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Q: Find character index of a .net TextRange start/end

ParrisHere is a screenshot of some example slide. I have an animation on the word "Pizza". I am trying to find where in the string this occurs by character number. My code to grab information about the animations: foreach (PowerPoint.Effect effect in slide.TimeLine.MainSequence) { ...

Need some help! :)
Sorry I have never worked with powerpoint
yea! it is hard trying to find people who have worked with it. I know these people exist. I don't know where to get help from. The place microsoft recommends never has anyone there
haha maybe Ill try and mess around with it
Will i want to use a console application or wpf or winforms etc.
ahh, you need to install, vsto
it is a separate application type
let me find you some links
I found it dont worry
ok awesome!
hmm they dont have any powerpoint ones
its all under one umbrella
vsto works for all of it
Oh okay
I hate installations
Okay its downloaded... what do i do now?
you should be able to start a new project type
Oh okay
there might be one more thing to download
So it appears
Ah thanks
Sorry my internet is slow this will take a bit
oh you know what there are 3 things, the PIA, VSTO and when you install visual studios you need to have NOT unchecked office tools...
Ok ill try to uncheck that
so it comes with it by default, but if you did custom setup and you unchecked you need to reset it up
just make sure it is check, blah blah
Oh i always check default
wow, that is a ton of work
Thank you btw!
no prob i always like exploring libraries
new libraries
hmmm it didnt work.... did you download vsto or whatever from here?: microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=23656
what part didn't work?
templates not showing up in VS?
Yes... ill check to see if i have the office tools
the templates come with the VS installation, which means you may need to "reinstall" or "repair" or something of that sort to get them in there
Yeah i followed their instructions
but once you get them in there, it is cool, you get to make fancy ribbon menus and such ha
sweet, i might finally use some of those applications i got with word;)
it still doesnt show up in templetes
ahh damn
Yeah ill look up a youtube tutorial
ill try to find what I downloaded in my download tutorial
i mean
download folder on my desktop
oh i downloaded the wrong files
that will do it ha
Those instructions make no sense
for VSTO?
PIA... their telling me to extract files in a program
they made me download way more than what was needed
haha yeah
yea you shouldnt need to do that?
i just installed it and it worked?
I have no idea
They make it sound like you need it
i know i had to install pia and vsto, but it wasnt complicated, i just clicked run
Ill look some more
alright! thanks!
Yeah the programs were broken for me
I had to uninstall the program for it to work?!?!?!?!?! WTF
visual studios?
the PIA installer
thats rediculous
I feel like i missed something because i have to move the file to a location that doesnt exist
Oh not a problem anymore
Hmm XNA was much simpler
Wait do you have visual studio or just c#
i have vvisual studios
not just express
hmmm that maybe it
Because the tutorials do say that "Once you have Visual Studio 2010......"
That is a bit of a painful price
i agree! ahhh lame, one of the pitfalls of working with MS
i suppose
haha yeah
Ill get the trial see if that works
hah cool!
try to get professional, not ultimate (just in case you decide to actually get it some day), after the trial ends, ultimate is like 6g or something haha
yeah, I already have VB, c#, and C++ installed so I dont see the point of getting one with them all if I already have that
Yeah....... Professional is one of the cheapest
yea, my trial ended, and I needed to get the full thing for work, and then i checked the price of ultimate it was 12g (actually)
luckily i found someone around here with MSDN
also i think if you want to actually release/distribute software they make you upgrade to at least professional
even with xna
i believe
Makes sense
haha trying the ultimate;)
Yeah, also good luck on your q, I hope your bountie helps you
yea. same here! thanks man
This is all fun for me
Does anyone REALLY ever read the Terms of Agreement?
Well this is a large download so I think im gonna go... Ill bookmark your q to remind me to actually keep working on this:) good luck
6 hours later…
Is there a way to start the 32-bit version of "Explorer.exe" on Win7 x64 ?
when I start the 32-bit version after killing x64 version, all I get is the "libraries" folder opened
Hello all from Russia, Tatarstan!
@amaranth Hi there
1 hour later…
Hello All
its TimeToThine, I can't ask questiong using that account neither can i chat, and I havn't done anything wrong either
its so piss taking :/
@Ali any error messages ?
@yas4891 just tells me that i can't ask a question and gives me default google Url to go through, which is too generalized
anyway, I just renamed a VS project and getting this error, if anyone knows about it,

