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so i was making this maze where you use the arrow keys to move back and forth, and im having trouble i already have the methods but im having trouble with ConsoleKey and such
2 hours later…
@CBarlow I know that feeling. I remember chasing a racing condition for 3 solid days last year
1 hour later…
I am trying to build a counter/timer in c# / aspx.net, basically, it would show elapsed time in browser. Start the counter from 0, and increment 1 after each second, but I can't get it to work.
It is quite simple to do it on client side, but I need it to be server side, so that user can't disable it by just disabling javascript.
I have tried System.Timers.Timer, but it doesn't seem to be what I need, any ideas?
1 hour later…
hi, this is surya sasidhar, i want to discuss about cache
what is advantage of cache and disadvantage
2 hours later…
Hello All
I need to convert a pdf file into word using C#.net but i want to tell u that i'm going the way in which firstly i'm convert it into PS(post script) file and now i need to convert this PS file into word any one,,, plz help me out...
and @Suryasasidhar your question's answer is :-
Advantages of Caching
1) Cache concept can make or break the performance of your computer system
2)Cache takes the heavy load / execution from the server for the repeated operations.
3)Reduce load on Web Services/ Database

Disadvantages of Caching

1)In terms of Caching approach, it will not be coherent with the actual data content in the delayed writes.
2)Increased Maintenance
3)Scalability Issue
@andy How is caching a scalability issue? Isn't this one major reason for caching, to allow more scalability, without putting too much load on the server.
3 hours later…
@OutlawLemur Is this a console mode game? If so, maybe I should show you the command-line gaming library I made. It gives you a simple way to draw console graphics and read keyboard input.
Yes @Aqeel, this is one of the major reason because the caching is not able to handle such large number of requests which a high-traffic ASP.NET application generates..
@KendallFrey its a windows form game, but that would probably still help
What are you doing with ConsoleKeys then?
im not really sure im still a beginner
You should be using the KeyDown, KeyUp, and KeyPress events. They will tell you which key was pressed etc.
ok ive never worked with those before, so im not sure how to do that
In the form designer, open the properties window, and at the top there will be a little lightning button for events. if you click it, it will show you all the events for the selected control (or form). If you double-click the name of an event, it will automagically create a method that will be called when the event happens.
that should help you get started
Cool Ill Check It Out
That worked thanks
note that i dont think keypress works with arrow keys. you would need to use keydown.
yeah that worked thanks
I Got To Go Thxs
2 hours later…
Anybody in here like playing with Reflection? I'm trying to figure out how to ask the question to see if the answers are already there
I wanna script up some class generation to save myself a whole lot of time on some coding, I figure 6 or so hours of code generation will save me a week of manually doing it line by line.
Do you mean generating assemblies from C# or MSIL?
I don't know if it helps any, but I asked this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/9636950
I haven't gotten any answers yet though
@KendallFrey C#
I can explain further, hold please while I copy-n-paste from a previous discussion
I wanna take a method (I can get all the methods on a class easily enough, and all that jazz) and get the return parameter, and then emit code as a string (maybe write it to a file) so I can create a shitton of auto-classes off this framework
so for instance: public errorObject[] PingURL()
I know how to get "errorObject[]" and I know the name of the method obvi (I've already written a lot of this and can parse the MethodInfo stuff reasonably well)
so at the end of the day, I wanna end up with this line:
public errorObject[] PingURL() { return new errorObject[]{new errorObject{errorString = "string", eventTime = DateTime.Now, eventTimeSpecified = true, nounType = "string", objectID = "string", Value = "string"}}; }
and I would most likely just emit that line into a text file
Where does the body of the function come from?
the "return new ..."
that's what I wanna write reflection to generate for me
I figure I'm not the first guy to want to do this, so there's probably already code out there that does it
I also expect a fair bit of recursion to be involved, but that's easily managed
I don't need fancy formatting or the like, just compilable code, ya know?
So public errorObject[] PingURL() is a method of a class in your framework
And the body of the function you've got there is supposed to be the code defined in the framework's method?
