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Question about MVC. If I have a page with totals and another with the details. Shoukld I make a 2nd controller for the details page or should I just make the cshtml page and link to it and use the same model?
@AmmarAhmed Yeah, the controller "controls" what page you get for which request.
So, it should ask the model for the right data and pass that data on to the right view.
Alright. That should keep it clean
hey lads
@AmmarAhmed Why? You can just create a details action in that same controller instead.
Unless it is a completely different idea of course.
Oh yeah, what Lews said.
@AmmarAhmed: Don't confuse yourself between what a "Controller" is and what an "Action" of a Controller is.
I can do that too...
@Tom I've heard of some developers adopting a one-action-per-controller rule
One could say that you have a controller for each section (like HomeController / ShopController / UserController / ContactController / ...)
simple way to quickly slim down controllers and reduce dependency count :)
and then per section you can have different actions (UserController has .Register, .Login and so on)
@jonathanconway That must be many classes lol
@LewsTherin definitely, that's the result if you want small focussed classes
problem is, asp.net mvc doesn't give you a way to nest controllers within folders (afaik)
how would I have more than 1 action in a controller? I will have the pass a parameter I assume.
@jonathanconway Areas?
@AmmarAhmed each action is a method, you can have as many methods as you want in a class
@AmmarAhmed An Action corresponds to a method, just create multiple methods.
@jonathanconway It depends on what they are doing.. if it is of reasonable complexity. For a details page it seems redundant
@Tom good point, however areas only give you one level of depth
what if you wanted 3 or more levels in the hierarchy?
oh! now I understand what you ment when you said don't get confused between an action and a controller
@jonathanconway Not true, you can get multiple levels.
e.g. ProfileController -> AddressController -> StreetNameController
(not be best analogy lol)
@Tom not from what i know, it seems like you can only specify an area, not a sub-area, sub-sub-area, etc
i should experiment with it
It would better to just separate it.
@jonathanconway You can.
Nothing says that you have to use Areas to put your areas in.
You can specify how deep you go with the routing rules.
so i just have a folder structure like MyApp\Areas\AreaA\Areas\AreaB?
ahh ok
that's pretty cool
So I think you can just make a whole tree of folders.
@TomWijsman Um how? Unless the controller variable takes an array of controllers
i should try this out
new {controller = {controller1,controller2... otherwise how?
im looking at RouteCollection.MapRoute
I just saw a guy refer to "operator presidency" LOL
* precedence
@LewsTherin I don't know how it sees the areas under the core, but I guess it looks for all the AreaRegistration clases in the library. Or there are added somewhere in the auto-generated code. But basically, you can adjust "Area/{controller}/{action}/{id}" to be "Area/SubArea/SubSubArea/{controller}/{action}/{id}"
@KendallFrey lol
@Tom that would be right, you can do virtually any pattern you want with areas
He said it was autocorrect. :D
the only problem woudl be discovery
if it's looking for any AreaRegistration subclass in the project, then it's all good :)
@TomWijsman That isn't specifying the controllers however. What you are doing there is specifying the absolute url or whatever.
@LewsTherin Specify what controller?
It's an Area, not a controller.
Okay, the controllers. You can specify those too, MapRoute has a parameter for that.
I thought jonathan was talking about having multiple controllers.. my bad
8 mins ago, by jonathanconway
problem is, asp.net mvc doesn't give you a way to nest controllers within folders (afaik)
@TomWijsman I'm not sure but I don't think it will work. Area/SubArea/Controller doesn't refer to a folder.
I'm giving it a try now
You can put any damn thing and it should still route... as long as you obey the format..
@jonathanconway Alright...
@LewsTherin It doesn't need to, because controllers are in the namespace and views are determined by the URL.
ok just tried
doesn't work
it's not picking up my AreaRegistration class
@jonathanconway See above link, that call has to be in your Global file.
but it's not picking up my nested area
It wouldn't
It would.
