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really old
why not vlc
or alshow
It really whips the llama's ass.
or SOMETHING more modern
2013 was the last release of Winamp
They were acquired by someone
who whips llama ass?
no on here really talks...
@Mathematics you just did
I just did
look! I did it again!
I remember using Winamp back in '98.
you can still use that skin
good. It's clearly the best skin.
those skins were the best thing then
@JABFreeware I meant about coding :p
I made a couple of skins for it
they made millions
We do talk about coding. We just don't talk about your specific problem all day @Mathematics :)
not just winamp but other programs
anyone experienced any promise fall throughs in safari?
@Mathematics my bad here you go:
public static string RandomString(int length)
    const string chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789";
    var random = new Random();
    return new string(Enumerable.Repeat(chars, length)
      .Select(s => s[random.Next(s.Length)]).ToArray());
that code generates a random string
@misha130 Safari js issues?
I just remember it was more javascript sql related
I dunno what that guys complaining about
nope. They shouldn't exist.
cool skin
Looks quiet in here to me lolollol
@Sippy what is that theme?
@Sippy I like the code formatting. What skin are you using for chat?
where can one acquire that?
hmmm I want that upload button :p
me likes
@RoelvanUden all day ? :p
ah man I spilled smoothie on my desk
I have adopted the darkness
Hey, I am working on a school project with multiple threads, c# and winforms, and am having an issue editing a listbox with .SetSelected. The problem is the thread needs to lock the ListBox, however even though I am using Monitor.Enter, I still get an "ArgumentOutOfRangeException" error for the SetSelected statement.

This is because one of the threads removes the selected item just before the other thread attempts to access it. How is this solved? (without backgroundworkers)
@Squiggle THE FILE
omg srsly
my eye won't stop twitching
send help
oh gods it's starting
@Amivit do you have to use winforms?
@Squiggle what is? Sippy's panic attack?
@JABFreeware yes do, sadly
@JABFreeware yeah. It's part of the process to becoming a senior developer.
@Amivit you'll probably get more help to some code
if you show some code
god I cant type today
Me neither haha, but cool, I will try and give you a link
yey got my own upload button
first you get the panic attack, then you get the brain aneurysm, then you develop a dependency to alcohol, then you train yourself not to care, then you become a senior developer.
in all that you go gray
@Squiggle what if you start with the alcohol?
I'm wondering if I can't take a shortcut. I've already had that dependency
how do you change chats skin? that seems a feature that I dont have
@Mr.Toxy Browser plugins. Only really awesome people can do that.
@JABFreeware The error comes from line 38 .SetSelected, because it attempts to reach [0] when it is non-existent. Which shoud never happen in my mind, since we check if it is locked and if count is 1 or more too. So confusing pastebin.com/7X5Y62ef
@RoelvanUden oh yeah havent' thought in that hahahaha hmmmm tempermonkey should allow me to customize something I think
@Squiggle does everyone's career start by circling the drain
@Sippy pretty much!
I spent 2 years coding mortgage application forms and maintaining a shitty VB6 ball-of-mud
a full half of my career has been spent maintaining legacy applications written by someone worse than myself
IME, the best way to get career progression is to move jobs
"argh, I don't want to code in VB6 any more"
...moved to maintaining legacy ASP.Net WebForms instead
It's depressing that that is a step in the right direction.
For anyone.
"arg, I don't want to code in WebForms any more"
...joined a start-up, working with Amazon EC2... and browser automation
dunno wtf is happening to my career
started on MVC, mvoed to webforms, then to VB webforms
I'll be on VB6 before you know it.
"ffs. I'm suck of dealing with browser quirks for a living"
...went freelance
"I'm sick of having no money"
...started own company
met girl, moved to Switzerland. Happy now.
@Sippy XD
@Amivit on that line you are setting index 0?
        System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
           at CDPSI.UPDATE.SQL.CdpsiUpdateSql.Dispose(Boolean disposing) in C:
I end a function in one form and then it jumps to a catch in another completely different form that has nothing to do with the one where I executed the function and gives that exception. what the hell
how does it jump to another forms catch o.O?
Well I am trying to remove the item selected at [0], but it is already missing because the other thread deleted it. But with the lock, I thought this should not be possible @JABFreeware
@Squiggle That sounds pretty good
@JakobMillah: how did the chat with the recruiter dude go?
