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Hey guys/girls, I'm using sockets in a c# application where I have gotten comfortable receiving and deserializing JSON packets of a specific datatype. I'm wondering now if I can add some complexity to the sockethandler, to determine the correct datatype before deserialization? This will open up a lot more possibilities for me as now I am locked into sending / receiving a specific datatype

I suppose, if I include a string as a property containing the literal name of the class. I can then String.Cut on the receiving end with if statements to deserialize accordingly, but this seems messy and
Anyone know why my button is doing this?

<input type="button" value="Confirm" onclick="location.href='@Url.Action("ConfirmPurchase","Order","1")'" />

redirects me to:

But my routing config should make it an 'id' not 'length'? Why is it doing this?
                name: "Default",
                url: "{controller}/{action}/{id}",
                defaults: new { controller = "Home", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }
@jkl Sorry. This is my first year learning this stuff. So my opinion probably isn't as reliable. But I feel actually studying and participating in projects is more valuable to companies (showing proof that you can get work done) than just being able to do advanced algorithms... Probably depends on the business too.
@betarunex i love it when everything breaks
@Darkrifts I have a project due for tomorrow... I'm currently on version 10. No, not like I made a massive change so the version goes 1 up. As in i started this project from scratch for the 10th time now...
o lol
So, idk, I think it's just C# messing up.
Did it consistently break like that?
@Darkrifts on my 8th version, I remember counting the amount of times restarting visual studio actually solved my problem when rebuilding failed. It was a total of 7 times. Can you imagine the amount of times my code actually broke? But meh. Kind of expected. Only started learning this stuff (MVC) from about a week or 2 ago. I can see the benefits of it.
VS kinda breaks sometims, but restarting is nice
Well the good news is... if I had to restart from scratch again, it should only take me a few hours to get to the point where I'm at now.
So at least I'm getting a ton of practice :)
As soon as weekends start. I'm going to start applying for a job.
yee I guess
1 hour later…
Does there any function to know which Controller/API is not use anymore in ASP.NET MVC project
2 hours later…
Hi guys.
For everyone who remembers the WinMod project I was making. I have sucsessfully replaced the desktop, with my own desktop. It even worked with a restart.
Anyone interested in helping the creation of the WinMod project? Tell me.
Hi there @JackyNguyen
what's up?
not much, just checking up the room
Hi there @JohanLarsson.
what are you doing at the moment?
I'm in the process of getting out of bed :)
@shad0wk So you're making a new explorer shell?
afaik you can replace the shell with your own, at least you could that in earlier versions of windows. Not sure about win7/10 though.
@JohanLarsson Most people check facebook while in bed, you check the C# chat. +1
You know what?
It's Friday, Friday. Gotta get down on Friday
im sick.
oh kurwa
That sucks :/
I was home Tues, Wed, Thursday, I am at work today
What a good impression i must be making ...
this is my 3rd week as a jr
Dude.. 1 month in, I was sick for 1 ½ week. You know why? Doctor gave me insanely heavy dosis of cortisone to threat some nose thingie... When I figured that it might be that causing it and stopped using it, 1 day later, I was back at work
@scheien Yep
And Properties dialog
that's what dllhost is
Otherwise known as COM Surrogate
and NOW im trying to figure out how to register that i was sick
... gg
Anyone still here?
Not really
im still sick tho, so only 10% of a potato jr.
Morn all
Friday at last
@Froxer I hate being sick. It would be cool if humans didn't get sick.
Anyone ever heard of these:
Hi there o/
@Aimnox hia. \o
You said that you wanted to help with the WinMod project aye?
shadow, answered on the private room
Okay, well, back to the private room.
Friday finally :D
It's friday, friday, fr-fr-fr-friady.
/kick shad0wk
kick yourself
But it hurts
Hi @Squiggle. I see you there.
I'm the best at loitering
Would you like to help me?
Bookmark this and look at it when you find the time
Almost at part 3 and it's awesome :P
Go by the book.
@JakobMillah Do you know what i mean?
Good morning guys
Bevor i ask Dr. google i thought i'd ask you gays,

It seems like i have to store a password in a .txt file.
Any Tips/Tricks/Best practices for me? :D
Encrypt it
Don't store plaintext passwords ever ever ever ever ever
By a certain reading of the law here (probably similar in Germany) if you do that and it causes a leak of personal information you could be jailed or fined for negligence
@TomW haha that's what i thought
So encryption...
Is it hard to do in c#?

I'm guessing you don't simply mean changing each character of the password string by +1/-1
@shad0wk I tried so hard, but failed
@Nerdintraining It's pretty easy.
Hmm. icanhasdot.net handy tool to see if your .net 4.x project's dependencies have dotnet core versions
The trick is keeping the key secret.
@RoelvanUden morning sensai :D
@RoelvanUden do you by chance have a tutorial online on this for me ?
No. What exactly is your goal?
he wants to encrypt a password in text file
Öhm, reading in a config.txt where the password is stored in aswell.