Well I'm a beginner.. so I should concede
1. Creating a new MVC 4 project.
only my non-nested areas
it is true?
Ok let's take a sample url
2. Confirming RegisterAllAreas
protected void Application_Start()
3. Creating my first Area.
url="Folder/folder1/SomethingController" yeah?
Did I start a war here?
4. Drag my first Area out of the Areas folder.
new { controller = "Home", action = "Index" },
new string[] { typeof(HomeMecca.Web.Areas.Manage.Areas.Owner.HomeController).Namespace }
@jonathanconway Manange/Owner blah doesn't specify an area
5. Take my first Area out of the Areas namespace.
It just tells you to to put that format in before specifying the controller and action
6. Creating my second area and repeating 4 and 5, putting the second area in the first one.
ok, so whats the problem with having that format?
namespace MvcApplication1.First.Second.Controllers
    public class DefaultController : Controller
        // GET: /Default1/

        public ActionResult Index()
            return View();

I just realized I was arguing with a guy with over 2000 reps.. oops
Works so far, it is only having a problem determining where the view is.
i'm just getting a resource not found
its not even hitting the controller action
it is hitting the area registration code
It does hit the controller action in my case.
@TomWijsman Tom how are you executing DefaultController.Index
@TomWijsman can you paste in the path of your controller
i mean the folder path
not the URL
@TomWijsman Yeah that's pretty much how it should look like..
You are right.
It hits the controller just fine here.
so you're not even putting it in an Areas folder
maybe that's what's causing mine to fail
Yup, Areas is just a way of organizing them, doesn't need to be there at all.
The view 'Index' or its master was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations. The following locations were searched:
but it's not finding your view
I only have the problem that it is looking in the wrong place for the view.
I think I know why...
so you'll probably have to hard-code the view paths
@TomWijsman Maybe it should be organized the same way
perhaps you should code your own view resolution code
in a base-controller or something
maybe override the View() method
Got it!
public override string AreaName
                return "First/Second";
so it works with slashes
thats awesome
@TomWijsman Where is that method? Never seen it
@LewsTherin In the Area Registration file.
@LewsTherin you can override it in your AreaRegistration class
type override then space and you'll see it in the list
The view 'Index' or its master was not found or no view engine supports the searched locations. The following locations were searched:
thanks @TomWijsman
The view engine does expect /Areas though.
mmn ok thanks.. i haven't gone that deep.. so what happens if you delete the First\Second
I'm gonna be nasty and use ../ in front :P
@LewsTherin: I have a more weird oddity, it isn't looking in Second/Views/Default but in Second/Default
public override string AreaName
                return "../First/Second/Views";
There's probably a better way to do this. xD
@TomWijsman which version of ASP.NET MVC are you using?
i'm using 3 and I simply cant get it to hit my action
@jonathanconway 4, but shouldn't matter.
@jonathanconway What steps have you done?
@TomWijsman I will have to relearn the routing again. Don't get why there is a nested Views folder
well ive created a folder structure of: MyApp\Owner\Controllers\HomeController
and an AreaRegistration class within the MyApp\Owner folder
it's hitting the AreaRegistration but not the action method
its probably my routing that's wrong
can you paste in your MapRoute code?
Why is Visual Studio calling my file Index.cshtml, and the file in Windows Explorer is ViewPage1.cshtml?
Seems it messed up there. :D
are you on VS11?
Yeah, probably a small bug.
Voila, an area in an area outside of the Areas folder!
vs 11? Nice.. how is it?
namespace MvcApplication1.First
    public class FirstAreaRegistration : AreaRegistration
        public override string AreaName { get { return "../First"; } }

        public override void RegisterArea(AreaRegistrationContext context)
                new { action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
Apart from the grey color it is okay
that's your top-level one
what about your lower-level one?
