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get doesn't get called any time.
@JakobMillah shiiiet balblablablablulbulblbu
oh oh oh shieeeeet blublublu
I hate you for this
Wait, afk a little bit.
Hate me! I will love you
Until my dying day
This is an unity3d bug...
Hallo boro
Afk now
@JakobMillah how is Your job searching going?
´Shiiiiiet joobs
TL;DR, interview tomorrow regarding scrum master position for a nice company
Jakob, why is ur name italic?
room owners are italic
shiiiiieeeet he's da woom owner blublublublub
Because he too..Is a wizard
For some weird reason, I am
Hail @JakobMillah
Don't do dis to me
@AlexINF do you have another identifier called FireLocked somewhere else in your program? Are you sure your program is rebuilding every time?
the behavior you're expressing is a classic case of running old code and not knowing it.
Wat do you want today mein fuhrer @JakobMillah
@Nerdintraining Shieeet.
What was the name of web.debug, web.release et.c?
config transformations?
thats iiiiit
Change logentry token value in web.cfg's/web transformations - What is the cleanest?
(to write)
(I am documenting).
@Froxer 1st
May I recall the events happened?
I dont want to click.
I am scared
@Froxer Not because it would be smarter, but because there are less specific words. It depends on your readers.
the readers are middle to senior devs.
I am a Jr
I did it
im not going to.
It's not that scary
It's just... Weird
May I recall the events happened?
After your comments it seems really scary...
Well, for some it might be scary? Who knows
is it SFW?
else i wouldn't post :)
@AlexINF What do you mean by events?
What happened with my question.
Can i somehow make text bold in onenote :O
** **
@Froxer Ctrl + B?
didnt do shieet
If you are on Swedish -> Ctrl + F
k, ye lets try that
made skit kursiv
what version of onenote?
May I recall the events happened?
What happened with my question.
Ctrl + F == FET
@AlexINF Unfortunately, I don't know...
No idea
Nobody knows, only the troll under the bridge @AlexINF
Let me warp and get the original question.
Ok, danke CTRL - F worked.
It's just as simple as that. I think the code isn't even needed. You change a class' variable. When the class reads it, the variable hasn't changed. And no more classes have changed the variable. What happened? No idea. That's the basic to know. I have debugged ALL the code. There's no more points. I have tried all, and nothing works. Do you get it now?
Squiz em Lemons
Word Maester
I just Copied and pasted lol
@JakobMillah But why, if it isn't secret? Why not Ctrl + B?
@Froxer Troll?
He uses Swedish Onenote
Yes, the troll under the bridge @Alexinf
He just knows.
What do you mean?
Bold - Fet
Italic - Kursiv
Underline - Understruken
@Froxer I mean that you are rude
@JakobMillah Wow! Now it is clear! Interesting!
Give me dat love dat feels da lemons
Ok ? @alexinf
Calling me a troll
I am a trollski
I didnt, re read.
@JakobMillah what language is that?
Swedish indeedz
I like how you guys use Führer-Words like "Kursiv"
Real fuhrers write
Fett <-> Fet
Unterstrichen <-> understruken
HEIL @JakobMillah
@Nerdintraining By the way, in Russian it is pronounced the same way. Maybe it is an unoriginal word...
@Alexander Illuminati confirmed!
@Nerdintraining lol
FYI i heard the National Anthom of russia once
Now i wana die in war for mother russia
Russilja, svezenia
nasha strana
I usually sing it for my fellow CSGO Russian friends
They mostly love it
Anyways i luv it!
So I am russians best friend
Sing for us my fuhrer!
I did, up there
On youtube!
Jakob why don't you get good at csgo before you start singing
I usually do both things
And I moved on to Overwatch. I won like 13 out of 15 games or so
I'm diamond on Overwatch right now
also on Overwatch
Grandmasters EZ
But no time to play, girlfriend, magic the gathering and bought 2 puppies
Diamond is 3000> right?
Yeah, I managed to get like 3250 yesterday
whats ur bnet
The system is very weird though. I mean, just because my friend managed to do badly in his 10 games, he started at around 2600. I started at 2900
Play Doto Guys
No idea what my Bnet is.. Very weird to have those numbers
Northing more russian than doto!
I also play doto
but I am bad
Giv up life
get good @ doto
1800+ hours in doto
still fucking noobs criticise my invoker
Ppls will always critics you
Never the less how goo u play
dota 2
30/0/8 bloodcyka --> criticises on taking all the kills
because of the russian community, it's just doto
@MaartenWachters 1 VAC ban on record.. Pleb!
@RoelvanUden thats lol, lol is shitty :D
@JakobMillah Used to make mods for MW2
    	public override void OnStartLocalPlayer ()
		if (isLocalPlayer) {
			FireLocked = true; // Does get called
			FindObjectOfType<Camera>().gameObject.transform.SetParent (this.transform);
			FindObjectOfType<Camera> ().gameObject.transform.position = this.transform.position+new Vector3(0f,0.5f,0f);

