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All you native English speaking people!

I want to come up with some kind of slogan for "growing new friendship"
Is; "Where friendships sprout" ok to say? Or can it be tweaked to be more proper in english?
@JakobMillah where friendship begins ?
It's good! But maybe some more "nature" feeling to it? Like a growing tree.. or something :) Color theme is green as well
It might work though! I have to think about it!
"where friendship sprouts" sounds odd. maybe "where friendship grows"
@JakobMillah "Where friendship flourishes" ;)
oh, i like that
Ye, I know right. My English failing me abit.
If only I could tell you about what I am doing. Then I would make it easier for ya :/
That is actually really good
@ReedCopsey I steal that :>
Thanks guys! You rock. Love this chat
"where friendship erupts"
"where friendship synergizes"
"where friendship consummates"
good evening
"where friendship gets weird"
I sure hope not xD Then the idea fails
Morning @Adan
"where friendship gets weird... in a good way"
how to mess with peoples heads - Good marketing!
my coworker is having a bday thing today. They originally planned it to be in a place near my house, now they want to do it at a place near work
I don't really wanna be out late tonight, planning on going hiking tomorrow
Marketing is a subject that interests me a lot, but scares me at the same time.. No good marketing == your product won't get anywhere..
@Codeman Full yolo
I mean......How bad can it be.... ;D
it'll be fine, but I wasn't planning on being away from home late tonight
my coworkers are cool
Inb4 super drunk and you'll regret everything tomorrow
I don't wanna insult my coworker
by not drinking or not coming at all? :P
it's not the drinking, I am just pathetic and I miss my GF after 10 whooole hours of not seeing her :P
That is cute though...
I want to love again.
Sad face
So... I'm gonna be totally a ... well you know and ask a question that's kind of off topic but it's still in the c# as in gaming kind of way - Does anyone know a great "kit" for developing games like ME3 without the need for a billion people?
@JustinKaz no, AAA games require custom software, usually.
Though UnrealEngine gives you the source code so you can do some pretty serious modifications
@Codeman I kind of care what it looks like but I want to focus on the story.
so if it's clunky... well. let's hope its ok.
if you just want a simple game with story, use Game Maker
Unity is good for middling stuff - 3d, custom stuff, but nothing too heavy duty
I hate to be that guy - but who really plays 2D games and sadly... it still requires a lot of rebuilding from ground zero
I play 2d games :)
undertale was fantastic
i'm playing through Life is Strange right now
is it?
@Amy i was just thinking of that
undertale was made with GameMaker
I'm out for the night
@Amy for whatever reason, my version of web API/owin and the MS "cors" support lib were having a meltdown together, it wouldn't include CORS for the origin for my /token call, then when i added it in manually and finally got logged in and hit my data endpoint, it didn't include "Authorization" as an allowed header....
right now, i took out the code you suggested and manually threw in this in my web.config:
<!--Enable CORS for all requests (TODO fix this)-->
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Origin" value="*" />
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Headers" value="Origin, Content-Type, Authorization" />
<add name="Access-Control-Allow-Methods" value="GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, DELETE" />
sadly, it works... and it makes me very frustrated, lol
now that i have it working in a crappy way i gotta figure out how to get it working the nice way =x
4 hours later…
hello guys
does anybody have use update panel here?
I love Sweden!
can anybody help me with this question:stackoverflow.com/questions/34605384/…
Q: What is the correct way to put multiple controls inside update panel?

LearningI have one registration form which contains 3 to 4 dropdown controls and 2 datepickers and now when dropdown controls value are selected(selectedindex change are fired) then i dont want my page to postback. I have use update panel to stop this behaviour of post like below: <asp:UpdatePanel ID="...

