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Primarily because streams contain bytes, and strings contain characters (or code points)
So StreamReader is one way to read a string from a series of bytes
If the concept of a TextReader wasn't useful, the concept of a StreamReader would be less useful
Indeed, StreamReader knows the encoding, and the Stream, I suppose, doesn't.
you know a lot about things @KendallFrey
@hsimah I don't like not knowing
yeah, I get that feeling
I just never thought to investigate a stream or stream reader - they just are tools that work for me
from being in here for a few weeks you seem to know that little (or lot) more about the things that me, and probably many other programmers never bothered to learn
if I had a problem with a stream I would read the msdn pages and learn about it, but since they work fine for me I just never bothered to look
Hello guys, I have a codewars specific question. I recently started using this site and I am trying to answer a Kyu(Find Maximum and Minimum Values of a List) I am not sure how i would answer it properly into Codewars.

    This is how i would solve it in a simple Console App with the help of linq (I am aware that it is not the best way performance wise, but it should be just fine)

    using System;
    using System.Linq;

    namespace ConsoleApp1
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
Never mind, i figured it out... Too tired :P so my brain was afk
posted on February 13, 2017 by Scott Hanselman

I was exploring the "dotnet new" experience last week and how you can extend templates, then today the .NET WebDev blog posted about Steve Sanderson's work around Single Page Apps (SPA). Perfect timing! Since I have Visual Studio 2017 RC and my .NET Core SDK tools are also RC4: C:\Users\scott\Desktop\fancypants>dotnet --info .NET Command Line Tools (1.0.0-rc4-004771) Product Information

is it bad to do linq query in a loop?
Depends what you're doing.
Can anybody help me with the EF7 exception? It makes no sense to me, since all the IDs for what I'm inserting are zero, so the auto-index should kick in for everything.

