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@Failsafe I do have the options to buy MSFT stock at a discount through employee stock purchase program, though
I'm saving about 20% of my gross salary all told right now - HSA, 401k, IRA, ESPP
@Amy It is okay, I can fix it.
hahahahaha tfs you silly bitch
@Amy It was more of a warning for you, don't use it.
@greg try getting two priests to de-curse your computer
an older priest and a young whippersnapper
I curse at my computer
i love this room. come here ya'll, awkward group hug time
....what's the emoticon for hugs?
!!google hug emoticon
@Amy :D
Ah yes, the classic Error establishing a database connection
the computer is always cursed
@TravisJ every desk at my company is a $12 door on top of two $5 filing cabinets
we Exercise the Deamons
@CuddleBunny - Jeez =/
That second link is suggesting ({})...but I thought that was something else.
Amazon door desks look way over-engineered
@CuddleBunny that is Kinda a cool idea
Until you get splinters.
or until you get spiders
for the people who got doors that aren't flat (like me) it is covered with a piece of carpet
So apparently you can var myDesk = (Desk) oldDoor; Neat.
I wish breakpoints worked in WebApi, make life easier.
describe a non flat door? is this like metroid?
@Amy I figured it out I think.
what was it?
I don't under the non-break points
I always make the same desk. Two TV dinner tables and a chair. One with a wireless keyboard directly in front of the chair. One with a wired mouse just to the right of the arm rest. And done.
Not sure, but I manually defined Route on specific method.
where there are designs and stuff.
@juanvan Can you enable breakpoints for WebApi?
in a controller that is : ApiController?
@greg i suppose its possible it was matching another route first?
Perhaps, incredibly weird.
i dunno, i prefer using attribute routing for this sort of thing
@juanvan Yes.
going to build an example see what is missing in between my ears
This new .net project model is shit
Hi can anyone explain me what does return keyword do in an if statement

@TomW lol
@Short_Teeth same thing it does outside of it
@Short_Teeth basically abandon execution and get back to where you called the method
so if you have a piece of code just beneath it, it would abandon it ?
okay : )
thanks guys !
     // this will never execute
@juanvan Missing for what?
@Failsafe been using for about an hour, experienced a couple of occurrences of just refusing to compile and not giving a reason
did you use the CLI yet?
but if you have code outside the statement would it continue to execute or will it go out from the method
@Failsafe five minute play
Not really interested tbh
the return returns to the caller
no matter where you are in a function
@Short_Teeth if something is true, whatever else is in the method will not execute. If something is false, any code that is outside the if statement will continue executing
okay I get it now : )
cheers again
is HATEOAS possible with JSON?
or am i descending into a pit of madness?
JSON is part of it?
Sometimes when I'm trying to configure IIS I feel like I'm just stumbling around in the dark.
I have the oddest gaps in my knowledge
Book a Month of Lunches with IIS was worth it
@Amy there are some very dull people that insist that JSON APIs cannot be REST, because of HATEOAS
in that there is no accepted standard for specifying links in json
There is a proposed standard, or possibly two. HAL JSON-LD
Anyone familiar with Microsoft Unity.
that means me
@AvnerShahar-Kashtan have a demo basically working, if very rough around the edges
If I have a generic repository, two separate factories for two separate data context can it distinguish between the two?
Can you be more specific?
what does the generic repository have to do with the other things?
in what sense is the factory 'for' a data context?
ISearch --> ISearchFactory --> DataContext --> DataContextFactory
ISearch --> ISearchFactory --> 2DataContext --> 2DataContextFactory
Where are the generic parameters?
@Greg microsoft unity?
thx @TomW
Where TF does IIS put the hosts file, or how can I find it?
@Amy I think as long as you adopt a convention consistently it's fine
i have no familiarity with MS Unity. I use Autofac
@mikeTheLiar applicationHost.config?
or whatever it's callede
used to use Castle Windsor, but god, the api is fucking awful
@TomW I think so. Like I said, stumbling in the dark but I can't even find that one
ah crap I thought I'd remember as soon as I looked
I'm not sure either
The one where it defines which applications and sites actually exist, is that the one you're looking for?
Yep, that's it exactly
@Greg if your registrations bind the generic parameters it should be easy
I thought it was in wwwroot but apparently not
What do you mean?
Register<IThing<Foo>, Bar>(); easy
// Register Component: 'ZNode'
container.RegisterType<ICrudFactory, ZNodeDataContextFactory>();
container.RegisterType<IDbCommandFactory, ZNodeDataContextFactory>();
container.RegisterType<ISearchableFactory, ZNodeDataContextFactory>();

