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@Codeman - So the permutation thing for subsets seems to operate slowly :( 25 seconds for a set of 25 ints, and just worse as it gets alrger
I feel like in order to know whats sets were added before the sets are complete you need to know the future or something
@KendallFrey it IS in the event viewer?
@TravisJ that's because it's an N! solution without heuristics
@Codeman yes
@KendallFrey like... the Windows Event Viewer?
@Codeman - Even still, with heuristics it seems very complicated to accomplish. I thought about using a hash of the permuted successful integer sets in order to prevent certain branches from permuting, but that still fails once permuting the successful sets is working on a set of like 25 numbers (considering that N was 1000 for example).
@TravisJ yes, it was a very unreasonable question to ask in an interview
So is that an NP-C problem?
pretty sure it is considered an NP-Complete problem
I mentioned that straight off
I checked the Diagnostics tab of the build results page, no sign of the event
> a problem H is NP-hard when every problem L in NP can be reduced in polynomial time to H
you can reduce searching for a single set to polynomial time
searching for EVERY set is NP-complete. Searching for a single set is NP-Hard, I believe
Uhm, hmm
because it is N!
I mean, a very good highlighting of the issue is for example, using the set of 1-6 and a total of 11.
You get every permutation of 1,2,3,5 to think about
That happens but at a larger scale when the numbers are larger as well.
What's the problem here?
Identifying every permutation, for example, being at 5,3 and knowing to stop if you get to 2 or something, seems like it isn't possible to get into polynomial time.
Q: find all subsets that sum to a particular value

Darth.VaderGiven a set of numbers: {1, 3, 2, 5, 4, 9}, find the number of subsets that sum to a particular value (say, 9 for this example). This is similar to subset sum problem with the slight difference that instead of checking if the set has a subset that sums to 9, we have to find the number of such su...

> The [subset sum] problem is NP-complete.
straight from wikipedia
@KendallFrey yay, I know basic CS
Yeah, it seems like it is.
I don't see how you would identify set uniqueness while retaining O(n)
but yeah, the naive solution is to form a 2 dimensional array with N columns and N! rows, giving each column in a row either X or 0 depending on which iteration we are inspecting
So just massive space complexity to save time
That is how big data does indexing too
@TravisJ is set uniqueness referring to {1,2} being different from {2,1}?
so... {1,2,3}


