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I found a solution
XDocument has Validate functionality. If I use it, the sender is the XNode with the error.
I guess I can fix it, and run it through again.
@Mathematics it works either way it appears on his phone or something
Do we need to update project references in a solution referencing each other ?
or do they sync automatically >
At what point in this method, does the route engine know there is a [Route("")] that is being marked
public static IHtmlString ActionLinkAddExtension(this HtmlHelper htmlHelper, string linkText, string action, string controller, object routeValues, object htmlAttributes, string extension)
    var urlHelper = new UrlHelper(htmlHelper.ViewContext.RequestContext);
    var anchor = new TagBuilder("a") { InnerHtml = string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkText) ? "No Name": linkText };
    anchor.Attributes["href"] = urlHelper.Action(action, controller, routeValues) + extension;
    anchor.MergeAttributes(new RouteValueDictionary(htmlAttributes));
Hey guys I have a question about an interface im using IUpdate msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa386099(v=VS.85).aspx . How do I declare this in my program? I tried: Iupdate update; and then something like update.Aprrove(); but this didnt work
I think I need to do something like: IUpdate update = ?????.?????
IUpdate is an interface
it must point to something
48 Days later
Still on this interface
yes but i dont know where i should let it point to
I found out how to use the IUpdateServer, i had to do this: IUpdateServer server = AdminProxy.GetUpdateServer();
Right, because it's pointing to an instance that implements the interface
okay, but nowhere on internet i can find where to let the IUpdate point to which instance
x, y, z, u, ... are floats

is it true that:

round(x) + round(y) + round(z) + round(u) + ... = round(x + y + z + u + ...)
idk, write a program to find out
yes indeed it says: `IUpdateServer
Use this interface to access WSUS components.
To retrieve this interface, call AdminProxy.GetUpdateServer.`
@KendallFrey thanks
There you go @wouterdejong
but it not saying what to call when using IUpdate
I bet if you googled it, you would find examples
this is what i did
and i found none
what to you want to achieve with your code anyway
interfaces only tell you what you can do
not how will you do it
very little program, but i cant find how to get the update
update for what?
for the code
I need to have the "update"
They use it in the example but dont describe how they exactly got it
because you need to have something that has implemented that interface
needs to point to something
I feel my queries are ugly.
"Does this IN clause make my query look fat"?
@Proxy Like an IUpdate instance, right?
are you doing sqls?
overload partition everything
y something that implements it
from c in Cases
join comment in Comments on c.Id equals comment.CaseId into caseComments
where caseComments.Any(comment => keywords.All(keyword => comment.Content.Contains(keyword)))
select c;
How unreadable is the where clause?
> query syntax
> how unreadable
@Proxy okay and how could i know that something that implements it? where can i find this? is it on the MSDN site?
in doubt,add more "Comments"
It would be as unreadable with method syntax. It's the clause inside it that's convoluted.
i don't have your code neither do i know what exactly are you doing,
!!doge query syntax, unreadability, linq to panini, sad
so i can not help there
such query syntax
              so  unreadability
                             very  linq to panini
much  sad
what is this panini story by the way?
well this is all the code a have and I just want to approve an update to an target group with IUpdate.Apprive(update,targetgroup);

            IUpdateServer server = AdminProxy.GetUpdateServer(;
            UpdateCollection update = server.GetUpdates();
    .GroupJoin(Comments, c => c.Id, comment => comment.CaseId, (c, caseComments) => new {Case = c, CaseComments = comments})
    .Where(result => result.CaseComments.Any(comment => keywords.All(keyworrd => comment.Content.Contains(keyword)));
Is it a good idea to store a PGP signed message for smart chip card offline verification? Though it has a storage of 1KB so the PGP signature takes a lot of space is there a better alternative ?
I'm wondering if there's a better way to express "Find all cases where any of the attached comments contains all of the given keywords".
thats gonna be slow regardless
!!tell satibel panini
tl;dr, someone came into the chat room and had a freak out demanding help
!!tell user format
@user Format your code - hit Ctrl+K before sending and see the faq
I'm more concerned with readable right now.
a regular for loop might be more readable, do you have to group?
It's not formatting properly. i'll delete and rewrite
Can't delete
not you @user3227070
sorry, I should have specified
@SteveG It's an EF query. Looping would entail pulling data to memory.
Ah, okay
@user3227070 I'll move it
1 message moved to friendly bin
how many trashes are there?
        public ActionResult Index(String soort)
            var model = setModel();
            model.soort = soort;

            return View(model);

