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Anyone use Unity with Android
2 hours later…
@NicolásCarlo My window ain't a Form, but Application.Run(); without the form, seemed to work.
anybody good with group policy?
Guys anyone experimenting with .net core?
I got stuck some where in the middle while adding support for .net core into my application
I know quite a bit about .net core
So I had a PCL which support bunch of profiles historically
and now we are trying to support .net core as well as lot of user are asking for it
sounds like an excellent idea
is it open source?
To start what we did is created a separate branch and started porting our code to .netstandard 1.6. It didn't went smooth because we had to change few files as per the latest framework changes
yeah it is open source
can I take a look?
Now we are thinking to merge both of them in one single project to avoid the maitainance issues in two separate projects and we thought that
we can combine it and create copies of conflicting files (there are only few) for either of the target type
do you want to continue to support .NET 4.0?
I see that your master branch PCL supports it
yes, we want because larger audience is on the existing tech stack
did you already find a solution to that?
not yet, trying to figure out
I have two project files in the same folder (xproj, csproj) with project. json
there's a chance you'll have to keep it that way
you mean two separate branches?
maybe the next tooling update will let you target both Core and older frameworks in a singe project... but not for now
no, separate project files for Core and .NET 4.0
yes that's what we already did but
my .netcore solution have all xproj files in it and they work fine
my old solution has .csproj files in it and it is suppose to work fine as it was but it isn't
because VS2015U3 started respecting project.json as well , although it isn't part of the project
oh wow
For example
I just added three new files in here for .net core (project.json, xproj)
site note, you should improve your .gitignore file
there's a lot of files in there that shouldn't be in source control
at least I don't think you meant to commit project.lock.json
thanks for pointing that out, I jotted it on my todo
My newly added three files are supposed to work only in .netcore solution but existing solution broke
protip: git ls-files -i --exclude-standard
that shows you files that are tracked but should be ignored according to .gitignore
wow, Thanks for the great tipe
Is there anyway to ignore project.json and continue building project from csproj file
I'm looking into it
I am also trying to follow the docs here
Hot to multitarget
I cleaned up the gitignore files and sent a PR
I'll try to build the solution now
so I can see for myself what's broken
on .netcore branch?
let me see
there's no Tweetinvi.Core.csproj
hold on sec
Please fetch latest
also missing Examplinvi.UniversalApp.xproj, Examplinvi.Web.xproj and Testinvi.xproj
yeah those are samples and we aren't priortizing them yet
2 hours later…
morning all
1 hour later…
@KendallFrey doesn't seem to like that either
Q: Group by Causing error in LINQ C#

Ram SinghHi i have LINQ code as below: var query = (from o in _orderRepository.Table join ofbv in _grojuncOrderFinalBillValueRepository.Table on o.Id equals ofbv.OrderId select new { o.Deleted, ...