Error 1 Could not find file 'C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Site\Site\obj\Debug\Site.dll' C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\Site\Site\Site.vdproj Site
@Ali highly unlikely that SO won't tell you what is wrong

@Ali well, see: There's lots of information regarding your problem there
@yas4891 they are just generalising things too much you know, if someone delete 3 of there questions, and like in months time then they shouldn't ban them from asking question
anyway anyone knows why am getting that error on changing the name of the project
i almost changed everything except public key token which i dunno if i need to change or not :D
Please check this out if you know about entity framework (code first). It's driving me crazy: stackoverflow.com/questions/10190129/…
hi ALL
@Baboon just a quick question
when we rename a project , do we have to change Public Key Token in Manifest file ?
you should always reuse the PKT
for one version
public key token
where can i get a new PKT from
whatever you change between release 1.0 and 1.1, you just generate one new token
there's an utility somewhere
ask google :p
i tried SN.exe already but it gives me strange characters
that's the one
i can't replace PublicKeyToken=0311dawwdw329b2e" to something like $ € ”  $ RSA1    YNù5dñ"dœRaQªçŸù!¿¯%9÷~¬î±Á$¤¾¯ôp„ÏG€
indeed you can't
that's 2 different things
i got confused, that public key token i just automatically generated
build your project and open the DLL/EXe with a decompiler to fetch it
there's probably a better way to find it, I just always did like that
ILSpy is my favorite decompiler btw
reflector is nice but not free
ILSpy works just as well but it's free
just downloaded it thanks
they all need .net 4 :/
it can also be used, later on, to inspect MSIL generated from your code
and understand how optimizations in C# work
it's another chunk of science to learn ;)
loool true
if you add this publickeytoken = "$PublicKeyToken$" it sets its public token on gac deployment itself :)
2 hours later…
I wanna send a Guid as parameter, not as a string, but can't figure out how that gonna work :/
dw find it
1 hour later…
I have a slight problem that I could do with some help on
I have an extension method like so:
public static IQueryable<TResult> Spiffy<TSource, TResult>(this IQueryable<TSource> input)
In this method, I'd like to cast the TSource type into a TResult type using Linq
IQueryable<TResult> results = input.Cast<TSource>().Select(x => new TResults() { Id = x.Id, Name = x.Name });
something like that
But, that doesnt work :S Is what I'm trying to achieve do-able?
i believe the cast should be within the select
I don't follow. Could you show a code snippet?
I get an error when I use:
results = input.Select(x => new TResult() { ..... });
because TResult doesn't have the new constraint
I can get it running if I use a class, but I want to make this generic:
results = input.Select(x => new MyClass()) as IQueryable<TResult>;
Although, that returns me empty records for MyClass because I cant use the type intializers
@NeilKnight where TResult : class
That SHOULD allow you to create a new object.
Is this declaration correct?
public static IQueryable<TResult> Spiffy<TSource, TResult>(this IQueryable<TSource> input, DataTablesCriteria searchCriteria)
where TResult : class
However, you still shouldn't be able to use property instantiation on a generic, because the compiler has no concept of which properties the TSource should have.
Or the TResult
That is what I'm trying to achieve
Then create an interface that has property Id and Name and add the interface as a type constraint.
Interesting approach.
where TSource : ISomeInterface where TResult : class, ISomeInterface
In order to get the new working, I had to do:

where TResult : class, new()
Even better, if TResult is derived from TSource, then you should be able to add where TResult : TSource constraint and just do input.Cast<TResult>() and be done.
@NeilKnight Yes, the new() constraint just means that the class has an empty constructor.
Will look to explore that avenue - thanks :D
@NeilKnight Just keep in mind that when you create the objects, they MUST implement that interface.
@SPFiredrake - thanks for your input. Much appreciated. Gives me lots to look at.
@NeilKnight NP. Just remember that C# is a very declarative language, meaning there has to be some sort of mapping to a concrete type (even if you're abstracting through generics).
Which differs from an imperative language like Haskell, which allows for type classing (think of duck typing on steroids).
@SPFiredrake- It is a bit new to me at the moment, so this is probably not the easiest of methods to be starting with
Pretty much, you can specify some "mold", that if an object fits in there you can use it (even if it's not concrete).
Cheers :D
NP. Good luck.
Seriously, I wish they would allow you to do where TResult : class { int SomeProp, string StringProp }.
Now that would be good :D
Yeah, but unfortunately you can't because it has to map to a concrete type.
@SPFiredrake There is a reason for interfaces, you know.
@KendallFrey I know :D
The type constraints just tell the compiler how to treat the generic objects during compilation, but you can still do some fun trickery at runtime with them :)
dynamics are pretty powerful, too.
In JavaScript, you can do anything. I'm starting to love it.
@SPFiredrake Shhh! C# purists are gonna kill you!
Are there many C# purists? I know there are many C++ purists. I remember trying to explain why I like C in Lounge<C++>. lol
@KendallFrey I can't believe you're alive to talk about it
well tbh even I wouldn't like TResult : class { int SomeProp, string StringProp } to be allowed
it violates base principles of C#
@Baboon I know, but it would still be awesome to allow for type classing like Haskell.
@Baboon No, especially since it would be redundant. That situation should be handled by interfaces. You can use dynamic, but that should only be in extreme situations.
@SPFiredrake if you want that, you can put Haskell calls in C#
Yeah, but I would never do it. Never had a need to.
much like Phalanger allows in PHP
However, I can definitely see a need for it (creating true "wrapper" objects)
@KendallFrey I've never has the use for the dynamic keyword
@Baboon I use it a lot when interfacing C++ COM classes.
There is one generic feature that I would definitely love to see, that to me doesn't seem overly out there. Constructor constraints
IE: where TResult : new(int, string)
But again, that can be done in an interface
@SPFiredrake The problem is that just because you have a specific constructor, you can't guarantee any specific behavior. That is again a situation for interface.
@KendallFrey I understand completely.
hey guys/gals, anyone can recommend me a membership system using redis as the backing store? google is not helping
2 hours later…
i have a list of class objects and i want to sum a decimal value that is a public member of the class. when i do a _classList.sum( x => x.totalDec ) i get x is undefined errors and i'm not sure how to declare it
Can you post the definition of _classList?
Public class vendorRow
Public roDte as dateTime
Public vendorNameStr as string
Public vendorIDInt as integer
Public roNumberStr as string
Public vehicleStr as string
Public totalDec as decimal

Public Function GetValue( memberNameStr as string )
select case( lCase( memberNameStr ))
case "vendornamestr":
return vendorNameStr
case "vendoridint":
return vendorIDInt
case "ronumberstr":
return roNumberStr
case "vehiclestr":
return vehicleStr
case "rodte":
return roDte
case "totaldec":
return totalDec
that was ugly
sorry i don't know how to preserve indenting
Hit the fixed font button before posting the message will preserve indentation.
fantastic should i do it again?
You can edit a previous message.
i don't get an edit link on that message.
What about the line of code where you instantiate the _classList object?
Too old? Okay, never mind. I think what Spencer ... oh, he beat me to it.
well, I'm not calling it _classList in my project. i should have known you would ask for code
Private _vendorRows as new List( of vendorRow )
then i call this a bunch of times
Public Sub addVendorRow( row as vendorRow )
_vendorRows.add( row )
End Sub
then i do a bunch of filtering that removes some of the rows i added
@rg89 Great. Two questions: What error message? Why VB in a C# chatroom? We hate VB.
Compiler Error Message: BC30451: 'x' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.
on this line
html = html & "<tr><td class=""no"">Total of repairs:</td><td>" & _vendorRows.Sum( x => x.totalDec ).ToString( ) & "</td></tr>"
if you want me to use a different room, i guess that's fine, i just view C# and VB.NET to be the same thing.
rg89: The vb equivalent is: _classList.sum( Function(x) x.totalDec )
@rg89 Well, most C# devs don't. @Spencer beat me to the answer. He is right.
ok i was reading List (class) sum method
but this is actually enumerable sum method
It's the same method you were just using C# syntax.
I'd highly recommend making the switch to C# when you get the opportunity.
List doesn't have its own Sum method. Sum is an extension method, defined in the Enumerable class.
hahah, ok new question: is there any other reason besides most of the source code examples online are in c#?
curly braces and semicolons are the only arguments i have heard
Less typing, easier to read and typically C# gets syntax updates before VB.Net does.
@rg89 C# was designed for .NET. VB wasn't. VB is fine for what it was designed for.
Every programming language has situations that suit it, and situations it was designed for.
Besides, the B in BASIC stands for Beginner's. C# is a professional language. ;)
I believe there was a short while when VB.Net did not support LINQ but C# did for example.
I've even heard that C# devs get paid more than VB.NET devs.
But enough ranting.
ok i thought the difference was just syntax since i haven't found c# i couldn't convert yet
Q: Will VB.NET be phased out?