That should be ../
There we go, now the code block is correct.
can anybody tell me whether is it necessary to use linq??
quick question, How do you guys create your HTML tables in razor pages? Are there any tools I can use? My HTML is starting to look crazy and I am considering doing everything in Excel and copying everything back at the end.
i mean what is the benefit of using linq to sql
The lower level one just has return "../First/Second" and "First/Second/{controller}...", as well as `.First.Second in the namespace.
@TomWijsman @for/each
@kashif more readable and concise imo..
So in essence, it replaces First by First/Second or First.Second.
I use linq because it is cleaner code. idk about any performance benefits
when I have "Manage/Owner/{controller}/{action}", it doesn't work
@AmmarAhmed Can you show an example of the crazyness?
as soon as i take out 'Manager/' then it works
but then i lose my nested routing
maybe it expects it to match up to the namespaces or something
@jonathanconway Do you have teamviewer?
I recently appeared in an interview. the interviewer asked me about the linq to sql. and i didn't know anything about this.
it is just HTML table code. It is not so bad now but I am expeecting to have +20 rows

<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="10" >
<td colspan="3" rowspan="2" valign="top" class='tabbed-content-container ui-corner-all' style= "width:33%">
<h3 class='ui-corner-tl ui-corner-tr'>&nbsp</h3>
<table width="100%">
<tr><td class="lbl">&nbsp</td> <td class="lbl">Borrower</td> <td class="lbl">CoBorrower</td> <td class="lbl"
You'd want a for loop then, like Lews said (but wrongly targetted me instead of you).
@TomWijsman oh oops sorry
@kashif LINQ is one of the tools that makes .NET good, it is thus a must know
if you say you are a C# programmer and you don't know LINQ, you can't be taken seriously
@AmmarAhmed Don't one-line the columns, looks way better if you have each on its own row.
    <td class="lbl">&nbsp</td>
    <td class="lbl">Borrower</td>
    <td class="lbl">CoBorrower</td>
    <td class="lbl">Total</td>
Baboon thanks alot brother... can you plzz tell me one more thing plzz????
And then the magic can begin...
just ask, maybe someone can answer
should i start building my future application using linq instead of sql queries.. i.e should i forget sql and start linq to sql??? what would you suggest me????
@foreach (var thing in Model)
        <td class="lbl">@thing.Id</td>
        <td class="lbl">@thing.Borrower</td>
        <td class="lbl">@thing.CoBorrower</td>
        <td class="lbl">@thing.Total</td>
@TomWijsman Thanks. I just formatted it that way to look the same as the output
Having each on its own line is very clear imo, even when having 30 rows or so.
@kashif Linq is way better than nested SQL queries
more secure and easier to debug
and if written properly, no performance penalty
@kashif LINQ2SQL is just another way of doing SQL, but it's the same queries, you just handle it all in C#, you don't write stored procedures
ah yes! it's working properly now
hmm does it not decrease the performance of application??
go read about it it'll ease your mind
@TomWijsman was right
i just had to have the upper-level controller/arearegistration in there
hmmm good
before the lower-level one could work
@jonathanconway Got it working?
@kashif performance isn't decreased because linq to sql just generates SQL anyway
Yeah I guess I need to get used to it. The for loop will not work in my case tho
@kashif LINQ2SQL is just a way to query against a SQL database by dealing with virtual objects representing DB tables.
as long as you use the methods correctly, it'll be the same as regular sql and SQL server will compile & cache it as usual
damn this chat is so active now, and it was dead all day. Night coders? :p
yes @TomWijsman thanks for all your help
@Baboon nah.. 5:01 coders :D
If you're comfortable/proficient with SQL, then by no means is it a replacement (in fact, it seems a little less "intuitive" for some things).
thanks alot being a beginer i just wanted the experts like u suggest me.. I will start learning it
@Baboon Depends on your time zone. 5PM here.
11pm here
@jonathanconway Learned from it myself too. Amazing to be able to pull the areas out of there and place them where you want and make them in a certain depth.
