is basically just one large string that is sent back to the browser from your server (running mvc). The browser then renders it. You can see this string by using "view source".
All the helpers do, such as html.beginform, is write <form> to the response string.
so there are a bunch of ways to do this it seems
Yes, there are, and you can see some of the different approaches in different versions of mvc, as well as through different frameworks such as angular, knockout, etc.
i guess is there a reason why i would use html.beginform vs doing post through ajax or $.post
im just trying to understand when i would use one versus the other
what i THINK the answer is
using ajax or $.post is useful when you are working with API, and .beginform for actions on your controller/
Usually you would use a <form> when you are expecting to redirect the page, for example when you want the server to handle a lot of information and take the user somewhere else. Usually you would use an ajax request when you are expecting to not redirect the page, for example perhaps you just want to compute some aspect of the page for the user and then dynamically show the results inline.
that ajax call would be to apicontroller (webapi) and not to the mvc controller
At StackOverflow, the difference is seen by looking at the ask question versus the message inbox. The ask question interface will use a <form> to post the information and then take you to your new question that was created. The message inbox will use an ajax request to get the new messages from the server and then populate the dropdown.
but ajax is { url: method: }
There are also sockets, which are called "push" technology. These remain always on when the page is live (when a user has the page open, such as this chat). These are event driven on the server side, and will then also trigger events client side which indicate that a dynamic aspect of a page should be changed, for example this message showing up for you.
You can use ajax to call a normal actionresult if you want.
okay then i really dont freaking get the difference use cases for webapi vs mvc controller
It is just that most actionresults expect to send back a full view, so there needs to be an option to not send back the layout (by returning a partial view or by returning a view with _Layout = null;)
so basically the difference is mvc controller will change or refresh a view
I don't particularly like how they did webapi versus mvc controller either, and I only ever return actionresults and use mvc controllers.
web api is without
webapi passes data, controller passes views?
That is the general outlook I believe
@TravisJ yea thats the issue im running into. im thinking to myself do i need webapi controllers or just do it with mvc controller
Although, when you break it down, in my opinion it falls apart as an abstraction because the data comes from a service layer (or should), which could just as easily be called from a controller populating a view.
though i do really like the idea of not needing to refresh the page
to display the data
I have features which may as well be single page applications that are run without any webapi stuff.
how do you use call the MVC controller using ajax?
i think i know
url /whatever/ + new { attribute: fromSomeWhereOnView}
method: post
$.ajax({ url: controller/actionresult, data: {naming is very important here}, success: stuff }
oh, and yeah type:post or get in there
Have you ever used dotnetfiddle.net?
looks interesting
this is c# mono?
Go to project type, and change it from console to mvc
this is interesting
i havent done this whole url.route shit before
ill need to look into that
what version of mvc are you using
i think the latest one. 5?
dont have VS open in front of me
the latest one is 6, which is called "asp.net core"
5 was called "asp.net webapi" I believe
yea but mvc 6 is not really an extension of mvc 5 was my understanding
I am not fully aware of how the routing is done in 5 or 6 because i rolled back to 4 from 5 after not liking it and have since stayed with that version
their use cases were fundamentally different
i thought asp.net core was more for cross platform shit
no, it is more streamlined is all
It removes a lot of default functionality, and offers it as optional calling it "middleware".
i dont like that
makes setting shit up too complicated
Essentially it was asp.net's response to node.js's structure
im already lost as it is
i think my problem is that there are too many paths to accomplish the same thing
and each path is veeeeery different
It is good if you want to make a very specific tool with no bells or whistles. But the more bells and whistles that get added the more it ends up looking like plain mvc
i like bells and whistles
As for 5, 5 solved problems I already solved in 4.
And I like my solutions better.
youre using 4.6?
<add assembly="System.Web.Mvc, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=" />
why use 4.0?
i think its painfully obvious from my questions over the past week or two how noob i am to aspnet as a whole
4.0 is the mvc version, I use asp.net version 4.5
and c# 5
which file is that line in
i uploaded my project to github so i can check
one min
Well, the c# version is in your visual studio somewhere I think
I just happen to know mine is 5
<assemblyIdentity name="System.Web.Mvc" publicKeyToken="" />
<bindingRedirect oldVersion="" newVersion="" />
is that this/
that is your mvc version
mvc 5.2.3
<httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5"
that will be your asp.net version ^
how to tell the c# version
Is there any reason that threads couldn't share a reference to a socket connection?
/langversion:6 ?
in the same line as <compiler language="c#;cs;csharp" extension=".cs"
@Nathvi - deadlock?
What is deadlock?
@peterpep - I don't have that line. But yeah, that means you are on c# 6
i managed to do a lot on my project. but since i made a minimum viability version of the project i need to stop coding and take a long term view on what features i want there to be in it
need to start drawing and writing...
@Nathvi - That is where one thread has the resource but has to wait for the other thread to finish processing, and the other asks for the resource, but cannot get it because it has to wait for the other thread to finish processing, etc. infin loop, no resource #deadlock
can you talk me through something on a high level?
i can try to work out how to code it
i have an input box and a button. i want on button click that the page does not refresh and it will display a set of values from the db
not sure how to get data from db post page load (aka not passing in a viewmodel from controller)
Does anybody have any suggested books on concurrent programming with c#?
@Nathvi - Look up stephen cleary's blog
Hmm, after disabling the Lazy Loading in my MVC app, I get the following message on one of the controller/view:

No route in the route table matches the supplied values.
@peterpep - I was looking at v8 documentation, and it was dry as f%^&, so I missed your question. Did you look at the basic mvc example on dotnetfiddle? It does almost exactly that, except that it uses static data instead of a database.
@peterpep you need an ajax request
what's the preferred way of wiring up browser event handlers guys, inline or in document ready?
Or somewhere else?
@KevinMaxwell - That is a little too vague to give you an answer. I would suggest looking at if you returned an IQueryable on accident somewhere and because lazy loading was off it didn't resolve data for a route.
@TomW - It depends on what the event is being wired to.
@TravisJ inside the same controller? so, does this happen during Get method or Post?
url: '@Url.RouteUrl(new{ action="GetAnswer", controller="Home"})',
data: {Answer: '', Question: $('#Question').val()},
type: 'POST',
dataType: 'json',
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
success: function(resp) {

i dont understand this part completely. does this mean it passes the question to action GetAnswer. then if successful the answer = resp and it will open an alert with resp? @TravisJ
@TravisJ, thanks man
@Nathvi - np, that guy is pretty insightful for threading
@KevinMaxwell - Unsure?
@peterpep - So that will issue a request to the Home/GetAnswer actionresult with the parameter for Answer being whatever was in the value of the id=question element. Then the actionresult will execute its logic. And the returned value is then populated in the success function as resp, which is then used in the alert.
TPL is very complicated.
yeah stephen cleary is awesome
i read a lot of his stuff if you have any questions, i'm not a guru or anything but can probably help a bit
I'll have to buy his book.
Hi all
Good evening Mr. Bond.
best james bond movie: go!
never heard of that one
of course you haven't
it's james bond playing pokemon go the entire movie, ntohing else, just him walking around catching pokemon
Kendall won't have seen it unless it features Bond doing either side-effect free programming, or hockey
kendall only watches bond movies with programming in haskell
I'm probably reaching here, but Anyone have any idea of why global mouse hook nuget packages (all seem to rely on user32.dll externs) refuse to work properly when a .net application has focus?
i do not
please define properly
@TomW I wrote a side-effect-free solution to P=NP during lunch break
Unfortunately it has no output
P = NP doesn't mean you can do magical things. There could be a huge constant in front of it that makes it impossible to do anything with.
Yes, but that's the case for just P itself
the computational complexity is the relevant part
I know, sort of
P = NP, means that P is within the class of NP algorithms, as far as time complexity, right?
Not within, but identical to
I never got the difference between deterministic and non deterministic time...
Either P does not overlap NP at all, or P and NP are the same set
god knows the difference between those two, imposter! @Nathvi
I'm testing you.
Now pay double tithe.
scratch that, replace NP with NP-complete
i give you 2 twix
NP already contains P
Yes, it is the second char.
@Nathvi a nondeterministic system can be simulated by a deterministic system with exponentially more resources
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhh k
@KendallFrey - you had it right with p and np being the same set meaning that we can time travel.
p=np implies that npc can be computed in polynomial time
so the answer is god?
or 42?
It means that the salesman can travel backwards in time.
That way he reaches all of his destinations.
I thought it more meant that the salesman could travel all possible routes simultaneously
parallel universe travel through time?
If one salesman travels from A to B at noon, and also from C to D at noon, did he go backwards in time at B, or at D?
the fuck are you smoking
@TravisJ neither, he has a twin
The P=NP pipe.
i think we speak american in this chat
Best Bond Movie All of Dan Craig... Sorry My AOL is slow
simpsons has the best easter eggs
Daniel Craig has been the worst bond ever.
You could even say he's a weak bond
I can imagine the Travelling Salesman being an enigmatic sometimes-ally in The Tick
In one movie he manages to lose all the money, lose the girl, quit, have his balls smashed, crash the bond car, cry on a beach, and get his ass kicked.
!!xkcd travelling salesman
@mikeTheLiar Something went on fire; status 403
!!xkcd 399
Well to each her or his own you know
I like him thats all that matters to me :)
(at xkcd)... Daniel Craig as bond is still awful
They're good movies. They're just not good Bond movies
I want to see Christian Bale as Bond.
best batman of all time
liked the Ben A version too
And the Mike K version good stuffs
Ben A's Batman is like the real comic book version I'm sure Bob K would have liked him
C. Bale's version of Batman is like The Roger F. Or The M. Jordan of Batmen
so is there an mvc chat room for mvc type questions
you're in it
Ahh ok thanks
trump still means fart
does anyone know how to make @Html.Label( work inside of a table in C# mvc?
The "table" element was not closed. All elements must be either self-closing or have a matching end tag. I keep getting the error above
does mvc not allow labels in tables..
Using a label shouldn't affect the table element.
It means the table has no closing tag.
Or at least not one that is getting read.
Agree he means table
Can you post your actual code please?
well the important parts
Post all of your code that you've ever written in your ENTIRE LIFE
only then will we be able to help you
Please share the code that you will write in two years time.
The dynamic nature of JS will fill in the rest
from future import elegant_solution_to_my_problem
using elegant_solution_to_my_problem;
public void Main(){}
pro fit
p rofit
//profit is always commented out
stylecop warning: no space between slashes and comment

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