The config.txt should only contain clear text, but the password should be coded.
Alternativly i would store the password in a diffrent file//location
And your application is local-only?
--> I need a method to crypt and decrypt that password
Runing on one computer as a service, so i guess yes it is
Yeah.. then your encrypted password file is entirely useless.
Why do you store this password? What is it used for?
login (basically)
A local login?
nah to a server
This boils down to 'I need to encrypt and decrypt a piece of information without secure key storage' which is essentially impossible.
Your encrypt/decrypt is easy of course, but what is the key?
It has to be stored on that local machine too, so, encryption itself becomes moot
Why does the key have to be stored on the same machine?
Ahh okay @RoelvanUden,
so baisically you are saying i could just itterate through the password string, changing each character +1/-1 and store that, it doesn't make any difference in the end?
Lastly would suffice that a user that might by chance stumbles over it figures out the password. A real Haxl0r would find a way to brake my encryption anyways.

Did i sum that up correctly?
(sorry for confusing line of thought btw ♥)
Basically whatever you do, limiting yourself to the requirements:
- The plain text password has to be decrypted.
- There is no user intervention to provide a decryption key.
Your entire encryption is useless. You could as well store it as plain text.
I does make a diference in that computer illiterate will not be able to get the passwords just opening psw.txt
Then just get the machine key and use it with AES
Just remember: The entire 'encryption' you used is useless.
@JakobMillah silent bob and jay strike back
Not really useless
useless for someone who know what it does
Never seen :P
@Aimnox no, it's genuinely useless.
but for the typical office worker there is a big diference
that attitude is why we can't have nice things.
anyone can double click a txt and read plain text psw
not everyone can decrypt it even with the key
@RoelvanUden thanks for this summation! and your help sensai, it's appreciated!
I mean, dont use it for a important or comercial software
@Aimnox put it this way: There is a clear and consistent solution to password security that has been created and implemented by people far smarter than any of us.
like dont, really dont
Roll-your-own security algorithm is basically the programming equivalent of Chekhov's gun.
Not. Even. Once.
what you're talking about isn't security, it's obfuscation. And obfuscation is useless.
but for example
if i amke a simple software that, idk, just read one txt, gets the data and transforms it to SAP undertable txt
Is there a way to simplify 0x00000000
How do I do encryption the right way then?
and i dont want the current folk to change the path to the DB that i use, cause it will only be anoying
ofuscation is perfectly fine there, IMO
@Froxer what are your security requirements?
i.e. what are you hiding, and from whom?
but again, not talking about a piece of software that needs security
@Aimnox "the current folk"?
not current, right
Lets say i make an application, this app is for internal use (Intranet).
common* shit
The app wont be outside of the intranet.
most security concerns are probably solved by locking things down with domain permissions
So different user groups in the AD ?
like, using integrated security for database connections - and provisioning the service accounts with appropriate access to the services they need
That is relatively easy then.
would you expect anybody on the network to be able to view the web.config of a production server?
(the answer is no, btw ;)
changing a domain user password is a right ballache
When does things get tricky ?
because errrrythang breaks
@TomW something something redundant systems
not if u do it properly
yeah you're right, but normally that's why you have service windows
and proper documentation
best gif ever
I know
Uh.. so imagine I have a file embedded in a Settings.resx. Can I override it w/o recompiling?
One think that i love of the computer folk is that we are the least ofendable people ever
And I firmly stand in favor of using more the word folk, folks
I have no idea what you just said there.
*jingle*♪"That's all folks!"
Like that one?
so I've backed myself into a corner. There currently exists no stable image processing library in dotnet core.
What kind of processing do you need to do
Well. Turns out I have some dead USB ports
anyone of you have seen Peaky Blinders?
saving as png and cropping
no wonder fucking printer wouldn't connect
@Aimnox yeah. Caught the first few episodes. It's pretty good.
@RoelvanUden any suggestions?
currently on 2x02
@Squiggle Invoke graphicksmagick
music, lighting, ambientation
@Squiggle write your own trolololol
you can just feed it a stream into stdin pass params and get stdout of your result
hello guys, I have a problem with connection to webservice - I get the error: (497) HTTP to HTTPS communication - Please reconfigure Your client to use HTTPS secured communication on port 443.
"Boss I need to just concentrate on this for a while so I'll wfh for a week or two if that's OK"
do you maybe know what can I do to solve this?
@user3662546 what don't you understand about the message?
What client?
have you tried reconfiguring your client to use https on 443?
and how can I do that?
What client?
* are you using
I SAID WHAT CLokay sorry
is this question for me? I have a simple wpf window with one button, which calls the webservice, I guess it can be called a client?
How is it calling the webservice?
Saying it's WPF is not specific enough
KEXService.GService service = new KEXService.GService();
            KEXService.HealhtyResponse response = service.IsHealthy();
@RoelvanUden thanks for the tip. I think I've figured out though that I'm best creating an Azure queue and webjob (in .net 4.6) to do the image processing async. Does this sound sane?
I wouldn't want to invoke a separate exe within an Azure WebApp
ah bollocks. All of the file handling and REST client code I've already created is pure dotnet core
/me flails pathetically
@Squiggle that sounds good to me
gives you a chance to componentise it - make the image processing .net whatever just so that it works
any ideas for my issue?
@user3662546 still not enough detail. Is that a WCF service proxy?
no idea, is there a way for me to check?
I tried adding it as service reference and as a web reference - same error in both cases
I don't have time to go through 20 questions with you if you don't understand what you're doing, sorry.
if it's not compiling, it might be because of your typo HealhtyResponse...?
and with that, I'm out of ideas.
it is compiling:P
Guys, is 0x00000000 == 0?
my mouse i got at work is driving me insanso
everytime i scroll up or down
it scrolls one direction aswell
this is happening consistently.

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