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I normally give as much notice as I can without putting myself at risk
somewhere between 2 weeks to 1 month
hello Guys , please read this
I was asked to done a task , i did it but i don't know if it can be done with better way or not ,
I have a database table called eventtbl , it has event name , event datetime

I was asked to send mail to all people who going to event before event start datetime with 1 HR
(there are another table for users and another one for users who are going to events)

For example :-

eventname : 2016 Party eventDate : 2016-01-26 06:00 PM
so if user X and Y subscribed in that , they should get a mail at 2016-01-26 05:00 PM
guys can u recommend a cheap iis hosting?
and good
I wish I could
but seems that anything that runs on a windows server is expensive to host
also it depends what is 'cheap'
and what spec and features you need
for something that generates no revenue but only needs a small database and has no more than a handful of max concurrent users?
hitbox.tv/sscaitournament damn this is so frustrating to watch
AI plays StarCraft
youtu.be/PZni_54s0o4 damn... and I thought resharper was cool
Hello Guys , please read this
I was asked to done a task , i did it but i don't know if it can be done with better way or not ,
I have a database table called eventtbl , it has event name , event datetime

I was asked to send mail to all people who going to event before event start datetime with 1 HR
(there are another table for users and another one for users who are going to events)

For example :-

eventname : 2016 Party eventDate : 2016-01-26 06:00 PM
so if user X and Y subscribed in that , they should get a mail at 2016-01-26 05:00 PM
@StevenLiekens but I can't see how it could help me.
I wonder how well it does with obfuscated code
or generally anything that I wrote
I wonder how well it does with integration code :P
@Bassem one question. Does it know whether or not it has sent the emails already? And if it's on a timer you won't be able to do a simple if-now-is-one-hour-before-the-event thing.
@Squiggle no AI can beat the South Koreans
@Rusty I used to be good enough at SC to beat (some) Koreans!
one of my proudest moments
@squiggle , sorry i can't understand what you mean , can you clarify please
no way!
what was your APM?
@Bassem you can't simply say if (DateTime.Now == eventTime.AddHours(-1)) { sendEmail(); }
because you don't know exactly when your scheduler will trigger
you'll want logic like if (DateTime.Now > eventTime.AddHours(-1) && !hasAlreadySendEmails) { sendEmail(); }
but yeah, I use a similar method for notifications in my app
polling every minute, recording the messages in the database, delivering them, marking them as delivered.
writing to the outbound notifications queue and delivering the messages are two different processes, so that if the mailserver is down or something it retries
depends how robust you want your solution to be :)
doot doot de doooo
brb. Biobreak.
@Rusty at least 500
@squiggle , wait
i don't make it from c#
i just have data on database and send mails based on time associated with this data
do you understand me man ?
I don't believe you!
You're right.
@Bassem you could set up an agent job to do the same if you wanted
i have express version @Tom W , it hasn't sql server agent
Ah, OK. I guess you can't then
i do it and it works using windows task scheduler
i am just asking for better way
@Bassem consider it pseudocode :)
@Rusty Dunno. Nothing special. 100?
Guys , i will ask same question in another way
can i send mail from sql server based on time in query

X 04:00 am
Y 05:00 PM

so i need to send 2 mails one at 04:00 am , another at 05:00 PM
Sure. Stored procedure executed by a scheduler.
stick whatever logic you need in it. Query based on time/date, sp_send_dbmail.
SQL Server is crazy-flexible.
sorry for the convoluted answer before ;)
I've heard of people using it to serve html
As a webserver
@TomW I've toyed with the idea of creating an Angular app using pure SQL Server
For the lols
Do it
I value my sanity
Sending mail from sqlserver just seems wrong to me.
I'm not aware of a time based triggering mechanism in sql server other than agent, and you don't have it, so that won't work, so I guess a windows job will do
Simple console application triggered by the scheduler should do the trick imo
@squiggle . sp_send_dbmail enables me to send mail but what i need is to send mail at a time specified in query :/
@Bassem run stored procedure every minute, query within stored procedure based on your criteria, sp_send_dbmail if there are any matches, record delivery.
Morning lovers
There's also a bunch of different scheduled task frameworks. Hangfire is one I know of, never used though.
@squiggle , i already run it every 1 min using windows task scheduler , my question is , will it cause any problem ? hanging or something like that ?
if it takes over a minute to run, you might have two processes working concurrently?
no it takes 2 sec as a maximum
I can't foresee any other major issues. Just make sure you get your query right and record the delivery of messages (to avoid sending them twice, and to cater for delivery failure)
not a fan of abusing SQL Server to send emails, but hey.
is there a filter in file explorer for empty folders?
the same way you can find empty files with size:empty
thanks @squiggle
@TomW Sometimes the easiest way is to use the built-in task scheduler to run a simple app at a given time, rather than using some random framework.
depends on context though
Yeah, depends on your definition of easiest. Depending where you're hosting you might not have access to task scheduler
There are various options, anyway
1 hour later…
msbuild is so damn ugly
!!youtube The best Piano performance ever! -Victor Borge
wtf, wrong video Caprica.. Please give me break
@StevenLiekens are you working with MSBuild directly, or via something like TFS?
I'm creating a nuget package that injects msbuild targets into your project
also, ew
having written MSBuild targets that did conditional merging/compilation of config files based on target environments for a horrible build process at my old job, I feel your pain
yeah that's what I do at my job
I take it you've come across things like OctoPack?
at my current place we use Octopus for basically every deployment
which is cool
TFS-hosted Git, TeamCity builds, Octopus Deploy
my problem with visual studio / tfs is that its build pipeline doesn't support BBOO
picking the best bits of each system
we're stuck with TFS all the way
actually, at this very moment I'm setting up VSOnline to do CI builds and package release
the new stuff isn't bad
Build Binaries Only Once
one of the core principles of continuous deployment
@Squiggle it's so that you can be sure that the version that's going live is byte-for-byte identical to the one that passed test, basically
while all of the visual studio tooling forces you to rebuild every time
especially when you're using web config transforms and publishing profiles
@StevenLiekens there are ways, but none of them are simple or pleasant
actually looks like it might be closer to doable in the new TFS features; I'm currently setting it up for a hobby project
the way I have it now is to deploy my app with config files for every target environment
the web build stuff is waaaay nicer than the old XAML workflow definition stuff
and you can get it to put build artifacts in a drop folder in pretty much any structure you want, and then that drop is made available to a release definition
so yeah, you can build the binaries once, and put them alongside either a bunch of different configs, or a config template with spots for variables
and then the Release part can substitute in those variables the way Octopus does, so it's the same binary reading from a different config
then it's just a matter of specifying config variables in the Release definition, with their values for each environment
my current issue is that some of the replacement tokens seem to come out null, so when I tell it to check $("system.artifactsdirectory") for the built packages, the NuGet publish step complains about null paths
...and then finds the packages a few lines later, which is baffling
blegh nuget
nuget has bugs
msbuild has bugs
life isn't fair
just made harissa paste and now I can't feel my nose
any recipe that begins "step 1: roast 20 chilis" can't be bad though, right?
how many servings is that?
a small jar. Perhaps 5?
10 if you're being cautious
@anaximander My main objection to TFS build is that your build definition is on the server and nowhere else, so it's difficult to verify that you've done everything the build expects before you check in
We have frequent broken builds through issues that would be impossible to detect on one's dev machine
2 hours later…
hi everyone !
anyone from web api ? I had a small query !
I know a little
okay !
what would be good approach to format JSON response structure from web api. When my clients are Android, ASP.NET and Angular.
I'm confused from the standards provided here.
Q: Standard JSON API response format?