Yeah i'm going to get rid of the pesky Areas folders
There's probably ways to do it more properly, like that if you change the name of one of the areas in between that it still works.
and just nest everything directly :)
@kashif I am new on my first programming job and I am already in love with linq. lambda expressions as well
@Ammar sometimes i've written methods that take lambda functions as parameters, it's great fun
return (new ParentAreaRegistration()).AreaName + "/Myself";
it's just as powerful as Javascript function-passing!
Same in the MapRoute, and the namespace happens automatically upon a rename.
Thanks Ammar
nice one @TomWijsman, good to get rid of strings wherever possible
@Baboon I would love to learn ETrees.. just damn hard to grasp :(
@jonathanconway Yeah, I was just thinking how to get a rename to go as smooth as possible if required.
Quite amazing that ../ just works if you decide to go out of the Areas folder. :D
@jonathanconway I did a (from i in income select i.foo).sum() today to get the total. Good stuff
nice hack Tom!
@LewsTherin expression trees? well how proficient are you in C#?
Can find my way most of the time..
Expression trees are fun.
I am getting used to lambdas and linq
so what's stopping you?
@SPFiredrake LOL
@jonathanconway I discovered that it's actually also looking for View folders outside Views...
@SPFiredrake i concur
Do you have a special listener or something? LOL
@LewsTherin I'm not laughing...
@AmmarAhmed Even better: income.Sum(i => i.foo);
@jonathanconway So technically, you could even choose to put a controller and its view(s) inside the same folder. :D
@Baboon Too hard
@SPFiredrake Your timing impeccable..
linq for an outer join = my brain exploded.
@AmmarAhmed It's not pretty.
@LewsTherin if you think it's too hard, your methodology is wrong
@KendallFrey nice! I need to try that
@Baboon Then you must be on the Amsterdam/Brussels/Paris line. :)
@Baboon I've read as much tutorial as I could find.. it just doesn't enter.
@TomWijsman they should make this stuff configurable surely
start by making a simple calculator with +-/* operations that all call a single method
from x in first
join y in second on x.id equals y.id into joingroup
from j in joingroup.DefaultIfEmpty() select j
imagine creating your own subclasses for resolution
@jonathanconway We probably can.
@TomWijsman yep, that's the one, Paris is my first love ;)
I'm freaking winning today :P
@TomWijsman ViewEngines.Engines.Add?
@Baboon Like a parser or something
Q: How to change default view location scheme in ASP.NET MVC?

Jakub Å turcI want to change view locations at runtime based on current UI culture. How can I achieve this with default Web Form view engine? Basically I want to know how implement with WebFormViewEngine something what is custom IDescriptorFilter in Spark. Is there other view engine which gives me runtime ...

Q: ASP.NET MVC View Engine Resolution Sequence

intangible02I created a simple ASP.NET MVC version 1.0 application. I have a ProductController which has one action Index. In the view, I created a corresponding Index.aspx under Product subfolder. Then I referenced the Spark dll and created Index.spark under the same Product view folder. The Application_S...

Deriving any view engine, overriding what you want.
ahh yes this is nice
@LewsTherin yeah, actually I'm a self taught programmer, maybe someday i should blog on my methodology
@Baboon I'm a professional dev, but everything I know I've taught myself.
but whenever i start something new, I don't read any tutorial, i just jump right in with a simple project
make mistakes
@Baboon aren't you always in the C++ room?
@SPFiredrake me too
no I'm in the C# room
never set foot in C++ room
i think programmatic configuration is a far better model than web.config
I learned WPF that way, just using vs2010's intellisense
@Baboon if you use no tutorials then how do you know the syntax? :S
Everyone ends up teaching themselves.
maybe eventually a lot of web.config stuff will end up being configurable through overriding
@Baboon Don't unless you are experienced with STL.
you don't learn the syntax, you understand how they did the language
@jonathanconway Well, XML makes transformation more possible.