@walkingTarget this is correct
I see now
@walkingTarget the body of the function I've got there is what I need to generate
I can type it by hand, over and over
or I can write a utility to do it for me, making things programmatic and consistent
I dunno how you'd get the source code out of a compiled assembly
no no no
I am trying to write one of two data layers
one will pull from the database, and I figure I can do that later with similar generation techniques as this
the other (the one I'm writing now) is going to just be POCO return objects, hardcoded
and I've got a class file right now that's been generated off a WSDL (more or less, that's not 100% accurate on the source, but it's close enough)
I'm going to have each method in the WSDL-class call one or the other data layer (DI) and have the two return results one way or the other
@walkingTarget specifically the answer to this is "Reflection"
reflection can get you MSIL. Are you planning on trying to convert it to c#?
hang on and I'll show what i'm thinking of doing
    public string[] GetMethodLines<T>(T obj) {
            MethodInfo[] methodInfos = obj.GetType().GetMethods();
            List<MethodInfo> _supportedMethods = new List<MethodInfo>();

            foreach ( MethodInfo m in methodInfos ) {
                //if ( SkipMethodNames.Contains( m.Name ) || m.Name.Contains( "Notification" ) ) {
                //    continue;
                var attributes = m.GetCustomAttributes( false );

                //This is where I know what methods I want to generate on
This is literally the code I was thinking of using, if I write it myself
and in the middle where I have "//Do something here for the body of the method" I was thinking of doing something with recursion
HOWEVER, this seems like it's probably already been asked, and answered, and I'm not sure what the words are to ask this to validate that
What is THAT supposed to do?
run it
Run what?
granted, you have to have some methods on the object being passed in decorated with attributes as WebMethod
@KendallFrey that code, stick it in a class and test it out.
I just use generics and reflection
here, I'll run it against my class and show you the output thus far
also, I missed my closing paren ... whoops
    [0]: "public String[] GetSubstationNames(  ) {  } "
    [1]: "public circuitElement[] GetDownlineCircuitElements( String eaLoc, String lastReceived ) {  } "
    [2]: "public circuitElement[] GetUplineCircuitElements( String eaLoc, String lastReceived ) {  } "
    [3]: "public circuitElement[] GetChildCircuitElements( String eaLoc, String lastReceived ) {  } "
    [4]: "public circuitElement[] GetParentCircuitElements( String eaLoc, String lastReceived ) {  } "
    [5]: "public circuitElement[] GetAllCircuitElements( String lastReceived ) {  } "
that's what my code does so far
and I can write that array to a file easily enough, with a \r\n in between
So, you're basically copying all the method signatures from an existing class?
I don't think reflection will get you the source code to fill in your method's body
For that you'll need a decompiler
@walkingTarget dude, what?
it's just a matter of recursion
I'm just trying to not build the methods that I'm sure someone else has already written
@KendallFrey pretty much. Keeps the code generation simple enough
@KendallFrey but I also wanna generate some consistent POCO return values, so that I know when I test it I will always get the same thing for the same member type
I don't wanna rely on coders typing it in manually
(granted, if it gets changed after the fact, that's whatever)
hey i got a problem how would i only display data that contains the cardnumber i have logged in with on form1
@Joanne: It can probably be done with LINQ.
@jcolebrand: So you're creating code to create code to create an object that you already know what it is?
@jcolebrand The problem with doing it this way is that you're not going to have compiler time support, which means you're going to have to do quite a bit of dynamic runtime invoking...
Is this generated code going to be directly compiled or is it supposed to provide a skeleton for future modification?
@SPFiredrake what the crap? I'm going to output it to a .cs file and check it into my repo
@KendallFrey skeleton
@KendallFrey yes.
because I have ... 25 classes that have ... 40+ methods each
I don't wanna write 1000 methods of code when I can write ten
@jcolebrand Ok, I was thinking you were doing all this during runtime to generate and use the classes within the application.
@SPFiredrake nooooo, that would be silly
@jcolebrand Wouldn't be the first time someone wanted to do that :P
and if I were gonna do that Kendall already referenced some CodeDomCompiler stuff, I think
But see, I don't wanna write ten methods when someone else already has, and I can use 8 of theirs :D
@jcolebrand If the classes are similar at all, you can possibly use T4 templates.
then I mostly just get credit for being smart
So, you are basically generating a string of C# code which you will then write to a file.