1 hour later…
Controls in controls in controls
@Squiggle o/
morning Mr. Tom!
haha oh god
apparently the other lottery winner reckons the ticket has gone through the wash, it's illegible
How's that for a NOOOOO
sorry was just reading the news at that moment
to be fair with all that snow everywhere how could you tell
See Davos, think Davros
took me a while to get round that mindeset, too
Graubunden is a weird place. They have their own language. And lots of cheese.
(edit: there can never be too much cheese)
does contain my favourite stretch of railway ever, though
needs an OM NOM NOM NOM meme
Just having a squiz at contractor roles. Had a message from a recruiter whose name I recognise the other day
Mmm, money.
It seems too good to be true.
Spent my first five months at this permanent role working almost precisely like a contractor anyway
Senior colleague has said before "Well now, don't go assuming it's one big gravy train, I don't think it's quite that simple". Mate, I don't know how much they're paying you permanent. Maybe not for you.
That's an amaxing train view
@TomW when times are good, contracting can be great. I'm not sure how the changes to UK tax law are going to impact that in the future though.
@JakobMillah Glacier Express is one of the best train journeys on the planet :D
Costs there after, right? :P
@JakobMillah IIRC we did the full 8 hour journey for around 150CHF each, including two meals and a bottle of prosecco :9
(about €130?)
alright... Not much then xD
@JakobMillah give me 3 months notice and I can sort you out with a cheap day ticket ;)
pretty fantastic with those pillars and shit. How old is the track?
Oh, you got people on the other side ;)
I think it was built between 1890-1920? or thereabouts?
Pretty remarkable
There's a "tageskarte" available to Swiss residents that gets you unlimited public transport for one day, about 40CHF. They get snapped up pretty quick though.
I see, well. I havn't decided where to go for vacation this summer!
So I am open (:
I think I would get pretty mad though since I would probably want to drop off and just explore on foot haha
hiking in the Alps in Summer is awesome
Then just hop over the border to Italy and chill by a lake for a week.
#holidaytips brought to you by C# Chat!
Sounds awesome tbh
w00t! I just got Vagrant to create a mono/dnx VM from scratch :D
w0t ;o
Sounds harsh?
vagrant up
(wait 6 minutes)
vagrant ssh
yo aspnet
down, down, enter
dnx web
ez moenyz ez life?
and hey presto! A skeleton WebAPI project running on Ubuntu
inside a VM on OSX
Pretty sweet. I think I will setup apache on my chromebook.. Just to have done it at least.. Me and OSX havn't spent a lot of time together.. :/
I think all those days I spent getting irate at Debian in 2001 was time well spent
And the sad part is... I studied embedded systems...
I tried getting a node development environment on my Chromebook. It's quite a pain, and it ceased to work after a couple of reboots :-/
"oh, so you studied embedded systems.. Then you must be really familiar with linux?"
AHEEEEM....Not really
Really? oh that sucsk
yeah. It's easy to put it into developer mode, but then the container you use to set up the other guff feels really flaky.
way easier with a virtualbox vm, but my Chromebook isn't so powerful
Ye mine is not the strongest either. One of the better, but it's about a year old now
it's fun to play with, though. There's some decent guides out there and I learned quite a bit.
Sure is!
Currently 100% focus on an app :D Superexcited to get it out there
what sort of app?
App to meet people. There's too much focus on dating, meeting people form opposite sex. This will focus more on bringing people together with same interests
hehe that's such an Engineer thing to do ;)
"I can't X, so I'm going to write an app for it"
not to mock it or anything - I think it's a great idea. Can I help? Let me know if you need anyone to bounce ideas off!
Haha I know right! Was kinda funny since I had the urge to do something. Came up with this idea since I find myself alone most of the time now when I don't study anymore or have girlfriend. But it's hard to actually meet people apart from going to the bar. So I came up with the idea. Then a few days after, a close friend of mine, out of no where asked if I want to do some project etc "he had just received a smart watch so he was eager to start programming some android stuff"....
...told him about the idea and we got stuck xD The more we work on it and the more we read what people write on apps like Jodel, we see the need even clearer.
Could definitely need help when we get to the "public testing"
We have close friends and all that, some that know programming, some that don't. But the more expertise the better
What scares me the most is the marketing part... How to actually get the product known out there
The app requires that there are others using it, of course.. Since it focuses on people in your area. A bit like Tinder, Jodel, Badoo and all those others
But ye. I love to think outside the box.. I hope to one day start my own company. But need to find out about the needs out there :P
I see too many wanting to start their own stuff and it's just not something....new? I mean, open your own coffeehouse or clothing store? Good luck? Pretty much :) So many are doing it and it's just not... something new
I guess you can do that as well, as long as you find your niche
Is a vpc on aws an actually vpn
i am getting an error
can any one help me
private void UpdateUI()
XamlElement xml = new XamlElement();
DatabaseHelperClass db = new DatabaseHelperClass();
List<CustomIncidentTable> list = new List<CustomIncidentTable>();
list = db.ReadCustomIncidentRecord();
int x = list.Count();