@Kendall lol
@TomWijsman you mean for having different configs for different build profiles?
it then it all falls into place, it just makes sense
and after a while, you read an advanced book on the subject
@LewsTherin Seriously. I used to go there because I had used C++ a bit. Confused...
I would like to read your style
see what you missed, what you didn't think about
im sure you could do the same thing with programmatic configuration, using say attributes
@jonathanconway Yeah, things like that. But also when Nu-Getting things, requires no recompilation...
@LewsTherin of course, at work, I only do what I already know, i learn as a side project
@KendallFrey Me too.. I just left when they use obscene metaprogramming code.. ugh
yeah the no-compilation thing is an advantage of xml
esp. when troubleshooting:)
@jonathanconway Perhaps, but I like the XML approach to it.
@Baboon Yeah.
The parser would be a good start
i guess i wish there was a single model, instead of having some config in xml and some config in c#
but web.config works ok for now
@jonathanconway Well, the one is configuration for the web, the other is configuration for the behavior of your application.
yeah that's true, cos of IIS, etc
unless you have some kind of self-hosted runtime, you want to hook into IIS
@LewsTherin By the way, not just 2k, my cross-site reputation is quite different from that.
I should really answer a lot more stuff on Stack Overflow... :(
compared to mine..
stackexchange should integrate people's reps
instead of soloing it
@jonathanconway: I hate the separation between SO and the rest of the network.
i doubt you can be an extremely good net admin without being a pretty good programmer
Like, need to have two chat tabs open instead of just one.
nah.. I would have so many points from the gaming section :D
And you can't see my cross-site reputation in chat here.
I do not agree to have all reputation blended together, though... :D
I can't even write without waiting for an auto complete. Cellphones ruined me
@jonathanconway: I'm really wondering now if I should reorganize my MVC approach based on what we just learned from experimenting...
Although I don't think it's a good idea to step away from what could be assumed to be there, that might break something sooner or later.
(But that would be the fault of that developer checking out folders instead of reflection)
chat got reeeeeaaaly slow
@AmmarAhmed Just some congestion, will be resolved soon...
I hate those 'rush job' I-need-a-script-ASAP projects. Fortunately, this one isn't needed for 2hrs, and it took 15mins.
Does anyone here know how to tell if a label enters a label?
@OutlawLemur Huh? No, not if you can't be more specific.
@OutlawLemur what do you even mean?
I just want to know at this point
later everyone. thanks for the help earlier
@KendallFrey @Baboon in wpf if a user is controlling a label, and that label enters another label, how do i find out that that has happened and say if label1 enter label2 do blah blah blah
How does a user control a label? Are you looking for collision detection?
JW, why? Seems like an odd requirement.
If the labels are on a Canvas, it shouldn't be too hard.
They are on a panel, but i could change that to a canvas
And why is a friend and i have been trying to see who can make the best maze:)
A panel. What kind of panel? If it is a Grid or something that provides automatic layout, don't switch to Canvas.
it looks like just a normal panel
IMO 'best maze' doesn't make me think 'involves labels'.
A normal panel, as in Panel class?
Yes, is there a better way to make a maze?
XNA, maybe? Or if you want to use WPF, Lines and Rectangles.
What does a label represent?
A wall and player
and a finish label
I would suggest using shapes like line and rectangle. A label might be fine for labelling the finish.
Hmmm...But i dont think that would make it easier if a object entered an object, i guess thats really my question
Oh its winforms not wpf
Ohhh thataway
Any idea?
Then in that case, you could use, is it Label.Bounds or something?
Ill look it up
Yup, Bounds
is that in the code or properties or what
There are lots of samples for checking for collision between rectangles. Label.Bounds is a Rectangle.
Ok, ill try that
thx for help
the problem is im drawing the rectangles that are players in Form1_Paint, but then I cant reference them later since they are only known to Form1_Paint
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