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I read that vodka is like a family drink in russia. Like a 10 year old drinking it is not uncommon. idk if thats true though.
@RoelvanUden Go to a festival in the UK.
It's normal in NL.
@Squiggle i forgot to mention that the batch is using environmental variables yesterday :P
@JABFreeware yeah its kinda true, and its also tradition to eat pickles and drink vodka in the morning b4 breakfast
I don't go to festivals. Ever. I don't know what's "normal". @Sippy
@Sippy whats the drinking age in NL?
to figure out its current location
I'm abnormal apparently!
I dunno I'm not Dutch
ask Roel
@JABFreeware 18
@Mr.Toxy that sounds both disgusting and terribly unhealthy on the stomach
@RoelvanUden they got it figured out!
@JABFreeware Honestly 18 is crazy.
@RoelvanUden too high or low?
It used to be 16 for weak alcoholic beverages and 18 for strong.
@JABFreeware it certainly is.
There was the occasional "coma drinker" that quite literally drank him/her-self into a coma, but it was okay. Now to get a beer you have to be 18, which is stupid imho.
All 16yo's will still get beer regardless.
I almost ended up like that :\
feels bad AF
Tip: Don't be stupid.
@RoelvanUden Drinking age is 21 in the US which is more stupid... Doesn't stop me. Makes getting it more expensive if you dont get friends to buy for you but thats all. Never had an issue acquiring it.
That's another peasant test btw
no one cares about that 18 year old bs. Thats just another law that everyone turns a blind eye on
It's not in the UK lol
most european countries it is I think
I can kinda see that.
Oh yeah, the logic of the US, where you can drive a 2-ton death-machine 5 years before you can drink, and you can give your life for the country in the army just 3 years before you can drink. Americans...
police also doesnt give a crap about that
joints just wanna sell
The reason why the drinking age is 18 is because kids are really dumb
@RoelvanUden exactly my thinking too lol. But the US also loves to make things illegal because...we can.
I agree 21 is a bit high
@RoelvanUden I understand that, imo it takes more resposibility to know to drink than to drive a car. a 10 year old can drive a car...
@Mr.Toxy US its taken a bit more seriously because of harsher penalties I guess.
All it requires is some goddamn education.
But education is for the rich in the US, so what do I know.
naaah no education can stop kids from being curious
a 10 year old can drive a car?
Education encourages curiosity ...
ofcourse it can drive a car...
But if you know the result of drinking 3L of vodka
I can land the space shuttle too
You probably won't do it
Curiosity is fine. But being aware of the dangers is quite an important little thing you pick up from that curious thing called "knowledge".
@Sippy depends on if you've given up on life lol
@JABFreeware you know that cops already stopped like 5/6 year olds driving cars with wasted parents beside them right? it doesnt take much to drive a car...
@Mr.Toxy Russia?
@Mr.Toxy that age group doesn't understand anything about handling. Be even worse than blonde drivers... That and the whole issue of reaching the pedals easily, being able to react correctly to idiots on the road etc
@RoelvanUden yeah I agree with that but most parents educate their children wrong. prohibiting something tbh is the wrong way to go, it will only make them more curious, you gotta show why is bad and all
that said i'd love to see a russian road rage video where a 10 year old gets out and beats up the other driver...
@RoelvanUden actually it was in the US hahahaha some redneck
Of course. Reasoning is everything.
Way too much people don't seem to grasp the whole concept of "logic", "reasoning" and "discipline". Foreign concepts I suppose!
conversative (like prohibitng stuff ) parenting is wrong and it's bad and will probably end bad for the kid
@Mr.Toxy and realize they will probably try it bad or not. Part of the learning process and forbidding being a little stupid makes them more stupid in the long run.
@Mr.Toxy you describe my parents. And yes it ended bad for me. But on the positive note I know how NOT to parent now lol
@RoelvanUden the reason is not "because...my rules rule" and the logic is not "do what I say or be punished" ????