well fuck you too - math
(that's not what a set actually is)
Or, well, the same as I suppose.
so, what about {1,1} and {1,1}?
then you iterate through every row adding up the elements to determine which ones equal your target
so... extremely memory inefficient
are those identical or distinct?
{1,2} is supposedly equal to {2,1}. So determining they are equal is the issue.
Especially with larger sets
that shouldn't be a big problem
pre-sort the list
what of it?
Or even O(n lg n) - still too slow
That is what makes it npc
if you can make it O(n) there then it is nph
np complete is above polynomial time
O(n^10000) is still faster than NP-complete
right, but if you could it would no longer be npc
if you could what
reduce the complexity of the comparison
I'm confused
9 mins ago, by Codeman
> a problem H is NP-hard when every problem L in NP can be reduced in polynomial time to H
NP-complete is stuff like O(N!), O(N^N), O(A^N), I believe
@Codeman O(N!)? really?
so, O(n^10000) is faster because each nested piece is O(n), it just happens 10000 times.
@Codeman - Yup, I believe so too
@KendallFrey I'm not sure, but I think so. Why wouldn't it be?
@KendallFrey - For N > 16
@TravisJ I don't know what you're trying to say, but you're not saying it right
@KendallFrey - How else would you envision O(n^10000) looking
@Codeman There are problems that are neither NP-complete nor P-complete
@KendallFrey yeah, I'm pretty sure undoing a bra for the first time is NP-Hard
@TravisJ it's polynomial time
It is a subset of polynomial time, sure.
slow polynomial, but still polynomial
academically, coefficients are removed from big O notation
O(N^10000000) becomes O(N^K)
or O(n^m) sometimes
for clarity 'n whatnot
O(n^m) implies multiple loops
yup, it is essentially the same
@Codeman Be careful that you don't accidentally imply that K isn't a constant
K should always be a constant
what about m?
O(N^M) is not polynomial time, I don't think...
I know I've seen m used as a variable many times
M implies multiple loops
what is O(paNiNi)?
sounds T(asty)
JicamaJS can process O(panini) in finite time.
big-O has nothing to do with finite time
So the real question is, how do you determine the same set of numbers are in {1,3,5,2} as are in {5,1,3,2} in O(n) without using JicamaJS.
@TravisJ My question is, why do you need to?
@KendallFrey - In order to increase efficiency. It is probably impossible? Unsure. Just a thought.
No, I mean why not make it more efficient in the first place?
Have at it if you know of another way :)
It's possible to do in O(n + m) where m is the max integer possible
12 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
pre-sort the list
Which list?
PaniniJS allows for domain driven grill heating grammars
the original set of numbers
That won't really matter though.
if you're doing combinations, you shouldn't need to worry about order at all, ever
or are you doing permutations?
I used a permutation algorithm at first, which would work if the compare worked.
I am sure if you went another route, you would find another central piece tied to O(n^2) that could not be O(n)
I don't mean what algorithm you used
what's the actual problem?
> The class of questions for which an answer can be verified in polynomial time is called NP, which stands for "nondeterministic polynomial time."
The subset count problem.
Or do you mean, what is the problem with the problem?
which doesn't use permutations, it uses sets
Which is perhaps a different answer.
aka combinations
so using a permutation algorithm is probably a grave mistake
A combination algorithm is simply a modified permutation. You just limit the directions.
I would think the reverse
a combination algorithm is certainly simpler
It touches less points.
Same amount of code though really.
Instead of iterating and recursing you just fork.
i fork who i want!
I'm convinced that enumerating combinations would be less code
6 lines to permute, 9 to compute (mostly due to a few extra lines {'s) - overall very similar
@KendallFrey Why is that I have red ticks in my solution explorer, using visual studio 2013? I didn't integrated any source control stuff with it.
red ticks?
i'll show you a screenshot
Red ticks or red tics?
there's a difference? a tick sign
!!wiki tic
a check
A tic is a sudden, repetitive, nonrhythmic motor movement or vocalization involving discrete muscle groups. Tics can be invisible to the observer, such as abdominal tensing or toe crunching. Common motor and phonic tics are, respectively, eye blinking and throat clearing. Tics must be distinguished from movements of other movement disorders such as chorea, dystonia, myoclonus; movements exhibited in stereotypic movement disorder or some autistic people, and the compulsions of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and seizure activity. == Classification == Tics are classified as either motor or phonic...
if you have red ticks, call an exterminator
@Rusty ...backtick?
a check :D
@Rusty oh
@KendallFrey is that a tick on your back?
beside files?
wait, i'll show you. Yep besides files
Oh, that just means that the file has been changed. VS does that even if you didn't integrate version control
@mikeTheLiar it does?
I guess I wouldn't know :P
same same xD , good knowledge mike
You might be able to turn it off but I've never bothered. It also highlights lines in the gutter that have been changed/not saved/saved
yeap, that stuff is here too
cool! :D :D :D
actually i forgot to commit changes before closing the Visual studio. I guess thats the reason why.
@Codeman You told me to use EventLog so I'll keep pinging you. halp
programmers, gotta ping them all, gotta ping them all
HALP using eventlog
@KendallFrey sorry, I'm trying to get this prototype done D:
what's the question again?
How do I get the event to show up in TFS build results?
It's the browser-based results screen, TFS 2015 or whatever
@KendallFrey I'm not sure. Can you change the target/source?
I have tics :(
not as bad as I used to though
@Codeman Change it to what?
I made a custom source
catch (Exception e) {
    // gotta catch 'em all
another source?
hmm, I don't really know w/o seeing some code :(
if (EventLog.SourceExists(source))
    EventLog.WriteEntry(source, message);
sorry, typo
not sure :(
I wish there was an easy way to copy/paste between computers :/
you're trying to output to your TFS build log from unit tests?
Q: TFS Team Build Log Unit Test Results

JeffWe're using TFS 2010 Team Build which automatically runs our unit tests during the build process. If I click on View Log, I can see the list of tests run and each test result (Success/Fail). In the event of Failure, I want to see the test result output (so the developer can figure out what the ca...

