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@RoelvanUden Hi @RoelvanUden, thank you for answer, here is the code: pastebin.com/FQxbtvgv
@Teo Did you verify modifiedAuditedEntities has items in it?
i am a little confused right now, but will this create a endless loop?
public decimal amount
        return amount;
        amount = value;
@RoelvanUden Yes in the modifiedAuditedEntities there is my entity I want to save, and it does the assignment (it enter in the if condition and does modified.ModifyDate = now;)
I am very productive: since yesterday I added a space and replaced one with a 0
@RoelvanUden then it does the base.SaveChanges... buy when I see the database, the value is still null
now 2 bugs are fixed.
@satibel slow down
@Teo No, did you actually check with a breakpoint to see if there's anything in the enumerable?
Do not assume. Did you CHECK?
[HttpPost, ActionName("DeleteSavedSubDetails")]
        public ActionResult DeleteSavedSubDetailsConfirmed(int? poRequestId)
            var listOfSavedSubDetails = db.PoRequestSubDetails.ToList();
            var poRequestSubDetails = db.PoRequestSubDetails.Where(x => x.PoRequestId == poRequestId).ToList();

            foreach (var item in poRequestSubDetails)

I don't know why this isn't working :/
I put the item to be remove in the foreach but I don't know why isn't working
Yes debugging I've seen that there is my entity in the enumerable:
modifiedAuditedEntities.Count() 1 int
how can I post a screenshot?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan I've come to something slightly more functional (in C#), yet i seem to be lacking something. I'm not spoting it, but it's on a particular line

Right. And is that 1 the entity you expect? Then, did you check if your interface clause works?
Yes, the if clause works
Any idea what's going in my codes? :)
Then there is no reason it shouldn't work.
@AdiMohan there is nothing functional in that code
You need an action to the add?
@ntohl he means functioning not functional
@satibel 99 little bugs in the codebase
@SebastianL oh. Ok
var listofSavedSubDetails= db.PoRequestSubDetails.Where(x => x.PoRequestId != poRequestId).ToList(); @mark
than an error would be nice
@ntohl but a StackOverflowException ain't one.
@Jze no, I need to get the list with equal to poRequestId
Morn all
@ntohl HRESULT: 0x800200006 is the error
Anyone using VSTS and git, and know if it's possible to prefix branches with task number automatically? Like Jira integration with bitbucket server (aka Staah).
Why do you have two modify dates?
stackoverflow.com/questions/853526/… .I am not sure.check @mark
@RoelvanUden I think because one is of the abstact class auto-generated by EntityFramework... the other is of my base entity class that is inherited by my abstract class that I have created in the same namespace and with the same name of the Entity Framework auto-generated class
And you have two modify dates?
Then there's your problem
EF reads the top-most props
@AdiMohan try to fill up all the arguments of PivotTables.Add
5 arguments
@RoelvanUden I thought that compiler merges the two date
if there is a deliberately missing argument, give it a Type.Missing as value
@RoelvanUden I don't understand why there are not merged
Because they are different properties.
They both exist.
Since you do model-first in EF, don't inherit a base class.
@RoelvanUden So I have to take it off from my BaseEntity?
If you must have something, add an interface.
@RoelvanUden Yes I have my IAuditedEntity that contains that property.. So now i take off the ModifyDate from BaseEntity and try...ok?
You're not reading.
Drop BaseEntity entirely
@ntohl not doing something right, that's for sure, otherwise I can't imagine what's wrong
@AdiMohan do the things right. It helps
@RoelvanUden thank you @RoelvanUden , it's ok... sorry but for me is not so clear the use of the abstract classes... I've to study more
Abstract classes are used when multiple classes share the same base without having to re-define certain properties. In your case, EF defines them for you, so it's not needed. Instead, you're better served with an interface.
@RoelvanUden Thank you so much for the time you have dedicated to me.
@RoelvanUden Drop the base!
[HttpPost, ActionName("DeleteSavedSubDetails")]
        public ActionResult DeleteSavedSubDetailsConfirmed(int? poRequestId)
            var listOfSavedSubDetails = db.PoRequestSubDetails.Where(x => x.PoRequestId == poRequestId).ToList();
            foreach (var item in listOfSavedSubDetails)