@JABFreeware I've learned more with my fathers BS than everything else. they never prohibited me from doing nothing, but always seen like what alcohol does to you, so I always understood from a small age that was a bad thing. To educate you need to let them discover things by their own but always keep an eye to help differentiate whats wrong and whats right
Hi guys, I need to start a web api project for android apps where the services should return Json object. Now I have searched on Google, and all the examples are returning IHttpActionResult. IS this object should be returned in the web service for the mobile apps? Or should there be another type of return value?
@Hanady Return what you need...?
@Mr.Toxy the sandbox approach to parenting is much better for everyone. Let them experiment and learn from their mistakes while providing a good environment and example. Unlike the prison approach (almost literally) my parents used.
@JABFreeware You need a mix of both
or something in the middle
obviously extremes are not the answer...
Letting a child learn for themselves is great until they pick up a knife or find a cigarette
@JABFreeware yeah I totally think the same, that so called education will result in bad results in the long term.
@Sippy For example the web service is getting all the products for Product database table. I need to return a Json object that includes all these products fetched from the database. What is the type that should be returned usually in a web service? I am using now this signature public IHttpActionResult Get() but I need to make sure if IHttpActionResult is the right object type to be returned to the mobile apps
@Hanady So go read the docs?
@Sippy thats when u step in and tell why it's bad and why they shouldn't do it, but first let them take a smoke and cough so they learn what it is. you cant just tell its bad they need to feel what it is to make a fare judgment
imo ofcourse
@Mr.Toxy And if you're not there because you're busy being a hands-off parent?
@Hanady Just return what you need.
Let's say this: your kid picks up food from the floor and eats it. He doesn't care, it's food, it tasted good.
@Sippy i am not a mobile developer this is why i am asking this question. I don't know whether if i use this type it will be ok for mobile end
@Sippy its sure that you can't be everywhere and yet I tried to smoke when I was a kid and my parents weren't there either but from what I've heard I knew it was a bad thing and I stopped.
You're gonna let him learn from that?
@Mr.Toxy yeah pretty much that so called education is do what I say and when I say jump ask how hi. When they get in the real world they are lost. Or they get sick of the prison and get into bad stuff.
@Hanady Yeah, yeah, mobile apps can approach data in exactly the same manner as desktop apps. You only need to worry about whether your mobile app can understand the protocol (HTTP) and data format (JSON/XML), and yeah, everything understands HTTP+JSON
@Sippy your deviating the point here, if you know something may harm them in the moment of course you gonna say something right? but we are talking about experimenting and let the feel what it is and make mistakes to learn
C# where we discuss parenting methods and objects of punishment
Not deviating at all - if you let your kid drink, they'll love it unless you let them drink way too much
In which case you'd be a bad parent because the kid could die
it takes different approaches to different situations.
and ages
Also a kid cannot drive a car
Mechanically, it's possible
a kid can totally drive a car XD
Driving is not just about your ability to turn the wheel
@Sippy usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2013/04/15/… see it's an example they can
@RoelvanUden okay thanks a lot my friend
Men don't fully mature mentally until the age of 25, it'd be perfectly legitimate for a government to increase the driving age for men to like 22-23
@Mr.Toxy You ain't listening.
What the actual fuck @Sippy
@Sippy joking about the last part right?
Science bitch
@RoelvanUden I like you.
The part of your brain which assesses risk and reward doesn't mature, averagely, until 25.
Hence why you're an idiot till 25.
WTF science has to do with that? you think kids can't shoot guns and yet they are on the range shooting ak's...
There have been numerous accounts of children on ranges killing people
@Sippy source?
Just because in some places they can, doesn't mean they do
men will always be childish and thats the best thing eva IMO
@Sippy adults too
Adults for different reasons, psychosis etc
Children cannot control automatic weapons.
@Sippy exactly, they can also drive but it doesnt mean they do XD
Being able to change gears and turn the wheel does not qualify you to drive.