Anyways guys off for now
    	private bool isFireLocked;
	public bool FireLocked
		get { return this.isFireLocked; }
		set { //Doesn't get called
			this.isFireLocked = value;
you came here only to bash on me huh!?
@Nerdintraining Doesn't matter. Watch the goddamn video :P
I am watching/Listening
@RoelvanUden Yes sensai
code appears
*hits ctrl+shift+t
No, really, what the... happens there.
@RoelvanUden i hate LoL why does he mention LoL
@RoelvanUden That video sums up the problem with game dev these days
Pls kill him sensia
@JakobMillah ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@AlexINF does monodevelop have a feature to 'step into' properties?
@AlexINF it would probably be turned off by default but if you turn it on, you should be able to 'step into' the line FireLocked = true and see what it's doing, if it's not setting the property.
Let me see if it gets FireLocked=true
also, just for the hell of it..
change that to:
this.FireLocked = true;
isFireLocked==true, yet it is
on the off chance that there is some other symbol in scope that's being set instead.
Also, monodevelop can't breakpoint on a method.
can be.
I assume OnStartLocalPlayer is a method in the Player class, same class as FireLocked ?
Still sensai, play doto,
get laid... NOT
have fun... NOT
meet nice people... NOT
well not always atleast :D

Doto is great and as original as it gets nowadays
oof. 9am. gotta go to work.
set gets called at start...
so it in fact does
it gets called again...
because I entered the shop...
and again...
And it says fireLocked=false.
FireLocked=true in the other voids!
Maybe if I put this.fireLocked instead of fireLocked?
Nope... Doesn't work.
it sounds to me like you have multiple instances of something running around, and you are setting properties on the wrong one. but I can't really debug that in the 2 minutes I have left.
I'll bbl
Oh, bye then
I don't think so...
@AlexINF So it happens in one same object?
hi :P
@AlexINF Emm... Is there multithreading?
I don't think so
Is it possible to pick one line from a 2D array and place it next to each other?
@AlexINF A little bit silly question: did you try to find all entries of the fireLocked variable with Ctrl + F?
Doing it
Yes I did
Please kill me @JakobMillah mein Fuhrer!
I don't wana work with Lotus Script any more
Lotus script? wut
@Nerdintraining No, kill me, I hate bugs
@Nerdintraining Then why did u
Quick question about generics: I've got 2 different types I have to call a certain method for. Is it possible to separate the implementation like this?
private void CreateFor<Type>(string gridName) where Type : AssetModel
private void CreateFor<Type>(string gridName) where Type : ProcessModel
pioneer se-nc21m not fitting right in a Asus F556U laptop?
@RoelvanUden cuz i am in a trainee and can't decide what to work with yet
@JakobMillah i've been rampaging about this like 1-2 hours ago
still same problem :D
y u program dis
For the ProcessModel one, Visual studio is telling me a method with the same signature is already defined. Which makes sense, but I was wondering if it's possible to get that to work?
@Cerbrus I don't think so
@JakobMillah cuz dis is what tehy do
@RoelvanUden The only way to make that work is to have 1 function, with conditions based on the Type, in there?
@Cerbrus Yeah, as far as I know
Aw shoot.
Type.IsAssignableFrom thingy
I think i'll just rename the functions
Else I'd have 50% of the lines in an if, the other 50% in the else.
Or rename those two and make a new CreateFor that merely invokes the correct one
Oh, nice
May have a look at that idea
@JakobMillah shiiiieeet blulb lbulbublublb
I Fucking hate LS but i tink i might have solutions nows
You are screwed boro
yeap that i am
    private void CreateFor<Type>(string gridName, string actionTemplate)
        if (typeof(Type).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(ProcessTreatmentListModel)))
            CreateForProcess(gridName, actionTemplate);
        else if (typeof(Type).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(AssetTreatmentListModel)))
            CreateForAsset(gridName, actionTemplate);
Hm, nah.
@JakobMillah could you pass that shiieeet link again?
i think my brain is braindead enozgh to listen to that shieeeeet
I'm better off using:
        CreateForAsset(GridNames.QuestionnaireAssetTreatmentListGrid, ClientTemplates.QuestionnaireActionTemplate);
        CreateForAsset(GridNames.AssetTreatmentListGrid, ClientTemplates.TreatmentActionTemplate);
Thanks for the assistance though, @RoelvanUden
Thanks @JakobMillah
Aight :#
ASP.NET question. I'm working on a legacy project and on one of the pages there are very many instances of if(useViewState){ViewState[a] = b;}else{Session[a] = b;}. I was thinking of refactoring this into something like: on Page Load do SessionOrViewState = useViewState ? ViewState : Session and then everywhere else in the code do SessionOrViewState[a] = b. Saves me a lot of ugly conditionals.
The problem is, Session and ViewState don't share any parent types except object, and the interfaces they have in common (ICollection and IEnumerable) don't allow indexing like I need. So it's not clear to me what type SessionOrViewState would need to be.
Sensai (@RoelvanUden) and Fuhrer (@JakobMillah) have a wunderbar day today i'll split
\o take care trainee (@Nerdintraining)
I was thinking of making a class that takes a HttpSessionState or StateBag in its constructor, then delegates indexing to whatever you initialized it with. But this seems hackish. Is there a built-in or idiomatic solution here that I'm not aware of?
@Kevin That seems like the appropriate solution. There is nothing built-in AFAIK.
I acknowledge that this is something of an XY problem to begin with, but getting to the bottom of why we need to switch between viewstate and session, would require me to call up the guy who quit three years ago and beg him to explain the reasoning that he himself may have already forgotten.
Seems like too much effort. If it's legacy, just fix up whatever and move on.
That is most wise.

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