            return RedirectToAction("Create", "PoRequestDetails");
Still doesn't work
What I'm trying to do is to remove the details find in the list of listOfSavedSubDetails with a parameter condition of poRequestId
@Teo No problem :)
@satibel Yeah, yeah, drop it
I tried to break and the code counts but it doesn't remove the counted details in the list
Well, you're basically telling it to:
1. Find a bunch of rows in SQL and materialize them into C#.
2. Turn those materialized entities into a list in memory.
3. Iterate through the list in-memory, and remove an item from the list in-memory.
4. Tell EF to save all changes. Which there aren't any, unsurprisingly.
all I want is to delete the list which contains the porequestid
Then tell it properly that's what you want to do.
Pro-tip: Operate on the context.
Hmmm @RoelvanUden I'll back to you when I get the answer. :D But let me think for now :)
base on your pro-tip thing :D
Guys I get an error: DbExpressionBinding requires an input expression with a collection ResultType.
Parameter name: input

My code:

var groupedCategories = context.Users.GroupBy(m=>m.id).Select(g=>new {UserId = g.Key});
var frequentCategories = groupedCategories.Join(context.Aankoops, g => g.UserId, c => c.User_id, (g, c) => new { UserId = c.User_id, Price = c.price.Sum(x => Convert.ToInt32(x)) }).ToList();

Can anyone help me out?
@RoelvanUden *splish*
@Emre In your first expression, you're It looks like your first line simply does a Distinct on User.id, then the second one gets total prices for that user, right?
@Emre one of your vars has the wrong type
Why do you even need the first one, then?
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Exactly.
@SebastianL What do you mean with wrong type?
Your join seems superflous. Just query Aankoops, grouping by c.User_id.
You mean something like this? :
var frequentCategories = context.Aankoops.Groupby( g => g.UserId, c => c.User_id, (g, c) => new { UserId = c.User_id, Price = c.price.Sum(x => Convert.ToInt32(x)) }).ToList();

What does an Aankoop contain? A field called price which is?
@RoelvanUden haha I didn't use google :D
context.Aankoops.GroupBy(a => a.User_id).Select(group => new { UserId = group.Key, Price = group.Sum(x => x.price)});
The query isnt finished yet but User contains email and id, Aankoop contains user_id and price.
I need to display User.Email and sum(Aankoop.price)
Ah, so then you do need the join.
But thanks for that advice, you gave me a hint now I am able to delete it just because of your "pro-tip" thing :D I laugh at myself @RoelvanUden
Your original query didn't actually take any information from the Users table.
@mark333...333...333 ;-) And this is how you'll remember
Hahah yeah yeah :D You're awesome cool man! Thanks again :D @RoelvanUden
No problem. Glad you solved it.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Ah Okay! But how would I then display user.email and sum(Aankoop.price) with my query?
Are there multiple users with the same id?
There aren't
Its a one-to-many relationship
Then your original groupby is unnecessary. Do something like:
select user from context.Users
join ankoop from context.Ankoops on user.Id equals ankoop.User_id into userAnkoops
select new { UserId = user.Id, Price = userAnkoops.Sum(x => x.price);
(I used query syntax here, but there's equivalent method syntax)
It says
cannot use select before it is declared
var frequentCategories = select user from context.Users join ankoop from context.Ankoops on user.Id equals ankoop.User_id into userAnkoops select new { UserId = user.Id, Price = userAnkoops.Sum(x => x.price);
Yeah, that was my brain fart onthe syntax.
First line should be from user in context.Users
And second one should be 'in' instead of from as well.
Typing code from memory. Hmpf.
Thanks! I'm trying to convert it to int now by doing: userAankoops.Sum(x => Convert.ToInt32(x.price)
but that outputs error: LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Int32 ToInt32(System.String)' method, and this method cannot be translated into a store expression.
Why do you need it? What type is price?
Im gonna change it now to int
If it's a number, it should be stored as a number.
Otherwise you'll get things like "10" being sorted before "2".
I can't do the type in my model as number
Only Decimal, Int
int is a number.
You can keep it as a string and use int.Parse instead of Convert.ToInt32, which probably is supported by EF - but why would you have it as a string in the first place?
You're right
I've changed it to int
Dude thanks so much!!!
You're welcome.
What I find really hard is to make the query syntaxes into method syntaxes
You understand what the linq query does? Why it is what it is?
Like the:

from user in context.Users
join aankoop in context.Aankoops on user.id equals aankoop.User_id into userAankoops
select new { UserId = user.id, Price = userAankoops.Sum(x => x.price), Email = user.email };
Use Resharper. It can convert automatically. :)
Yeah I do
Resharper. One of the best visual studio add-ins there are. Thousands of features for quick code refactoring, navigation and more.
Worth every penny.
No ReSharper, no fun.
In this case, since we use join ... into ..., it's not a Join() command, but a GroupJoin().
Which means that instead of creating a cartesian product of the rows in both tables, it just gives you the list of relevant rows in the right table, with the one instance in the left.
i just found out every JetBrains product is free for students o.O
yeah, but thats a smart move :) if students depend on it they want to use it at work too ^^
Yup. Microsoft has been all over this strategy for years.
Pretty much yeah.
That said, ReSharper license is peanuts
@RoelvanUden compared to the yearly fee for VS ^^
@IbrahimAlsurkhi hi
Yearly fee for VS doesn't apply to me so fuck it
my team leader ask my for publish file for asp project
but i don't no how to get publish file
@RoelvanUden peanuts on a relative scale.
it is the published file ?
if send this file to leader it is correct
@satibel Peanuts compared to the other costs of a software development shop.
@IbrahimAlsurkhi Why do ask us, instead of your Teamleader? He will definitly know which file he needs, we can just guess.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan Expensive in some countries, and cheap in others.
can this be handled ?