@Amivit the lock only prevents access, when the access is lifted the thread is then trying to delete your item
     if (status == DialogResult.Yes)
                            //Process startInfo = new Process();
                            //startInfo.StartInfo.FileName = Global.OldClient + @"\Orca.exe";
                            Scripts NovoScript = new Scripts();

I call form 2 in here (this is form 1).
whats happening?
swap the last 2 lines
@Amivit The code is a bit hard for me to read because of the language difference. But I think you're misunderstanding what monitor does. Monitor or by extension lock makes the code thread safe...ie your two threads are not trying to do something at the same time. It doesn't do data verification. So if thread A deletes something, thread B waits patiently for A to finish and then does what it was going to do in the first place.
why is even jumping to form 1 from form 2?
@Amivit so one thread deletes, and as soon as the listbox is not being locked by that thread, the other thread goes about its business. In THAT thread you need to make sure that everything is still valid which means checking if the index exists
     using (CdpsiUpdateSql NovoUpdater = new CdpsiUpdateSql(connection))
                    CpdisUpdateScripts Scripts = new CpdisUpdateScripts();
                    CdpsiUpdateSqlparser Parser = new CdpsiUpdateSqlparser();
                    var erros = Scripts.ExecuteCommands(Global.Update + @"\scripts", NovoUpdater, Parser, Global.Update + @"\scripts");
                    ErrosFinal[0] += erros[0];
                    ErrosFinal[1] += erros[1];

when it ends the using
it jumps to the catch
@Amivit you can demonstrate this with a variable and two threads accessing it. Say its value is 10. Thread A locks and changes it to 5. Thread B then accessing it...its going to be 5, not 10.
any help pls Im really lost on this one
sorry i dint see your full message
oh np man
@Proxy lol realized you answered Amivits question. My bad copying you lol
i understand this @JABFreeware, however when we use Monitor.Enter with lock to access/modify the listbox, i dont understand how [0] can suddenly not exist when the only time we modify it, is from within the Monitor.Enter
@JABFreeware :) well additional explanation can never be bad (almost never)
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at CDPSI.UPDATE.SQL.CdpsiUpdateSql.Dispose(Boolean disposing) in C:\Users\joao.petinga\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\CDPSI.UPDATE.SQL\CDPSI.UPDATE.SQL\CDPSI.UPDATE.SQL.cs:line 85
   at CDPSI.UPDATE.SQL.CdpsiUpdateSql.Dispose() in C:\Users\joao.petinga\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\CDPSI.UPDATE.SQL\CDPSI.UPDATE.SQL\CDPSI.UPDATE.SQL.cs:line 71
   at UpdateOrca.Scripts.buttonExecScript_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e) in C:\Users\joao.petinga\Downloads\UpdateOrcaV2013\UpdateOrca\UpdateOrca\
thats the damn exception
Oh thanks, will try @Proxy
is it my dispose?
hmmmm maybe i figured it out
let's see now
yeah I figured it out
good boy
I had to check if the transaction was null or not b4 disposing it
silly mistake
shame on me
@Mr.Toxy That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
I really thought that even if it was null it wouldn't be a problem
should it automaticaly be disposed
well at least figured it out
defensive programming <3
Is this a place to ask questions?
@MårtenCederholm you totally just asked a question.
@MårtenCederholm ^
(yes - please ask)
whoa whoa, asking questions? here?
@Amy isn't it weird?
Making a C# console application (which I will "convert" to windows service, I hope this isn't problematic). Anyways using FileSystem to watch a folder and when I open notepad and save I get duplicate events. I have searched and tried a couple of things but nothing works so far. It's ok when I just drag it into the folder
@Amivit I just explained that
Using Visual Studio 2015 Enterpise
@MårtenCederholm shouldn't be problematic. What events are duplicated?
When I save a file with notepad it duplicates the event in the console. So it registers twice
Please note, I
I'm a beginner
So you say you're registering an event handler twice?
or that your one event handler is being triggered twice?