The INSERT statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_Address_Customers_CustomerID".
The conflict occurred in database "SeciovniDatabase", table "dbo.Customers", column 'CustomerID'.
The statement has been terminated.
in a linq query can i compare string using == instead of .equals
thank god
@peterpep, Yes, assuming its valid for the type.
having a brain fart
my aspnet apps are always suuuuuuuuper slow to first load up and when i run it
That is normal @peterpep
once i deploy it to full server will it be faster?
or always slow as shit
oh I thought you Were talking about when it was deployed
I find after we deploy updates the first load is slow and then it's fine after that
I have a small post-deploy script to hit the home page to start it so users don't have to wait
ya the first load getting all the parts in memory takes a min or 2 but its fast after that
Ahh wth happened to my code, this routes were working now they are not such a pain in the butt
they're not such a pain in the butt :P
@juanvan hey can i get help with something im trying to do
@hsimah shhh ;-)
i want to add a prop to my model that is created based off another property
will try
does that mean i just under my get do { value = dostuff; } ?
With EF7, is there a way to uninclude data after doing .Include()?
you would add public string Foo{get;set;} that is a property
@David you want to detach it so it's not updated on insert?
Also so when the model is validated, it doesn't take time to validate unnecessary properties.
you can ModelState.Remove();
If it's a sub key, does that work by just putting periods, or does it just assume that any key with the value should be ignored?
when exactly does the Id get assigned to a model object? is it once you save the changes to the context?
the primary key? on insert
@juanvan Hi, are you still there?
Yep whats up
Quick question
Is it possible to Disable Lazy Loading globally?
@juan is the insert occur on context.savechanges or context.Model.Add?
I have mine like this
public ApplicationDbContext()
            : base("ApplicationIdentity", throwIfV1Schema: false)
            Configuration.ProxyCreationEnabled = false;
            Configuration.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
basically i want to create a property that is based off of the primary key but im not sure how to do that
this.ContextOptions.LazyLoadingEnabled = false;
What's the difference?
on SaveChanges() it would be added
what im trying to do is make a barcode number so what i want to do is add 100000 to the id
not sure how to get that value added to the db
Might be the version @KevinMaxwell the older EF versions used a different object
ObjectContext before DbSet<>
so the one you wrote is for EF6?
ContextOptions doesn't exist in this version
Ya that is the old version
so that is EF4 and below
so what I have is correct, right?
EF5 and up is the Configuration way - yes
because with that code, I got lot of errors
if you have virtual properties they will lazy load
I removed all the Virtual properties
I'm manually using .Include if needed
If you don't want lazy loading, use EF Core. Then hate yourself for using it. :)
Core does not have lazy loading?
I don't understand why Microsoft makes our life harder...
because it's Phun to Code?
brb smoke
I would love to know that. Now I have to basically tell it to load half of my DB for one method.
got a stable version of my code, only 1 change set behind what i did the other day.. ehh could be worse
IDK if EF Core is compatible with non-Core projects though.
This though:
var dbInvoices = db.Invoices.Include(i => i.Buyer).ThenInclude(b => b.Address)
                            .Include(i => i.Buyer).ThenInclude(b => b.Emails)
                            .Include(i => i.Buyer).ThenInclude(b => b.PhoneNumbers)
                            .Include(i => i.Buyer).ThenInclude(b => b.User)
                            .Include(i => i.Fees)
                            .Include(i => i.LienHolder)
                            .Include(i => i.Payments)
                            .Include(i => i.SalesPerson).ThenInclude(sp => sp.User)
no they re not
oh now they have ThenInclude
Yeah. I wish they'd have something like AlsoInclude too, since the multiple Buyers is a bit annoying. But oh well on that.
have you been on EF6?
I've used it, yes.
But always used lazy loading.
I was also using Lazy Loading, but I started to realize my app is getting slower
Why they removed it in 7.
It wasn't very efficient, I guess.
I used the profiler and saw tons of unnecessary queries
I'm currently updating my entire app
Yeah, that makes sense.
It's typically better to just get everything you need in one go, and maybe have more data in memory than having to go to the DB multiple times.
First I removed all the Virtual properties
Second I'm using .Include if needed
Sounds like you just need to falsify that property juanvan pointed out.
Though, if it doesn't have ThenInclude() I don't know how that will work.
I'm still confused to be honest
I'm hoping after these changes my app will start behave properly
If you're making it go to the database once, and getting all you data you need in one go, that will be your most efficient option.
Because databases are good at that kind of thing, when they know everything at once.
I'm doing the following to get member info
var members = await db.Member.Include(x => x.BirthCountry).Include(x => x.BirthCity).Include(x => x.BirthMonth).Include(x => x.Gender).Include(x => x.Relationship).Include(x => x.Nationality).Where(x => x.CaseId == cid && x.Deleted == false).ToListAsync();
By default there are even more properties to load that I don't need to include anymore since it's not needed, previously during lazy loading all of them came at once
Umm, are ALL of those their own class?
You only need to .Include when it's another class.
gist: bcea6c10dc859aeb89e1ce938106d11a, 2017-02-15 03:53:59Z
public class Member
        public Guid MemberId { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "nvarchar")]
        public string MemberNumberPrefix { get; set; }

        public int? MemberNumber { get; set; }

        public int? MemberNumberSuffix { get; set; }

        public bool PotentialClient { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "nvarchar")]
        public string UNHCRNumber { get; set; }

        public RelationshipDD Relationship { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "nvarchar")]
        public string FirstName { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "nvarchar")]
        public string MiddleName { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "nvarchar")]
        public string LastName { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "nvarchar")]
        public string OtherName { get; set; }

        public GenderDD Gender { get; set; }

        public SystemNrDD SystemNr { get; set; }

        public int? BirthDay { get; set; }

        public MonthDD BirthMonth { get; set; }

        public int? BirthYear { get; set; }

        public bool DOBEstimated { get; set; }

        public CountryDD BirthCountry { get; set; }

        public CityDD BirthCity { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "nvarchar")]
        public string BirthTown { get; set; }

        public ProvinceDD BirthProvince { get; set; }

        public StateDD BirthState { get; set; }


        public MaritalStatusDD MaritalStatus { get; set; }

        public CountryDD CurrentCountry { get; set; }

        public CityDD CurrentCity { get; set; }

        public bool Deceased { get; set; }

        public NationalityDD Nationality { get; set; }


        public EthnicityDD Ethnicity { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "nvarchar")]
        public string EthnicTribe { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "nvarchar")]
        public string SubClan { get; set; }