Frank VThe question "Are VB.NET Developers Less Curious? Standardizing on VB.NET" made me wonder if VB.net will ever (soon or in 5 years, 10 years, etc) be phased out? Is there any talk or consideration of doing this? I don't know anyone that uses VB.net to do their development. Everything is done in...

my problem today was i didn't know what syntax i was dealing with
The thing is, any language can be compiled to .NET. I once wrote a brainfuck compiler for .NET.
rg89 - It's not a huge difference. What I should have said is you should learn C# when you get the opportunity. Personally I started with VB6 so I'm familiar with both.
@KendallFrey i think by 2016 .net altogether might be old and replaced, but who knows
Well... technically QBasic but anyway.
@rg89 .NET is already being 'replaced' (dubious) by WinRT.
oh, i thought the point of your link was the 2016 date in the comments
No, just for interests sake
well, thank you both very much for your help
rg89 - I don't see that happening anytime soon. Unless there's a paradigm shift, Microsoft royally screws up or the framework runs into some kind of brick wall due to some core design flaw I think .Net will be with us for a while yet.
and i'm sorry for laming up the chat with vb code
no worries rg. Glad to help :)
@rg89 You could maybe start a VB room, though it might not flourish.
@KendallFrey Where does it say so?
@TomWijsman I didn't mean that it will be eliminated, but WinRT is taking away some of the .NET stuff and putting it into WinRT. WinRT is supposed to be the new platform, and it sounds a lot like it is supposed to be superior to .NET.
@KendallFrey It's not "some of the .NET stuff", it's just a different Class Library.
By some of the .NET stuff, I meant programs that used to be developed in .NET now are developed in WinRT.
It's at a higher level, but in no way superior at the moment. You're limited by what it provides you which is a lot less than the .NET Class Library at the moment.
@TomWijsman Right. I think we will just have to see how it pans out. I don't think it will completely replace anything for a long time.
@KendallFrey It is still .NET. Note that the former is a framework while the latter is a programming model, a world of difference between both.
And its mostly the Class Library that is being replaced.
@TomWijsman From what I heard, WinRT apps, whether developed in a .NET language or not, run natively, not through the CLR.
Yeah, it brings back good old COM.
@TomWijsman You're kidding right? WinRT isn't COM. Right?
Windows Runtime, or WinRT, is Microsoft's new programming model that makes the backbone of the new Metro-style apps (also known as Immersive) in their new Windows 8 operating system. WinRT supports development in C++ (usually with Component Extensions, C++/CX) and the managed languages C# and VB.NET, as well as JavaScript. WinRT is essentially a COM-based API, although relying on an enhanced COM. Because of its COM-like basis, WinRT allows relatively easy interfacing from multiple languages, just as COM does, but it's essentially an unmanaged, native API. The API definitions are, however, ...
Oh, whew! COM-like
You could kind of summarize it as a COM-based run time building on .NET Framework.
Let's just say that it's kind of a weird mash-up... :/
In any case, I won't be touching it for quite some time unless I really have to.
Go and try to make a HTTP request with it... :\
> Use ii, jj, kk instead of i, j, k. Much easier to search for/highlight/etc.
Who would plan to search for these other than just selecting one and looking at IDE magic? xD
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