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what's the best way to diagnose a memory leak in a windows service
I have installed .net memory profiler and taken some dumps of my service
but I am overwhelmed with all the data
There is another memory leak that is better @hsimah
@hsimah ANTs
you could use the free trial and try to figure it out in that trial period
I'll give that a go
I am re-running the profiling over a longer period
It says there are no leaks, but watching the service memory usage (via powershell query) it just goes up and up steadily. 1GB increase over 50 inutes
so you have something that is not releasing
go over the code look for something that does not have a using statement and should
or depending the libraries if any of them could not be coded correctly, or are using the correct over load of a function
yeah, I've done that already - but obviously failed to see what the issue is.
It's a fairly simple service. Pulls a byte[] from the DB, parses it and inserts it into the prod database as an item (these are email files to be stored in our application)
it's one of those things, I've been combing through it and it all looks solid. It's probably something really simple that I am missing.
Are you doing a bunch of deserialization?
it's basically: read byte[] from db. turn it into a file object. copy properties to one of our Email objects, save to db, clear original record from db
I'm an idiot
I fixed the issue last week. I forgot to push my changes to remote, so when I redeployed the service it was missing the fix
3 hours later…
hi guys
i want to ask about select distinct in linq
public Dictionary<Guid, string> GetListofRequestorName1(Guid StateId, Guid RowId)
using (var DBContext = new BKMDBContext())
var result = (from a in DBContext.BKM_Requestor
join b in DBContext.BKM_State on a.State equals b.StateCode
join c in DBContext.BKM_AgencyName_Backup on a.Category equals c.AgencyGroup
where b.StateId == StateId && c.RowId == RowId
select a).FirstOrDefault();

return result.Distinct().ToDictionary(key => key.RequestorID, value => value.Name);
but cannot work well distinct
DateTime DT = Convert.ToDateTime(txt_batch_DT.Text);
oCom.Parameters.Add("@id", SqlDbType.Int).Value = Convert.ToInt32(txt_Id.Text);

Error at line: oCom.ExecuteNonQuery();
{"Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string."}
any help?
Q: context in edmx showing error for before working code after migrating to another system c#

Ram Singhi am facing a strange issue, i have a code, which was working before few months ago, after that i stopped working on it and then i reinstall my window. after that when i tried to run the code by restoring the DB on my local server. it through me following error: No mapping specified for the foll...

Hery @satibel
i googled my ass off
if anyone can resolve my query. i'll appreciate it
DateTime DT = Convert.ToDateTime(txt_batch_DT.Text);
oCom.Parameters.Add("@batchdt", SqlDbType.DateTime2).Value = DT;

Error at line: oCom.ExecuteNonQuery();
{"Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string."}
any help
sorry about earlier. i mistakenly copied the wrong line.
@ARr0w datetime for sql is "yyyyMMdd" IIRC
so try
oCom.Parameters.Add("@batchdt", SqlDbType.DateTime2).Value = DT.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
satibel, thanks bro. But now the error is changed. it is "Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a DateTime"
Q: How to insert DateTime2

AndreasWhat is the appropriate way to insert a value into a column of type DATETIME2(7) into SQL Server using a SqlCommand? Here is what I tried: DateTime d = new DateTime(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0).AddTicks(1111111); using (SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand()) { cmd.CommandText = "INSERT DtTest VALU...

that might help you
i only have
googled and tried
that bro.
@satibel poke
@Nerdintraining poke & mon
@satibel morty & mon
morning :)
hi guys
why microsoft came up with web api while we can create Restful services in WCF also?

LeftyXI've spent a few months trying to grasp the concepts behind WCF and recently I've developed my first WCF service application. I've struggled quite a bit to understand all the settings in the config file. I am not convinced about the environment but it seems that you can do amazing stuff with it. ...