        public ReligionDD Religion { get; set; }

        public bool? LivingTogether { get; set; }

        public bool? IntakeCompleted { get; set; }
        public bool Visible { get; set; }

        public int? ArrivalDayCountry { get; set; }

        public MonthDD ArrivalMonthCountry { get; set; }

        public int? ArrivalYearCountry { get; set; }

        public bool ArrivalDateCountryEstimated { get; set; }

        public int? ArrivalDayCity { get; set; }

        public MonthDD ArrivalMonthCity { get; set; }

        public int? ArrivalYearCity { get; set; }

        public bool ArrivalDateCityEstimated { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "datetime")]
        public DateTime? RegistrationDate { get; set; }

        public LegalStatusDD LegalStatus { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "datetime")]
        public DateTime? ToPotentialClientDate { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "nvarchar")]
        public string UserCreatedPotentialClient { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "nvarchar")]
        public string CreatedInOffice { get; set; }

        public bool Completed { get; set; }
        public bool Deleted { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "nvarchar")]
        public string CreatedBy { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "datetime")]
        public DateTime? CreateDate { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "nvarchar")]
        public string UpdatedBy { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "datetime")]
        public DateTime? UpdateDate { get; set; }

        public Guid CaseId { get; set; }
        public Case Case { get; set; }
The DD ones are classes or enums?
Example: RelationshipDD is lookup table for dropdownlist
gist: 95468b64937d07114757faf8e18a598b, 2017-02-15 03:55:25Z
public class RelationshipDD
        public int Id  { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "nvarchar")]
        public string Code { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "nvarchar")]
        public string Definition { get; set; }

        public GenderDD Gender { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "nvarchar")]
        public string FemaleReverseRelationshipCode { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "nvarchar")]
        public string FemaleReverseRelationshipDefinition { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "nvarchar")]
        public string MaleReverseRelationshipCode { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "nvarchar")]
        public string MaleReverseRelationshipDefinition { get; set; }

        public int OrderIndex { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "datetime")]
        public DateTime? CreateDate { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "nvarchar")]
        public string CreatedBy { get; set; }

        public bool Deleted { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "datetime")]
        public DateTime? UpdateDate { get; set; }