@SPFiredrake they're somewhat similar, but I think this way is faster than that way, as what I saw on T4 made it look like I would have to write the 40+ methods
additionally, all their names are different everytime
my main problem is how do I ask how to generate that "return new []{ new errorObject { ..." code
I don't know how to ask that, so I can see if someone has already answered it
What is the return value based on?
but as you can see, I mean, I'm already writing the parameters out, surely I can just continue to use reflection and drop into a switch statement, so it's probably easier if I just do that instead of wasting time looking for code
@KendallFrey arbitrary values. And by arbitrary, I mean, I get to decide them.
I literally want to return "string" if it's a string, 123 if it's an int, DateTime.Now if it's a DateTime, etc
because everything decomposes to those primitives at the end of the day
If what is a string, int, etc.?
Enums I haven't fingered out yet, I'm thinking of just pulling them randomly
@KendallFrey the individual items in the object
39 mins ago, by jcolebrand
public errorObject[] PingURL() { return new errorObject[]{new errorObject{errorString = "string", eventTime = DateTime.Now, eventTimeSpecified = true, nounType = "string", objectID = "string", Value = "string"}}; }
@KendallFrey have I just completely lost you in this conversation?
Oh, yes, that way. You're getting there. :)
So for each property in errorObject, you want to provide it with a default value, correct?
and I want to iterate over the 1000+ methods that need this process done and do the exact same for everything
and I want to avoid writing edge case code myself, and figure this is a solved problem that someone else has done already
and if not, I need to know how to ask it so I can jeapordy self-answer it on SO
The light bulb is starting to come on...
For Enums, you can do Enum.GetValues(typeof(EnumType)).Cast<EnumType>().FirstOrDefault()
and as you can see from my vardump earlier, I've already got the method signatures from reflection
@SPFiredrake I knew there was something like that I could do .. thanks!
@jcolebrand Use a dictionary to reuse the return type (as a string) to the generated initialization code.
I would think something like 'Generating a default instance based on type, using recursion'
@SPFiredrake where would you do that?
@KendallFrey yeah, that hasn't worked either
@SPFiredrake I think I've got your attention on this one, wanna peruse my completed code and help me think of ways to improve it?
Wait, how do you post a code block in here?
four spaces before the text
if you paste multiline, press <ctrl+k>
Duh, why didnt I think of that. Here goes...
if the type is a primitive type, set the value to whatever
otherwise, run this code again for each member of the type
@KendallFrey yeah, recursion
That's how I see this problem at a high level.
@jcolebrand It's not that hard to do. In your foreach ( var m in _supportedMethods) body, you already have the return type in variable rp. Using this, you can either get all the properties through rp.ParameterType.GetProperties() and create the initialization string like new <TypeName> { <Prop1> = <TypeDefault>, <Prop2> = <TypeDefault> }
I'm trying to go one level higher: "use someone else's code"
otherwise I'm gonna have to write the code to generate this myself
I really have no idea how to ask the question, though.
@KendallFrey me either, I was hoping some collaborative conversation would help me :-\
@jcolebrand You'll pretty much just enumerate over the property values foreach(var typeProp in rp.ParameterType.GetProperties()) and just do that.
@SPFiredrake speaking of, does the compiler auto-fix that so it doesn't do a lookup everytime, or do I need to cache the .GetProperties() result into a var pre so I don't have to do that repeated lookup
Just be sure you set some value type defaults before you run this (System.String would default to someString, System.DateTime would default to 2011-05-13 23:11:55, etc)
I realize it's not terribly expensive, but I'm going to be running this a bit, so I don't wanna be wasteful
@jcolebrand That's where the dictionary comes into play.
@SPFiredrake yeah, for that I'm gonna do a dictionary with default values
I see we're on the same page there
foreach only evaluates the collection once.
if(!typeInitDict.Contains(rp.ParameterType.Name)) { /* build the init string for that particular type here */ }
The dictionary would probably be Dictionary<Type, string>
@SPFiredrake oh I see
Where typeInitDict is a Dictionary<string, string>
It can be the type itself, doesn't really matter :P
So I would start with "string,int, etc" and then add "errorObject" as I go
good call
I think you would only add primitive types.