how can i handle it as one value \"3,603\"
I dunno, eclipse and java are free
*come at me*
@ARr0w You ignore commas inside quotation marks.
Eclipse, hahahaha
don't make me laugh.
visual code is free
@satibel eclipse and java is (lets be nice) not the optimal choice of tools.
@satibel But the costs of a software shop still include computers, monitors, hardware, internet access, office supplies, office rental, and salaries.
@ARr0w Better yet - don't roll your own CSV parser, use an existing, tested one, like CsvHelper.
You forgot coffee @AvnerShahar-Kashtan :)
Yes, and a lot of coffee. And a coffee maker. And repairs and maintenance of the coffee maker.
1,2,3) found in a junk yard
4) being near a mc Donalds,
5) just go before the cops find out you are there
6) take interns (or freelancer students that you don't pay.)
7) ????
8) Profit!
isn't this how all java shops work?
I've worked at shops that were too cheap to get their devs tools like R#. Or a second monitor. But still had huge budgets for office supplies and other things.
They simply couldn't understand that these tools create real value for developers.
But value that's hard to measure.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan , used my brain done all the reading no point of csv helper, unless, if it can help me to ignore these commas in between quotation marks.
It can.
You can do it yourself, of course, but you're simply spending time and effort solving problems that have been solved many times over.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan what about copyright for libs and corporate policies?
Don't write your own XML and JSON parsers. Don't write your own CSV parsers. Don't write your own file access routines or network access clients. Use infrastructure. That's what it's for.
@SebastianL Find a lib with a commercial license that can be used in your corporate product. There are a million of those out there.
That said, I use my companies CSV parser because it has been working for ~14y.
@RoelvanUden Long enough for it to be infrastructure.
Yeah pretty much
why are there so much "Please Google that for me" and helpdesk-questions on SO lately? it feels like more than a comment would be way too much attention for those questions....
@ARr0w If you want to roll your own - because it's a personal project you want to learn from, not only get results fast - you can do it like this: stackoverflow.com/questions/14655023/…
@SebastianL Because people are fucking lazy and have their brains switched off
@SebastianL Don't comment. Commenting encourages them - they get an answer that validates their question, and the site gains nothing.
Hmm, no, that link won't really work.
Oh, wait, no, yes it will.
Not really a C# question but if I update an unsigned int in an SQL database to a negative value, what would you expect to happen?
i.e. UPDATE table SET number = number - 100;
If it would throw an error then that would make my day.
Respect, Avner <3
@jhmckimm i believe it depends on the arithabort property is on or off
@jhmckimm it would just overflow i assume
mssql by the way?
If MSSQL works that way then I'll give it a whirl.
Is it suitable for small projects? i.e. a game server that would run 40 - 100 people?
@jhmckimm but it is possible to configure a db to throw an outofrange exception
dunno. 1 thing I know, that arithabort on may be very slow
Well, all database operations occur on a separate thread, so it doesn't really matter.
@jhmckimm game server sounds interesting :) mssql is capable, but i wouldn recomend it
Been using MySQL for my prototypes.
@ARr0w I have that link ready, because I have it in a comment in my own code - I use the solution from that question in a simple tokenizer I use to separate search keywords.
Which has done well but if I'm writing in C# then MSSQL is more native, no?
@jhmckimm it's a bit like Internet Explorer it works, but you don't want to use it
and if you use mysql you can also use (in almost every scenario, but not all) mariadb, which has no licensing and stuff
but my favorite Db is mongoDB
@jhmckimm hi egg-man.
oh, caprica
i'm having a hard time to not laugh in a serious enviroment....
I'm alone at my desk, so I can afford to laugh, and I did.
like a good french "Hon Hon Hon"
never heard of it
Wow, Caprica is awesome.
hon hon hon oui oui baguette?
oui oui croissant
it would be funny if we could add a number to every command for caprica which delays the execution in seconds ^^
Someone is alone and randomly gets a "HAMMERTIME!"
nah more like !!hammertime 300
or like !!over 9000
!!wat 5
!!delay 3600 STOP
@satibel That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
oh wait isn't caprica on github? lets just add that feature
it already exists, by a different name
do you still like js kendall?
Think I might fork it for a Discord bot.
Every last one released runs on Node.JS and is buggy as hell.
@jhmckimm you can write one in c# you know
If you forked Cap for a Discord bot, you'd then have to rewrite everything
I can, but I'd have to write an entire lib for accessing their API.
My subwoofer sounds funny today. I wonder if it's because I moved it. :(
@KendallFrey and whats the delay command, or isn't it available for everyone?
!!tell SebastianL help nudge
@SebastianL nudge: Register a nudge after an interval. /nudge intervalInMinutes message, /nudge remove id to remove, or the listener, nudge|remind|poke me? in? intervalInMinutes message
!!nudge 0.1 STOP
@SebastianL Nudge #7 registered.
@SebastianL nudge STOP
sadly no commands seem to be accepted
Spotted on Github: "Notes: This is such a beta it's not even funny."
plz go to sandbox to play with Caprica
Microsoft are all about chatbots these days.
its like something to work with till AI gets here
caprica best girl
Do y'all do programmer art?
@jhmckimm what's programmer art?
Art. By programmers.
Programming is an art
me playz jews harp
i sometime draw on <canvas>
@jhmckimm i can draw things that actual look like the object i wanted to draw
so yes, i do art
I just mean placeholder stuff. :P
i also discovered <audio> element
so sometimes i'm bob dylan
Bob Ross and Bob Dylan... Heh.
i'm an artist in more ways than one
see, a ninja too
@Proxy That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
that's Agent Smiths from the Matrix?
There's a regular at my work who I must refrain from referring to as "Mr Anderson".
Instead, I get to call him John. :|
by the way, here's my art.
(Ft mspaint.exe)
Ooh, that's Cut The Rope. Haven't played that in years.
^^ Fun game.
@jhmckimm mspaint.
Why would you put yourself through that? xD
Not even paint.NET?
because bored is an answer :p
keep in mind it took only 1.5 hours.
not bad
2 days ago, by satibel
@SebastianL sometimes I use paint to draw pictures. And it doesn't look bad.
@jhmckimm yellow blob and blue blob vs the red blob.
It's mah UI layout
In this code, is it possible to get the property name using reflection?
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Reflection;