        [Column(TypeName = "nvarchar")]
        public string UpdatedBy { get; set; }

Then all of those you would need to include IFF you need all of that data in the method that is using it. But the bools, DateTimes, ints, strings, etc. don't need the .Include
Guid should also not need it.
oh you mean I should use like this?
.Include(x => x.Relationship.Code)
Instead of .Include(x => x.Relationship)
In short, if it takes another table in the DB, then you need .Include so EF knows to do a JOIN query. Otherwise, it will come by default.
No. Code is just a string, so that doesn't need an Include
It takes from another table called RelationshipDD
so therefore I use .Include
Yes, so you only need .Include(Relationship), which will then give you all the base properties of whats in the Relationship. So...
.Include("Relationship") or .Include(x => x.Relationship)
var r = context.Member.Include(m => m.Relationship);
so what I'm doing now is correct then
Both of those will be valid.
You saved me, thank you
But r.Relationship.Gender will give you null.
Is there anything else I should apply in my app in order to make it performance wise faster?
If you're getting everything you need with one query, and ONLY what you need with the query, that's going to be as fast as it gets.
Since my application will be used in Uganda and Kenya, I need to improve my app
You're right
The app will be launched on 27th
^^ That advice comes from somebody I knew who worked for a credit card company as a DB engineer. And those systems have to be blazing fast.
I truly appreciate your support and help on this subject.
Not a problem.
If anybody wants to work on an EF7 problem: stackoverflow.com/questions/42240418/…
@David you should be able to add a PK to the table in sql manager
EF never works with out a PK defined
It had a PK, and I changed the PK to a new column.
string can't be a PK
think that is what it's real problem is
Weird it didn't yell at me for that. It was working.
is there an edmx model to look at? might give you some clues
oh you updated the model to have an int [key] but the first one worked?
that is strange, I have not played with EF7 or Core
There is something very important missing from this line:
int PhoneID { get; set; }
sometimes it would be nice for resharper to hint those things when you are doing an action
Eh, I don't use R#er anyways.
Can't stand it.
don't like it take away some things, like it gives hints on linq queries
It takes away half the menus and keyboard shortcuts I use, and hides things that should be okay. Also, I don't follow a strict naming convention at all places (sometimes it needs to be MCNumber instead of McNumber, or something weird like that), and all of its errors annoy me.
ya PDF that peaces' me off
i found it makes my VS slow
my coworker is obsessed with it
I think people either love it or hate it.
it's bananas
the linq queries it suggested you refactor to are usually crap though
I have seen it do some really weird linq queries.
Apparently it doesn't know what readability is with those.
@SteveG how was the Subway?
delicious :) thanks
nothing like a screaming kid at 1am while you're trying to work
your kid or random kid
or I would have not cared hehe
sometimes I don't care when mine screams
Ya give them 5 10 30 mins to cry it out
1 hour later…
hello there
I like it when my "baby" screams ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
that too
You're really "selling" the idea of having kids :D
thanks for the encouragement
At what age did you have your kid/kids?
kids are great ... once they get out of your home and pay your retirement. </sarcasm>
lol once they are older it will be easier - 36
Well, it would certainly be a factor of determination for me if i were to decide on having one or two.
Extra motivation to put in those extra hours of work. Also @juanvan I'm glad to hear that, everyone is like "you gotta have them in your late 20's at latest"
ya work harder then or now or both lol
both sounds good :)
well, getting kids when you are in your 30-40s is better imo, because you should have more experience, and you had time to have fun with your gf/bf/goat.
tree or such
well that was a semi waste of 2 hours
I agree with that. I don't believe that just cause you're in your 30-40s the age gap will affect anything that much
morning :)
im having an issue with winforms custom control scaling
Q: Control Resizing Issue in Winforms (DPI Scaling)

technoI have a winforms App.It uses a custom knob control.The app was originally designed on a 20 inch 720P monitor.Now when it comes to 1080P 15 inch laptop there is a scaling issue.To overcome this i have set the AutoscaleMode Property of some forms to DPI.This works quite well for most forms.But whe...

can someone please help
just noticed the new SO style
for a chart, how do I check if there is already a label with a certain name, and if its not create a new section of the pie chart?
ya look better fresher
.Contains in an array or some list
chart1.Series[0].Points.AddXY("Food", 12); if inside a loop, the text "Food" is encountered again, just increment the 12 by 1
GoooOOoooOOoooOOoooOOood morning fellas
@Nerdintraining in a GoooOOoooOOoooOOoooOOood mood today?
evening hehe
anyone tried neo4j?
@SebastianL i'm always in a gooooOoOOOOOOoooooOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOod mood
@misha130 working with bigdata?
not exactly
kay, thought neo4j would be perfect for that :D
I have the biggest Datastick of them all!
I just have a nosql database
that I want to aggregate
and having performance issues
@misha130 like Count(), Max(), (... etc) or some special magic function of your own?
@satibel goat?! XD
"magic aggregation functions"
@satibel anyway my son was born when i was 22
@Nerdintraining he didn't want to discriminate erdogan so he added goat
@misha130 neo4j seems good to me, they offer 7 day trial, but i havent tried it. Why not just give it a go?
it isnt free?
isnt it open source and i can install it on my own servers
@misha130 for personal use only
GPO with DFS is a clusterduck
Somewhat decent morning. @Nerdintraining @Proxy
Group Policy Operations with a Duck Foundation Server?
Distributed File System
dammit, I just want to be able to log on my local computer with my AD account T_T
i'm getting later and later to my job... before i would always arrive around 8 now its around 9 :/
that is rubber ducking for each personality
@juanvan typo or intentional?
it's 4am
it's 9:35 here
am going to bed now, the project has all the pieces in place, loads, and does the route right, just have to wire up the controller in the AM and fiddle up some UI
And if it does not work tomorrow, I am going to cry
@satibel it was superb!
Uhhhh the Random class is horrible :D i just testet drawing some points onto a window and compared to RNGCryptoServiceProvider.... i knew it was bad, but actually its that bad o.O
GPO theory: I configure my parameters, and it pushes them on each computer I had set.
@satibel lol
True that tho
seriously, our AD is a mess, the legacy server is the one applying the GPO
Recreate it?
Microsoft does that evry 2-3 years for fun
at 10 am? with unknown consequences? and an AD made by some contractor? NOPE
^^ why not
It might have enterntaining consequences, not for you guys but for people who are watching :)
It would probably just logout everyone that uses RDP on the the TSE servers, but, that is bad enough.
OOOOOH, the hyper-V server has crashed.... again.
that might explain stuff, as it is the main AD server too.
Happy wednesday ;:)
It would be an even happier friday ^^
I don't care, it happens about once a month, and it's the other IT guy who has to go here a 6 AM to reboot the server.
it's just a small annoyance.
why dont reboot the server evry 2 weeks at 6 am?
because it's somewhat random, and doesn't guarantee this won't happen.
and if it is crashed, we need to shut down every VM, and then force shutdown by "unplugging" the Hyper-V server.
Have you tried praying to cthulhu?
Yes, he fled, said our IT structure is too scary.
@satibel the more i hear about your IT infrastructure the more i wonder if you write all the articles on reddit.com/r/TalesFromTechsupport
@SebastianL nope, not even once.
Not-a-joke joke: how do you know you are in the most advanced power plant of the world?