// Register Component: 'Mincron'
container.RegisterType<ICrudFactory, MincronDataContextFactory>();
container.RegisterType<IDbCommandFactory, MincronDataContextFactory>();
container.RegisterType<ISearchableFactory, MincronDataContextFactory>();
Register<IThing<>>(....) not so much
Oh fuck, opening system32 on prod. Tread lightly
@TomW I have the same "CrudFactory" for two separate data context.
@mikeTheLiar hit the Del key real quick
@Greg I think you want the overload of Register that takes InjectionConstructor. I think that's what allows you to specify 'when injected into this type'
@Failsafe don't you mean Ctrl+A, Del?
Is there one?
sure if you're inside the folder
How could I do that @TomW
@Greg actually, that may not be it
not used this for a while
Hey guys! I asked this question about a day ago. I'd appreciate if anyone could look into providing any sort of answer: stackoverflow.com/questions/34889058/…
@Greg I think this question's accepted answer is the sort of thing you're looking for. Named registrations are where it's at. stackoverflow.com/questions/18665324/…
named registrations are how you could do that with Autofac
yes @juanvan either I'm doing something very wrong or that solution didn't work in my case. Not only was the styling not applied, I got an error when trying to open the Excel file
I'll try it again just in case I missed something..
@Prasad do you have the OpenXML Productivity tool? You can use that to open an Excel file and see what C# code would produce that file
Thanks @mikeTheLiar ! I'll look into that now
hope you weren't lying, @mikeTheLiar o.O -.- haha
It's quite useful when working with openXML and analyzing broken spreadsheets
we would never lie.
got it! Thanks again bud!
@juanvan you see splinter twin got banned? lolz
Ya many ppl are pissed
it was over played in Pittsburgh
I think it's a good move
twin cards can be easily slotted into other decks
allows for lots more diversity, but I feel like it's gonna be all in tron and eldrazi now :/
ya it was, and there is Kikki-jikki
ya tron is thru the roof, voices of resurgence are at 45$ - trading them out for full art lands
yeah :/ I wish I hadn't traded mine away when RTR rotated. I was playing selesnya aggro, lol
I just hope I can still play atarka red
This is where I start talking about Hohmann transfers and specific impulse
Played a red double strike deck, got tron in 3 turns everytime, once it was off by 1 point
ullage and hypergol
this computer is living in the past framework 3.5 is the last one installed..
I'm trying to explain expression trees to one of our prod devs. Fun!
I'm trying to conjugate English verbs and failing miserably :(
expression trees are easy
Emoji Trees are easier
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at System.Threading.CancellationToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested () <0x100286ab8 + 0x00020> in <filename unknown>:0
  at System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.Wait (Int32 millisecondsTimeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken) <0x1003a7400 + 0x00063> in <filename unknown>:0
  at System.Threading.SemaphoreSlim.Wait (TimeSpan timeout, CancellationToken cancellationToken) <0x100289224 + 0x00097> in <filename unknown>:0
what the fuck
This is happening with xamarin iOS. And only on release builds.
And only with a particular SemaphoreSlim.Wait call
Am I going insane? Didn't VS used to auto-complete when you type a non-word character? How do I enable that in 2015?
@KendallFrey non-word character?
what is best practice for using private variables in class vs full Properties? Im asking this in context of a windows form. For example:

If I have a winform with a listbox on it, and I want to track the current SelectedItem.

private Object _selectedItem = new Object();


private Object SelectedItem { get; set; }
sometimes autocomplete dies and you have to restart it
@Codeman period, space, etc.
tab works for me, period does not
only trailing periods work, I think
I guess a private property would also still follow the naming convention of _selectedItem?
myThing. autocomplete pops up
@Michael is the SelectedProperty not good enough for that purpose?
@Codeman not sure what that means, but stri. doesn't become string.
@KendallFrey uhh stri should autocomplete to string
it doesn't
@KendallFrey Intellisense has never worked that way for me AFAIK
but you don't need to hit any buttons to make it pop up
stri \t yes but not stri.
when I type stri it pops up
@mikeTheLiar it is, but if its something I want accessible between my methods I need it to have global scope
@mikeTheLiar See: Am I going insane?
I could swear it used to
I might be wrong and I just never used it that way
@KendallFrey yes.
Now, if I highlight the option manually and then press . it does autocomplete
@Michael do you really mean global or do you mean form-level scope? Or are you working on a user control or something?
Ugh, have I mentioned Stream is a terrible API?
> Existing files will be overwritten with great prejudice.
I love third-party documentation
you've complained about streams for 2 years
not streams. Stream™©
@Amy complained?
So we've got a team member who apparently has lost his identity as far as git, Source Tree, and BitBucket are concerned. His gitconfig and Bitbucket accounts appear to be correct. Anybody seen this sorta thing before?
@mikeTheLiar he's... he's free
He's polluting our git history is what he's doing
@mikeTheLiar Form Level scope
@Michael if all you need is form level scope you should be able to access it everywhere in the code behind for that form assuming you're not doing anything too weird. But since this is Winforms we can't rule anything out
Guile is good
Is there any diagnostic tools there it will attach to my IIS process or to Visual Studio and will tell me how long each function took to complete?
@mikeTheLiar oh yeah... duh. I wasnt thinking
hmm, I'm feeling dumb... how do I call the generic version of this from a non-generic version?
public List<KeyValuePair<string, T>> GetValues<T>(List<string> fieldNames)
return GetValue<object>(fieldNames);
@Teomanshipahi yes, the tool you're looking for is called a "profiler"
there are several .Net profilers available.
wtf... why can't I access List...
@Codeman, i dont understand what you're trying to do
@Amy I just want to make a non-generic version that returns an object.
Guys can i use linq's AddItem to only add unique items in my list
that isn't what AddItem does
So what should i use
check whether the list contains the item, and if not, then add it
AddItem only adds the item
Is it a clean way to do so?
What is the clean way to do this stuff
a cleaner way than

if (lst.Contains("foo")) lst.Add("foo");
Or use a HashSet
hashset will throw an exception if you add a duplicate item. you'd still need to check before adding.
or handle the exception
> Return Value
Type: System.Boolean
true if the element is added to the HashSet<T> object; false if the element is already present.
ah, you're right
@Obviously just use a HashSet if you want uniqueness
or use Distinct() on the collection you're adding
That won't prevent them from getting added, just returned later
it'll prevent you from adding duplicates within a collection.
won't do squat for adding a duplicate that's already in the collection
lol, just got a "popular question" badge for a closed, negative question. That should be a badge itself
10 minutes to go
Yeah I will use Distinct
Its just I am creating a collection and then deleting them
time to go home! so long, nerds!
flies away
@TomW Hm, not understanding how that works.
We will see what happens with.
Q: Using Unity with multiple implementation

GregSo the issue, is when I declare: [Dependency] public AuthenticationService _authenticationServices { get; set; } The _authenticationServices will constantly remain null. It isn't referenced, which will throw a Null Reference Exception. I'm assuming the issue stems from my Unity Configuration...

Guys I have a question
Guess we'll never know what his question was.
@MikeAsdf - Know what's not tragic? Honey badger price.
Hearn can kick rocks.
420 is the golden number
My question isn't doing well.

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