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Here is some question, see comments:

protected bool DesignMode
ISite s = site; // holds "bool DesignMode" property
// Which of the following four do you find easier to read?
//return s != null ? s.DesignMode : false;
//return (s != null) && s.DesignMode;
//return s?.DesignMode == true;
//return s?.DesignMode ?? false;
i hate this chat!! (no not really, i am just pissed how code blocks doesn't seem to work)
@TravisJ Nah, it is okay. All good, what game were you playing?
Q: Make Report Viewer Scrollable

HansI'm new to the Report Viewer so I need some help because I'm retrieving some information from my data base but they are way to many so the list just goes down which isn't appropriate. How can I make it scrollable? What property do i need to add to this <rsweb:ReportViewer ID="rptViewer" runat...

Hi, can anyone help me with this?
@OmegaExtern What do you mean, you simply highlight then hit CTRL + SHIFT + K. It works for me.
@Greg It works in sandbox, not here, dunno why
Really, it works for me fine.
@OmegaExtern The fifth option, return s != null && s.DesignMode;
@RoelvanUden You mean the second?
@OmegaExtern Without the extra braces makes it a 5th option for me.
Hi, which books and subjects could you guys recommend me for base to learn from to be programmer ? Probably its good to have one book covering basics of C# langhage and MsSQL. I already have book for APS.NET but it do not cover everything about C#. Would it be nice to have books covering Windows OS and Windows Servers or HTML5/CSS, JavaScripts, Angular... ?
@Hans surround it with a scrollviewer
@user5671675 C# for dummies
Worked...somewhat for me
Apart from that i took a 2 year professional uni program.
Now I am using pluralsight on certain subjects through work
Think I might go back to C# for dummies soon.
Just to scim through on weekends or something
Dont focus on too many things at the same time.
Easy to get confused
well but knowing only C# is not enought
i mean basics
isnt "for dummes" too low level for getting job ?
@PeterMarshall Hi Peter, thanks for answering but its not working
@Nerdintraining have a good one!
can you post the xaml
@Froxer C# + SQL would be enought ?
<ScrollViewer HorizontalScrollBarVisibility="Auto">
<rsweb:ReportViewer ID="rptViewer" runat="server" Width="100%"> </rsweb:ReportViewer>
I am OK with C#, SQL
and is it worth to stick to ASP.NET Core for future ?
I also understand CSS, HTML so i can do some basic design if i do homepages in Web forms, MVC
I really cant answer that question @user5671675 Dont get me wrong, I am still very much a Jr
do u use Winforms at work?
pop a text block in there in place of the reportviewer. fill it with tet and see if it scrolls
No, not currently.
At my internship i used Web forms.
Now i am using WCF
re: aspnet core, it really depends on what you're trying to accomplish.
I also know the basics of Bash scripts
@squiggle get job :P
i used that when i was calling stored procedures in my latest application i built.
@user5671675 then it really doesn't matter. Yeah. Sure. Go with ASPNet core.
I think it is more important to actually program with C#
but i wonder if there will be jobs where Core is needed
than to learn frameworks
frameworks KIND OF come free.
its kind of new technology
So i would just focus on actually learning C# if i were you. I got too many different frameworks and foundations (WPF, WCF) in my face
@user5671675 dotnet core is just a cross-platform build target. Most libraries are compatible, including the aspnet stuff. It's nothing really special from a developer's perspective.
Too early imo
to really understand until later
You don't have WPF on dotnet core
but the new ASPNet is fully compatible
i have C# in nutshell but its english version
Many frameworks come and go.
@PeterMarshall Its still the same
So ye, in short. Focus on the actual lang
but my english is as good as u can see :P
@Froxer I'm using dotnet core for my new webapi project. It's great - but I'm having to do image processing via an external process because there's no support for that yet.
are books enoght to learn C# / SQL to get job as junior?
fuck books
Just take visual studio
and start coding
You wont learn until you bleed
@user5671675 Microsoft / MSDN / asp.net all have great resources.
By that i mean, u can read all u want. But you wont actually learn anything (At least i didnt) until you ram right into a wall
if it's coding you want to do, then codewars.com and projecteuler.net are both fun
and figure out the problem
true but i was at few intervewes for a job and they have asked me questions for some definitions from books first
I didnt get anything like that on my interviews
@user5671675 what sort of definitions?
they asked me to write code.