    @if (Model.soort.Equals("groepen"))
        foreach (var i in Model.groepen)
            @Html.Partial("~/Views/Informatie/Partial tiles/Groepen.cshtml", i)
Just FYI you can't have code and non-code in the same message
It's either all code or all plain text unless you use inline formatting
Also, I wonder if I can disable automatic Resharper code formatting for a specific block with a #pragma.
There we go. So I put "groepen" in a string property in my Model, yet my view isn't rendering anything so it doesn't seem to be equal even though I'm sending that exact line to the controller. Why is that?
sometimes `inline formatting` hates me
sometimes *not*
Well I mean the obvious answer is that the query string isn't being translated properly
But this isn't my area of expertise unfortunately
guess who just wiped out WCF from our codebase
@KendallFrey the pope?
Was it you?
hm, okay, first guess, was it mike?
it was meeee
Found the issue. There was an error in another views html markup which added a ) to the parameter. My bad :)
Did you dance like that
What do you mean "did"
you do the happy hand dnace
<ctrl>+H WCF <tab> WTF <Enter>
this one time I was playing in the park when this seagull came flying down, it landed on one of the trees, and then fell off and died, i picked up that seagull and nursed it back to life, and then i made up this story
it was obviously false from the outset, you've never been in a park, or anywhere "outside"
@SteveG that was probably at the same time I had no problems with active directory.
@satibel lmao
@KendallFrey im gonna move to cali
where its warm
it's going to be awesome
or something
@SteveG hey steve
in VS, how do i reset my db? for example i was doing tests and added data to my db. now i want to start over with a "clean" db (no entries)
and id restarting at 1 again
That's not really something that you can do with VS to the best of my knowledge
wtf really?
its the local db that comes with VS that im using
So SQL Server Express?
Yeah I'm not aware of any built-in way to say "remove all data but keep the schema intact"
That's something that you'd have to set up/script yourself AFAIK
thats fucking retarded
And even if you blow away the database Identity columns won't re-seed
what do you mean columns wont reset
so if you declare something like ID int identity (1, 1) not null
And you insert some records and delete them
The next thing you insert will have the id of the last thing you inserted before deleting +1
thats the issue im running into
i manually deleted the data from db by opening up open table data
and noticed it restarted at id = lastDeleted + 1
Q: Reset identity seed after deleting records in SQL Server

Romil NI have inserted records into a SQL Server database table. The table had a primary key defined and the auto increment identity seed is set to “Yes”. This is done primarily because in SQL Azure, each table has to have a primary key and identity defined. But since I have to delete some records fro...

okay whatever thats gonna be an issue im gonna have to tackle in the future
Q: Reset IDENTITY value

GijsI have a table with an IDENTITY column. While developing I delete the rows from time to time and add them again. But the IDENTITY values always kept increasing and didn't start from 1 when I added them again. Now my id's go from 68 -> 92 and this crashes my code. How do I reset the IDENTITY value?

truncate table won't reseed the identity though
where do i run that code though?
working in aspnet mvc app
If the table contains an identity column, the counter for that column is reset to the seed value defined for the column. If no seed was defined, the default value 1 is used. To retain the identity counter, use DELETE instead.
Oh huh. TIL
just to be sure
@peterpep after your tests run, you need to clean up the data manually via a method flagged with [TestCleanup], so what this means is when you insert data, you need to keep track of what you inserted so on TestCleanup, you can delete it
@peterpep you'd connect directly to your localhost instance of the database
Using SSMS or something
not sure how to do that, ill have to google
public void Cleanup()
// gets run after tests, maybe all of them? either way, delete from db here
you should really only be inserting data into the db for integration tests, which obv shouldn't be run on live
this isnt live, im just running in VS to test that my features are working. this isnt deployed
i guess once i deploy it this wouldnt be an issue since the data on my localhost wont go to the server
thanks for the help guys
another problem i was running into was the following:

id gets sets once item is inserted into the db. I want to have another property called barcode to be id + 1000000. barcode cant be set until i do context.savechanges.

two questions. should i just make barcode to be a property on my viewmodel and the barcode just wont be in the db (this makes sense to me because essentially the id and barcode are the same except for an offset so that you can use it as a barcode).