They are running windows XP
I wish that was false
They still WinXP in airports aswell FYI
and allot of cash-dispensers work with win xp
@Nerdintraining this is actually quite fun to exploit ^^
I know, if you think you're going to get state of the art technology by working in a nuclear powerplant, you are in for a bad time.
if you are lucky they are not on DOS.
@SebastianL i dare you :P
@satibel we've lernt from "The Simpsons"
internet facing VNC servers with default security (<8 char passwords) that control the hydro plant flood valves.

What could *POSSIBLY* go wrong?
sadly yes.
welcome to real word IT, where as long as it works, you might not touch it.
Which powerplant?
intrerest rising
if it works and you dont know how then
it will break
^actually not 100%, more like 1-10% chance.
or maybe less
I mean when you made it
from my experience if it accidentally works then its gonna break
I have been hated for that on security, but most of the businesses are not under attack. And having a weak password that works and that the boss doesn't spend 10min each day writing, making a mistake, and re writing might be more beneficial to the company (if that is not the admin password).
@misha130 from mine, it sometimes doesn't break, because I actually accidentally wrote the right thing.
your database has been taken hostage pls provide 50bitcoins and all your money to this account to get your data back
-> restore from clone.
-> laugh
-> ????
@misha130 if you achieve this at a nuclear powerplant you could easily go for 5000bitcoins
-> profit
backups are weekly
no clones
nonono wait a better scenario
you are a 2 man startup company
who cant afford a clone
you mean can't afford a 200$ nas with git?
or they had no idea about it
then they probably are fucked.
but they probably don't have hurricane insurance, and a tornado can happen too.
my point stays invalid since this is a very narrow scenario :^)
yea exactly
though enforcing passwords isn't that hard
but the boss will write it in plain text somewhere unsafe if it's too hard.
ill just call him to get the password say i am from server support
destroy the clones while at it
and get his account number while you're at it, it is probably faster.
Feb 1 at 11:54, by satibel
"hi I need to clean the server room"
also relevant:
@satibel Ahahahahah that's absolutely brilliant
Even more so since I'm building a crypto system
@satibel it never gets old :)
well, most of the time humans and default passwords are the weak link.
@satibel aha the human weak spot
I was looking at blockchain yesterday and they were saying bitcoins only failed a few times due to humans
I've read quite a bit about block chain and I still don't fully understand it :D
@RoelvanUden That, coming from sama-senpai-sensai, is a big one
yeah this whole shared database along all points and all updated same
err what
Well, it's a chain of immutable facts. But I don't fully understand how the latest bucket reaches consensus from several nodes when a number of changes can be pending. I'd really have to read up more.
well when it passes validation its just fired out
passed out ie shared to all points in P2P
Does anyone remember how to get metadata in json ?
what did war changed his name into now :|
Still, war.
@Ggalla1779 Yeah but they all have to reach the same conclusion or there will be no consensus. And it's about a bucket. Confusing, imo.
basically, each miner verifies the transaction against it's copy of the facts, and the most often occurring result is what is considered as true.
Yeah, but it's a cryptographic secure way to make it part of the chain. I should really re-read this stuff again.
the torrent network using p2p is very fast and I like it alot..... if that was applied to business databases and its encrypted then I think that would be amazing
Q: How does the bitcoin network recover in case of a hash collision in the block hash?