@Squiggle i have learn more form asp.net than from book... thats true
like "what's does static mean?"
easy questions like that
or "explain IoC"?
no it was abit harder ;)
Sure they asked a few basic things, but they were questions like: What is static, what is abstract, how does access modifiers work et.c
IoC is easy too :P
hmm they seem quite easy
i would be happy to have thos kind of questions
(I still dont understand IoC since i havent used it in a personal project)
:-) me too
well the idealis to start easy and get harder until you discover a devs level
Win forms: Short Question. Which event handler of textbox is best when i want some code to affect on pressing 'backspace key'
@Froxer I've implemented IoC once already today
I have to use it somehow to understand it
or its just words :P
im weird tho
the new aspnet core comes with it's own ioc framework baked in
no excuse
@user5671675 The best educator is building an actual project. Go out there and build something. You want to learn Angular? Fine, build something with Angular. Books are great for theoretical knowledge and as reference, but true experience comes from nothing other than doing something yourself.
^ +1 to that
100% with roel
sure i can snap up a few words
but they are words
try answering hans question, @froxer
if you don't know which projects to do, go with the sites I mentioned before which present you with coding challenges.
why doesnt his scrollviewer work eh?
Who is hans - is user567167 hans ?
real workd problems
he is here
and he has a real problem
I´m Hans
Hello hans
Nice to meet you.
I am opening your Stackoverflow thread now.
he has a scrollview that wont scroll
I was just checking code wars lol, it seems interesting (Im sort of a beginner also)
@RoelvanUden i have few projects and for me they work ok but i dont know what profesional programmers could say about it
is a scrollview in wpf ?
havent worked with it, so i am trying to find the right documentation.
I presumed it was xaml of some sort
that is the namespace right ?
I dont know if it has to do with the report
back to my first quesion is it worht to learn something more than C# and SQL for getting first job ?
just get a job
protected internal override bool HandlesScrolling { get; }
Set this property to true.
@froxer @hans sounds good
More info on ScrollViewer class.
For other possibilities.
Let me have a loook
ty for advices and have nice day o/
msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/… Might be interesting to finetune the scroll
@user5671675 code some stuff and have a good time
Its my first time using the report viewer so Im confused because all i did was program it in the aspx page not in the .cs page
So you dont have any backend code for your tool?
I have the backend code with the sql command for the reports content
Can you show code of what is not working as intended ?
<rsweb:ReportViewer ID="rptViewer" runat="server" Width="100%" ></rsweb:ReportViewer>
This is the code for the report viewer
so without the scroller do you get a report
@user5671675 All I can say about that is: share. Make it open-source! Throw it out into the world! Show what you've got for everyone to see. Ask for code reviews.
Yes i do
i get it but there are more than 300 results
@user5671675 If I were to consider you my colleague, I would expect you to know about C#, ASP.NET MVC, HTML, CSS, JS, SQL, I/O, HTTP, EntityFramework, authentication, encryption, cookies, sessions, and so forth.
so imagine it loads all in the same page
so it depend on what you suround it with, I though you were using xaml sorry
Why did you think that @PeterMarshall?
Oh no, sorry for not explaining better
ha, because it is somethign that oftenhappens in xaml
And yes, i think it has to be a property
speaking from experience
and because err..... no one uses aspx now ...
I did like last year
really? i didnt know that
built a event reader for rail ways in stockholm.
as my final in uni.
I haven't touched .aspx for almost 3 years now, and even then it was maintaining a legacy app
Most of the logic was in SQL Procedures tho.
and bash scripts
We still use it here in Venezuela
Yeah, the back end is the real deal after all
logic in stored procedures... haven't done that in over 8 years.
They were oold school
screw EF
Im still learning any ways
all about building different things @hans
I still deal with legacy .aspx, it truly dampens my day.
I maintain that aspx webforms can be elegant.
Well i will continue my research to make the report scroll-able
but shieeet, they never are
Thanks @Froxer and @PeterMarshall
I think
if you check the links i provided
it might be all you need.
at least dealing with EF, WebAPI, Angular makes sure the ugliness can be contained to a single tier.