if the above is bad practice, how can i get the barcode value into the db when im inserting a new item
sorry im still learning, so big noob when it comes to aspnet mvc
Do context.savechanges
then the id will get updated
the do item.barcode = ...
.savechanges again?
so then you can do youraddeditem.barcodeid = youraddeditem.id + 1000;
i was concerned about if this would cause performance issues. not something to worry about?
But it would make sense to create barcode items seperatly
and give the barcode the id of your item.
like barcode:

foreign key
Depends on how many items you'll create but it's probably better to create a new table for barcodes, especially since you might wna add other data to the barcode later on
And you dont want to be editing all your items when you do that
So just seperate the two
You can choose either one, I don't think it'll cause performance issues in your case
At any rate, smells strong of premature optimization to me.
David Robinson on February 15, 2017
Since Stack Overflow was founded, we've described it as "a question and answer site for professional and enthusiast programmers." It supports both experienced developers who code as part of their work, and people who are learning as part of a university curriculum.
With nowhere near sufficient data to give a meaningful answer.
eh winforms is lowest
In the case where your router and modem are separate devices is your router or modem the default gateway?
I assume its the router?
Router, because it's the gateway through which you route.
Bum da tsh.
lol thanks
modem doesn't handle the same kind of data as router
its converter between analog and digital
someone correct me if I am wrong since it has been a while
I was looking over some old code of mine that I am using to detect if a previous version of an application was already running. It looks like instead of trying to find the process by name, I am looking for an existing memory mapped file. Problem is I didn't document why.
Anyone know if using a mem mapped file in this way is better?
were you using the GetAccessControl?
@peterpep, is that for me?
Anyone in here good with MVC routes?
@peterpep, doesn't look like it
what were you doing with the memory mapped file
@peterpep, when my app starts, it looks for that mem mapped file and, if it doesn't exist, my app assumes it's the first instance and creates the file.
Then, if another instance is started, that instance would fine the file, assume it wasn't the first instance and shut down.
(well it would do more than that, but that's the end goal)
you may have thought you were doing it for performance
And I'm trying to reason out why I didn't just look for a process instead.
@juanvan alright
Well, that might be. I was also thinking that maybe I did it as a way to get around a process hanging
whats the issue
I keep getting ambiguous calls
even tho the routes are named differently
not Index() Index(int id)
I know that causes problems
attribute routing 4eva
have those 2 routes different ActionResult Names
I'll guess that it will behave properly if you replace _ with /
It works now
but if I change it to an Area
or migrate the code to an Area
I get ambiguous bs
it's live here www.oempartzone.com and working in the last release I did
get me some discounts on quad parts
Hey Hey
I can do that
i don't own a quad yet but i'd like to
i sold my old one
hehe have a Can-Am something, it's really nice
i want a raptor
was looking at them a bit this past summer
Depends on what you are looking to do with them
dunes, general trail riding, bit of jumping
But I will tell you the markup on ATV and other items are like 1,000$ so getting a discount on them is pointless
yeah, i think they wanted like 8k for this one
ya you know the model?
Polaris has some Nice fun ones
just a raptor, i don't remember the cc's, 700 or whatever
Ya Yamaha, that is fun too
i used to have a kfx 400 that was pretty decked out (came decked out, used to be a racing quad)
ya those are the fun ones
I like the Polaris Razors if you lived in a very Open area, they are more caged gocarts
but if i do get one, i'll need new air filters, accessorys, etc
yeah those are cool too
all the fun stuff
all the parts unlimited stuff
(the first time i went to the dunes on that 400, i had shitty air filters, sucked a ton of sand into my engine, had to have it rebuilt, life lesson)
wish I had more venison jerky
army did the same thing in the first Iraq war, killed a few marines
wow really
tfw steve g was one of them
went over a design for a gas filter for polaris at a trade show, I came up with over night
tfw steve g is a ghost
over there, they just toss what ever gas they can find in it
@juanvan oh yeah
sad day when it's over something dumb like that, if someone dies
for sure man, for sure
Back to Square 1 with these routes, in a project that works...
Hey does anyone have any good ideas of weak events?
Im using delegates and a problem i have is that i have to explicitly have a Destroy function
hi . i need help in my project
Wish me luck, I'm going into the javascript room
@mikeTheLiar God Speed
@ShHuzaifa what you got
@mikeTheLiar wasnt your question a C# question
Like I'd come here to get a C# question answered.

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