FileSystemWatcher fwatcher = new FileSystemWatcher();
fwatcher.Path = "C:\\FileWatcher";
//fwatcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.LastAccess | NotifyFilters.LastWrite | NotifyFilters.FileName;
fwatcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.FileName;
//fwatcher.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(FileCreated);
fwatcher.Created += new FileSystemEventHandler(OnChanged);
fwatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
promedia.Promedia.sendFile("c:\\test.txt", "Test");
The EventHanlder regsiters it twice, its a know problem and I was just hoping someone might have this genious solution :D
you're only registering an event handler on .Created. Are you certain this is triggering twice?
Yes, it goes through twice, I check by using Console.Writelines
When I drag it into the folder its fine
check what are the senders of the 2 events
Hey did you read the documentation?
> Common file system operations might raise more than one event. For example, when a file is moved from one directory to another, several OnChanged and some OnCreated and OnDeleted events might be raised. Moving a file is a complex operation that consists of multiple simple operations, therefore raising multiple events. Likewise, some applications (for example, antivirus software) might cause additional file system events that are detected by FileSystemWatcher.
> For example, if you use a FileSystemWatcher component to monitor the creation of new files in a directory, and then test it by using Notepad to create a file, you may see two Created events generated even though only a single file was created. This is because Notepad performs multiple file system actions during the writing process. Notepad writes to the disk in batches that create the content of the file and then the file attributes.
it's not a bug, it's a feature :-/
you can't argue with features
There are some people who argue against facts
So yes, there are people who can argue with features
I sometimes argue against facts :P
but features only listen to their master
The service Im gonna make (Windows Service, C#) is gonna watch a folder. When a .txt is created the service will read the text, split it into strings and then, via a DLL (that I have and is referenced) will use methods to control a sign. Can I just write the whole code in the main program or should I split into classes?
is that a serious question
Hello everyone. I am looking for a kind-hearted person to help me in my time of need. Could someone please take a look at this question and see if they could suggest a possible solution or point me in the right direction.
Q: AngularJS SPA within Umbraco

ShahzadI have an Umbraco 6.4 website, under which I am now trying to put an AngularJS 2 SPA. Umbraco: / Angular: /appname My problem is with the routing that is done by Umbraco. Since Umbraco handles all of the routing up to the root level, when the Angular app gets refreshed: /appname/apage I get a...

it's a fair question.
@MårtenCederholm split it up into logical bits of functionality, if it demands it. SOLID all the way :)
In computer programming, SOLID (single responsibility, open-closed, Liskov substitution, interface segregation and dependency inversion) is a mnemonic acronym introduced by Michael Feathers for the "first five principles" named by Robert C. Martin in the early 2000s that stands for five basic principles of object-oriented programming and design. The principles, when applied together, intend to make it more likely that a programmer will create a system that is easy to maintain and extend over time. The principles of SOLID are guidelines that can be applied while working on software to remove code...
I know in my education for example we need a separation between GUI, Controller and then one that had all the SQL commands. But it's harder when you don't know how to make the structure since I never made something like this before.
@MårtenCederholm TBH it sounds like a fairly trivial little utility. Do whatever makes sense, and don't be afraid to refactor.
You had SQL commands in your C#. Ewww.
in this instance I'd think of the filewatcher component as the UI - the bit that generates the events that your app reacts on.
I had to.
it looks like the anemic architeture.
Well yeah, we had a class where all the nitty gritty boring stuff was :D. I mostly did the controller and GUI
since we are talking about SQL commands in c#.... is it that wrong to make the command directly in the code? whats the correct way tho do it?
If you parameterise it, it's still ugly, but not harmful.
If you don't parameterise it then fuck you, I inject ma sqlz
hmmmm I see
For your code to be not-ugly, use some kind of mapping (e.g. linq2db, ef, etc)
Well, I think we used LINK or something similar, it wasnt direct SQL code if I remember
If you don't parameterise it we will hunt you down and kill you.
I had to pass the where and select and from as parameters for the lookup, and I couldnt parameterise it bc oracle...
just didnt like parameterisation
@MårtenCederholm LINQ is used for manipulating data, you probably used EF.
LINQ plays nice with EF
whats ef?
Entity Framework
If it's not parameterised, it's not safe.
im working on a project that queries are parametrized using string.format
ayy lmao
yeah I know its not good but I tried to parameterise it it wouldn't work
and Im pretty sure that connection strings shouldn't be in plain text int text files as well
Can anyone recommend a text parsing library for C#? Something that can identify paragraphs, sentences etc?