drrcknlsnDo standards or best practices exist for structuring JSON responses from an API? Obviously every application's data is different, so that much I'm not concerned with, but rather the "response boilerplate", if you will. An example of what I mean: Successful request: { "success": true, "pay...

I'm doing a migration on the Users table for @StackOverflow, apologies if we have to go read-only for 20-30 seconds here in a few minutes.
@ShishirKushwaha The things said in that question pretty much make sense to me, that's what I've found as well. There is no widespread standard and people seem to just make up what they want
okay ! but if I go with JSend. I don't thing ASP.NET as a client would be happy.
HAL sounds good in theory but I haven't seen it used in real life so I don't know how practical it is. It would probably make everything very chatty with the amount of extra link stuff it puts on everything
ASP.NET as a client? What do you mean?
As in, calling the API from the server?
Migration complete for @StackOverflow, we're back.
Well I suppose you'd have to write some code to extract the entity or entities from each response, but that would be generic
Yep ! exactly.
I'll go with JSend then.
Thanks ! Tom.
np, not sure how much help I was but cool
Just pick a style and be consistent, I guess
I wanted to be confident on what I pick. In Future we have to support IPhone and other Servers.
Thus wanted to pick something for long run. :)
thanks !
maybe avoid relying on HTTP headers too much
@Judge2020_ Network-wide migration for the databases made much faster with a momentary read-only. Maintenance complete already.
because of differences between HTTP client libraries
and because of intermediary proxies that might do bad things to the headers
@anaximander github.com/StevenLiekens/BuildPackage/blob/master/src/build/… 58 lines of msbuild to run nuget pack on a project
what was microsoft thinking when they invented msbuild?
@StevenLiekens I expect they were thinking "fuck fuck fuck we ship in three days fuck..."
1 hour later…
Nobody around at all?
What's everyone doing today?
Nothing, for the people who are here I guess
I'm just studying. =)
is there a use for AggregateException.InnerException?
as opposed to InnerExceptions (plural) or GetBaseException()
I guess it inherits it from Exception
AggregateException collects all the exceptions from all tasks that were run IIRC. Presumably InnerException can only return the first?
is that what gets caught when you use await in a try-catch block?
the first exception
I've only explicitly dealt with it in Parallel.ForEach
So I dunno
should be easy to test
but I'm too lazy right now
Of course I'm right
Hey, are either of you guys familiar with Sublime Text? I'm trying to compile a C program on a mac, but I'm getting "make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found. Stop."
I've installed it on Windows and decided I didn't like it. So that's probably a not a lot of help to you
Do you have a makefile?
How do I know?
I'm really not liking it either. Seems like it could be useful, but too many issues just trying to get it to run a simple program.
makefiles for .net?
that sounds even worse than msbuild
Well, I actually used minGW to download the source files for gcc...
I'm not really familiar with makefiles, still in learning process....
what is the purpose of the make, makefile...?
To tell the compiler what to compile
@StevenLiekens where was .net mentioned?
@wellington what do you mean by 'use minGW to download the source files'?
Also, minGW means 'minimalistic GNU for Windows'. Why are you expecting anything from minGW to work on a mac?
@Tom W I mispoke. I am using minGW on my PC. Forget the mention of mac
I download the C library using minGW, and add the minGW\bin directory to my system variable path...
Hi there, can anyone help me with a simple question?
@DRSDavidSoft who knows, you haven't asked it yet
I was checking if someone is here to ask :)
I wanted to know if anyone is familiar with those keygen-type exes which work out of the box, are very light-sized and portable

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