But im not sure, i havent built what you are building.
Yes, i trying to study them
@Squiggle Because people choose to fight the state, which creates chaos.
@Greg exactly - and Microsoft's guides REALLY DO NOT HELP
"just drag/drop your SQL connection into the WYSIWYG page editor..."
How not ? Their guides are pretty much documentation of the tools provided by them
You mean it is not best practise.
@Froxer for WebForms their examples are far from best practice
Ye, sure. I agree
@Squiggle Yeah, that is true.
I used this chat for that
I think you helped me quite a bit actually.
@Squiggle The most successful web-form project, is code behind with a lot of structure.
and if you build a large enterprise application believing that their examples are the right way of doing things... you end up with a mess.
When i was doing that railEvents proj
idk if u remember.
@Squiggle Pasta for the win.
@Greg copy-pasta => spaghetti code
spaghetti code == yummy
@Squiggle Actually I had to maintain a project, add a new page. I actually did a default form, with an async service for code behind, then individual services for ajax. So I kind of turned it into a SOA architecture approach. Not to painful to work on now.
When you use a SOA approach, it isn't horrible.
Im in code wars, all the projects have done were with tutorials and some guides i read on doing specific things so you can imagine i dont know the theory of many things
I said all that cause i dont find the error in this :/ ( embarrassing ) but its necessary to learn
public class CustomMath {
public static int multiply(int a, string b) {
return a * b;
@Greg The most successful web-form project is one that has been deleted, because that means it's been upgraded or it's dead. Either way, yay no more web-forms
Code wars, pretty cool except the coding doesn't correlate to real world in some instances.
@RyanTernier I agree, but if you have to work on it. At least it won't suck horribly.
@Hans You didn't notice a string and an int trying to be multiplied?
that's the issue there.
return a * Int.parse(b)
Wow, i didnt notice until you mentioned it
wait what
it is clearly the string
Oh, I didn't realize you were still solving that.
how do you multiply a int with a string
or i rather change it in the public static
yeah yeah
i didnt notice that, my bad
in that code
int a = 500;
string b = "500";
int result = a * Int32.Parse(b);
i just see the string as a fault
change to a int
no need to parse this and that imo.
@Froxer He might not be able to change the function signature
ok, so parse it.
or typecast it.
the second challenge was also easy
I think the solution to that one is to change the function signature
I think i need to study more theory, understand the class and other things
try to code
and then understand.
but everyone is different
i need to do
codewars trains you how to think as a dev
it's a good site
it's not real world examples, but it helps you debug, find an issue, and think outside the box
the best part of codewars is that it is community driven.
All problems are made by the community
@RyanTernier Until you get Uber questions, I hate the math related.
and then upvoted afaik.(Not sure here but i believe it is how it works)
Both of those are hard
Smarterer gives you .net questions, and ranks you on a percentile against other developers
ie, you might rank 235823 out of 23853287513 developers
smarterer is ded
they got bought
We’re now part of Pluralsight!
thats what the page says
that codehunt I like it...
check this out. I know it's javascript, but still. The game feeling is good (just turn off the music) alexnisnevich.github.io/untrusted
Your'e right,
Fuck i loved that site
Was wondering how Pluralsight made those Questions to rank your knowledge.
X-Editable, love this little tool
@juanvan The fact they bought it for 75 million and the guy who wrote it just did it as a startup in google apps, good for hi m
That is a Good return on investment
It would be fantastic to make 75 million.
What would cause VS 2015 to lose Intellisense on some objects?
restart VS
In this case, these are EF 6 objects
Oh, done that a bunch
oh and it still does not work, humm
Checked settings in Options too
@Alex Namespace issue, does it do it on all objects or only EF6? If you build do you get compile errors when referencing the EF6 objects?
what if you make a new class, does it add properties and other members easily?
I've got EF and VM classes that have the same name
No, I take that back
All my VM classes have ViewModel at the end of their names
Going to refresh the EDMX file and see what I get
Actually, all Intellisense has died now
does force Intellisense work? ctrl + space ?
Comes up with "No suggestions"
Are you using Resharper? sometimes it breaks some stuff unless you clear cache and disable/enable it.