WCf only handles XML data?
nope you can also use json
hi need some help about creating template in vb.net like a form that will be filled out
vbforums.com/… here is my question
@EarvinNillCastillo Do you want a report generator as standalone or an officemacro?
Hi @SebastianL, what is more fastest way to build it, using officemacro or vb.net?
also tried printing the label i've made in excel. i set the custom page size to 5inchx8.2inch
but it isn't following the page size i've set
I know this thread is for C# but we have many in common due to our IDE is the same right?
Morn all
G'Aft in here haha
Avner tell me whats wrong with foundation book 4
Except the fact it kind of stupid ever since the second foundation was introduced
@EarvinNillCastillo Officemacro would be faster
@EarvinNillCastillo if i understand your question correct, you want a template where anyone can type in some values, then the barcodes change according to those values, and lastly the user can just print everything?
Hey guys, do any of you have an idea how i can keep a distinct item/cod (im talking about a string), lets say "Cod 1" , and remove all other duplicates?
@SebastianL, Yes, That's what i have been doing in excel. What I did is just insterted the barcode but it is in demo.
while going through an excel file(cell by cell)
@SebastianL, another problem is the paper size of it which is 148mmx210mm in which I already set it to the printer and to the document but nothing change when it is printed
good day
@AdiMohan don't go cell by cell. Import as an array of cells
@ntohl hey, since i only have one column to go through, wouldn't it be easier to set that as my range, dynamically and thenloop through it and keep just one of the same code?
@AdiMohan every time You iterate through a cell it's slow as hell
put it into memory, and iterate it there
@misha130 Ah, it's a bad book. The first three were written in the 40's and 50's, when Asimov was in his prime. Then he did other things for twenty years, then came back to the Foundation to try to wrap it up and link it with his Robot novels. So it feels contrived and pointless, and mostly doesn't have the feel of the earlier Foundation stories.
@EarvinNillCastillo your second problem is a configurationproblem, you just didn't configure it right.
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan ah ok, fuck that then
@misha130 Yeah, you can stop now.
wanted to even read about saldons plans on trantor (the side stories)
but I guess thats out of the question too
@ntohl thanks for the suggestion, I will document myself on the matter and try to get things going :)
There are some prequels that were released later - by Asimov himself, later in life, and by others after his death. I don't know if they're any good.
@SebastianL, ohhh. been doin the config for hours still no hope, tried removing the fit to paper and the orientation when it came out is soo big that it needs 3 paper to print out. About the officemacro, how would I do something like that?
@SebastianL, If im going to create it in .net, do i still need office doc program to be able to produce it or nah?
alright alright
@EarvinNillCastillo just open the Macroeditor and start coding. IF your doing it in .net you CAN be independent from office products
@EarvinNillCastillo i am not even sure if you nee a macro in Excel 2016
@RoelvanUden Hola, Roel.
@SebastianL, im having a hard time how can i produce it in vb.net, how can i create a template like that and print it?
@EarvinNillCastillo You say aou have a hard time creating a template in vb.net, how developed is you knowledge in programming? and as i said earlier i think you don't even need a macro or vb.net. You can just download a barcode addin and use it like formulas
@EarvinNillCastillo go to the View-Tab and select pageview and start creating your template
I am doing some excel file outputting unit testing, is there anyway to get the file to return from the unit tests?
cause I want to physically see its ok
@SebastianL, ah yes. im an average programmer i think. i think you misunderstood what i said. It's like if I'm going to create
ah I am so silly ill just write to disk
a template like in vbnet which is im thinking how can i print it to my desired size, because it has width and height right in which that isnt in inch or to mm