And use recursion for custom types.
@KendallFrey That's exactly what I'm saying.
ok, I'm late for a lunch appt, and I'm gonna have to boogie from that to a meeting at noon, so I'll be back in about 2.5 hours. Thanks for the help guys, and if you like, we can keep going on this once I finish the code this afternoon :D
@KendallFrey yeah, but as you build a custom type, add it to the dictionary
so it looks like this
Yeah good idea, caching style, right?
Exactly, that way you only build it once for every type you encounter.
if (!dict.contains(type)) { build type and add to dict}
That way all your types will be instantiated to pre-determined values, and you can run some initial testing on it.
If I have a form and, upon a btnSubmit_Click, want a thank you email to go to the customer and a different "user signed up" email to go to the admin, how do I do this on one submit click?
Have you used SMTP?
Yes, I'm just not sure how to send both on one click (I should mention that I have been developing for about 3 weeks now and am just trying to learn on-the-job, so thanks for the help in advance!)
If you can send one email, just repeat the process with different email address etc.
within btnSubmit_Click
2 hours later…
So anyways ... now to code this up
I just created a custom WPF control
@KianMayne congrats
and it has a dependency property that sets the content of a button
but when I change it in the designer
The content doesn't change, but when I run it, it does
Just to ask a silly question, have you tried restarting the visual studio process? Sometimes those objects get cached in memory
I'll try now (:
the less silly question is: do you really expect that it should be changed?
The reason I ask is if you're injecting it via DI or the like, then it may not be able to display anything else
but I imagine for what you're doing, it's a memory caching thing
Yes; content in normal buttons updates?
If I change the type property in the constructor, that is reflected in the designer
Also, it there a way of setting a dp from the property inspector with a combo box
Instead of a text entry
Ohh it's my first time with dependency properties
and i did this
But I have the same question
How can I move the code into the callback?
@KianMayne I'm not entirely sure, I don't do WPF, so I can't say
Read up on PropertyChangedCallback: msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/…
@jcolebrand It's C#
@KendallFrey Thanks
@KianMayne yes, but I'm not sure how the code is structured. You didn't really show what you had that you were trying to redo, and I'm not familiar with that particular framework
Oh right
I figured it out
private static void TypeChanged(DependencyObject obj, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e)
            WindowControlButton controlButton = (WindowControlButton)obj;
            controlButton.button.Content = getImageResource(e.NewValue + "Glyph",controlButton);
So is there a way to allow the user (or developer) to pick a value for a property out of a combo box
Does using an enum work?
I don't know, how would that work in terms of my dependency property?
What type is the DP?
One sec, I'll post the full code on Ideone
Yup, an enum would definitely be the way to go.
How does it work?
that is the enum code
then you would change your DP from a string to a ControlButtonType
That would eliminate the string validation
Oh right, I thought you'd put it into the whole thing
But I get it
That should give you a combobox in the designer too.
Is there a way to remove coerceType? Because it's kinda useless and I only really need the TypeChanged
Nevermind, I forgot it was overloaded
@KendallFrey you need to know about gist.github.com
because for starters, it's integrated into this chat
secondly, it doesn't have all the gook of that page
third it let's you do many individual files on one screen
fourth proper syntax highlighting
How is it integrated? I like pastebin, but maybe gist is better?
this is one I was discussing with a friend the other day
well, I pasted it here and it didn't onebox ...
I bet because that one was private
ah, that's better
Oh, cool.
and see it has inline commenting, others can fork a gist and make improvements, etc
Do you know why clicking a filename doesn't take me to the file? It just takes me to the gist.
Looks like a bug on gist
or they've updated something
2 hours later…
"Error: Operator '==' cannot be applied to operands of type 'Timetable.WindowResize.RECT' and 'Timetable.WindowResize.RECT'"
Wtf o.O
public override bool Equals(object obj)
                if (!(obj is RECT)) { return false; }
                return (this == (RECT)obj);
@KianMayne You got that right.
See if you can reproduce it. If you can, give me the code, because I've never seen that.

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