// This is a class-level attribute, doesn't make sense at the property level
public class AtLeastOnePropertyAttribute : ValidationAttribute
  // Have to override IsValid
  public override bool IsValid(object value)
    //  Need to use reflection to get properties of "value"...
    var typeInfo = value.GetType();

    var propertyInfo = typeInfo.GetProperties();

    foreach (var property in propertyInfo)
@Alex Sure. Your PropertyInfo instance contains all the metadata for that property.
(The var name propertyInfo is very confusing, because it's not a PropertyInfo, it's a PropertyInfo[]).
@jhmckimm that sure looks like a spaceship.
Also, I hate yoda conditions.
Going off this example: stackoverflow.com/a/2713024/177416
Well, it's not a very good one. :)
I know. I need to create a complex validation for some properties.
For instance, a property of type int will always return a value - even if it was never initialized, it will have the default value 0.
Guys I can't seem to simply select a Sum field really weird. What am I doing wrong?
Code: var test = from aankoop in context.Aankoops
select new { Price = Sum(aankoop.price) };
It says the name Sum does not exist in the current context
Well, maybe not so complex. Some simple props and a few lists need to have values
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan You helped me really good before. Could you maybe guide me again? I really appreciate it!
Resharper eats 1.13 GB ram in one open solution of mine.
@Emre aankoop.price.Sum()
@Emre It's just syntax. You're trying to call a non-existence Sum() function, like it's SQL. It isn't.
Instead of returning an anonymous type, just return the sum:
var sum = from aankoop in context.Aankoops
select ankoop.Sum(a => a.price);
public string SuiteNom2OuSuiteRaisonSociale2OuPrenomOuContact { get; set; }
that's a damn long name
Must be worse in German.
and "Or" in methods names suggests a lot of responsibilities :-)
"I'm doing this, or that, or that, depends..."
'Boodschapp.Aankoop' does not contain a definition for 'Sum' and no extension method 'Sum' accepting a first argument of type 'Boodschapp.Aankoop' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
Wouldn't it be better to find a hypernym that means something? Like having "DisplayName" instead of "DescriptionOrTitleOrFullNameOrFirstName"?
basically it's a freeform name, but if we ship to a business, the business name is called "RaisonSociale", or it can be the firstname, or it can be the name of the contact.
BTW, it's now called "Nom3Destinataire" (Name3Recipient) which is clearer.
@Emre Just switch to method syntax when it's simpler. context.Aankoops.Sum(x=>x.price)
I don't remember the relevant query syntax.
I converted it from a csv header, so, some names, I had to change.
Deleted 2 columns and added a column to be the second part of the primary key. Now when I want to call SaveChanges (Entity Framework), I get the error "Unknown column name 'MyDeletedColumn'". I deleted and added the table in the model, then I deleted the whole model and added it again, deleted bin and obj folders, rebuilt the whole solution. And I can't even find the column name of the deleted column in the source. I still get the error.. What the hell is going on here.
Talking about mssql and entity framework.
Searched for the already deleted column name with grepWin. But no results. How is it possible to get that error..
someone just told me, they can make changes to database then update code in visual studio for Entity Framework, I know we can use EntityFramework power tools to reverse engineer database into pocos but can we update existing code too ? :S
n oone?
@Tom h hoo?
@SteveG \o
no* one*?
might try restarting VS?
already did a few times. couldnt solve it since yesterday. So I also already restartet my machine.
try scanning for it in the local files.
with notpad++ -> ctrl+f -> find in files "MyDeletedColumn", directory of your solution.
Thats what I used grepWin for. Searched over all source files..
Quick question(s). In my file, I have two using directives, using System.Data.OracleClient, and using Oracle.DataAccess.Client. Both of these namespaces have an OracleConnection class. If I do OracleConnection conn = OracleConnection(someConnectionString):, will conn be a System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection, or an Oracle.DataAcess.Client.OracleConnection?
Does it matter what order my using directives are in? Does the fact that one of the imports is a System import change which one has priority over the other?
it should report an error
ambiguous reference
That would explain why I couldn't find any documentation on resolution order :-)
Next mystery: why is my project building anyway?... Oh, I was making edits to a temporary file that just happened to look like it was part of my project. Uh, ok, Visual Studio, thanks for that...
that's weird indeed
in case of any side-effect consult Your rubber duck :)
Let's try it in the real file... OracleConnection is an ambiguous reference [...]. Ok, good.
That clears things up. Thanks for the illumination :-)

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