@SebastianL, already done the add-ins in excel. Already created few hours ago. The problem now is can i locked the locations of the barcode so it cannot be moved by the users? and the configuration of the paper size really isnt working
@misha130 You may use the DeploymentItemAttribute if it's any easier for Your specific scenario. msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms182475.aspx
ah that actually helps in a lot of stuff, thanks
@EarvinNillCastillo if you have to ensure, that the report isn't changed by the user, i don't think you can use excel with the gui. However, if excel is present you can create a simple formsapp with MSOffice interop and fill the cells from your formsapplication and export it to pdf . Without even showing excel.
@misha130 also validate if the "unit"tests are reasonable. stackoverflow.com/questions/1528134/unit-testing-file-i-o
ahh. Ok
Kyralessa had a nice answere in the linked so
@SebastianL, alright im going to do the excel interop. Thankss
@SebastianL, Thanks!
holy molly... Using excel interop, not because some users can't unrelate from excel, but for export to pdf reasons... I haven't seen using excel interop, when the user did not want to modify the data.
Don't do office interop! That way lies madness!
true dat
so what should i do guys!
I'm exaggerating, actually, but Office interop is a fiddly business.
Dunno, I haven't actually read any of the preceding chat.
Office interop is fine but always fragile.
just pdf export. Nothing excel related
i have a template in here guys please see
The don't interop. We're not talking about server-side here, though, right?
I already done it in excel just add the add-ins for barcode
the rage is coming. And you know what it will bring. Prepare yourselfs!
if already done, than go with excel interop.
how to do it in pdf?
excel can save it as pdf, just look at the saveas parameters
No, no. @ntohl is right. If you already have it as a working Excel template, go with that. Today's Good Enough is better than Tomorrow's Perfect.
or export
haven't done anything in vbnet
Again, though, be aware that you can't reliably do excel interop on the server side.
I ment it. Do it with excel interop, and save as pdf
just used excel to create barcode and i have a barcode creator in which i have learned in youtube. the problem is where do i create the template of it?
can't reliably do excel interop on the server side. what does this really mean?
@EarvinNillCastillo just create it the way you did, in excel. Interop can open excelfiles
Do You have desktop app, or ASP.Net?
@EarvinNillCastillo Where is your code running? If it's as an Excel add-in, or a standalone WinForms/WPF application - you're fine. But if your code is running on the back-end of a Web application, which doesn't have an interactive user-facing component, then your code will fail.
@EarvinNillCastillo actually it isn't good practice to use interop because it can change with each update of office
@SebastianL Totally serious.
@SebastianL does not matter. Usually this kind of exe is redeployed every decade
@SebastianL Not terribly, though. Office COM interop assemblies are versioned. So if you bind to the IWorkbook2 interface, or whatever it's called, then a future version won't change it, it will create a derived interface, IWorkbook3, which contains the new features.
actually, im still on my reasearch and what would be the best way to do it?
@EarvinNillCastillo use WPF
i did create in excel but only add-ins
if i googled it, what would be the actual term for it? so I can have a process to follow
or simple console app, if nothing else done, just the pdf export
from vbnet value to pdf export?
no middle connection needed? if so, where will i create the template?
@EarvinNillCastillo the best way would be to use a reportgenerator with a template engine and barcode capability, but here starts the trouble -> Money, lots of Money
What's that vector language that's native to printers, is it PostScript?
For something regular like a barcode it might be possible to directly generate PostScript, or whatever it is
@SebastianL yes im aware of that. that is why im looking for a way to create a simple report generator something like that
a funny solution would be to create a WPF application and just print the controls, since WPF can return a png of itself fairly easy :)
Morning o/
alright @SebastianL, ill take note on that :)
@Kieran morning \o
o/ morning folks..
bit of an EF Code first question. (Probably overthinking it and missing the obvious)