user1861174A Bitcoin client has to download the whole blockchain from the P2P network in order to become a full node. A full node is able to determine, if a transaction in the network is valid or not. To download the blockchain, the client queries other peers in the network for more blocks by providing th...

so if you have 1BTC and you send "I have sent 1 BTC to bob" and "I have sent 1BTC to alice" only one of those will get validated.
The Andrew File System (AFS) is a distributed file system which uses a set of trusted servers to present a homogeneous, location-transparent file name space to all the client workstations. It was developed by Carnegie Mellon University as part of the Andrew Project. Originally named "Vice", AFS is named after Andrew Carnegie and Andrew Mellon. Its primary use is in distributed computing. == Features == AFS has several benefits over traditional networked file systems, particularly in the areas of security and scalability. One enterprise AFS deployment at Morgan Stanley exceeds 25,000 clients. AFS...
anyone knows how can I convert this into json ?
nice trick thanks but brb
  var appXmlType = config.Formatters.XmlFormatter.SupportedMediaTypes.FirstOrDefault(t => t.MediaType == "application/xml");
          .ReferenceLoopHandling = Newtonsoft.Json.ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore;
@math that in the webapiconfig
I found a 40€ gift card from christmas o/
I will use it to buy food, because it doesn't work on ebay, amazon, aliexpress, nor banggood.
it is for everything but food
everything but food, ebay, amazon, aliexpress, banggood
that's about every use for money I have.
Good morning. ish.
1PM morning
2pm, even.
Post-lunch morning/.
what is banggood? i'm to scared to google that at my workplace ^^
cheap chinese stuff, a bit like amazon
they even sell snake oil banggood.com/…
however its questionable if it is really snake oil
sounds more like a prostitutediscounter
from the name
@Proxy it is not
@SebastianL I'm pretty sure they get half of their ads because people find the name funny and post it on FB
Proton-enhanced nuclear induction spectroscopy (PENIS), also sometimes called Cross Polarisation (CP), is a nuclear magnetic resonance technique invented by Michael Gibby and Alexander Pines while they were graduate students in the lab of Professor John S. Waugh at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. It was one of the first of Pines' experiments transferring spin orientation from one atomic nucleus to another, which has been one of the running themes throughout his career as a leading pioneer in the applications of NMR to the study of non-liquid samples. The PENIS technique was patented...
phew i want to murder client side build processes
so far burned over 50 hours on this i think
@misha130 wow, thats alot. But if it's 50h paid its okay
kill me now
Hey guys. I have five partial views, and I'd like to render a different partial view based on the type of the data sent. I could do this using razor in the view I want to render them or I could create a new view to render each partialview (which is silly since the view would be the same every time, just rendering a different partial). Any way I could do this by using logic in the controller?
@user3227070 and what is your question?
@SebastianL His question is where does he put his partial view logic, in a controller, in the same view, or in different views
@SebastianL How I can decide which partial view will be rendered in the main view by using the controller (and not razor)?
I know I could do it by passing a variable in a viewbag and using if/else in the view to render the proper partialviews but was wondering if there was a cleaner solution using just the controller.
Other than creating different views to render different partials.
@war ?
^it's not working because he is not in room ?
Not sure, probably
you're immutable
shut up
Anyone know if it's possible to fix errors in XSD validation as they show up? Sort of an PreviewError event of sorts. Lets say I get an error that a string is too long. I'd like to simply truncate it and then throw a warning in the logger instead.

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