Yep, got R#
How do you clear the cache?
wtf feeds
it's kinda interesting - here is where the world got hot
The Earth has a new Tune "It's getting hot in here, so kill off all your Humans"
Good morning!
Good evening
Good Afternoonish
@juanvan can be a solution to global warming, knowing that every human is a source of heat (36°C)
Today is the first day on the new job, what a day
Hey, guys, does anyone know the name of the unit testing framework that comes with asp.net by default?
@DDDSoft is usually how animals on Earth kill a parasite/bacteria, heat them till they die and hope you don't die in the process.
nunit - MSTest is the one you are looking for @JoãoPaiva
@juanvan So it is nunit with MSTest?
MsTest is the one built in - Nunit is the better one
ahh, got it, thanks :)
@DDDSoft that is kinda Sick, unless she wanted to Eat it, but she is mental, so that explains that
I had a Mentally Challenged Aunt, explain to my Why she should be able to eat the Turkey from the news paper ad, but with some salt it tasted just like the potato from the other clipping last week. She was a little confused
The next week, she cleaned the inside of the Fish tank with bleach, while the fish were still swimming and had no clue why they died.
that time, 10 minutes before a demo with the CEO, when your code you just wrote to fix an issue for the demo gets deleted on a git push
-.- Monday has struck again
it struck when my flask was out when i got in the office this morning, and there was a sticky note on it "I can always rely on you"
like WTF
@juanvan must be great to rewrite the mind of some people
Monday is the equivalent of getting kicked in the nuts and then being told "that's your fault for running into my foot"
this week only 2 "working" days
tomorrow and thursday

I would like to compair a label.Text with rows of an 2D array. So how could I compair row 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 etc.. to the Text?
compare the values? loop over the row?
But what I learned is that when you loop through an array, the results are displayed vertical
check that row[2].ToString() value == lbl.Text
foreach (var row in rows)
return row==label.Text
@Donovan vertical? in order?
Could I do that in an If else?
Yes if an array is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 the results are
But I want to make it like 12345
@DDDSoft if (foreach (var current_line in letters) return current_line == solution.Text) ?
so you would Console.Write() instead of Console.WriteLine()?
I'm developing in C# in a winform
But yes Write is the way I would like to do.
don't add an EndlLine to where ever you are storing the values
And that is..?
So, solution.Text !=
    string[,] letters = new string[5, 5]{ {".", ".", ".", ".", "."} ,
                                          {".", ".", ".", ".", "."} ,
                                          {".", ".", ".", ".", "."} ,
                                          {".", ".", ".", ".", "."} ,
                                          {".", ".", ".", ".", "."} ,};
This is the array that I'm talking about btw. ANd I Would likte to compair the horizontal rows with an label.text. The array is filled with letters btw.
@Donovan Can you post a question on Stack Overflow with your code?
Nope: You have reached your question limit
hmmm. not good
you can post the code to gist, then ask about it
It's just quite difficult without code.
or post it there to play with and give us something to work with
What do you need more than the array and the thing that I want to achieve?
@Donovan understanding your need... ;)
Compair the text of a label with the row of the array
usually a 6 pack, but I am all out
string[,] letters = new string[5, 5]{ {"A", "B", "C", "D", "E"} ,
{".", ".", ".", ".", "."} ,
{".", ".", ".", ".", "."} ,
{".", ".", ".", ".", "."} ,
{".", ".", ".", ".", "."} ,};

if (first row of lettters == label.text
@juanvan I'm also out...
Should I Loop through the array first and place the result in a var?
What is the homework question?
It's not homework
I left school 4 years ago :P
Oh good :)
I'm a designer and want to lean something else so I started coding last year
a UI designer?
Could be, or some folders, slideshows for buisness
just the design work
Ok cool
So Given a Labels' Text want to?
compair it with a row of the 2D array
Perhaps take a printscreen of a part of the code and upload it
Or use paste/hastebin/github gist and actually paste the code.
It's not more then the array and an starting if else
and a keypress to fill the array. That's it
and the 2d array has Single letters in it?
No numbers, no other symbols
nothing else
But I have to go now. I have an appointment. I'll have a look at it after the appointment
good luck!
kill all the PCs
well except the new MACs
btw: does anyone knows my previous post?

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