In VB is Me the equivalent of this in C#?
@JúlioMurta You recommend everything on that page?
@Sippy yes
@Squiggle NLP style, or generic parser?
@scheien The chat by phone went well. But he directed me to another boss-woman and she wanted my CV and after that, no reply.
I sent her a text message yesterday
@KendallFrey not quite NLP. I'm trying to find the best place to put a "read more" break in a news article
"another boss-woman"
@KendallFrey it'll be focussing on English, German, French and Italian.
I could just write my own, but I'd need to capture all the fiddly edge-cases and I cba
@Squiggle is this for a web front end?
wat u tryina do
web back-end.
Person authors an article. Need to generate a reasonably-sized snippet that doesn't cut off at a silly p... (read more)
I want to avoid cutting off half the tit
le because it could cause some embarassing mistakes
You could let them provide a snippet?
Avoid the whole need for parsing and whatnot.
I could. The focus is to make this as friendly/lazy as possible.
@JABFreeware I am kinda lost, i not sure how i should make sure if everything still there
plus, people are dumb. "BUT I'VE GOT SO MUCH TO SAY"
sure, but this is meant to fit on mobile devices
@Squiggle Consider generating a snippet and presenting it to the user for acceptance. They can correct it if it's wrong. Establish a limit of text.
@RoelvanUden that's exactly what we're going to do. I just wonder if there's a way I can avoid writing my own library that does so.
I tried moving the FileSystemWatcher stuff over to its own class (and yes, I know this SUPER basic) but I get "does not exist in the current context" Worked when it was under main :(
@Squiggle Oh, then I'm out of ideas :P
sentenceDelimiters = [". ", "\"", "'", "»", "?", "!", "..."];
someone else must have coded that poop already
@Squiggle ever tried microsoft.speech?
cortana is built upon that
@tweray Nope...
it has its own grammar parser
I'll look into it. Might be overkill, but at least it's supported :)
thanks for reminding me that exists
I broke it :(. Now it throws error on fwatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;
@MårtenCederholm if you need help from us you'll need to tell us exactly what's wrong, and what you've tried to fix it already.
@MårtenCederholm I don't mean to sound mean, but we're all meant to be working on our own stuff as well ;)
your magic does not work here
want some more? this whole doc is filled with this
check the trash bin
i don't want to piss roel off twice a day
that's beautiful
good morning @RoelvanUden
that's... 34 parameters.
Is there some way I can see what satellite assemblies are referenced by my references? (Yo Dawg, I heard you like unresolved references, so we put an unresolved reference in your reference)
@Amy Good afternoon Amy.
@Amy Good afternoon @Amy.
public int doStuff(int parameter) { return parameter; }
<summary>Method that returns the parameter value.</summary>
Hi, I got a question of understanding to this Code:
  public FemaleBee(string _name, bool _reproducing) : base(_name, false)
            this._reproducing = _reproducing;
ok what question?
So _Name is the first Parameter of FemaleBee
This... Looks like the wrong way to do inheritance. I could be wrong, but it feels off.
and it is inherating from the class Bee which is called by base
so is it taking the first Parameter of FemaleBee called "_Name" assigning to the first Argument of base?
@tweray where did you find that piece of code?
ok I coded it myself and needed to upload it to a program of the University and it said it is alright, but it felt strange :D ty
@JúlioMurta the api doc that i am going to implement
if anything strange, it is the naming manner
you don't name local parameter values starting with _
i always heard vb.net is verbose but...
I have setup a custom [AuthorizeAttribute] for an Asp.net MVC application. Since we are not using Identity or Membership, I have a problem when I want to check user Authorization within a View. Inside a view I cant use the CustomAuthorizeAttribute.

I have googled, and found that I could possibly store an "authorized" boolean in HttpContext.Items() Is this an O.K. solution? or is there a better one?
you don't check for auth in a view
always, always, check for auth on the controller.
I do
then why are you trying to check auth in a view
what are you actually trying to do? no, storing an "authorized" boolean in HttpContext.Items is not an okay solution
In the layout view I have a navigation bar. and I want to show only some options to certain users
So I guess its more checking the role/authorization
In your razor view, check the User object.
Right, thats what I was getting at.