Shit. There goes my qualification.
@Sippy have you saw that vid from ISIS train camp?? there are children firing RPG'S dhsk and pkm's
@Sippy nope it doesn't. Got to be able to clutch too
How the hell did you just manage to segway onto child soldiers
@Sippy bc of your statement
You literally make me lose braincells sometimes man.
Im just prooving you that they can do what you're saying they can't XD
You really don't get it at all
That was the study btw
The fact that teenagers are morons was actually investigated as a public health concern.
oh jesus thats a lot of words :o
And it's not a minority - most people are morons during their teenage years to some degree.
@Sippy I agree with that
@Mr.Toxy lol
@JABFreeware nudge stay awake
This is important.
@RoelvanUden its kids are morons vs kids can fly planes of course its important!!
@JABFreeware This may influence whether or not @Sippy can become the C# room anti-teenage-rights ambassador.
@RoelvanUden ohhhh
Based on Toxy's view, kids can fly planes.
And why shouldn't they if they can?
when I was a teenage I was banned for...something stupid
this is like saying a blind man can'r play the piano XD kids will do what you think they can't
@Sippy thats not what he's saying. Neither of you are listening to each other lol
How is it like saying a blind man can't play the piano? Rofl
@Sippy it's not my view, they can fly planes, let the have the control... but it aint gonna end up well, but they still flew the plane right?
Are you literally just picking at the definition of the words I'm using?
@Sippy bc the blind man will play the piano and will create great music, and a kid who everyone says cant do certain things will also do them
When you say "he can drive a car" it implies that the guy knows how to drive, and understands risks/what to react to
I know kids can use guns for a fact. Have you not played Last Of Us?
I think it all depends on prespective
I propose a new law. No running until 25. Risk assessment is fubar until then apparently :P
Health and safety is dumb shit.
no internet
Make everyone sign a reasonable "I won't do stupid shit" waiver
Without internet, no porn.
That is essentially humanity cruelty.
Would your life really have suffered without pr0n
Are you sure
@RoelvanUden no sex either...cant assess the risks
@JABFreeware Why do you think they have legal ages
make the sign some paper when they are born. "Im a kid therefore I wont do shit until Im 21, and I vouch to do what my parents tell me or I here by swear to run to the woods and live like shrek"
Well yeah when your 13yo gets pregnant you know your parenting failed.
@Mr.Toxy my parents would buy that sign...
But they have to learn for themselves, right?
Can't get in the way of their learning!
You're going to prevent them from having sex if they want to?
you have a cage ready?
@Sippy your again shifting the point man. again, different situations different aproaches.
Chasity belts.
you cant prevent them from having sex
^ Look above.
@RoelvanUden with an app for that?
instead teach about the dangers and give them condoms hahahaha
open minds and to know when and how to talk its the best way to go
or... you beat the crap out of them when you find out that they smoke. as teenagers they just gonna smoke twice as hard cause they are mad at you and dont give a single damn fuck
Hence morons
@Mr.Toxy perhaps even smoke while getting beaten?
like a sir
@JABFreeware I'd vouch for that. Smoke while you beat the crap out of them. thats actually a gr8 point of view hahahahhaha
hey does anyone know if i can just start writing es6
without any configuration note
@Mr.Toxy rofl
@misha130 i mean technically, yeah
so I can just open up the console and do => {} and it should work?
In Chrome, yes.
If you're writing software for IE6 I'd probably stay away from ES6
firefox too
Edge too.
For development I write ES6 with Chrome.
don't forget opera!