apparently you can run a visual studio build from the command line
@Codeman nope, not what I need
devenv.exe [solution] /Build [configuration]
@Codeman but essentially that
@StevenLiekens that runs msbuild, basically
part of the problem is that I need to do logging outside of tests as well, so stdout won't appear in the results at that point
along with a few other things
I don't know why but I get wrong outputs when I run msbuild on my solution
I have to build with devenv
real programmers build with gcc
!!xkcd real programmers
@TravisJ I am dumb. Help me with basic async/await stuff?
@KendallFrey I'm not sure... that sounds difficult
sorry I can't help a ton more :/
@Codeman - I can try. Kendall and Reed are really good with it too
oh ok
basically I am making possibly a bunch of web service calls
I've got a synchronous private method, I want to have an async public method
what's the one-liner to do that? so far I've got...
public async Task<IList<string>> GetValuesAsync(IList<string> fields)
    return await new Task(() => GetValues(fields));
obviously not compiling :)
If you want to make sync code async, your only option is basically threading
You probably want Task.Run
yeah, Task.Run
@CuddleBunny So, what namespace is FromSql in? If I'm using Microsoft.Data.Entity which is the new EF7 content. How do I access FromSql without saying DatabaseFascade DbContext.Database doesn't contain FromSql`.
return await Task.Run(() => GetValues(fieldNames));
cool, thanks
don't return await
I believe it would be
return await Task.Run(() => { return GetValues(fieldNames); });
just skip the await, and the sync
well, next question... is there any point to making this async?
@TravisJ what's the difference?
@Codeman I don't know your codebase
I'll eventually be adding multiple servicers - there can be multiple service calls made
so... you call GetValuesAsync, it says "go get me data from a bunch of web services". Right now it's just one, but it'll be more
@KendallFrey - I usually do more than 1 line, I think it is required? Not sure, in order to get the values in .Result later on after awaiting, you need to return inside there I think.
public Task<IList<string>> GetValuesAsync(IList<string> fields)
    return Task.Run(() => GetValues(fields));
@TravisJ only if you use a block instead of an expression, but in your case it's redundant
Ah, yeah don't return await though
I missed that part
@KendallFrey hmm, that's not any different from just async/awaiting the task?
@Codeman No, it's not, but it removes a bit of cruft
@KendallFrey smelly
@JohanLarsson Less smelly than cruft
let the caller task.run it
well, I thought of that too
or should I say screw it and just make my WebMethod async?
everything async by default
well the thing is... this is a library that I'm writing for my controller to use. should that library enforce async?
I typically implement my sync methods as a .Wait() on the async methods
@Codeman "enforce" in what sense?
say "hey, this is an async thing. You probably want to await it and do other stuff rather than call it synchronously" by only exposing async methods
that's fine
A lot of APIs expose sync and async, but IMO there's really no reason for sync
should I specify async on the method then? or just return the Task? +/- of both?
async isn't part of the signature of a method
use async if necessary
I mean.. if you call GetValuesAsync, it kicks off the task and allows you to access the result when the completionToken says to, or just use .Wait() right?
dunno what a completion token is
.IsCompleted, I mean
there's definitely things that visual studio knows about project files that msbuild doesn't
like how you cant' build a windows installer project (vdproj) with msbuild alone
@Codeman ew, not a good way to determine when a task is finished
@StevenLiekens that's because vdproj is a visual studio file, not an msbuild-compatible project :)
@KendallFrey I know, but just thinking about this
I'm building an API - as in a .dll API
something I might throw up on a NuGet that other teams will use
did not know that
but yeah, a method that returns a task just... returns a task
"I LOVE SELLIN' BLOW!!!!!!!!!!"
well then I'm lost as to why I get different outputs when I run msbuild on my xproj files directly
@Greg not sure, it is defined here: github.com/aspnet/EntityFramework/blob/… but that namespace is new for RTM. Does the lightbulb tell you what it is?
Well, that is what is weird.
@KendallFrey example?
I'm just doing return await MySlowApiCall in the controller
@KendallFrey thanks, that makes sense. I just needed to return await in the controller. But I am still making the call async to enforce that :)
sorry I cannot repay your knowledge with mine. I really have no idea what to recommend for you :/
@KendallFrey - So basically the difference between combinatorials and permutations from a O() standpoint was 2^n versus !. While ! does grow faster, they are both impossibly slow for large sets. Unless you know of a way to do combinatorials without using 2^n
What kind of company would need a specific person just to manage TFS? Seeking candidates with extensive experience in using Team Foundation Server (TFS). The individual in this role will be expected to setup, configure, and document a TFS environment for the project in order to improve the team's productivity by fully leveraging the TFS software's capabilities.
Wow, there are companies that can run TFS with just one person?
I thought it took like an army of minions.
bee-doo bee-doo bee-doo
With TFS you can have merge conflicts as one person and one branch.
Tried it many times.
Which makes no sense to me.
@kush I see you've never used TFS before
@StevenLiekens I have...
besides for source control
Oh, I guess I have not used the other features
I guess you're talking about tickets in tfs?
source control is only a tiny fraction of the clusterfuck that is TFS
I tried to use visual studio online but never for a real project
VSO is a breeze compared to onpremise TFS
@StevenLiekens ah I see. So that is a test we can use for job searches.
I finally got appveyor to work for my DNX project :D
@StevenLiekens congrats! so who all gets emails when a build completes?
I can add your email if you'd like
@kush at SBUX they had a few dozen people dedicating mostly to TFS
!!google sbux
@Codeman I hope they didn't force iOS and Android people to tfs
I'd think their use case is fairly straight forward?
and ha I found your user profile you are phoenix blade after all
Did you change your name?
Alright, I'm out. Love, peace and chicken grease.
^ i used to say that
where does it come from? idk
@kush yes
@kush who knows, that whole IT org is a cluster file system check
and congrats on being 5% overall!
@Codeman auto replace?
or do you just like writing fsck?
@StevenLiekens I found your twitter but you don't allow random people to dm you :(
sorry I never learned how to use twitter properly
5% overall?
@Codeman yeah I went to your profile because I thought I recognized your photo here but didn't remember your name
@StevenLiekens no dw about it. I think it was a fairly recent change. Previously, only people who you follow could dm you but they've expanded this
I fixed it
Can someone offer some help with a linq query I have
This is my classes
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class Program
	public static void Main()