But we dont use Identity / membership.
Heh, VB.NET web sites can have razor views
ima make one for l0ls
and thats what that User object is, right?
no, its just a security principal
User.IsInRole and User.Identity.IsAuthenticated
really?? where is it getting its info from?
Like I need to make use of @User.IsInRole()
that info is set via Membership or Identity, or some other auth provider. doesn't matter.
its independent of the auth mechanism used.
But we are not using Identity or Membership.
I said it doesn't matter.
Whatever you're using, it needs to set the user principal or its not doing its job correctly and you should stop using it
How are you getting user roles? How are you authenticating the user?
Just make your authorization filter put the values into a container accessible by your view.
So you can do shit like User.AuthenticationLevel >= AuthenticationLevel.TooFuckingAwesome
@Amy Users are an object that we store in our Database. There roles are set manually or by other users.

Authentication is handled by a separate sort of api. Currently all I have done is override the AuthorizeCore method in the [AuthorizeAttribute] as well as the HandleUnauthorizedRequest.
I was doing all my authorization there.
i am creating the file on the server on this path
            using (var fileStream = new FileStream(HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("Download/template_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("dd-MM-yyyy_HH-mm-ss") + ".zip"), FileMode.Create))
then i am trying to locate it by using var localFilePath = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("Download/" + fileName);
iam getting 500 error from this line
@RoelvanUden How do I do that? I can just add any property I want to HttpContext.User?
@Kob_24 "500" error just means your web server threw an un-handled exception. Can't you reproduce the issue in debug mode, whilst stepping through the code?
Y'all having fun in here?
@Sippy SO MUCH FUN ;_;
The given path's format is not supported.","ExceptionType":"System.NotSupportedException"
i got it
thank u
@Kob_24 debuggin' <3
@Sippy how's the VB?
api\\DealerPages\\Download\\template_31-05-2016_17-26-11.zip" string
@Squiggle Leave me alone
Waw !! why its returning it like that!
@Amy Can I manually edit that User security principal?
you can set the user security principal to anything you want
that looks revolting
it has Monster in the name, so you know it's way overpriced and just as effective as the cheapest alternative on the market
@Squiggle the ones with guarana in are fairly bad. Its like hey, who'd have known this plant produces this chemical to dissuade mammals from eating it?
I was mainly talking about the colour scheme of the branding.
it looks like a cylinder of turd
quite apt, really. Java etc etc.
@Squiggle I imagine it tastes like one too.
You know what else is a giant cylinder of turd
Visual Basic?
you know what else is a giant turd?
Some contemporary art sculpture
oh, yeah.
can I go home yet
i don't feel safe.
I'm going home now.
Feel free to resume on-topic conversation about NullReferenceExceptions or something
still believing that home is safe?
it has bull sperm HAHAHAHAH
Bono is a giant turd, the largest #2 in the world.
monster that is
I jumped into this room and read about a monster with bull sperm. Minotaur? Also, On topic?
@Amy interested to know why him specifically
There are a lot of turds
South park reference.
i dunno why they targeted him.
they don't really need a reason
Convert.ToInt32(numArray1[0]) += numArray2[0];
is that valid?
I know the naming is horrible
is worse than horrible is atrocious
can't you just simply try it in vs or donetfiddle?
no that's not valid
hmmm okii I will pass it to a aux var
+= requires that the left-side expression is assignable
In your code, Convert.ToInt32(numArray1[0]) cannot be assigned to.
int Certos = Convert.ToInt32(numArray1[0]);
int Errados = Convert.ToInt32(numArray1[1]);
Certos += numArray2[0];
Errados += numArray2[1];
numArray1[0] = Certos.ToString();
numArray1[1] = Errados.ToString();
numArray1[2] = str;
I dunno if im becoming a Linq maniac but that seems that could be done with a query
with a lot less lines of code
Huh... I don't know if you could operate on two arrays like that using linq, but i'm fairly certain a for loop would be less lines.
why convert to an int if you're able to do integer-based arithmetic with the original array values
oh, two arrays. nvm
rename those things.
@Mr.Toxy Use Foo, Bar and Baz in examples. Programmers are trained to instantly understand and recognize them.
oh oki didnt knew that :p
why Foo, Bar and Baz? what do they mean?

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