Please help me
doesnt look pretty
You seriously haven't learned by now that in order to get help you have to specify what the error is?
lol ... :facepalm: ... they never do
I can't seem to fix this referencing issue in this one project
Anyone fancy playing rubber duck for 10 mins?
Got a whole bunch of solutions that follow this project name pattern ...
referencing is a shit so, not really no XD
and 1 "API" web application can't resolve some part of Odata from Micorsoft's shit
I've compared the raw content of the project files, config files, packages, references
Doing my head in now
this shit is what I expect if I'm dealing with Java or something but not .Net :(
Umm...caching maybe?
clean solution, close VS, wipe your temp folder
hmmmm didn't thik of the temp folder
where does VS put temp files?
I'm sure the answer is 'it depends'
that would be about right !!
i'll google it
I had to do that twice with SpecFlow the other day
or at least, I thought I did.
Nope. I'd changed the wording on the step definition, PEBKAC
it looked almost the same
I hate that kinda crap
just deleted 10GB of temp crap
oh it found more
make that 15GB
Never actually deleted unless you ask, but it's temporary, honest
lol ... might as well just it "just like everything else"
hmmm now i get errors loading vs because i flushed out a bunch of temp files
[Failure] Could not find file 'C:\Users\PaulW\AppData\Local\Temp\.NETFramework,Version=v4.6.AssemblyAttributes‌​.cs'.
wtf ... i just watched it put that file there
might re drop the packages folder too
<Message>An error has occurred.</Message>
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.Data.OData, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
at System.Web.Http.OData.ODataFormattingAttribute.Initialize(HttpControllerSettings controllerSettings, HttpControllerDescriptor controllerDescriptor) at System.Web.Http.Controllers.HttpControllerDescriptor.InvokeAttributesOnControllerType
I don't get that
which version does it want?
Funny thing is in all the other projects this same lump of common shared code works
and none of projects reference that assembly
so its something in the MS code
I got it working by doing exactly what I was doing in the VS UI with the package manager console
YES FINALLY!!!! I beat the dam thing !!!
2 days ... but I did just rejig the entire back end for the business due to a critical security fix
4 hours later…
@War Hi wardy
Hi :P
How could I get the value of an entire 2D array and place it next to each other?
So if the array is 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 make it into 12345
that's 1D array
var result = string.join("", array.Select(I => I.ToString()));
and array is in this case the name of the array
You remember me??
Who's you?
Sorry this question was for wardy sir
Yeh what's up @Learning?
Nothing just like work and all like as usual
You say enjoying weekend
is there a better way to do this?
bool empty = true;
foreach (var element in GetElements())
    empty = false;
    yield return element;

if (empty)
    // code to run only if GetElements() returned 0 elements
without materializing GetElements()
it needs to remain a lazy iterator
Without calling how do you know if you have any?
If it's an ienumerable you could just get the first one
var empty = GetElements().Any();
the thing is that I only want to enumerate it once
basically anything that requires enumerating GetElements() more than once is off the table
and so is eager loading the result to see if it's empty
pretty difficult huh?
I think I already have the best solution but I'm just checking to make sure
Daft question but why bother checking at all? Just iterate over it and if there are none the looping code won't get called
Any as shown above only attempts to load the first element
I have to do some extra work at the end of the loop but only if there were no elements
or the other way around, only if there was at least one element
bool success;
using (var enumerator = GetElements().GetEnumerator())
while (success = enumerator.MoveNext())
    yield return enumerator.Current;

if (!success)
    // 0 elements
same code but somehow worse
What was wrong with using .Any() ?
What does GetElements() return?
same yield pattern
it's recursive
@StevenLiekens I'm pretty sure if (!success) is always gonna run
you're right lol
what was I even thinking
3 hours later…
I have something really silly happening to my code. Hope somebody can point out the obvious error.

foreach(Control c in Controls.OfType<CheckBox>()) {
checkbox += 1;

Using Visualstudio why does this code not find any checkboxes? I have 20 checkboxes on the form. Im expecting the int checkbox to be 20
are the checkboxes inside another container (like a layout panel, group control, etc.) ?
inside a group
for some reason it was picking up only text / labels. Code was changed else where in project and now doesnt pick up anything.
So really lost at this point
so what is in the Controls collection? Do you see the group container?
So in the group it shows 11 items.

They are items outside of the group container. It can see the group container where all the checkboxes are stored.
so, it's been many years since I did WinForms.
I was 100% positive that Controls only contained direct descendants, because I remember writing the recursive code to drill down into it.
MSDN claims I am wrong and that Controls includes nested controls, but your situation implies that I'm right.
Heh. So how do I drill down into the group and count all the checkboxes?
check the Controls collection of all the elements in Form.Controls, and then the Controls collections for all those elements, etc.
usually via a recursive method.
I'm not sure you can do it with a single LINQ statement because of hte arbitrary depth but I could be wrong.
ugh. Tedious and painful. Thanks for help. Will try and dig it out
I suppose MSDN is actually unclear here.
> Use the Controls property to iterate through all controls of a form, including nested controls.
I would read that to say that all nested controls are in the same Controls collection, but I assume it means that you can drill down into the child Controls from the parent, or whatever.

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