For production, Babel the shit out of it.
firefox seems to be the most friendly developer browser to me
I actually agree
As in the development version of Firefox?
no, helpful to develop on
yup that ^
They're all pretty much identical tbh
IE is shit but Edge has caught up
I favor chrome
the tools on firefox seem a bit more polished and the tools seem more complete imo
I use Chrome cos the dev tools are more customisable
well as example firefox has contains() and chrome doesn't
so you gotta write indexOf everytime
And I use Firefox Dev sometimes cos their UI is good
the 3D view can also be awesome for 3D artis and so on
I have to use regular firefox for seleniums but I hate it
@misha130 or just make ur own function....
or just _.any() or something
the inspect element of firefox, imo, is better when compared to chrome
I havent explored much of the edge solution but it seems fine as well
@Mr.Toxy what in chromes name did you say?
The events tracking in FFDev is better than chrome
how do you come to that conclusion?
how have I come to that conclusion? well by using them both
@Mr.Toxy so have I
I came to a different conclusion
chrome > firefox for you?
for everything except events tracking as Sippy25PlusGenius pointed out already
well tastes right?
I'm 23
I'm still stupid :)
we are all morons
stop driving!
we are men
@Sippy You just science'd yourself into a corner.
Born to be morons
I reserve the right to take risks and make bad decisions.
And I do so often.
@RoelvanUden Nope, I have absolutely no problem admitting I'm an idiot.
And science backs me up.
@RoelvanUden He scienced the shit out of parenting
life.reset(); wich I had this feature sometimes tbh
Sippy you know I still see uni students your age
all the time
infact your age is non existant
@Mr.Toxy i'd be happy with restore points
A rollback would be fine.
@misha130 most of the people I graduated with were like 5 years older than me
@JABFreeware checkpoints :P
there is no one in the game as young as you
I graduated at 20 lol
oh right, mandatory army service
that thing slipped my mind
I mean in my country
Oh lol
how did u graduate with 20?
Cos I'm smart
you started school sooner perhaps
@Mr.Toxy But good timed ones unlike some games...
You just admitted something else..
at 16 you finish high school I think
and then you have 4 years of worthless education :^)
17/18 actually
depends on the country
@Sippy you just said you were an idiot. Good grief you certainly do represent your science...
then comes uni wich is 3 years
Some Moron Attempting Responsible T'ings
so hmmm yeah 20/21 years old
@JABFreeware You can be smart and be an idiot.
You can't be smart and be stupid.
yeah makes sense
a smardiot
thats the stupidest thing I've said
You're proving my point better than me yo
@Sippy you just reduced my IQ. GIVE IT BACK
and the smartest
Some of the smartest people I've met have also been the most idiotic. They have no common sense.
take smart aproaches end up with the stupid solutions = smardiot
Like .. none
I've worked really hard to reduce my IQ over the last few years, you should thank me
having common sense is not mandatory
towards anything
create checkpoint after each message from Sippy
Being dumb is a blessing
"To be a genius is to be part crazy "
okay no more damage will be done
someone said something like that
- isaac einstein
@JABFreeware what have I said that you're taking issue with
@Sippy Can we make this quickly and list what I haven't taken issue with?
tbh all "normal" people that are not crazy in some way are just boring af. I lvoe crazy people they are the best
Yeah till you marry one and she cuts off your toe and elopes with it
idiot and stupid are synonyms
crazy people can be boring too
I feel like you are putting lots of pressure on crazy people to be entertaining and that is not ok
@Sippy could be worse... lesson learned. Lawyer up and hit the gym!
Having dated crazy multiple times, I can safely say I much prefer normal.
i dont understand if the toe story happened or not
@Sippy so... I have to ask... how many toes?
@misha130 not crazy as mentally fucked up.
@JABFreeware I still have all my toes, fortunately.
but thats what crazy means
I lost a lot of sanity though.
Last year I spent about $2000 on therapy.
@Sippy and...everything else?
And I'm not kidding now.
crazy as like having ideas of their own, living things in their own way, taking different aproaches all that
Crazy can gtfo.
Good day gents
@Sippy yeah therapy is expensive I know personally :(
@scheien o/
"Therapy is a luxury that only few can afford" said by some govern folk here
How is it not

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