Say I have a table Person { Id, Name } in my EF Model. I've got a few records in the Database etc.

Now I want to add a foreign key column to it e.g. AddressId which references another table (in this case) Address { Id, Address 1, Address 2, Etc. }

In my Person table I create an "AddressId" property with a navigational property to Address successfully. I review the model changes and lo-behold everything looks great, the correct entity relationship has been setup.
@JARRRRG isn't it possible to create an empty address for the old entries as dummyvalue until they are filled? or a defaultvalue which indicates that there is no assigned address?
Its good to have a default anyways
@SebastianL - yes, it is possible. So the standard practice would be to just go stick in some SQL in the generated migration file I assume?
@JARRRRG that's how would do it. Dunno if this is standard practice
Fair enough
hi guys
3:36 a.m here :3
@JARRRRG Did you have the foreign key in the Person table as must not be null?
hi adan
@Kieran mornin' Still late? :p
Not so much today @satibel
i like how SO keeps track of your activity in chatrooms. So you can analyze how much time you've wasted taliking about border-radius and stuff
lol it does?
@SebastianL Technically, it uses border-radius to keep track of your activity.
and anyone can see when you're working. And when not
@Ggalla1779 yep
Doesn't it make more sense, logically, for an Address to have a foreign key to Person?
I mean, are addresses individually existing entities, or are they sub-entities of Person?
i just stumbled upon @Kieran s activity which is on fridays way more sophisticated to SO than normally :D
How do you mean? c:
the week graph is just like a inverted TaskManager for our workforce :D
and @satibel is gradually declining his workload through the week :D
DataMining is such a scary practice ...
it applies everywhere and reveals everything
if someone would keep track of these graphs he could even assume our daily routine, when we go for a coffebreak or on vacation...
@SebastianL it's because I'm sleepy on mondays :p
@satibel i don't judge you :D
drop downlist value too long how to control to be next line ??
@ikramlim please clarify your question
@ikramlim if i understood your question correctly this would do the trick: stackoverflow.com/questions/12421644/…
coz now value too long
then need to separate 2 line in one record
@ikramlim take a look at the SO-Question i posted, i think this will help you
@SebastianL in web form how ?
@ikramlim how should i knew that you want this in a webform...
@ikramlim have you tried "\n"?
coz i get result from db.. so cannot using br/
erm you can parse the result
any example
i checked many of css also not work.
then put it in c# code with razor
c# and aspx
in The Nineteenth Byte on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 4 hours ago, by ATaco
I was staring at some Java code for 5 minutes before I realized it was C#.
@Kieran That didn't make much sense. Did you mean C#?
See? makes sense @satibel
nice one
caprica has some nice paint skillz
@SebastianL sometimes I use paint to draw pictures. And it doesn't look bad.
@satibel pics or it didn't happen ;P
^ I agree @satibel
I need my tablet.
that's cheating
that doesn't count as paint
paint is using a mouse
naww its okay
iz cheats!
I mean the picture should be on my tablet.
close call
or maybe on my pc, but if that' the case, I can't post it until tomorrow.
starred it, so it wont be forgotten ;)
and then, there's those guys. youtube.com/watch?v=xS0UgjMjrwI
oh god what
I don't even have the time to watch that but i can already tell it would be very mind fucky
as to how they are able to do that on paint for fucks sake
i can't even make nice pictures in fireworks/photoshop
skill :p
and time, lots of time
fluff, 't is on my PC
Oh, that's a useful button.
lmao ofc
TFW you have 0 minutes of your phone contract left
but your renewal is tomorrow
meh, I burt half of my internet, because I forgot I turned wifi off.
@satibel that's the curse of my contract
i have unlimited data & texts
but 200 minutes
gunna upgrade to an honor 8 soon i think
can get everything i have now but 600 minutes instead
I have 2 hours
and 100mb internet
I don't think I've spoken 200 minutes on the phone in the past... year?
unfortunately when your car is hooked to your phone via bluetooth
for 15.99€ -15€
this tends to happen to me alot
I mean, I have unlimited minutes, but I barely use them.
@satibel i pay £15
Tons of data, though.
I can hit around 6-8 GB/month
I pay 2EUR more and get unlimited internet/texts
@Kieran that's expensive.
what, 17eur?
I can get 240 mins for 4€
but still 100mb internet
that would kill me
I think i can find statistics for my internet usage actually
oh, didn't noticed the unlimited data
I pay ~25EUR and get unlimited minutes/texts, and 20GB data which is more than enough.
that's pretty good then.
effectively unlimited.
25EUR used to be really cheap for a decent plan until a few years ago.
Now it's relatively expensive. Things have improved.
when I don't have wifi, I generally don't have a cell signal, so 100mb is good enough.
You all should be glad to not live in germany. mobile companys lack competiton and so you pay 50€ for 5GB (unlimited text/minutes)
@SebastianL That's... a lot, yeah.
ok so the only stats i can see
is that on the 3rd i used 1.36gb of data
Until about 5 years ago, the average monthly bill here would be around 70-100EUR. Three big cell providers that kept the prices inflated with obscure billing systems and hidden fees.
Then a new regulation allowed a new company to come in with a cheap fixed-rate plan (25EUR) which pretty much changed the whole industry.
Now there are decent 10-15EUR fixed price plans.
This would be nice if it happend here, but there is the one big company who almost owns all the signaltowers (Telekom) so it wont be happening anytime soon
It's a matter of regulation. The law that was passed required existing companies to rent out bandwith to MVNOs. The company that started the fixed price system was an MVNO on the one of the existing carrier's signal.
this would be nice ^^
It was a very popular move by the then-Minister of Communications. Got him a lot of support, which he leveraged to get elected as head of his own party a few years later. Then he burned most of the good-will he generated by doing nothing.
1 hour later…
anyone knows how can I delete this Outgoing Commits
I tried this
but it doesn't actually deletes it
has it to be deleted? can't you just ammend it and revert?
every time i read the "X hour(s) later..." in SOchat i read it in the voice used in the spongebob series
@KendallFrey you may not like what it says about a certain language in there
I've seen that
You get those articles every once in a while, "If Programming Languages Were The Implicit Biases I Have For Them".
I'd add
it's just grass
double fail /pan/
why won't my link work?
useful error message : "Fault occurred while processing."
i got a question
nobody aint got time for dat!
so ask
young padawan

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