so i was making this maze where you use the arrow keys to move back and forth, and im having trouble i already have the methods but im having trouble with ConsoleKey and such
I am trying to build a counter/timer in c# /, basically, it would show elapsed time in browser. Start the counter from 0, and increment 1 after each second, but I can't get it to work.
It is quite simple to do it on client side, but I need it to be server side, so that user can't disable it by just disabling javascript.
I have tried System.Timers.Timer, but it doesn't seem to be what I need, any ideas?
Hello All I need to convert a pdf file into word using but i want to tell u that i'm going the way in which firstly i'm convert it into PS(post script) file and now i need to convert this PS file into word any one,,, plz help me out...
and @Suryasasidhar your question's answer is :-
Advantages of Caching 1) Cache concept can make or break the performance of your computer system 2)Cache takes the heavy load / execution from the server for the repeated operations. 3)Reduce load on Web Services/ Database 4)Reliability
Disadvantages of Caching
1)In terms of Caching approach, it will not be coherent with the actual data content in the delayed writes. 2)Increased Maintenance 3)Scalability Issue
@andy How is caching a scalability issue? Isn't this one major reason for caching, to allow more scalability, without putting too much load on the server.
@OutlawLemur Is this a console mode game? If so, maybe I should show you the command-line gaming library I made. It gives you a simple way to draw console graphics and read keyboard input.
Yes @Aqeel, this is one of the major reason because the caching is not able to handle such large number of requests which a high-traffic ASP.NET application generates..
In the form designer, open the properties window, and at the top there will be a little lightning button for events. if you click it, it will show you all the events for the selected control (or form). If you double-click the name of an event, it will automagically create a method that will be called when the event happens.
Anybody in here like playing with Reflection? I'm trying to figure out how to ask the question to see if the answers are already there
I wanna script up some class generation to save myself a whole lot of time on some coding, I figure 6 or so hours of code generation will save me a week of manually doing it line by line.
I can explain further, hold please while I copy-n-paste from a previous discussion
I wanna take a method (I can get all the methods on a class easily enough, and all that jazz) and get the return parameter, and then emit code as a string (maybe write it to a file) so I can create a shitton of auto-classes off this framework
I know how to get "errorObject[]" and I know the name of the method obvi (I've already written a lot of this and can parse the MethodInfo stuff reasonably well)
so at the end of the day, I wanna end up with this line:
public errorObject[] PingURL() { return new errorObject[]{new errorObject{errorString = "string", eventTime = DateTime.Now, eventTimeSpecified = true, nounType = "string", objectID = "string", Value = "string"}}; }
and I would most likely just emit that line into a text file
public string[] GetMethodLines<T>(T obj) {
MethodInfo[] methodInfos = obj.GetType().GetMethods();
List<MethodInfo> _supportedMethods = new List<MethodInfo>();
foreach ( MethodInfo m in methodInfos ) {
//if ( SkipMethodNames.Contains( m.Name ) || m.Name.Contains( "Notification" ) ) {
// continue;
var attributes = m.GetCustomAttributes( false );
//This is where I know what methods I want to generate on
This is literally the code I was thinking of using, if I write it myself
and in the middle where I have "//Do something here for the body of the method" I was thinking of doing something with recursion
HOWEVER, this seems like it's probably already been asked, and answered, and I'm not sure what the words are to ask this to validate that
I'm just trying to not build the methods that I'm sure someone else has already written
@KendallFrey pretty much. Keeps the code generation simple enough
@KendallFrey but I also wanna generate some consistent POCO return values, so that I know when I test it I will always get the same thing for the same member type
I don't wanna rely on coders typing it in manually
(granted, if it gets changed after the fact, that's whatever)
@jcolebrand The problem with doing it this way is that you're not going to have compiler time support, which means you're going to have to do quite a bit of dynamic runtime invoking...
@SPFiredrake they're somewhat similar, but I think this way is faster than that way, as what I saw on T4 made it look like I would have to write the 40+ methods
additionally, all their names are different everytime
my main problem is how do I ask how to generate that "return new []{ new errorObject { ..." code
I don't know how to ask that, so I can see if someone has already answered it
but as you can see, I mean, I'm already writing the parameters out, surely I can just continue to use reflection and drop into a switch statement, so it's probably easier if I just do that instead of wasting time looking for code
@KendallFrey arbitrary values. And by arbitrary, I mean, I get to decide them.
I literally want to return "string" if it's a string, 123 if it's an int, DateTime.Now if it's a DateTime, etc
because everything decomposes to those primitives at the end of the day
@jcolebrand It's not that hard to do. In your foreach ( var m in _supportedMethods) body, you already have the return type in variable rp. Using this, you can either get all the properties through rp.ParameterType.GetProperties() and create the initialization string like new <TypeName> { <Prop1> = <TypeDefault>, <Prop2> = <TypeDefault> }
@SPFiredrake speaking of, does the compiler auto-fix that so it doesn't do a lookup everytime, or do I need to cache the .GetProperties() result into a var pre so I don't have to do that repeated lookup
Just be sure you set some value type defaults before you run this (System.String would default to someString, System.DateTime would default to 2011-05-13 23:11:55, etc)
ok, I'm late for a lunch appt, and I'm gonna have to boogie from that to a meeting at noon, so I'll be back in about 2.5 hours. Thanks for the help guys, and if you like, we can keep going on this once I finish the code this afternoon :D
@KendallFrey yeah, but as you build a custom type, add it to the dictionary
If I have a form and, upon a btnSubmit_Click, want a thank you email to go to the customer and a different "user signed up" email to go to the admin, how do I do this on one submit click?
Yes, I'm just not sure how to send both on one click (I should mention that I have been developing for about 3 weeks now and am just trying to learn on-the-job, so thanks for the help in advance!)
@KianMayne yes, but I'm not sure how the code is structured. You didn't really show what you had that you were trying to redo, and I'm not familiar with that particular framework