public class Competition
    public string Name { get; set; }
    public List<Fixture> Fixtures { get; set; }

	public void GetMarketPrediction()


public class Fixture
	public DateTime ActualOff { get; set; }
    public List<Selection> FullTimeOverUnders { get; set; }

public class Selection
	public string Name { get; set; }
    public DateTime LastTaken { get; set; }
In the method GetMarketPrediction()
This works in a method in Fixture class
return FullTimeOverUnders
                .Where(i => !i.InPlay)
                .Where(n => n.Name == selection_name)
                .OrderBy(date => Math.Abs((date.LastTaken - ActualOff).Ticks)).First();
But ideally, I want to return a list of all the fixtures and the single Selection
@StevenLiekens did you get a direct message from some random person?
when you have so much code, it's better to paste it into a gist or something so its easier to read
return FullTimeOverUnders
        .OrderBy(selection => Math.Abs((selection.LastTaken - ActualOff).Ticks))
        .Single(selection => !selection.InPlay && selection.Name == selection_name)
I think that should do what you want
var all = FullTimeOverUnders
                .Where(i => !i.InPlay)
                .Where(n => n.Name == selection_name)
                .OrderBy(date => Math.Abs((date.LastTaken - ActualOff).Ticks)).ToList();
return new Tuple<Selection,List<Selection>>(all.First(),all);
i didn't even read the requirements right :(
I'm going to bed, goodnight everyone
well mine is actually incorrect anyway
missed the where clause
Thanks, I think this is what I want
Unless the selection name was the same across the whole list (unsure what the data spread looks like)
I think this is what I want
Fixtures.Select(f => f.FullTimeOverUnders.OrderBy(selection => Math.Abs((selection.LastTaken - f.ActualOff).Ticks))
		        .Single(selection => !selection.InPlay && selection.Name == "Over 2.5 Goals")).ToList();
@Tommassiov - A note about tuples: some people dislike them and would prefer a concrete view model class to pass instead of the tuple.
Tuples are okay for code inside a method
where the usage is localized
Actually, this does not give the desired result
List<Fixture> FixtureList = Fixtures.SelectMany(f => f.FullTimeOverUnders.OrderBy(selection => Math.Abs((selection.LastTaken - f.ActualOff).Ticks)).Single(selection => !selection.InPlay && selection.Name == "Over 2.5 Goals")).ToList();
i can't read that.
oh, I am top 5%. Neat.
@Tommassiov do you want to throw an exception if there's more than one of those?
because .Single throws an exception
I have updated dotnetfiddle.net/roxON7
easier to read
@StevenLiekens dnx .travis.yml is a little more complicated github.com/aspnet/dnx/blob/dev/.travis.yml
I want to get a list of List<Fixture> and for each Fixture I want to filter the FullTimeOverUnders list which is List<Selection> and only return 1 selection that is meeting my search criteria
Anyone :)
OK, I simplified what I was after if anyone case help. This is what I have (longer version)
List<Fixture> FixtureList = new List<Fixture>();

            foreach(Fixture fixture in Fixtures)
                Selection selection = fixture.FullTimeOverUnders.Where(s => !s.InPlay && s.Name == "Over 2.5 Goals")
                    .OrderBy(s => Math.Abs((s.LastTaken - fixture.ActualOff).Ticks)).First();

This works as required. But can I condense this code down into a single/two lines etc
Or is it okay as it is
I've posted updated version at dotnetfiddle.net/roxON7

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