for(int i=0; i<x; i++)
TextBlock tbk = new TextBlock();
tbk = xml.createTextBlock(i.ToString(),list[i].FieldName);

var v = list[i].value;
if(list[i].value == null)
TextBox tbx = new TextBox();
tbx = xml.createTextBox(list[i].FieldName);
Element is already the child of another element. // this is the error
the loop is executing first time but after that it is throughing exception
Is a good hashing algorithm extremely complex?
@GettingNifty It depends on what you consider good.
For example, cryptographic hashes are complicated and slow, but they are your only option for security stuff (like hashing passwords).
Non-crypto hashes can be simple, but they're typically faster and work just fine if you're not using them for security.
@hatim try MainClass.reportPanel.Children.add(tbx);
thanks @GettingNifty
sry it is not working
and my class name is ReportPage
Is it in its own file
You did it twicr
error is Element is already the child of another element
twice what??
what should i use? arrays-lists-or hash sets?
if i want something fast
can u give an example?
1 hour later…
can't get dnx-watch to work :-/
but I do like the idea of it all. Having a development VM feels really quite elegant, even if it is a right bugger to configure.
what's dnx-watch?
it's a watcher for dnx
what does it watch?
so if you have an owin web server that you launch with dnx web
if you use dnx-watch web it will monitor the project for changes and re-build/re-launch the site.
doesn't seem to work in Linux in the current stable version
doesn't visual studio do that already?
yes, but there's no Visual Studio on Ubuntu ;)
if you have a test command configured, you could use it for re-running tests on file changes
not even in wine?
okay probably not
I still don't understand commands in the new project system
I've configured vagrant to build an ubuntu vm with a coreclr stack, and I'm doing the dev in Visual Studio Code in OSX
it's... a pretty steep learning curve
I have the basics working, but I need to stop/start the kestrel server manually to see any changes.
which is a pain
have you developed for .net core on windows before this?
you're mad
actually yes, I've played with NancyFx
which is nice
the coreclr with dnx and dnvm actually makes quite a lot of sense to me
owin is pretty sweet
still getting to grips with all of the components and config, but I know enough to make a basic API
I just wanted to see if I could get a .net development environment in OSX that wasn't completely balls
plus playing with vagrant
can mono run .net core apps?
You've got to use mono for 4.6, but coreclr50 seems to work fine on Linux.
yeah that's what I thought
okay so commands are actually the verb that you type on the command line?
as in dnx run or dnx web
drinking game: take a shot whenever the dude says "apple pee"
"adam" text editor
VS Code is lovely
the multiple cursors thing looks cool
does visual studio have that?
apple pee
yes you can do apple pee
hyperv crashes my new computer
whelp. No idea how to fix that. Time to play TF2.
apparently it's my wifi driver that's faulty
what is this? 2005?
I thought we fixed all of that incompatibility crap a decade ago
I was using a beta driver for some reason
I think updating to a stable driver fixed it
welp it didn't fix it
apparently it's a known problem social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/…
apparently it's a broadcom driver issue in windows 10 only
downgrading to an earlier driver fixes it
1 hour later…
good afternoon
1 hour later…
i was editing the readme for a project on github
then chrome decided double enter means cancel changes
or was it double backspace
Git bash questionmark
2 hours later…
Looking for some advice on notice periods when leaving a company
I may have another offer. I was wondering how long you guys would generally give as notice to a company?
Just started my career.. No idea :p
As soon as the offer is ready?
Hey, has anyone here used Sublime Text with C?
@BrianJ what does it say in your current contract?
i usually give two weeks notice.
3 weeks to 1 month is standard in the UK
@Amy you mercenary
hehe. two weeks is normal here.

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